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1、高考英语听力教材新东方学校中学英语培训系列教材高考英语 听力分册第一部分 听力基础 114第二部分 听力进阶1530第三部分 听力提高3139第四部分 听力模拟训练4049附录1:20002001年高考听力部分5057附录2:高考英语听力习语必备5863附录3:听力习题答案 64前 言一、高考听力测试题型介绍高考的听力考试在笔试前进行,时间为20分钟,试卷共20小题,要求学生根据所听到的内容,从三个选项中选出一个正确答案,回答试卷上的问题。录音的语速是大约每分钟130个单词。试题包括两部分:第一部分有5段简单对话,即一问一答。每段对话后有1个小题,共5个小题。每小题后停顿10秒。这一部分录音只

2、放一遍。第二部分总词汇量为1000个单词左右,为五段对话或独白,每段材料后有24个小题,共15个小题。每小题答题时间约为25秒。这一部分录音放两遍。二、听力测试命题原则 1.交际性原则:试卷的选题立意体现交际性、口语化的原则。所取材料是口语材料,具有交际性,考察学生的听能和语感,对学生的辨音、记忆、推理、归纳等能力、语言反应的速度以及连续听英语材料的耐受能力,都作了量化要求。 2.循序渐进原则:试卷的编排体例体现循序渐进的原则。听力试题的通常安排顺序是对话在前,短文在后;由易到难,由短到长。3.实践性原则:试卷的内容采选体现实践性的原则。内容贴近生活实际,采用课本中介绍对话情景,一般不会超出大

3、纲后面所列出的41项日常交际用语的范围,即:问路、打电话、约会、看病、介绍、告别、劝告、留便条、住旅馆、操作工具、租房、用餐、文秘、过海关、风土人情、传统、时事、人物、环保、科普等等。三、听力测试考前准备 1.加强对所学语言知识的记忆的准确性和稳固性。抓好单词的正确拼读,掌握常用的语调。词汇意义的正确掌握和词汇量的扩大有助于正确理解所听内容,也有助于捕捉关键信息。 2.听说训练应循序渐进,循环往复。听力不是一种孤立的能力,它和说、朗读、阅读、记忆等多方面的训练相联系。在训练时,要多听多讲,听是为了理解,说是为了表达。学生平时要多开口朗读,使英语词句的字形信息和声音信息一并输人大脑;还要进行广泛

4、的阅读,丰富背景知识,扩大知识面。3.适量作一些高考听力考试的模拟训练,通过实践来熟悉题型,明确备考的目标和方向。四、听力测试应试要求 1.良好的心理素质: A.要求考生在测试中保持稳定的心态。听力理解的过程是复杂的心理过程。情绪处于焦虑状态就易产生恐惧心理,影响测试效果。B.听音时的情感因素对听力理解的效果有着直接的影响。要有明确的听音目的和强烈的听音欲望,才能达到好的听音效果。 2.正确的语音和语调: A.要求考生掌握每个单词的准确发音,辨认一些易混淆的音素,如:sixtysixteen,birthdayThursday,lastlost等。 B.要求考生有正确的语音语调,能把握连读、弱读

5、、重音转移等语音变化和陈述句、各类疑问句、感叹句等各种句式在不同情境中的语调变化。 3.词汇量范围和熟练程度: A.要求考生熟悉教材中所学的所有英语单词,并熟练掌握词汇表所规定的英语基本词汇的形、音、义,以及其主要用法。 B.掌握所学单词的一词多义和同音异义现象,能在特定的语境中判断所给材料中的词汇。 4.训练材料接近正常的语速: A.要求考生通过大量的听说训练,跟上录音的速度,基本听懂接近正常语速的材料。 B.通过一定时量的强化训练以后,基本达到耳脑直映的要求,直接理解所听英语材料,而不是先将材料翻译成母语,然后再理解。汉语句子结构、词序等与英语存在很大差异,依赖汉语来理解句子不仅速度慢,还

6、会造成理解错误,导致大的失误。 5.具有较强的篇章能力: A.要求考生平时加大阅读量,提高阅读能力,培养语感,熟悉常见的篇章结构、句型、语法现象以及常用搭配。 B.对于听的过程中遇到的一些词和句子能根据上下文来猜测。 6.熟悉文化背景知识: A.要求考生具备一定的英美历史和文学知识,了解一些英美国家的概况。B.熟悉英语教学大纲中所列举的41个交际项目以及使用的语境。五、听力测试审题举要 1.理解材料大意。常用问句形式有: Whats the dialogueconversationspeech about? What isare thetalking about? 2.记忆和理解材料介绍的事实

7、和细节。常用问句形式有: WhoWhatWhenWhere/HowWhich? 3.推断材料的背景、人物之间的关系等等。常用问句形式有: Where does the dialogueconversation take place? Where are the speakers? What is the relationship between the? 4.理解所听材料中人物的观点或意图。常用问句形式有: What will thedo?What does themean?六、听力测试解题技巧 1.快速读题。 听力测试特别要求眼、耳、手、脑多种器官的协调配合。在放每段录音前,必须抓住间隙,快

8、速读完选项,节省部分时间,提高应试成功率。 A.听力试题的各个选项常有相同或近似的部分。我们可以忽略这些部分,而把注意力集中在那些有较大差异的部分,通过比较和鉴别,迅速做出正确判断。例如,在通读了选项AIn JulyBIn JuneCIn August后,把注意力集中在July,June,August这几个关键词上,就可以立即看出这是一个考查时间的试题,从而把握住听的方向。B.对长选项应采取跳读的方式,作两步处理:第一步,整体看,以发现共同点。第二步:竖着读,着重看区别。做到先胸中有数,抓住重要信息提示,再去听录音材料。例如:A: He went to see his doctor in hi

9、s spare time yesterday.B: He visited his friends when he was free yesterday.C: He called on an old farmer after work yesterday.从选项中我们看到,三个选项的主语、谓语部分基本相同,而宾语有很大的区别。我们先抓住doctor, friends, farmer三个词,然后根据所听录音做出判断。通过抢先看题,从选项所透露的信息中了解录音原文所涉及的话题、大致内容以及可能提出的问题,做到听的时候有针对性。 2.细心听题。 考生听长段对话和短文理解时,推理思路要正确。要有扎实的语

10、言基础,能理解较深较长的语言材料,在语篇环境中抓住要点,记住某些细节和事实,找到答案。 A.听对话理解时,考生可能无法从对话中直接找出答案。我们必须回忆对话内容,用归纳、推理判断或计算等方法,将所获取的信息进行加工,然后答题。 B.要注意听对话者之间的委婉表达。有时答话人并非直截了当地去回答问话人的问题,而采用了某种含蓄、委婉的回答方式。这种题需要考生仔细推敲,找出其“潜台词”。 C.听短文时,需做到整体理解中心内容,把握主要情节,抓要点,边听边用笔记下重要信息,如全文或段落主题句的关键词,人名、地名、日期、数字等关键词等,但应在不影响自己跟听速度的情况下进行。记录符号要形成习惯,还应尽可能简

11、明,只要自己懂就行。符号不能随意变更,在考场上要能熟练运用。 D.学会推测关键词的词义。对于人名、地名等一些不影响文章理解的词,不必多想。对于未听懂而又必须理解的关键词,要在听过全文之后,再根据上下文猜测词义。切忌在听短文的过程中在某个词上纠缠,结果一步跟不上,步步都踏空。 E.注意抓听短文的首句和首段。目前短文理解的大部分材料是记叙文或讲话稿。其首句或首段往往是全篇文章的理解线索,如作者观点、内容概要、故事发生的时间、地点及起因等。听懂这些内容有助于整体理解文章,也有利于调节情绪。要特别注意,在所听的较长对话或短文中,结尾部分所给出的信息往往不会是题目的正确答案,而仅仅只是一个“陷阱”。决不

12、能因为听的时间长了产生松懈的心理,造成误选。 3.果断选题。 考生在选择答案时必须坚决果断,一定要具有良好的应试心理状态。在听力测试过程中,听力测试各小题之间的停顿时间很短,考生又完全处于被动状态。做题当中,切记不可因某个小题未听懂而患得患失,不可因一题失多题。如果做完一道题后,仍在回想刚才所听的对话,在考虑自己的选择是否正确,势必贻误更多的机会,造成重大的失误。遇到未听懂或未完全听懂的题,应迅速猜出下一个答案,然后果断地放弃此题,争取时间抢看下一题。有时考生听懂了,但因阅读选项速度太慢,或者一时难以确定正确答案,犹豫之间,下一题 又开始了。在这种情况下也应果断地放弃,而不能心中总是想着该题。

13、如果注意力停留在过去的内容上,不切实际地想不丢1分,反而会背上包袱,顾此失彼,以至于每做完一道题后,仍在回想刚才对话的内容,或自己选择的答案正确与否,这是最大的失策,打乱了后面听和答节奏。4.做完所有听力20道选择题后,一般来说,没有百分之百的把握,不要轻易改动第一次做好的答案。因为,据统计,第一次选择往往比改动后的选择更可靠。 第一部分 听力基础Unit 11. What did they have to do on the trip? A. Repair heir car. B. Take the long route. C. Reduce their driving speed.2. W

14、hat time is it in fact?A. 1:40. B. 1:50. C. 1:45.3. What does the man mean?A. The food should be kept warm.B. They should have eggs for supper.C. Its extremely hot outside.4. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Friends. B. Husband and wife. C. Waitress and customer.5. Where does the w

15、oman have to get off?A. At the Bank of China B. At the post office C. At the next stop6. Which of the following is true?A. The woman has had a cough for days B. The woman has just caught a coldC. The woman saw the doctor several days ago.7. What does school begin?A. At 7:30 B. At 8:00 C. At 8:308. W

16、hat will the man stay at home to do?A. To answer the phone B. To have his telephone fixedC. To call the telephone company9. What is Bill doing now?A. Hes listening to the radio B. Hes talking on the phoneC. Hes staying in hospital10. How does the man deal with his exam?A. Hes not well prepared B. He

17、 feels it will be easyC. He doesnt mind about it11. What is the woman going to do this evening?A. Go to dinner. B. Visit her sister. C .Go to the airport.12. How much is the TV set?A. $60. B. $120. C. $90.13. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman had a photo shop of her own.B. The wom

18、an developed her photos all by herself.C. The woman did part of her own film developing.14. What is the man used to?A. He is used to wearing no hatB. He is used to going out on a cold winter dayC. He is used to being done harm to15. How many children are there in the classroom?A. Seven B. Five C. Tw

19、elve16. Where does this conversation take place?A. At a restaurant B. At the theater C. At the station17. How long will the boy be away from school?A. Its uncertain B. For two days C. For a week18. How has the weather been?A. It has been sunny B. It has been too hot C. It has been too cold19. What a

20、ddress is the woman looking for?A. 514 Fifth Street B. 415 Fourth Street C. 415 Fifth Street20. What does the woman say about Mary?A. Shell be home on time B. She was late for work C. Shes working overtimeUnit 21. Where is Tom?A. In the bedroom B. On the playground. C. In the classroom. 2. What year

21、 was the man born?A. 1975. B. 1965. C. 1974. 3. What was the problem with the woman?A. She couldnt see the blackboard. B. She didnt hear clearly.C. She couldnt understand the teachers question. 4. How many letters does he write to his mother in a month?A. Eight. B. Four. C. Two. 5. What is the woman

22、s suggestion?A. She suggested the man go on working. B. She suggested the man take a rest.C. She suggested the man go home at once. 6.What did Clay do?A. He taught a course on computers. B. He took a course on computers.C. He bought a new computer. 7. At the post office, Jane is going toA. Mail a lo

23、t of letters . B. Buy 100 stamps. C. Send some birthday presents.8. Where is Kate? AAt home. BIn the classroom. CIn the library.9. How often does Sarahs mother feel sick?A. Never. B. Hardly ever. C. Very often. 10.The mans birthday isA. May 22nd. B. March 22nd. C. March 27th. 11. Who has gone on a b

24、oat trip?A. The woman. B. The man. C. Both the man and the woman.12. What will the woman get for the man? AA book. BSome soap. CSome bread. 13. What does Mr. Green probably do?A. A guide. B. A repairman. C. A boot and shoe repairer.14. When did Peter set the world record? AIn 1980. BIn 1997. C In 19

25、82.15. What is the womans sister?A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A nurse.16. When does the play start? A. At 6:30 B. At 6:00 C. At 6:15.17. Why cant the man give the woman a hand? A. He is too heavy to help her. B. He doesnt know how to help her.C. He is too busy to help her.18. When will they go to H

26、arbin?A. This summer. B. This autumn. C. This winter.19. Where does Sally want to go? ATo the reading-room BTo the library. C To look at the animals.20.Which place hasnt Sara been to?A. New York. B. Beijing C. Tokyo.Unit 31. Where are the two speakers?A. In a bookstore. B. In a restaurant. C. At the

27、 mans home.2. What can we learn from the dialogue?A. Neither of the speakers will go home. B. The woman will go home.C. the woman will not go home. 3. What will Jack do?A. He will play tennis. B. He will go swimming. C. He will ask Bill to play tennis.4. Who is the man possibly talking to? A. The te

28、acher. B. The doctor C. His mother5. How long was the delay? A. 60 minutes. B. 45 minutes. C. 30. minutes.6. What is the woman going to do? A. Check the paper for mistakes. B. Read the newspaper again. C. Throw the paper away. 7. What does the man often do?A. Going home B. Phoning his family C. Writ

29、ing home.8. How far is from the third stop to the hospital?AOnly about five minutes ride. BOnly about five minutes walk.COnly about ten minutes ride. 9. What are the two speakers talking about? A. The womans grandparents. B. The womans parents. C. The womans family.10. What is the woman?A. A teacher

30、. B. A secretary. C. An officer.11. Where is the man? AIn a hotel. BIn a shop. CAt home.12. What is the relationship of the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Sister and brother. 13. Why does the man come here?A. To return a book. B. To borrow a book. C. To renew a book. 14. What does the woman suggest?A. Exercising just after getting up. B. Not exercising so many times a day.C. Eating something good for breakfast. 15. What does the man mean? A. Mountain climbing i

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