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1、最新高中英语Unit7TheSeaSectionLanguagePointsLesson2教学资料范本【2020】最新高中英语Unit7TheSeaSectionLanguagePoints()(Lesson2编 辑:_时 间:_ Section Language Points()( Lesson 2 & Lesson 3)语 言 基 础 自 测.单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1Something must be done to prevent our city from being polluted(污染) by thick smoke.2The train went slowe

2、r and slower until it stopped altogether3A new man was appointed to handle(处理) the crisis.4When presenting a speech in public,dont be nervous.5The shop is newly open,and goods in it sell at a discount(打折)6Hainan Island attracts visitors not only in winter but also in summer.7The real voyage of disco

3、very(发现) consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.8Dont measure your success next to someone else.Decide what you want for you and do that.9Be sure to set aside at least an hour a day for sports.It will make you healthy and energetic(精力充沛的)10Films and TV series ought to educate

4、the young but not to ruin them.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1pollute vt.污染;弄脏pollution n污染2agriculture n农业agricultural adj.农业的3chemical n化学物chemist n化学家;药剂师chemistry n化学4intelligent adj.有灵性的;聪明的intelligence n智力,理解力5energy n精力;能源energetic adj.有活力的6attract vt.吸引attractive adj.吸引人的attraction n吸引人的地方7long adj.长的

5、length n长度,长.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1be reminded of 被提醒2watch out 注意3be well educated 受到良好的教育4be present at 出席5make a living 谋生6deal with 处理7sound like 听起来像8be similar to 与相似9in length 在长度上10every two hours 每两小时.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1I like those people who are well educated and not skindeep.2Ten members were pr

6、esent at the meeting,including me.3There are several specific problems to be dealt with4The accident was similar to one that happened in 1973.5This desk is four feet in length and two feet wide.adj.thn.v.宾语of复合短语width 宽depth 深warmth 温暖inform sb.of 告知某人某事cure sb.of治愈某人某种疾病suspect sb.of怀疑某人某事.经典句式仿写1.

7、 Well,theyre animals of high intelligence哦,它们(海豚)是高智商的动物,能够进行交流。记句式结构beof名词仿写促落实这种产品质量好价格也不贵。The product is of high quality and is not expensive either.2. OK,Im going to make a project book with lots of pictures in it.好,我将做一份有许多示意图的计划书。记句式结构with宾语宾补仿写促落实她含着眼泪说了声再见。She said goodbye with tears in her

8、eyes核 心 要 点 探 究 ban vt.禁止n禁令;禁止ban sb.from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事put/place a ban on. 禁止a ban on/against. 对的禁令The government is thinking about banning smoking on public transport.政府正在考虑禁止在公交车上吸烟。He was banned from driving(drive) for three years.他被禁驾3年。Most people are for the ban on smoking in public buil

9、dings.多数人赞成在公共场所吸烟的禁令。 make a living谋生(教材P11)They also try to help people to get other kinds of jobs so there are less people trying to make a living from fishing.他们也尝试帮渔民们得到其他类型的工作,这样以捕鱼为生的人会少一些。以谋生谋生Nowadays,tens of thousands of peasants pour into cities to make/earn a better living.现在,成千上万的农民涌进城市

10、以求过上更好的生活。Her dream was to earn her (she)living as a singer.她的梦想是靠当歌手来谋生。 present n礼物;现在adj.出席的;现在的;当前的;存在的v.提出;赠送;呈现(教材P11)How will you present your project?你将如何展示你的计划?写出下列句中present的词性和词义He bought me a valuable diamond ring as a birthday present.n. 礼物I am content to stay in my present job.adj. 目前的W

11、e should like to present some suggestions which would help settle the question.vt. 提出(1)授予/赠送某人某物(2)be present at 出席(3)at present 目前,现在for the present 暂时The children presented flowers to the teachers.The children presented the teachers with flowers.孩子们向老师赠送鲜花。People present at the meeting were mostl

12、y scientists from different parts of the world.出席会议的主要是来自世界各地的科学家。At present,our room is big enough.目前,我们的房间够大了。图形助记n现在 v讲演,演示v赠送adj.在场的,现在的 n礼物 (教材P11)Well,theyre animals of high intelligence哦,它们(海豚)是高智商的动物,能够进行交流。【要点提炼】句中 of high intelligence 作后置定语,修饰 animals。of high intelligence 属于“of名词”结构,该结构可在句

13、中作表语、定语和补语。“of名词”结构因名词的不同可分为两类:(1)可转化为形容词的。该类“of名词”结构中的名词有对应的形容词,常见名词有 value,use,importance,help,interest,benefit等。名词前可用 no,some,any,little,much,great等修饰词。(2)不能转化为形容词的。这类“of名词”结构中的名词无对应的形容词。常见名词有 size,weight,height,length,width,age,opinion,colour,kind 等,名词前可用a,an,the same 等修饰词。His suggestion was of

14、little help.他的建议没有帮助。What you said is of no interest to me.What you said is not interesting(interest) to me.我对你说的不感兴趣。 The two children are of the same age,but of different heights(high)这两个孩子年龄相同,但身高不同。 (教材P11)OK,Im going to make a project book with lots of pictures in it好,我将做一份有许多示意图的计划书。【要点提炼】句中的“

15、with lots of pictures in it”是“withn.介词短语”结构,在句中作定语。I cant focus my attention on my study with the boys shouting.孩子们大喊大叫,我不能集中注意力学习。Tom went out to play with his homework unfinished(finish)汤姆未做完家庭作业就出去玩了。The manager was very worried with so many problems to settle(settle)有这么多问题要解决,经理很着急。 every two ho

16、urs 每两小时(教材P12)There are fantastic shows every two hours.每两小时有一场精彩的表演。every基数词复数名词 每every序数词单数名词 每第every other单数名词 每隔一every few复数名词 每隔几These plants are watered every other day.这些植物要每隔一天浇一回。Youd better plant a tree every five metres/every fifth metre.你最好每5米植一棵树。 attract vt.吸引,招引;有吸引力(教材P12)Some fish

17、attract other fish with a light on their bodyand then eat them!有些鱼用它们身上的光来吸引其他的鱼然后吃掉它们!(1)attract ones attention 引起某人的注意attract 把某人吸引到(2)attractive adj. 吸引人的(3)attraction n. 吸引人的地方have an attraction for sb. 对某人具有吸引力She was attracted by his smile.她被他的微笑吸引住了。Schools must try to make science mor

18、e attractive(attract) to youngsters.学校必须尽力使科学更能吸引年轻人。The beautiful beaches are the Maldives main attraction(attract)漂亮的海滩是马尔代夫主要的吸引人之处。 watch out注意(教材P12)They have a huge mouth and can eat fish as big as themselves.Watch out!它们有一张大嘴,可以吞下与它们自身一样大的鱼。当心!(1)watch out for 当心,提防;注意(后需跟宾语)watch over 照看,看守;

19、保护(2)be on watch 值班;监督keep a watch on 监视Watch out for cars when you cross the road.过马路时要当心车辆。There must have been an angel watching over me that day.那天一定是有天使在保佑我。名师点津英语中表示“当心”的短语还有be careful,look out等。 measure vt.度量(大小、长短等);测量;打量;估量(教材P13)An average fish like this measures 90 centimetres in length,a

20、nd it can weigh as much as 30 kilos.像这样的鱼,平均每条有90厘米长,并且体重可达30千克。(1)take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事 ones own measure 根据某人的尺寸做(衣服)take sb.s measure 给某人量尺寸(2)be measured by/in. 用来计算/衡量Scientists havent measured the positive effects of laughter on children.笑对孩子们的正面影响有多大,科学家还没有对此作出评估。My mother ma

21、de me a pair of trousers to my measure.我妈妈按照我的尺寸给我做了一条裤子。It is high time that we should take measures(measure) to protect endangered animals.是我们采取措施保护濒危动物的时候了。名师点津当measure表示“量起来有长/高/宽”时,是不及物动词,不用被动语态。随 堂 效 果 落 实.单句语法填空1Withthey began to be busy shopping for the holidays.2I like this jacket better th

22、an that one,but it costs almost three times as much.3The main bedroom,much smaller than other rooms,measures(measure) 15 metres wide.4We happen to be of an age,and we all go in for American football.5He minds so much about his position in the office that he watches out for any chance to be promoted.

23、6He is old enough to make a/his living now and please dont worry about him any more.7Weather plays a significant part in agriculture(agricultural)8Detective novels used to hold a special attraction(attract) for me.9The thief was forced into the post station with his hands tied(tie) back.10The bus go

24、es every tenth(ten) minute and its convenient for you to go to the city.单句改错12Seed industry was of high valuable to investment.valuablevalue 3We should watch out those friends in disguise.out后加for 4He goes to town every other days to buy things.daysday 5He was banned from attend the meeting.attendat

25、tending.完成句子1这是我读过的最有趣的小说。I have never read a more interesting novel2你的这些话对我们来说很有帮助。These remarks of yours are of great value to us3有许多事要处理,我不得不夜以继日地工作。With many things to deal with,I have to work day and night.4这套衣服看起来似乎是按照他的尺寸做的。It seemed as if the suit was made to his own measure5迈克比他们班上任何一个其他的同学

26、到校都早。Mike gets to school earlier than any other student in his class. 语 法 专 项 突 破形容词和副词的比较级 先观察原句后自主感悟Its three times as big underwater.They are less colourful than some other fish but they move beautifully.Some fish can produce sounds almost twice as loud as your speaking voice!They have a huge mou

27、th and can eat fish as big as themselves.以上四句均含有比较结构,其中句为倍数表达方式,其结构为:倍数;句为比较级,其结构为less.than.;句为同级的比较用法,其结构为。 精要点拨形容词和副词的比较级和最高级是高考必考的语法项目,必须熟练掌握其用法。对于形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法应注意以下具体问题:一、表示倍数的几个句型1A is倍数比较级thanB2A is倍数as原级asB3A is倍数the名词(size,length,height,weight,width等)ofB4A is倍数thatofB5A is倍数wh

28、at 从句When you study the local map,youll find this town is twice the size of that one/as large as that one.当你研究当地的地图时,你会发现这座城镇是那个的两倍大。The output of this year is 4 times that of 20xx.The output of this year is 4 times what it was in 20xx.今年的产量是20xx年的四倍。二、形容词/副词的比较等级1as形容词/副词原级as(1)“as形容词/副词原级as”表示同级比较

29、,否定句可用so 代替第一个as。Jack is as old as Jim.杰克和吉姆一般大。He doesnt run so(as) fast as his brother.他没有他弟弟跑得快。(2)as.as中间使用名词要遵循以下原则:He is as brave a man as Dong Cunrui.他是一个像董存瑞一样勇敢的人。Henry does not have so/as many books as (have)亨利的书没有我的书多。The book is less interesting than that one.这本书不如那本书有趣。(3)比较级前可加表示程度的词或倍

30、数词,如:even,still,much,any,rather,yet,(by)far,a lot,a bit,a little,a great deal,twice,three times等。Are you feeling any better?你感觉好点了吗?名师点津by far 修饰比较级by far 修饰比较级时,应放在比较级之后;若放在比较级之前,则应在比较级和by far 之间加定冠词the。He is taller by far than his younger brother.他比他弟弟高多了。He is by far the taller of them two.他是他们两人中较高的一个。2“the比较级,the比较级”表示:越,越The more you talked,the less attentio

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