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一轮复习话题作文之 Nature 自然素材篇.docx

1、一轮复习话题作文之 Nature 自然素材篇Nature自然Part I WORDS1.nature n.自然 2. natural adj. 自然的 3. environment n. 环境 4. environmental adj. 自然的 5.powerful adj.强大的 6.protect vt.保护7.prevent vt 防止 8.decrease v. 减少 9.damage n. 损害 10.destroy vt 毁灭 11.wild adj.野生的 12.rescue vt 拯救13.spoil vt 破坏 14. beauty n.美丽 15. beautiful ad

2、j.美丽的 16.scenery n.景色 17. scene n.景色 18.landscape n. 景色19. sightseeing n. 观光 20.refresh vt 更新 21.fresh adj. 新鲜的 22. pollution n. 污染 23.economy n.经济 24. develop vt. 发展25. development n. 发展 26. convenient adj.便利的 27.construct vt 建设 28. rapid adj. 很快的 29.beautify vt. 美化 30.famous adj.著名的31. earthquake

3、n.地震 32.typhoon n.台风 33.erupt vt. 爆发 34.eruption n.爆发 35.volcano n.火山 36.drought n.干旱37.faminine n.饥荒 38.catastrophe n.大灾难 39.disaster n.灾难 40.shocking adj.震惊的 41.phenomenon n.现象 42.reserve n.自然保护区43.atmosphere n.大气层 44.litter n.垃圾 45.rubbish n.垃圾 46dustbin垃圾桶 47. extinct adj.灭绝 48. disappear v.消失49

4、. consume v. 消耗 50. non-renewable adj.不可再生的51. recycle vt回收 52. preserve v.保护,保存53. renew vt 更新 54. waste n.废物55.endangered adj.濒临灭绝的 56.endanger vt使处于危境中57.ruins n.废墟 58.habitat n.栖息地59. replace vt 代替 60.rare adj.稀少的Part II EXPRESSIONS1. spoil the beauty 破坏美 2.create a better environment 创造一个更好的环境3

5、.do damage to 对有害 4. cause great damage to 对造成巨大损失 harmful to 对有害处 harm to 对有害处7. protect wild life保护野生动物 8. greenhouse effect温室效应9. environment-friendly products环保产品 10. energy saving节能11.plant more trees .多种树 12. save on water节约用水13.protect the environment保护环境 14. reduce pollution减少污染15.

6、white pollution 白色污染 16. carbon dioxide二氧化碳17 .refresh the air 净化空气 18. burn to the ground烧成平地19. sand storm 沙尘暴 20. lie in ruins成为废墟21. develop renewable resources开发可再生资源22. environment-friendly products 环保产品23. nature reserve自然保护区24. conserve natural habitats保护生存环境25. conservation of water and soi

7、l 水土保持26. water resource conservation zone水资源保护区27. ecological system=ecosystem 生态系统28. green belt绿化带29.arouse peoples awareness/consciousness of environmental protection提高公众的环保意识30. endangered wildlife濒危野生动物Part III SENTENCES 1. We should pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin, collect wa

8、ste paper or bottles for recycling and plant trees or flowers in or near our neighborhood. 我们应该捡垃圾并且把他们扔到垃圾桶里,我们要收集废纸和瓶子来再循环利用,同时, 我们可以在街区附近多种花。2. We should not litter or spit in a public place.我们不应该乱扔垃圾,不应该随地吐痰。3. The relationship between human and environmental issues is graduallycausing peoples a

9、ttention.人与环境的关系问题已越来越得到人们的重视。4. Human activity is an indispensable factor causing natural disasters.人类自身的活动是造成自然灾害的一个不可或缺的因素。5. In the past hundred years, there have been frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, and new deserts. 在过去的几百年里,自然灾难不断,例如洪水,干旱,地震和沙漠化。6. The disast

10、ers have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land. 灾难杀死了无数人,损毁了很多房子,破坏了很多肥沃的土地。7. Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. 现在越来越多的人意识到了灾难在很大程度上与我们人类的行为有关。8.

11、 We have cut down too many trees in the forests; we have badly polluted the environment,我们砍掉了太多的大树,严重污染了环境。9. Lets work together and do what we can /do our best to make the earth a better place to live on.让我们一起努力,尽我们所能让地球变成更美好的家园。10. It seems that they are not worried at all about the fact that wild

12、 animals are endangered.野生动物处于濒临灭绝的状态,他们似乎一点儿也不关心。11. The direct economic loss has reached 2.5 million Yuan.直接的经济损失达到了250万元。12. All the rescues are being carried out. Besides, donations as well as materials are being sent to the earthquake-hit areas.所有救援工作都在进行中,另外,捐款和物资也正在被送往地震灾区。13. Measures should

13、 be taken to control and prevent pollution and everyone should make a contribution to it.应该采取措施来控制和阻止污染,我们每个人都应该为此做出贡献。14. It matters more and more in energy saving and environmental protection.在节省能源和环境保护方面越来越重要。15. We should provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants.我们应该为大量的野生动植

14、物提供栖息地。Part IV COMPOSITION【话题写作1】根据下面提示,简要介绍四川汶川地震灾害情况。1.时间:2008年5月12日下午2:38;2.地点:四川汶川;3.程度:建国以来最强烈的一次地震之一;4.损失:几乎一切变成废墟,6万多人丧生,成千上万人无家可归;5.帮助:很多志愿者提供帮助,来自全国、全世界提供的食品、衣物等;6.前景:灾区人民重建家园。要求:1.要点齐全;2.可适当增加细节,使内容连贯3.词数:100左右。【范文】 Wenchuan EarthquakeAt 2:38 on May 12th, 2019, a big earthquake took place

15、in Wenchuan, Sichuan. It was one of the strongest earthquakes in the history of China.As nobody knew there was going to be an earthquake, they were so frightened when it happened. For a moment almost everything was in ruins. Houses and even buildings fell down and roads and bridges were destroyed. O

16、ver 60,000 people, including pupils and students were killed and thousands of others became homeless.Hearing the news, the government took immediate action. A great many soldiers were sent there to rescue the people from danger. Lots of volunteers offered to help. Large quantities of food, water, te

17、nts, and medicine were transported from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas.People in the disaster areas dont lose hope. Instead they are determined to rebuild their homes.【名师点评】本文语言方面准确无误,而且运用了一些好的固定短语和特殊句型,表达了很好的写作能力。【积累卡片】好词:1.take place 发生 in ruins成为

18、废墟 3.fall down 坍塌 4.take immediate action 采取立刻的行动 5.a great many soldiers大量的士兵 6.rescue sb from danger 拯救人们于危难 7.large quantities of 大量的 determined to do sth决定干某事好句:1. Over 60,000 people, including pupils and students were killed and thousands of others became homeless.死亡人数超过了6万人,包括小学生和中学生。成千上万

19、的其他人无家可归。2. Hearing the news, the government took immediate action.听到这个消息,政府采取了立刻的行动。3. Large quantities of food, water, tents, and medicine were transported from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas. 来自全国各地和世界的大量的救灾物资:食物,水,帐篷和药物被运到了灾区。【话题写作2】 请仔细观察下面两幅图画,理解其含

20、义,然后就“人与自然”这一话题写一篇英语短文。注意: 1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2. 词数:120左右。Nature is to us what water is to fish. Yet we dont always realize it until it is too late. With the development of modern technology, there are more and more people on the earth but fewer and fewer resources left. Whats worse, pollution is ge

21、tting more and more serious and the climate is becoming warmer and warmer. So we must do something to protect not only our next generation but also ourselves. As is shown in the pictures, we plant trees and we will enjoy the shade ourselves as well as our grandchildren. If we do something good to na

22、ture, it will do more to us.【名师点评】文章表达流畅,通顺。上下文连接自然,且运用了恰当的语言知识。【积累卡片】好词:1.with the development of modern technology随着现代科技的发展2.whats worse 更糟的是 is known in the pictures 正如图片所示好句:1. With the development of modern technology, there are more and more people on the earth but fewer and fewer resourc

23、es left.随着现代科技的发展,地球上的人口越来越多,然而自然资源却越来越少。2. Nature is to us what water is to fish.自然对我们的重要性如同水对于鱼儿一样。【话题写作3】 请你就“经济的可持续发展”发表看法,内容包括: 请举例描述许多工厂或企业为了经济利益不顾环保; 你对这些工厂或企业的看法; 请就“发展经济不应以牺牲环境为代价”展开论述。As lakes,rivers and air in most places are still being seriously polluted, Chinese Ministry of Environment

24、al Protection is considering a policy to urge the enterprises to take measures to stop pollution.To make a greater profit and save the expenses on environment facilities, many factories go against the law of protecting the environment. Some of them pour dirty waste water directly into rivers,making

25、the rivers not only undrinkable but also unusable. Others release poisonous gases into the air, causing residents to suffer a lot. In my opinion, economic development should not be at the expense of the environment. Sustainable development should be adopted.Without a sustainable environment, a count

26、rys raw natural resources will be greatly reduced. Furthermore, without a healthy environment, how can people live? Therefore, stop doing such things that benefit us now but hurt us later. 【名师点评】本文:概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。本文运用反问句式来激起读者同感。【积累卡片】好词:1. urge sb to do 督促某人干某事 the expense of 以牺牲为代价好句:Some of them pour dirty waste water directly into rivers,making the rivers not only undrinkable but also unusable. Others release poisonous gases into the air,causing residents to suffer a lot.(现在分词做状语,表示结果。)有一些企业直接把脏水倾倒进河流,结果导致河水即不能饮用也无法使用,其他工厂释放有毒物质到空气中,导致居民身体受损。

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