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1、届高三第一次月考英语试题附答案2贵阳第一中学2016届高考适应性月考卷(一)英语参考答案第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)15 AABAC 610 BCBBC 1115 BBABB 1620 ABBAC第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)2125 ABDCD 2630 CBBCD 3135 DCADC 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)3640 BDAGC第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)4145 CDACA 4650 BDBCA 5155 BABDB 5660 DBC

2、AB第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61will be completed 62to get 63at 64available 65which/that 66beautifully 67equipped 68instructions 69a 70working第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) On World Book Day,April 23,a heated discussion on what we should read was hold in our heldclass. Here is our opinion

3、s. areSome go for read classics which are believed to havepositive effect on ones literature cultivation.reading a或将effect改为effectsBeside,they argue that works of this kind are very instructive that they can have a far-reachingBesides soimpact on readers life. Others,however,are in favor of reading

4、best-sellers,said it is not wise to attach more saying lessimportance to such books. They believe that books of this kind can help readers have access to relaxationand keep on up with the trend in the meanwhile. As for me,I think we need either,classics for language study and best-sellers for entert

5、ainment.both They are of the same value to us,arent they?第二节:书面表达(满分25分)【参考范文】I like musicMusic is very important in my life. It can not only enrich my daily life but can also make me feel good every day.When I feel depressed,listening to music can cheer me up. After a whole days hard work,music ena

6、bles me to feel relaxed and reduce my tiredness and stress. Whats more,I like Chinese classical music for its beautiful tones. When I listen to it,my heart will become very peaceful. Besides classical music,I enjoy pop music as well,especially English pop songs for their exciting rhythms. Meanwhile,

7、listening to English songs can improve my English a lot.In a word,music makes my life better and helps me become happier. I cant imagine what my life would be like without music.【解析】第二部分:阅读理解 第一节 A【解题导语】本文是记叙文。作者在商店购物时和一位前来为侄子选购结婚礼物的女士谈得投机,让作者始料不及的是,女士在询问过作者最喜欢的物品后,竟然替作者买下了这些东西。21A 细节理解题。作者在那个店买上光剂,

8、那位女士为侄子挑选结婚礼物,而且第二段最后一句出现了“She said she was in this present shop.”,由此可知那家店是礼品店。22B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的内容可知作者非常珍惜从母亲手中得到的那只碗。23D 词义猜测题。上一句中提到作者为了活跃气氛主动与对方搭讪,再结合本句后半部分中的内容可推测出两人很合得来。24C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“they were purchased for me”可知那位女士想替作者买下作者最喜欢的东西。B【解题导语】本文是议论文。作者以最近颇受关注的电梯伤人事故引出电梯安全话题,分析了引起事故的原因,并提出了管理部门

9、应该如何采取措施以避免类似的惨剧再次发生。25D 推理判断题。由第二段 “.some of the deaths could have been avoided”,作者认为有些电梯死亡事故是完全可以避免的,因此可知他对2014年发生的多起电梯事故感到很遗憾(regretful),因此答案选D。26C 细节理解题。由第二段“.the majority of accidents took place because of poor or non-existent maintenance.”可知,大多数的电梯事故是由于电梯缺乏维护,因此答案选C。27B 细节理解题。由第五段“.there shoul

10、d also be strict rules about the qualifications of the companies.”可知,其中一个避免事故发生的方式是严格审查提供电梯维护服务的公司资质,因此答案选B。28B 主旨大意题。本文主要分析了电梯安全问题的原因和解决方法,B选项最贴合文章中心,因此答案选B。C【解题导语】本文主要讲“新阿波罗”研究项目让ICSU面临五项挑战。该项目旨在给地球带来巨大变化,保持社会可持续性发展,从而让人类得到更多益处。29C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“.but this time to manage the planet p

11、ut society on track for a bright future.”可知,“新阿波罗”的研究目的是保持地球可持续性发展,使之变得更好。30D 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“These range from the the truly inspirational and essential.”可知,mundane与后面的“to the truly inspirational and essential”相对应。该句意为ICSU面临的挑战包括从“普通的”问题到真正鼓舞人心的核心问题。31D 推理判断题。根据第二、三段的描述,可知ICSU面临的挑战有:如何避免环境恶

12、化,改变人类和组织行为,保持社会可持续性发展等,由此可推断这些挑战将会给地球带来巨大变化。32C 主旨大意题。全文讲述了ICSU正在进行“新阿波罗”的研究项目,故选C。D【解题导语】本文是议论文。文章讨论了有的人会说好几种语言的原因:有的人是因为非常勤奋,有的人似乎大脑非同寻常,但归根结底跟努力是分不开的。33A 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“U.S. linguist Stephen Drashen believes that outstanding language learners just work harder at it and then they acquire unusuall

13、y strong language ability.”可知本段提及一位匈牙利妇女,是为了说明有些普通人会说好几种语言是因为勤奋。34D 细节理解题。根据第五段第二句“They believe that there is such a thing as a talent for learning languages.”可知本段后面的内容是为了说明有的人非常有语言天赋这一论点。35C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“.theres no doubt that just about all of us can acquire skills in a second,third,or even fourt

14、h language by putting our mind to it.”可知作者认为学习语言需要勤奋。第二节36B 由第一段中的“Little kids can easily fall asleep before 9 p.m.”可知接下来应该讲青少年的睡眠情况,而且选项B中While一词表明在讲两类人(little kids和teens)的对比,故选B。37D 首先要选择的是总结句,全文的首句都是祈使句,就只有D、E符合,再加上下文讲到为青少年选择适当的睡眠时间,由此可以得出只有答案D符合。38A 本段强调不要让青少年带手机到床上。前一句讲“If your teen brings her

15、phone or tablet to bed with her,she might stay up late checking her social media pages or sending texts”这样一来手机屏幕上的光会让青少年难以入睡,所以选A。39G 此段上一句讲到不要让青少年喝咖啡、苏打水或者带咖啡因的饮料,接下来解释因为这些东西会让他们兴奋从而睡不着觉,而且these things指的就是coffee,sodas with caffeine和energy drinks,故选G。40C 最后一段主题句讲要给青少年营造光线不强、凉爽的卧室。很显然接下来要讲如果光线太强的话,挂上

16、窗帘就好了,所以选C。第三部分:英语知识运用第一节:完形填空【解题导语】Clay Dyer天生无腿,只有1/3的右臂残肢,然而他像其他正常的孩子那样长大,还学会了打棒球和篮球。后来他喜欢上了钓鱼,在钓鱼过程中,他拒绝让别人帮助自己。他说:“我要用残缺的右臂做别人用两只手做的事情。”41C 第一段的“one of thosehuman intereststories”暗示了本题的答案。42D at first“起初”,表示在电视节目的一开始。43A show“展示”,主持人向观众展示了一张无腿,只有1/3的右臂的Clay Dyer的照片。44C 本句为定语从句,先行词为不定代词all,只能用th

17、at引导从句,在句中作宾语。45A amazing“令人惊奇的”。46B 现在分词短语Growing up表示伴随状况。句意为“在成长的过程中,他学会了打棒球和篮球”。47D 第二段第一句“fisherman”暗示了答案。48B does it 指钓鱼(go fishing)。49C place为“放置”之意。他把鱼竿夹在下巴的下面。50A 前面的never表明本句为否定句,因此填anyone。51B 他用唯一的残臂来收鱼线,用牙齿把钓到的鱼从鱼钩上取下。因此应填fish。52A take a dip指“在水里泡一泡”。53B “his body cant produce enough swe

18、at”暗示他时不时地跳入水中是为了“凉快一下”。54D 他跳入水中后,用残缺的右臂划水游泳。55B with a little help为固定搭配,指“借着一些帮助”。56D 借着一些帮助,他可以回到船上继续钓鱼。57B 本句中“has he allowed”为部分倒装。句意为:Clay Dyer从不要别人同情,也不会让身体上的残疾阻止自己成为职业垂钓者。nor有“也不”的意思,置于句首引起部分倒装。58C 右臂残疾为身体上的残疾,故选physical“身体的,肉体的”。59A 他的座右铭是“如果我能,你也能”。motto为“座右铭”之意。60B 现在分词saying表伴随状况,意为“说道”。

19、第二节61考查动词一般将来时的被动语态。library和complete是被动关系;由“in just a few weeks”可知此处是将来时态。62考查动词不定式作目的状语。63考查短语中的介词搭配。at the end of.为固定短语,意为“在的结尾”。64考查词形变化。由名词词缀-ability变为形容词词缀-able。65考查定语从句关系词。先行词the office在从句中充当介词in的宾语,且介词in没有前置,因此可填关系代词that/which。66考查词形变化。形容词beautiful加-ly变为副词beautifully。67考查过去分词作后置定语。动词equip的短语在

20、句子中充当后置定语,且和所修饰的中心词meeting rooms之间是逻辑上的被动关系,因此要填过去分词equipped。68考查词形变化。动词instruct加词缀-tion变为名词,且表“指南,用法说明”之意时,常为复数instructions。69考查不定冠词表泛指。此处泛指“一份图书馆手册”。70考查动名词作介词的宾语。第四部分:写作第一节:短文改错考查被动语态。hold的过去分词是held。考查主谓一致。主语opinions是复数。考查非谓语动词。for是介词,后跟动名词。考查冠词。have a positive effect on或have positive effects on对

21、有积极的影响。考查副词。beside介词,在旁边,而besides副词,此外。考查固定搭配。sothat如此以至于。考查非谓语动词。此句已有are作为Others的谓语,故saying为非谓语,在句中作状语。考查形容词。根据语义判断,此句意为“应多读畅销小说”。考查介词。keep up with固定短语,意思是“跟上”。考查代词。根据语义判断,作者认为名著与畅销书都应该读。听力原文Text 1W:Are you going to the meeting? It will start at 8:00.M:Yes,but I will be thirty minutes late.Text 2M:

22、Im kind of cold. Could we close the window?W:Youre cold? Im burning up! Why dont you put on a sweater or something?Text 3M:Frank is always complaining about his job.W:Maybe if you tried waiting on tables,youd see what its like. So I understand him.Text 4W:I cant believe Karen is late for an occasion

23、 as important as a job interview. I reminded her time and time again yesterday.M:Well,you should know her by now.Text 5W:Hello,sir. Im calling to see if you were satisfied with our service.M:It was fine for the most part,but I was a little annoyed that our beds were dirty.W:Im sorry to hear that. Ca

24、n I offer you a discount to stay with us for half price next time?M:Umno,thank you.Text 6W:Why are you so late?M:I couldnt find my car keys.W:What happened?M:I left the keys in the car.W:You locked them in the car?M:Thats right.W:How did you get the door open?M:Fortunately,my girlfriend has a spare

25、key.W:Well,it must have taken her a long time to get it to you. Youre more than two hours late!M:Yeah. She was in a meeting when I called her. Im really sorry.W:Its okay. Just call next time,OK? We were just sitting around waiting for you. Come on. We have a meeting in fifteen minutes.Text 7M:Where

26、do you get your ideas from,Mrs. Rowling?W:I wish I knew. Sometimes they just come like magic,and other times I have to sit and think for weeks before I manage to work out how something will happen. Where the idea for Harry Potter actually came from,I really couldnt tell you.M:Are any of the characte

27、rs in the books based on real people?W:Good question! The answer is yes and no. I have to say that Hermione Granger is a little bit like I was at her age,though I was neither as clever nor as annoying. Ron is a little bit like my oldest friend,and Professor Snape is a lot like one of my old teachers

28、.M:How long have you been writing?W:Nearly all my life. I had written two novels before I had the idea for Harry Potter,though Id never tried to get them published.Text 8W:Hi,Jack. To whom are you writing?M:Im writing to my parents to tell them Im going to stay here this summer.W:Youre not going hom

29、e? I thought you were going on a trip to Japan with your family.M:Well,I was supposed to go with them,but I thought about it and changed my mind.W:Why is that? Why wouldnt you want to go traveling with your family? It certainly doesnt have anything to do with studyingM:No,it doesnt. Michael arranged

30、 for me to work at his uncles school.W:How much will they pay you?M:Judy,Im doing it for experience,not money. Its a volunteer job.W:You mean,youre going to be working without getting paid? What kind of work is it?M:Ill be teaching at his uncles school for blind kids.W:Oh,Jack,Im really impressed!M:

31、Thanks. When are you going back home?W:Tomorrow. And then were flying to Hawaii two days later. I really should go pack now.M:All right. Have a nice vacation!Text 9W:What are you doing?M:Im learning a foreign language. I have all these tapes that I got from the library. Wanna listen?W:Ok,but what language is it?M:See if you can tell from the tape.W:Whoa! It sounds like Latin.M:Bingo! Its pretty different from English

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