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1、水下液压冲击铲控制系统JMarineSciAppl(2008)7:139142DOI:10 1007s1180400860460水下液压冲击铲控制系统刘贺平,罗阿妮,肖海燕机械与电气工程学院,哈尔滨工程大学,哈尔滨150001,中国摘要:本次设计的控制系统主要是确定了一个水下液压冲击铲的控制效果。本文首先分析这些冲击铲的工作原理以及其控制系统的重要性。一种新的控制系统数学模型是根据这些原则分析和建立的。自从最初的控制系统的响应时间不能满足其设计要求之后,控制系统添加了PID控制器,系统的响应时间仍然比要求的要慢,所以增加了神经网络到非线性调节比例元素中,即PID控制器的积分和微分环节的系数。控


3、工具。水下液压冲击铲(UHSS)主要是对可调节冲击频率特性进行了研究,当功率是常数时,频率与冲击输出的能量成反比。所以UHSS能够调节冲击能量。其控制系统对调节输出频率的功能以及在下面所进行得研究是至关重要的。2、UHSS工作原理 UHSS 的工作原理如图1所示,冲击力通过活塞杆5往复移动所产生.真空氮气室6与活塞杆5连接成一个高压氮气室。在后面的过程中,活塞杆5挤压氮气室6压缩高压氮气,从而节约能源。在第四个步骤中,高压氮气与液压进行有效的配合。高压油进入入口I和III,入口与油箱相连,配油阀阀芯的往复移动调节入口IV,VI,II和III之间的联系,从而调节活塞腔的压力使气缸往复移动形成冲击

4、。当高压油进入到与油箱相连的高速转换阀门2时,配油阀阀芯向左移动到端点(如图11所示)。在这种情况下,入口与入口相连接,入口V与入口相连接。高压油进入UHSS右腔后,左腔与油箱连接,使油箱压力下降。活塞杆向左移动,当高压油进入高速开关阀且调节阀2与罐体连接时,阀芯向右移动到终点。在这样的情况下,入口与入口相连,入口与入口 相连。高压油移动到活塞左腔,右室提供高压油进入油箱来减少压力,活塞杆5向右移动。在UHSS工作之前,电磁阀4 先启动,高压油进入缸的两个腔体内,以防止在起动时由于压差太大而引起的冲击。在最后阶段,电磁阀4再次启动,油缸两腔内的液压油进入到油箱中。这种UHSS是以两个高速开关阀

5、控制为主。其额定频率为25Hz。控制系统主要控制高速开关阀的运动,控制阀控制活塞的运动。如果控制系统不能正常工作,将直接影响活塞杆的运动。由于控制系统的作用非常重要,因此对其进行分析是必要的。接下来控制系统将在其工作原理上建立。1 2.高速转换阀;3.电磁阀组;4油箱分配阀;5活塞杆;6.氮气室图1铲工作原理3、控制系统模型以下为UHSS工作描述。两个高速开关阀控制配油阀的运动。通过这种方式,高压油的流动方向得到调整。因此,活塞杆能快速的往复移动.为了利用PWM信号驱动高速转换阀,单片机需要发出信号,从压力传感器的反馈信号也是模拟信号,单片机也需要将这些信号改变为数字参数以此作为判断依据。单片

6、机在计算能力上欠佳,而程序输入的修复是非常困难的。实时的使用系统压力调节冲击能,这种计算量太大,这对于使用单片来实现是非常困难的。所以,本控制系统采用主从式计算机,通过主机实现程序的计算,压力传感器将液压系统的压力反馈到副机上,从而副机能输出 正确的控制信号,详细的控制框架如下图所示。图2 UHSS控制系统的框架图4、控制系统的分析图3 UHSS第4组控制系统框图 基于以上分析,建立了UHSS控制系统。控制系统的框架在图3上有说明。在图中,KQ是高压转换阀门的流量增益,AF是阀芯两侧负载区域的差异,mF是阀芯及其内部油的等效质量,X是阀芯的位移,BF是阀芯阻尼系数,kF是阀芯油的等效刚度,Ct

7、是泄漏系数,A1是油缸的左腔截面面积,A2是另一腔的截面面积,V1的油缸右腔的体积。控制系统电压为输入,液压系统的油压为输出,这样使控制模型得以建立与分析。图4和图5是伯德图和开环传递函数的升压反应曲线图,基于图4,控制系统确定了幅度和相位极值,因此,该系统是稳定的,但开环增益和闭环频率带宽是非常低的,而且响应速度较低,如图5,系统不善于跟踪大规模调整振幅和频率的范围,所以适当的校正方法和控制策略被采用来提高系统的性能。图4 控制系统的Bode图图5 无反馈控制系统的阶跃曲线为了改善控制系统,首先PID控制被添加到控制系统中,比例环节,积分环节和导数元素系数的变化来获得不同的控制系统输出。最后


9、来说是很困难的,为了解决这些问题,神经网络理论被引入到PID控制器中,神经网络具有表达任何非线性的能力。通过研究系统的性能,最佳的PID控制结合可以形成。采用BP神经网络,自学式PID控制器,包括系数Kp,KI,和KD被建立。图6 不同参数的曲线响应图7 基于BP网络的PID控制框图(a)阶跃响应曲线(b)KP,KI,KD的变化曲线图8基于BP网络的PID自适应曲线 图7给出了基于BP网络PID控制器控制系统的框图。G(s)是控制系统的传递函数。改进的控制系统的模拟分析结果如图8,包括系统的响应曲线和控制器的三个参数的变化曲线,左图为阶跃响应信号,右图显示了PID控制器三个参数曲线的变化,该控

10、制系统的稳定时间在0.015s内,过度稳定时间低于5%,上升时间为0.006 s。因此,完善后的控制系统能够满足控制系统的响应速度和稳定性的要求,实现了UHSS控制系统。5.结论 此控制系统是UHSS的一个重要组成部分。是否合理将直接决定了UHSS的功能。其控制系统已经进行了分析和改进研究。因此,该控制系统可以在给定的时间里满足设计的要求且稳定。随着技术的发展,先进的控制方法逐渐被引入到控制系统中,以显著的提高控制系统。在此期间,一些传统的控制方法将会由困难变得简单。参考文献 1.刘贺平,孟庆鑫,房晓明 水下液压冲击器的机理研究期刊论文-哈尔滨工程大学学报 2005(1) 2.孟庆鑫,刘贺平,

11、王立全,张岚,弓海霞 自反馈式水下液压冲击器冲击频率的确定期刊论文-哈尔滨工程大学学报 2005(2) 3.刘贺平 水下液压挖掘机虚拟样机设计及关键技术试验研究D 哈尔滨工程大学 2005 4.白金,韩俊伟 基于MATLAB/Simulink环境下的PID参数整定期刊论文-哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)2007(6) 5.赵娟平,张玉侠 基于BP神经网络整定的PID控制及其方针研究期刊论文-沈阳化工学院学报 2007(2)附件:(外文翻译原文)JMarineSciAppl(2008)7:139142DOI:10 1007s1180400860460Underwater hydraulic s

12、hock shovel control systemLIU He-ping, LUO A-ni, XIAO Hai-yanCollege of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001,ChinaAbstract:The control system determines the effectiveness of an underwater hydraulic shock shovel This paper begins by analyzing the working p

13、rinciples of these shovels and explains the importance of their control systemsA new type of contr01 systems mathematical model was built and analyzed according to those principlesSince the initial control systems response time could not fulfill the design requirementsa PID controller was added to t

14、he control systemSystem response time was still slower than required,so a neural network was added to nonlinearly regulate the proportional element,integral element and derivative element coefficients of the PID controllerAfter these improvements to the control system,system parameters fulfilled the

15、 design requirementsThe working performance of electricallycontrolled parts such as the rapidly moving high speed switch valve is largely determined by the control systemNormal control methods generally cant satisfy a shovels requirementsso advanced and normal control methods were combined to improv

16、e the control systembringing good resultsKeywords:hydraulic shock shovel;control system;PID;BP network1 IntroductionThe hydraulic impact tool has been developing for many yearsMoreover,this kind of products has been widely usedRelative technology has also been deeply studiedDifferent material needs

17、different impact forceBut at present,the shock frequency of hydraulic impact tool cant be verifiedTherefore,the shock energy generated by the shock force doesnt match the one that the thing needs to be destroyed,which leads to wastage of energyIt is necessary to develop a kind of hydraulic shock too

18、l which can change the output energyThe underwater hydraulic shock shovel (UHSS)studied in this paper has the character of regulating impact frequencyWhen the power is constant,frequency is in inverse proportion to the output energy of one shockSo UHSS can regulate impact energyIts control system is

19、 important to the function of regulating the output frequency and will be studied below2 UHSS work principlesThe work principle of UHSS is shown in Fig 1Theshock force is produced by piston rod 5 moving To-and-froThe vacuum nitrogen chamber 6 connecting with the top of piston rod 5 is a High-pressur

20、e nitrogen chamberIn the back course, the piston rod 5 reduces the volume of nitrogen chamber 6 to compress high-pressure nitrogen and thus save energyIn the forth course,the high-pressure nitrogen works together with hydraulic pressureHigh-pressure oil enters into entrances I and III and entrance I

21、I is connected with the tankThe spool of the oil-distributing valve moves to-and-fro to regulate the relation of entrances IV,V ,I,II and III,so as to regulate the pressure of piston chambers to make the cylinder move to-and-fro and thus form shock. When high-pressure oil moves into the high-speed s

22、witch valve 2 and the valve is connected with the tank,the spool of the oil-distributing valve moves left to the endpoint(as shown in Fig1)1 Under such circumstancesentrance IV is connected with entrance II and entrance V with IIIThe high-pressure oil enters into the right chamber of UHSSand the lef

23、t chamber is connected with the oil tankwhich makes the chamber pressure fallThe piston rod moves left When high-pressure oil enters into the high-speed switch valve and valve 2 is connected with the tank. the spool moves to the right endpoint.Under such circumstancesentrance IV is connected with en

24、trance l and entrance V with IIThe high-pressure oil moves into the left chamber of the pistonThe right chamber delivers high-pressure oil into the tank to reduce its pressureThe piston rod 5 moves rightBefore UHSS works,group 4 of electromagnetism valves works and high-pressure oil enters into the

25、two chambers of the cylinder,which prevents the impulsion due to too large difference of pressure at the time of start up2 the end of work,group 4 works again and the hydraulic oil in the two chamber of the cylinder enters into the tankThis UHSS is controlled mainly by two high-speed switch valvesIt

26、s rated frequency is 25 HzThe control system mainly controls the movement of the high-speed switch valve,and the valve controls the pistonIf the control system cant work normally,the movement of the piston rod is directly influencedBecause of the important role of the control systemit is necessary t

27、o analyze itThe control system will be built in the followingbased on the work principle3J1,2.high-speed switch valves;3.oildistributing valve 4a group of electromagnetic valve;5piston rod;6nitrogen chamberFig1 Shovel work principle3 Control system modelThis UHSS works as the following descriptionTw

28、o High-speed switch valves control the motion of oil-distributing valveBy this way,the flowing direction of high pressure oil is adjustedAs a result, the piston rod moves quickly to-and-froIn order to utilize PWM signal driving the high-speed switch,a Single-chip-computer is needed to give out signa

29、lsThe feedback signal from the pressure sensor is an analog signal tooThe single-chip-computer is also needed to change these signals into digital parameters as judgment signalsThe single-chip-computer is not good at calculation,and the programs inputted repair is very difficultUsing the system pres

30、sure to adjust shock energy in realtime,and calculation is too hugeThen it is very difficult for single-chip-computer implementingSo this control system uses master and slave computers, implementing the program calculation by master computerThe press sensor feeds the oil pressure of the hydraulic sy

31、stem back to the slave computer so that the slave computer gives out correct control signalThe detailed control framework is shown in the following Fig2Fig2 Control system framework of UHSS4 Analysis of the control systemFig3 Control system block diagram of UHSS in the forth courseBased on above ana

32、lyses,the control system is built for UHSSThe control system framework is illustrated in Fig3In the figure,KQ is the flux gain of high switch valve,AF is the loading area difference on both sides of the valve spool,mF is equivalent mass of spool and its inner oil,x is the displacement of the spool,BF is the damp coefficient of spool,kF is oil equivalent stiffness in spool,Ct is leakage coefficient, A1 is

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