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1、届高三英语教案学案一体化Unit222007届高三英语教案学案一体化Unit 2 Unit 2 Crossing limitsStep 1 Warming up1.Look at the pictures on P.10.Do you know what made these people famous?Zheng He is famous for having made several voyages to the West,reaching as far as Africa.James Cook is famous for having made three great voyages a

2、round the world,and mapping coasts and sea routes.Christopher Columbus who discovered America in 1492.Abel Tasman was a Dutchman who discovered New Zealand. 2.Please tell me how many continents there are in the world and what are their names.Seven continents:North America,South America,Africa,Europe

3、,Asia,Oceania and Antartica.3.What were the dangers and challenges explorers in the past faced while discovering and exploring the worlds continents?Dangers to which explorers were exposed were:Getting lost either in the jungle or at sea;Being attacked by native people;Being attacked by wild animals

4、;Dying in a storm.Challenges which explorers faced:Maps were perhaps not very accurate;Communication was lost or important information could not be got on time;For inland exploration transport was slow.4.What words and expressions will you need to talk about discovery and science exploration?Categor

5、yExamples of words and phrasesTransportnavigation,compass,sail,ship,captain,helicopter,camels,elephant,horses,jeep,porters,expeditionCommunicationjournals,maps,magazines,Internet,telephones,e-mail,smoke sihnals,lettersScienceand geographyvegetation,wildlife,(mineral)resources,ore,population,etcpolar

6、,Indian Ocean,Pacific,Atlantic,Caribbean,etcPositioncentral,westernmost,southernmost,remote,altitude,latitudeProductsoil,rubber,spices,silk,fruit,tea,mushrooms,coffee,chocolate(cocoa),cotton,turkey.maize,etcStep 2 SpeakingTo deal with some words , phrases or sentences used in the talk(先用汉语解释一下即可,后面具

7、体研究)1.take possession of 占领,占有 in possession of 某人占有,拥有in the possession of 某物/某人为某人所占有2. in the name of sb/sth 以的名义,代表3masses of 大量的 a mass of sand/snow 一堆/团/块4. be rich/poor in 富含/缺乏5do research on 进行调查研究6. a state key project一项国家重点项目7. dig up 挖掘8. risk ones life/health to do sth冒丧失生命,健康之险做某事

8、 equipped with 用装备,配备Step 3 Pre-reading and post-reading1.Scan the text and tell me the answer to the second question on P.12 The trade routes over land became too dangerous because of war and robbers.Trade by sea also allowed merchants to take more goods.2.Read the whole passage carefully and then

9、do the following multiple choice questions1.Who were (was ) the earliest explorer(s) of the Western Ocean?A.Marco Polo. B.Christopher Columbus. C.European explorers. D.Brave merchants.2.Through the Silk Road,China got from other countries.A.spices and glass C.weapons D.milk3.An African king g

10、ave rhinoceros horns to China in order to .A.make money B.stop the war his friendship D.award the Ambassador 4.Which of the following became the worlds trading center over a few centuries after Han Dynasty? A.Ceylon. B.India. C.Swanhili kingdoms. D.Egypt.5.In Du Huans book “Record of My Trave

11、ls” you can learn about .A.Marco Polo B.many foreign countries C.Christopher Columbus D.ways to make silk6.Who does “The Chinese Columbus” refer to?A.The Ming emperor. B.Du Huan. C.The Chinese ambassador. D.Zheng He.7.The text is mainly about the Silk Road was formed China developed tra

12、ding relations with Arabic countries C.Zheng Hes expeditions across the Indian OceanD.the history of Chinas opening to the outside world8.The small bronze statue of a lion found in Shanga most probably came from .A.China B.Rome C.Greece D.London 9.“In the east,China prospered under a new dynasty.”Th

13、e underlined part refers to .A.the Han Dynasty B.the Song Dynasty C.the Qin Dynasty D.the Ming Dynasty10.Which of the following can be inferred from the text? A.Columbus exploration was stopped for economic reasons.B.No accurate maps of the countries around the Indian Ocean existed before Zheng He.C

14、.In the Ming Dynasty China had the most powerful navy in the world.D.The giraffe was an animal that could not be found in China in the Ming Dynasty. 3. Read the passage and point out the topic sentence for each paragraph.Para.1 thesis sentence 论题Many great explorers made expeditions across the India

15、n Ocean long before Columbus ,among whom Zheng He was the most outstanding.Para.2 China had contacts with countries along the Indian Ocean from the early times,and during ancient time explorers had begun to contact with each other.Para3. Between the Han and the early Tang Dynasty,Swahili kingdom and

16、 the islands off the African coast developed into the world trade center and attracted merchants from the world.Para.4 During the Tang Dynasty,Du Huan,who traveled to many lands,wrote the book Record of My Travels.Para.5.In the 11th century the Africans made several voyages to the court of the Song

17、Dynasty.Para6. By the beginning of the 15th century the time was ripe for a grand meeting.Para7.In the years between 1406 and 1433,under the command of Zheng He ,seven large treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration.Para8 .Zheng He renewed relations with the kingdom of the

18、 East African coast.Para9.The fleet made several expeditions before the exploration was stopped.4.Post-reading After reading the text again and then finish Exercises 3,4 and 6PeriodNameWay of travelGoodsAncient times/Silk RoadSpices,glassHan DynastyGan YingOver landRhinoceros hornTang DynastyDu Huan

19、Over land/by sea/Ming DynastyZheng HeBy boatZebras,giraffes,ivory,Rhinoceros horns,shellsThe Africans were reaching out to ChinaThe Africans came to China.The time was ripe.It was the right moment.The mouth of the Red Sea.The entrance to the Red Sea.For a short time,China had ruled the seas.For a sh

20、ort time,China had been the mostpowerful country at sea.Step 4 Language studySpeaking中的内容:take possession of占领,占有/get possession of拿到,得到 The capitalist is in possession of a large fortune.那个资本家拥有大宗财产。 A large fortune is in the possession of the capitalist. 大宗财产掌握在那个资本家手中。in the name of以的名义,代表I arres

21、t you in the name of the law.我以法律的名义逮捕你。The prime minister spoke in the name of the King.部长代表国王讲话。I opened an account in the bank in your name.我以你的名义在银行开了一个账号。He escaped under the name of Tom.他化名为Tom逃跑了name构成的短语:by name用(靠、按)名字,名叫;by the name of名叫;name after以命名masses of/a mass of+countable noun(pl f

22、orm)/+uncountable noun in the mass总体上,总的说来/the mass of大多数的/mass education群众教育/a mass meeting群众会议 The young dancers worked so hard so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took masses of pictures of them.(许多)be rich in/be poor in Oranges are rich in Vitamin C含有丰富的维生素 a TV play rich in humour 富有

23、幽默的电视剧alternative Have you got an alternative suggestion =another suggestion?你有没有其它建议? Caught in the act,he had no alternative/choice but to confess/did nothing but confess.他被当场抓获,除了招供别无选择。available This was the only available room.这是唯一可以利用的房间。 You will be informed when the book becomes available.这本

24、书有货时就通知你。 Tickets are available at the box office.票房有票。equipwith Youd better equip your bike with a head light.你最好在自行车装个前灯。 They have equipped the army with modern weapons. 他们已经为部队装备了现代化的武器。The army has been equipped with modern weapons. (被动语态)课文中的内容Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundati

25、on for mankinds greatest endeavorTo people of early civilizations, the world map was a great puzzle.Marco Polos stories inspiredChristopher Columbus and other European explorers to searchfor sea routesto the distant, wealth Asian Land. However, long before that brave merchants were the real explorer

26、s of the Western Ocean. 贸易和好奇常常构成人类巨大努力的基础。对于早期文明的人们来说,世界地图是一个极大的困惑。马可波罗的故事激励了克里斯托弗哥伦布和其他的欧洲探险家去探索能到达遥远、富饶的亚洲大陆的海上航线。然而,远在这之前,勇敢的商人是真正的西部海洋的探险者。1 form the foundation for mankinds greatest endeavor 形成人们努力(探索世界)的基础2 endeavor:to try very hard They endeavored to change society.He endeavored to climb the

27、 mountain.You must endeavor to do it better.你必须尽力把它做好。Please make every endeavor to get up early.请尽量早起。3 puzzle vt.归纳拓展sb + be puzzled感到疑惑sth + be puzzling 令人疑惑sth + puzzle + sb使疑惑使迷惑;使为难,使窘困What puzzles me is why they didnt show up.令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现。He looked a little puzzled.他看上去有点困惑。His recent be

28、havior puzzles me.他最近的行为使我迷惑不解。苦思而得出(+out)I could not puzzle out her intentions.我猜不出她的意图。We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem.我们苦苦思索终于理解这首诗的意思。vi.感到迷惑(+at)I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now.我对这个问题已冥思苦想了好几个星期。苦思,冥思苦想(+about/over/as to)n. (游戏的)猜谜,智力竞赛C难题,谜,难以理解之事S1Her dec

29、ision was a puzzle to him.她的决定对他来说是个谜。困惑,迷惑SIm in a puzzle as to how to cope with the new situation.我不知道该如何应付这新局面。This is one of the most _ case.(puzzling)He had a p_ look on his face. (puzzled)Scientists are _ as to why the whale had swum to the shore.(puzzled)What _ me is why he left without sayin

30、g goodbye.(puzzles)4 inspire sb to do鼓舞某人做某事/encourage sb to do sth5 search 归纳拓展search spl / sb for sth在寻找search for sth/make a search for 寻找某物in search of 寻找;寻求in (ones / the) search for寻找search sb搜查某人的身体他们正在村里搜查那个强盗。 They are searching for the robber in the village. They are searching the village

31、for the robber. Cf:The policeman is searching the robber to see if he had a gun.警察正在搜那个强盗的身看他有没有带枪。I searched shop after shop for my sisters birthday present.为了给妹妹买生日礼物我跑了一家又一家商店。I will make a search for your book. I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.6 routes-a way from one place to anotherWhats the best route to Cambridge?a bus routeIf you dont enjoy driving on the main highways, try some of the rural routes.7 long before, before long(= soon ) 归纳拓展long before

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