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1、教案设计全珊珊Lesson Plan 1姓名:全珊珊 学号:20084033090 班级:2008级英师3班一、Teaching background1. Nearly forty students from Grade 82. Many of the students are afraid of English listening3. First period of Unit 2 What should I do?4. Duration: 45 minutes二. Teaching aids1. Multiple media, blackboard and chalk2. Records o

2、n asking and giving advices, cards, pictures3. The text book三、Teaching aims1. To help students learn some new vocabularies and expressions on English learning by listening and the usage of models of could and should2. To make students learn some skills in English listening3. To improve students Engl

3、ish listening sensibility4. To make them aware of the importance of English listening四、Teaching contentsPage 10 and 11 of Unit 2 What should I do?五、Teaching importance difficulty1. Tell the difference between “could” and “should” for the students after listening is difficult2. Various expressions an

4、d sentence structure in the records 3. Students sensibility to English listening is weak六、Teaching procedure 一) Pre-lisenting1. Ask students look at the picture on the ritht and discuss whats happening and what they will do if these things happen to them2. Show the students some complaints related t

5、o the pictures theyve already seen and discuss and decide which is serous and which is not. 3. Make students know some important vocabularies, phrases and sentence structure serious problem enough enough money ,good enough, loud argue with sb.=argue against sb. out of style keep out, surprise be sur

6、prised/surprising/to ones surprise Call sb up, ticket, on the phone What should + 主语 +do ? Whats the matter? You could + 动词原形 You should + 动词原形4. The usage of could and shouldshould 和could 都是情态动词,后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化,它们的否定形式为shouldnt 和couldnt。could 作为情态动词,有两种基本用法:1)作为can 的过去式,表示“过去”的能力、允许和可能性。如:He could

7、 speak French when he was a child. 他在小的时候就会说法语。2)用于委婉地提出请求、疑问或看法。语气比较委婉、客气。如:Could you give me more juice? 你能再多给我点果汁吗?should 作为情态动词,意为“应该”。should 可以表示义务、责任等。其主要用法如下:1)表示劝告或建议。如:Maybe he should say sorry to you. 也许他应该跟你说对不起。You shouldnt go to his room. 你不应该去他房间。2)表示预测或可能。如:The dictionary should be in

8、 the reading room. 那本字典可能在阅览室里。They should be home by now, I think. 我想他们现在应该已经到家了。3)表示征求意见,此时一般用于第一人称疑问句中。如:Should I open the window? 我可以开窗户吗?4)should 还可以表示要求或命令。如:You should listen to the teacher carefully in class. 在课堂上你应该认真听讲。5. Teachers instruction1. 老师提前告诉学生第一部分听力所涉及内容与他们所看到的图片有关;2. 同时提醒他们在听第二部

9、分听力时,我们应注意给出建议,及建议是否有效的理由二). While-listeningFirst record: during the listening, students have to tick what complaints youve heard among those the teacher have shown before.Second record:第一次播放: 边听边把“could”或者“should” 圈上You could/should write him a letter;You could/should call him up;You could/should s

10、ay youre sorry;You could/should go to his house;You could/should give him a ticket to a ball time.第二次播放:学生边听边记录音中不同的烦恼所对应的建议是什么,以及所给的建议是否有助,原因是什么。重点听关键部分:烦恼、建议、有无效的原因三). Post-listening.Activity2: Role play the conversation between Peter and his friends, such as:A: Whats the matter, Peter?B: IActivit

11、y3: Work in groups of four to discuss how should they do if these problems come to them, and find the best way to deal with these problems.七、Summary1. What theyve listened 2. How can they ask or giving advances3. How should they behave in their daily life.八. Homework1. Ask students to give their adv

12、ances when their friends need and make a record of them to tell other students in the classroom in the next time.2. Preview Page 12 and 13 of this Unit九、reflectionLesson Plan 2一、Teaching background1. Nearly forty students from Grade 82. Second period of Unit 2 What should I do?3. Duration: 45 minute

13、s二、Teaching aids1. Multi-media, records of a call, 2. Backboard and chalk 3. Cards of advices4. The Text book.三、Teaching aims1. To help students learn some expressions and sentence structures of giving advices2. To increase some ability of dealing with problems of the students on asking and giving a

14、dvices3. To make students aware of the fact that they can ask for advices and give advices when necessary. 四、Teaching contentsPage 12 to 13 of Unit 2 What should I do?五、Teaching importance difficultyMany new phrases and expressions六、Teaching procedureLead-in: 1. Teacher greets students and talk abou

15、t what theyve learnt in the last class 2. Ask volunteers to share his or her experience of asking or giving advices3. Ask other students make comments on the volunteers advices and then tell them what they are going to learn this time.Presentation and practice:1. New words and expressions they will

16、encounterActivity1: Show the pictures of Eve on page 12 and ask students make comments on all the advices of Eves friends with “good idea”, “okey idea”, and “bad idea”. Then ask students act the conversation among Eve, Anna, Maria and Dennis.Activity2: Work in pairs, student A gives advices about ge

17、tting more money, students B says if the ideas are good, okay or bad.Activity3: Describe the situation of Jim on page 12 and role-play to give advices to Jim about what he could do to improve his Putonghua.Activity4: Let students look at the picture and requirements of buying clothes and recollect w

18、hat is important, what is not important and what is very important to them, then work in pairs to tell each other of their answers. Production:1. Let students listen to the record of Erins problem and the advices from the “Teen Talk”, the first time to find out what problems Erin have, after the sec

19、ond time of listening, they can discuss to fill a chart of what advices Erin has got and who is the person that give the advice.2. Work in group of four to make their advices to Erin about what she should do.七、Summary1. Some new expressions and sentence structures theyve learnt this class. 2. How to

20、 give a good advice.八、Homework1. Review what we learnt this class2, Preview Page 14 and 15九、reflectionLesson Plan 3一、Teaching background1. Forty students of a class from Grade8 2. Third period of Unit 2 What should I do?3. Duration: 45 minutes二、Teaching aids Multiple media Blackboard and chalk Cards

21、 of problems pictures三、Teaching aims1. To make students learn the some new words and expressions 2. To practice their English writing ability by writing a letter of asking and giving advices3. To make them aware of the fact that they can ask and give advices through writing a letter四、Teaching conten

22、tsPage 14 and 15 of Unit2 What should I do?五、Teaching importance difficulty1. How to write 2. Make students write with interest六、Teaching procedurePart 1: 1. Teacher ask question about how did the people in 19 century to contact with each other with long distance between them to draw students mind i

23、nto writing letters.2. Layout the new words and expression, mention the form of writing letter of asking and giving advices 3. Teacher shows Marys letter, and tell the students to work in group of no more than 6 people to discuss her problem, then imagine than you are the person whom Mary for advice

24、s, what you will do 4. Students write a letter to ask for advices of their own problem then choose one of them to discuss in groups to collect best answers.Part 2:1. To practice how to ask and give advices by filling blanks with given words with which students have to make their own sentences after

25、the filling.2. An presentation of a letter to Aunt Chens advice column and then ask the students to write their advices of this letter with the form given on page15.七、Summary1. What new words and expression theyve learnt 2. How to write to ask and give advices八、Homework1. Review what theyve learnt2.

26、 Preview Page 16 and 17, and look up the new words and expressions in that part.3. Make a research in your class on the topic “Are you under pressure?”, know about the questions: When do you feel under pressure? What should you do to relax? 九、Extra activityAct out the 3 pictures of pigeons funny con

27、versation. 十、reflectionLesson Plan 4一、Teaching background1. Forty students of a class from Grade8 2. Last period of Unit 2 What should I do?3. Duration: 45 minutes二、Teaching aids1. Multiple media, pictures, text book2. Blackboard and chalk三、Teaching aims1. To make students learn some new words and e

28、xpressions2. To let students learn from their reading that children in America and Britain under great pressure. 3. To improve their ability to deal with pressure四、Teaching contentsPage 16 and 17 of the Unit 2 What should I do?五、Teaching importance and difficulty1. What the theme of the reading impl

29、ies2. How to connect and relieve pressure with relaxing activities六、Teaching procedurePre-reading:1. Show some entertaining pictures of a movie, concert, playing football and that stuff to lead the students to the topic of the class: Maybe you should learn to relax! 2. Ask students talk about their

30、after-school activities, and write down what they do and what not, then turn the topic to what the western children do after classes. 3. Give students a brief introduction of the reading “ Maybe you should learn to relax!” and give them a brief introduction of new words and vocabularies in the passa

31、ges and some useful reading strategies: speed-reading to understanding, rereading with questions, and perusing to enlightenments.4. Ask them read the passages with questions: Do American and British children do many after-school activities? Are many children under pressure? Do parents these days push their children much harder than before? When does competition between families start?While-reading:1. Students scan the passage to get a main idea and talk about it in group of 4.1. Students Peruse the passage, at the same time, teacher goes

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