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1、宁波大学计算机网络习题集1.In communication links, transmission rate means:A、BandwidthB、propagation speedC、process speedD、router delays正确答案: A 2.All communication activities in Internet are governed by:A、ProtocolsB、WebMasterC、ClientD、ChinaTelecom正确答案: A 3.The center of internet structure is:A、Tier-1 ISPsB、Local

2、ISPsC、Root DNSD、NAP正确答案: A 4.When congest occur in network, which delay become large?A、propagation delayB、queuing delayC、transmission delayD、processing delay正确答案: B 5.The internet protocols not define: A、order of messagesB、actions takenC、formatD、price正确答案: D 6.The internet protocols not define : A、a

3、ctions takenB、order of messagesC、hackerD、format正确答案: C 7.Which is not the types of protocol data unit in TCP/IP?A、frameB、datetimeC、segmentD、message正确答案: B 8.Which is not a connected end system device in the internet?A、Mobile PhoneB、PC serverC、PC workstationD、Router正确答案: D 9.All communication activit

4、ies in network are governed by :A、ProtocolsB、ServersC、GovernmentD、Clients正确答案: A 10.For Queueing delay,in which state, average queuing delay small:A、La/R =0.1B、La/R =0.9C、La/R 1D、La/R 10正确答案: A 1应用层中的数据块常被称为:A、比特流B、帧C、分组D、消息正确答案: D 2在TCP/IP 层次协议中,传输层向应用层提供的接口是哪一个? A、PutB、PortC、SocksD、Socket正确答案: D 3

5、下列哪一组协议属于应用层协议? A、ICMP,RARP,ARPB、FTP,SMIP,TELNETC、ARP,IP,UDPD、IP,TCP,UDP正确答案: B 4在互联网WEB应用中以下哪一项扮演了控制角色? A、HTML语言B、Web客户端C、HTTP协议D、Web服务器正确答案: C 5下面哪一个特征是HTTP协议所不具备的: A、面向对象B、客服机/服务器C、无连接D、无状态正确答案: C 6IE8.0浏览器默认使用的超文本传输协议是哪一个版本? A、WEB 2.0B、HTTP1.0C、HTTP 1.1D、HTTP 2.0正确答案: C 7在HTTP协议中,每一个对象的地址都可以标识为:

6、 A、UDPB、UMLC、UTPD、URL正确答案: D 8HTTP需要浏览器在每一个请求中递交认证信息,这是因为HTTP协议的哪一个特性? A、面向连接B、无连接C、分布式D、无状态正确答案: D 9在互联网WEB应用中连接由以下哪一方发起?A、HTML语言B、Web客户端C、HTTP协议D、Web服务器正确答案: B10Processes running in different hosts communicate with an : A、slotted ALOHA protocolB、Internet routing protocolC、application-layer protoco

7、lD、interprocess communication正确答案: C1What is the default persistent model in HTTP/1.1: A、Nonpersistent with pipeliningB、Persistent with pipeliningC、Persistent without pipeliningD、Nonpersistent HTTP正确答案: B 2Which version of hypertext transfer protocol are used in default mode now? A、WEB 2.0B、HTTP1.0C

8、、HTTP 1.1D、HTTP 0.9正确答案: C 3The Http server works on which port: A、TCP port above 65535B、UDP 80C、TCP port above 1024D、TCP 80正确答案: D 4HTTP messages (application-layer protocol messages) exchanged between browser (HTTP client) and Web server (HTTP server) with: A、IGMPB、ICMPC、UDPD、TCP正确答案: D 5The Http

9、client works on which port: A、TCP port above 65535B、UDP 80C、TCP port above 1024D、TCP 80正确答案: C 6To indicates end of message in Http, we can use: A、/bodyB、/htmlC、lnlf.lnlfD、lnlf正确答案: D 7Which connections can be used by HTTP/1.1 in default mode? A、p2p connectionsB、udp connectionsC、non-persistent conne

10、ctionsD、persistent connections正确答案: D8WWW servers organize information into: A、WEB pagesB、Relational DatabaseC、Distributed hypertext hypermediaD、Yellow pages正确答案: A 9Http server maintains no information about past client requests, Protocols that maintain “state” are:A、SimpleB、ComplexC、SecurityD、Easy

11、正确答案: B 10If you are downloading a web page with multiple objects in it, which of the following is the most efficient way? A、None persistent HTTPB、Persistent HTTP with pipelineC、Persistent HTTP without pipelineD、None of the above正确答案: B 1What is not communication services provided to apps in network

12、 :A、connectionlessB、connection-orientedC、object-orientedD、Transmission Control Protocol正确答案: C 2How is data transferred through net,what is wrong?A、statistical multiplexingB、disk to disk copyC、packet-switchingD、circuit switching正确答案: B 3In which network, propagation delay maybe greater then queuing

13、delay:A、Fiber NetworkB、Wire LANC、Satellite Network D、WIFI Network正确答案: C4Which is not a network communication links?A、FiberB、CopperC、SubwayD、Radio正确答案: C 5Packet-switched networks goal is moving packets through routers from source to destination via:A、forwardB、storeC、dropD、replay正确答案: A 6Which Physi

14、cal Media has low error rate?A、Twisted PairB、Coaxial cableC、Fiber optic cableD、radio正确答案: C 7Todays Internet not useA、TCP/IPB、statistical multiplexingC、Circuit switchingD、Packet-switchi正确答案: C 8which is not Cerf and Kahns internetworking principles ?A、minimalism, autonomyB、best effort service modelC

15、、stateless routersD、centralized control正确答案: D 9包交换中丢失的包去哪了?A、缓存在路由器B、在传输媒体上飞C、在上一个路由器D、彻底消失了正确答案: D 10包交换中丢失的包会阻塞网络吗?A、会B、不会C、不确定D、真不知道正确答案: B 1The Status code for request succeeded and requested object later in this message is:A、301 Moved PermanentlyB、200 OKC、400 Bad RequestD、404 Not Found正确答案: B2

16、Which is wrong in the following statement about Client-server archicture:A、clients communicate with serverB、clients may have dynamic IP addressesC、clients is always-on hostD、clients do not communicate directly with each other正确答案: C 3HTTP response status codes of requested document not found on serv

17、er, is : A、404B、500C、400D、304正确答案: A 4Which mothed type is not provided in HTTP/1.0: A、HEADB、PUTC、POSTD、GET正确答案: B 5In the Web Client/Server work environment, who play a control role? A、HTML LanguageB、Web ClientC、HTTP ProtocolD、Web Server正确答案: C 6If every page of the site need User-server authorizat

18、ion,we can use: A、Nonpersistent HTTPB、Persistent HTTPC、Conditional GET: client-side cachingD、Cookies: keeping “state”正确答案: D 7Web page consists of ( ) which includes several referenced objects: A、base HTML-fileB、home HTML-fileC、host HTML-fileD、referenced HTML-file正确答案: A 8Web server maintains no inf

19、ormation about past client requests, so HTTP is: A、unsatisfiedB、satisfiedC、statelessD、stateful正确答案: C9Which is not based on web Caching? A、Offline BrowseB、NATC、CDNSD、PROXY正确答案: B 10In Client-server paradigm, process sends/receives messages to/from its : A、FirewallB、DoorC、SocketD、Slot正确答案: C 1HTTP协议的

20、服务器端口号一般为:A、80B、110C、1024D、4096正确答案: A 2HTTP协议的客户端端口号一般为:A、80B、110C、1024D、4096正确答案: C3Http1.1中持续/流水线模式时,可以同时传多个对象吗?A、不可以B、可以C、不知道D、不确定正确答案: 4Http1.1中持续/流水线模式时,可以同时在一个socket中传输多个对象吗?A、不可以B、可以C、不知道D、不确定正确答案: A 5安全性更好的HTTP协议标准是什么?A、HTTP2.0B、HTTPSC、HTML5D、FLASH正确答案: B 6互联网上哪个应用不属于WEB2.0?A、SMSB、SNSC、BLOG

21、D、FACEBOOK正确答案: A7Proxy服务器在实现上主要是利用了什么方法?A、条件更新B、条件请求C、动态DNSD、动态IP正确答案: B 8一个HTTP报文的大小可能是多大?A、小于1480字节B、小于64K字节C、大于64K字节D、理论上无限制正确答案: D 9IE8浏览器下允许并发的连接数可能是多少?A、1B、2C、4D、8正确答案: C 10下述哪个方法不能向服务器递交信息?A、headB、getC、putD、post正确答案: A 1If you want to find the server of WWW.NBU.EDU.CN,select the DNS search t

22、ype? A、Type=CNameB、Type=NSC、Type=MXD、Type=A正确答案: D2Which type of DNS query can return name value of mail server associated with domain name? A、type=NSB、type=CNAMEC、type=MXD、type=A正确答案: C3If you want to build a Content Distribution Networks,You can the DNS search type for alias: A、Type=CNameB、Type=MX

23、C、Type=NSD、Type=A正确答案: A 4If you want to find the auhoritative name server of domain NBU.EDU.CN,select the DNS search type? A、Type=CNameB、Type=NSC、Type=MXD、Type=A正确答案: B 5In client host, we need to config IP with: A、Root domain serversB、Top-level domain serversC、Authoritative DNS serversD、Local Name

24、 Server正确答案: D 6Which domain name is wrong? A、cs.un.nlB、、eng.sun.D、/sun/eng正确答案: D 7In DNS,“I dont know this name, but ask this server” means: A、authoritative name serverB、recursive queryC、Local name serverD、iterated query正确答案: D 8There is identification in DNS messages,which is a 16 b

25、it number for query and reply to query uses :A、same numberB、number+1C、number+8D、number+16正确答案: A 9Which is not the reason for decentralize DNS?A、single point of failureB、traffic volumeC、distant centralized databaseD、copy right正确答案: D 10Which is wrong for DNS: A、query and reply messages, both with sa

26、me message formatB、distributed db storing resource records (RR)C、When a host makes a DNS query, query is sent to its Root DNS serverD、distributed database implemented in hierarchy of many name servers正确答案: C 1When ftp server receives file command, which opens the 2nd TCP connection for file tranfer:

27、 A、server or clientB、server and clientC、clientD、server正确答案: A 2Ftp Client obtains authorization over control connection on port:A、20B、21C、25D、110正确答案: B 3Which APP protocol use separate control and data connections on to port: A、Email 110 and 25B、Ftp 21 and 20C、Http 80 and 808D、Telnet 25 and 1025正确答

28、案: B 4FTP client browses remote directory by sending commands over: A、IP connectionB、UDP connectionC、data connectionD、control connection正确答案: D 5Which application is usually based on UDP and TCP protocol? A、Network GamesB、FTP DownloadC、Sending E-mailD、Web Browsing正确答案: A6在下面列出的TCP/IP命令中,哪一个可以被用来远程登录

29、主机? A、telnetB、ftpC、loginD、tftp正确答案: A 7In which, FTP data connect can initiation from port 20 on server to hight port on client?A、Passive FTPB、Active FTPC、SFTPD、TFTP正确答案: B8In which, FTP data connect can initiation from high port on client to high port on server?A、Active FTPB、Passive FTPC、SFTPD、TFTP

30、正确答案: B 9Which is not a sample commands that sent as ASCII text over control channel in FTP?A、USERB、PASSC、LISTD、HEAD正确答案: D 10Which is not a Sample return codes in FTP?A、304B、331C、125D、425正确答案: A 1If you want to find the mail server of domain NBU.EDU.CN,select the DNS search type? A、Type=MAILB、Type=NSC、Type=MX

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