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高考英语专题六 并列连词复合句及特殊句式.pptx

1、句子分类,网络清单,考点一 并列连词,1.and,考点清单,用法,例句,意为“和,并且”,当连接三个或三个以上并列的成分时,一般在最后 两者之间加and,其余用逗号分开,“go(come,stop等)+and+动词”中,“and+动词”相当于in order to+动 词,Solid,liquid andgas are the three states of matter.固态、液态和气态是 物质的三种状态。Ill go and bring back your boots.=Ill go in order to bring back yourboots.我去把你的靴子拿来。,“动词+and+动

2、词”,前后为同一动词,表示动作长时间地“继续”或“重复”,We waited and waited.我们等呀等。,“祈使句+and+陈述句”相当于“if从句+主句”,Work hard andyou will succeed.=If you work hard,you will succeed.努 力工作,你就会成功。,2.or,3.表示对比、转折关系的并列连词有 but,yet,whereas,while 等。Jane said she was ill,yetI saw her in the street just now.简说她生病了,但刚才我在街上看到了她。He likes pop mu

3、sic,whileI am fond of folk music.他喜欢流行音乐,而我喜欢民间音乐。Some of the studies show positive results,whereasothers do not.有一些研 究结果令人满意,然而其他的则不然。,用法,例句,表示选择,意为“或,还是”,“祈使句+or(else)+陈述句”相当于“if.not.+主句”,Would you prefer tea orcoffee?你喜欢茶还是咖啡?Dress warmly,or else youll catch a cold.穿暖和点儿,否则你会感冒 的。,此外but还可用于“I,m s

4、orry but.”,“Excuse me but.”句型中。t be able to come tonight.对不起我今晚不能来。,I am sorry but I won表示因果关系的并列连词有so,for等。It must have rained last night,for it is wet all over.昨晚一定下雨了,因为到处都是湿的。The shops were closed,soI didnt get any milk.商店都关门了,所以我没买到牛奶。when也可用作并列连词,常用于下列句式:,when.,be doing sth.,about to do sth.,b

5、e,onthe point of doing sth.,had just done sth.,We were having a meeting when someone broke in.我们正在开会,这时有人闯了进来。We were about to set off when it suddenly began to rain.我们正打算动身,突然下起了雨。I had just finished my homework when Tom came to me.我刚写完作业,Tom就来找我了。6.both.and.,neither.nor.,not only.but also.等。He spo

6、ke with bothkindness andunderstanding.他说话既亲切又善解人意。NeitherTom nor Helen is hard-working.汤姆和海伦都不勤奋。,Not only men but also women were chosen.选中的不仅有男性还有女性。They have a flat in town as well as in the countryside.他们在城里有一套 公寓,在乡村也有。题组训练用并列连词填空,Shall we go out to the cinemaorThere are many kinds of sports,bu

7、t,stay at home?my favorite is swimming.,Henry is very smart,somany of his classmates like him.,Work hardHurry up,andyou will be admitted to a key university.oryou will miss the bus.,考点二 定语从句,一、限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别,He has two sons,who work in the same company.(He has only two sons.)他有两个儿子,他们在同一家公司上班。H

8、e has two sons whowork in the same company.(Perhaps he has more than two sons.)他有两个儿子在同一家公司上班。,He failed in the match,which was a great pity.(非限制性定语从句,先行词 为前面的句子)(=He failed in the match,and it was a great pity.)他在比赛中失败了,这太令人遗憾了。题组训练句型转换That is his father,and he works in Shanghai.That is his father,

9、whoworks in Shanghai.I like the boy,who is very lovely.I like the boy,because/forhe is very lovely.He told me a story yesterday,and I thought it was very interesting.He told me a story yesterday,whichI thought was very interesting.,二、关系代词的用法,(一)限制性定语从句中关系代词的用法作用主语先行词,宾语,定语,及物动词宾语或没被 提前的介词宾语,被提前的介词宾语

10、,指人,who/that,as,who/whom/that,as,whom,whose/of whom,指物which/that,asthat/which,aswhichwhose/of which先行词指人且在定语从句中作主语,需用who/that引导,且不能省略。She is the girl who/that lives next door.她就是住在隔壁的女孩。先行词指物且在定语从句中作主语,需用that/which引导,且不能省 略。,The work that/which has just been finished is very important.刚刚完成的那份工作很重要。先

11、行词指物且在定语从句中作宾语,用that或which引导,且可省略that/which。That is the book(that/which)I want to read.那就是我想要读的那本书。先行词指人且在定语从句中作宾语,用whom/who/that引导,且可省略whom/who/that。Thats the girl(whom/who/that)I teach.那就是我教的女孩。,5.先行词指人或物且在定语从句中作定语,用whose或of whom/of which引导。This is the scientist whose achievements are well known.=

12、This is the scientist,the achievements of whomare well known.=This is the scientist,of whom the achievementsare well known.这就是那位成就卓著的科学家。This is the house whose window broke last night.=This is the house,the window of which broke last night.=This is the house,of which the window broke last night.这就是

13、昨晚窗户被打破的那所房子。(注意等号后定语从句中的定冠词),6.as引导限制性定语从句常用于下列句式:,We have found such materials as are used in their factory.我们已经找到了像他们工厂里用的那种材料。(as作主语)This book is not such as I expect.这不是我期望的书。(as作宾语)I have the same book ashe has.我和他有同样的书。(as作宾语),such名词such(pron.),as.像as.像,之类的 之类的,the same名词as.和,一样的,像 一样的,像同样的,题

14、组训练用who,whom,that,which,whose,as 填空The house whosewindows face the north belongs to him.The man who/whom/thatyou met just now is my old friend.The man who/thatis walking in the playground is my old friend.Take the bookwhich/thatis lying on the table.She is such a girl asis always finding fault with

15、other people.,作用,先行词,主语,宾语,定语,及物动词宾语,被提前的介词宾语,指人,who,who/whom,whom,whose/of whom,指物,which,which,which,whose/of which,句子,which,as,(二)非限制性定语从句中关系代词的用法,1.关系代词在任何情况下都不能省略。I want to buy a dictionary,which is valuable to my learning.(which 不能省略)我想买本字典,字典对我的学习很有价值。who(主语,宾语),whom(宾语),which(主语,宾语)不能用that代替。

16、This is New York,which I have visited for several times.(which 不能用that代 替)这就是纽约,我参观过这里好几次了。which引导非限制性定语从句时,先行词可以是一个词,也可以是个 句子。He was late again,which made the teacher very unhappy.(先行词为整个主,句)他又迟到了,这使老师很不高兴。4.关系代词as也可引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为句子,as在从句中作 主语、宾语等。As we know,China is a developing country.我们知道,中国是个发展中国家。As is known to us all,China is in the east of Asia.众所周知,中国在亚洲的东部。(三)关系代词除上面的基本用法外,还有下列特殊用法:1.有时为了使表达的意思更清楚,用“which+名词”引导定语从句。He advised me to hide behind the door,which advice I took at once.他建议

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