1、中英文灯谜中英文灯谜篇一:中英文灯谜 英语也成为了灯谜的主角之一,让儿童在玩乐中学习,陪你热闹过元宵. 1.What month do soldiers hate? -March (三月,行军) 2.How many feet are there in a yard? -It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子) 3.Why is an empty purse always the same? -There is no change in it. (零钱,变化) 4.What book has the most stirrin
2、g chapters? -A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的) 5.What kind of dog doesn t bite or bark? -Hot dog. (热狗) 6.What is the smallest room in the world? -Mushroom. (蘑菇) 7.What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy? -Drink well water. (井水,健康的) 8.How do we know the ocean is friendly? -It waves. (起波浪,招
3、手致意) 9.Which can move faster, heat or cold? -Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒) 超强悍的动漫人名灯谜,如果你是强人,对动漫有一颗热爱的心,不妨来考验一下你的脑力. 更多元宵节灯谜 1,无情无语无喜悲,泪落方知心系谁,纵得容颜依如是,音容笑貌再难回. 2,相逢无因却有因,不信杀人可救人,临别挥匕千重意,半为自身半为君. 3,当日一别更无它,难料昔人成镜花,终年相见不相识,始信咫尺即天涯. 4,舍身救爱心已伤,犹自含笑看夕阳,虽言转世可相聚,此时此地已断肠. 5,物去名非事事休,杜鹃花语付东流,自古红
4、颜多余恨,不叫人间见白头. 6,千里因缘一卷牵,重建故友唯笑言,旧情旧景今何在,独余此心空惘然. 7,烈焰焚身现真情,今生已了待来生,他日若得复相见,定如冰雪不动容. 8,自始少女遇少年,喜笑怒骂皆是缘,几番周折终未语, 携手一笑早了然. 9,偶因戏言留凡尘,遂愿从此伴只身,曲如天籁心如海,未曾忘却所遇人. _,相知相记更相约,痴心一片随纯血,青空残照徒虚话.莫言生离过死别. 谜底:1 绫波丽 2 雪代巴 3 毛利兰 4 露丝雅 (GS美神) 5 牧村香 (城市猎人) 6 菲 (COWBOY BEBOP) 7 佛兰西奴 (魔偶马戏团) 8 拉姆 (福星小子.不知道高桥阿姨的神作的拖出去打) 9
5、 BELLDANDAY (女神.不知道的也拖出去打) _ 敖珂索(五星物语.好吧这个不知道我不怪你们) 初级题 1. 论坛头像很忧郁(打一热门科幻大片) 2. _世纪巨龙再抬头(打一热门灾难大片) 3. 月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后(打一部热门电影) 4. 空中技巧(打第82届奥斯卡提名最佳电影片名两部) 5. 王进喜(打一科幻动作电影角色名) 中级题 6. 印度巨神缔造末日(打一导演名) 篇二:中英文灯谜 1. 2. 3. 4. What will you break once you say it? 谜底:Silence. (沉默) What always goes up and never g
6、oes down? 谜底:Your age. (你的年龄) Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? 谜底:He wants to have a hot dog. Why is the library the highest building? 谜底:It has the most stories. (它的楼层最多.Story 故事,楼层) 5. What is the smallest bridge in the world? 谜底:The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁) 6. What is the difference bet
7、ween the North Pole and the South Pole? 谜底:A whole world. (整 个世界. a world of difference 天壤之别) 7. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? 谜底:They want to make faces. (make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面) 8. What bird lifts heavy things? 谜底:Crane. (鹤.Crane鹤,举重机) 9. A ship can contain only fifty person
8、s. Now there is already forty-nine person in it. At this time, a pregnant woman comes on and boards the ship. The ship sinks. Why? 谜底:Because is a pigboat. (那是潜水艇.pigboat,潜水艇) _. What s the poorest bank in the world? 谜底:The river bank.(河岸) _. What month do soldiers hate? 谜底:March.(行军) _. What gets l
9、arger,the more you take away?谜底:A hole. _. What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening?谜底: People. _. What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?谜底:A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages.将得到一只送信时会敲门的鸟. _. Where does afternoon co
10、me before morning in the world?谜底:In the dictionary.在字典里. _. What has four eyes but cannot see? 谜底:Mississippi密西西比州 _. What do vampires do at midnight? 谜底:Take a coffin break采取抬棺材,打破 _. What s the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end, and the end of every place? 谜底:
11、The letter e 字母 e _. What can you catch but cannot throw? 谜底:A Cold _. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? 谜底:A mirror 一面镜子 _. What did one penny say to the other? 谜底:Together we make more cents. 我们同心合力, 使更多美分. _. What has a tongue but cannot talk? 谜底:A shoe 23. What has ears but canno
12、t hear? 谜底:Corn玉米 24. What has teeth but cannot eat? 谜底:A comb 梳 25. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? 谜底:Your name您的姓名 26. What runs all around the ground but never moves? 谜底:A fence 围栏 27. What can go through water but never get wet? 谜底:Sunlight 阳光 28. What kind of leaves
13、doesnt fall in autumn? 谜底:The leaves of the books 29. What kind of house weights least? 谜底:The lighthouse 灯塔 30. What kinds of keys are too large for your pocket? 谜底:Donkeys, monkeys, and turkeys 31. Was Dracula ever married? 谜底:No, he was a bat-chelor. 32. Why did the policeman arrest the ghost? 谜底
14、:Because the ghost did not have a hunting license. 因为鬼没有一个狩猎许可证 33. 冬至已过 (打成语一)谜底:来日方长 34. 老鼠吹牛 (打一食品名)谜底:薯片 35. 瞎子背瞎子 (打一成语)谜底:忙上加忙 36. 五指山 (打一成语)谜底:三长两短 37. 已经晓得 (打二字昆虫名)谜底:知了 38. 两狗谈天 (打一字)谜底:狱 39. 刮胡子 (打一食品)谜底:刀削面 40. 米汤淋头 (打一影视明星)谜底:周润发 41. 五官失火 (打一成语)谜底:面目全非 42. 孔雀东南飞 (打一字)谜底:孙 43. 两边都能听到 (打一字
15、)谜底:耶 44. 走是不对的 (打一字)谜底:赵 45. 十分之九在革新 (打一成语)谜底:一成不变 46. 有心记不住,有眼看不见. (打一字)谜底:亡 47. 八九不离十 (打字一)谜底:杂 48. 人人有个好朋友,乌黑身体乌黑头;灯前日下伴着你,却是哑巴不开口. (打一自然物) 谜底:影子 49. 红妹子,绿妹子,湘川一带最爱吃. (打一蔬菜)谜底:辣椒 50. 红毛小子四方密,拆开房子见黄丸. (打一食物)谜底:栗子 51. 见人就笑 (打一字)谜底:竺 52. 左边不亮右边亮,两者很少同时露面,合并起来亮堂堂. (打一字)谜底:明 53. 好像柿子没有盖,又当水果又当菜. (打一蔬
16、菜)谜底:番茄 54. 青青藤儿上篱笆,红白喇叭美如画. (打一花卉)谜底:牵牛花 55. 圆圆像刺猬,又臭又香好滋味. (打一水果)谜底:榴莲 56. 醉汉望天 (打成语一)谜底:星移斗转 57. 一棵小树五尺高,小孩爬在树半腰,怀中藏着珍珠宝,头上戴着红缨帽. (打一农作物) 谜底:玉米 58. 有水空中飘,有脚想溜掉,有手怀里钻,有火点就跑. (打四字)谜底:包 59. 一匹马儿好,天生不会跑.你若骑上它,只会前后摇. (打一娱乐设施)谜底:木马 60. 整容师 (打成语一)谜底:成人之美 61. 叫马不是马,地上不见它.若用它做药,请到海里找. (打一动物)谜底:海马 62. 叫马不是
17、马,有张大嘴巴.经常在水里,样子挺可怕. (打一动物)谜底:河马 63. 车马炮出击, 将士相助战. (打一常用成语)谜底:按兵不动 64. 一言既出, 驷马难追. (打一常用成语)谜底:谈何容易 65. 马达正点开始启动 (打成语一)谜底:时来运转 66. 猪马同槽 (打字一)谜底:骇 67. 最远到罗马 (打成语一)谜底:过意不去 68. 有土能种米麦,有水可养鱼虾,有人不是你我,有马能行天下. (打字一)谜底:也 69. 一匹大马 (打字一)谜底:驮 70. 一马当先,竭尽努力. (打字一)谜底:驽 71. 猛将百余人,无事不出城.出城就放火,引火自烧身(打一日常用品) 谜底:火柴 72
18、. 戎马书生 (打字一)谜底:斌 73. 浅草遮牛角,疏篱映马蹄. (打字一)谜底:芜 74. 再造乾坤 (打成语一)谜底:改天换地 75. 只骗中年人 (打成语一)谜底:童叟无欺 76. 明月半露云脚下,残花双落马蹄前. (打字一)谜底:熊 77. 有方有圆, 有红有绿 (打成语一)谜底:形形色色 78. 马耕田 (打字一)谜底:牮 79. 夫人走娘家,头戴两朵花,住了一个月,骑马走回家. (打字一)谜底:腾 80. 闯王飞马去河东 (打字一)谜底:润 81. 白马河边 (打字一)谜底:浒 82. 一言既出驷马难追 (打成语一)谜底:谈何容易 83. 许褚怒战马超 (打成语一)谜底:赤膊上阵
19、 84. 马路噪音多,都说太讨厌. (打成语一)谜底:怨声载道 85. 马路消息 (打成语一)谜底:道听途说 86. 喇叭声咽.琵琶声急.马蹄声碎 (打成语一)谜底:吹弹得破 87. 骏马驰千里,银燕入云霄. (打成语一)谜底:远走高飞 88. 矮子骑大马 (打成语一)谜底:上下两难 89. 只看中间 (打成语一)谜底:不相上下 90. 走为上策 (打成语一)谜底:等而下之 91. 党的十八大报告提出,围绕保持党的先进性和纯洁性,在全党深入开展以(C)为主要内容的 党的群众路线教育实践活动,着力解决人民群众反映强烈的突出问题,提高做好新形势下群众工作的能力. 92. (B)关系党的生死存亡.
20、93. 教育实践活动要以(A)为重点. 94. 各级领导干部既是教育实践活动组织者.推进者.监督者,更是活动(B). 95. 中共中央政治局4月_日召开会议,决定从今年下半年开始,用一年左右时间,在全党(A) 开展党的群众路线教育实践活动. 96. 我们党的最大政治优势是(C),党执政后的最大危险是脱离群众. 97. 反对(B)要着重解决在人民群众利益上不维护.不作为的问题. 98. 党的十八大报告指出,党的(A)是党和国家的生命线. 99. 党的十八大报告指出,全面建成小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化,实现中华民族伟大复 兴,必须坚定不移走(B). 1_.教育实践活动以(A)为总要求. 篇三
21、:文英语谜语中英文对照 文英語謎語中英文對照 What has a mouth and a fork but never eats? A river. 什麼東西有張嘴還有叉子,但是從來不吃東西?(河流)河流有河口及分叉處 What has a hand but can t scratch itself? A clock. 什麼東西有手,但是卻沒辦法抓癢?(時鐘) What has no skin or bones, yet has four fingers and a thumb? A glove. 什麼東西沒有皮膚及骨頭,但是卻有四隻手指跟一隻大姆指?(手套) Mrs. Bigger has
22、 a baby. Now who is bigger? The baby, because it is a little Bigger. 比較大先生有個嬰兒,請問究竟誰比較大?(嬰兒,因為嬰兒是 a little bigger ) 此處借用英文的比較級之副詞修飾語 a little 來比喻.通常外國人說某人的小嬰兒都會說a little+對方之姓名,比如a little Johnny指的就是Johnny先生的寶貝嬰兒. What part of a watch was used before by someone else? The second hand. 手錶的哪個部份在別人用之前已經被用
23、過了?(二手貨-秒針)此處的second指的是時鐘的秒針,英文中的秒針與二手貨正巧是同一個字. Why is an empty purse always the same? Because there is never any CHANGE in it. 為什麼空的皮夾總是一樣的?(因為空的皮夾中絕對不會有零錢/改變.)英文中的零錢與改變是同一個字 change . Where can you always find money when you look for it? In the dictionary. 當你想找錢時,哪邊總是能找得到?(字典)因為字典一定找得到錢這個字. What is
24、 something that never asks any questions but demands a great many answers? A doorbell. 什麼東西從不問問題,但是得到很多回應?(門鈴) What belongs to you, but is used more by other people? Your name. 什麼東西是屬於你的,但是別人使用的次數比你多?(你的名字) Why was the dog mad at the tree? Because the tree had its BARK. 為什麼狗總是會對樹發狂?(因為樹有樹皮.) 英文的Bark
25、有二個意思,一個是樹皮,一個是狗叫. How are trees, cars, and elephants alike? They both have a trunk! 樹木.車子.大象相同的地方在哪裡?(因為他們都有 trunks )因為trunk有樹幹.後車廂.象鼻的意思 How do you catch a monkey? Act like a banana. 你要如何才能抓住猴子?(裝瘋賣傻)在英文中,go banana有裝瘋賣傻的意思,這個謎語是用猴子愛吃的香蕉影射抓猴子的方法. What s the best way to catch a squirrel? Climb a tre
26、e and act like a nut. 要抓住松鼠最好的辦法是?(爬到樹上,裝成笨蛋的樣子.)英文中的nut有堅果及笨蛋的意思,答案的意思是假扮成堅果就可以吸引松鼠. What did the dog say when he sat on the sand paper? Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! 當狗坐在砂紙上時,牠會說什麼?ruff是狗叫的聲音,正好跟英文中的 rough(粗糙的)發音相同,砂紙給人的感覺就是粗粗的,所以狗坐在上面發出ruff的聲音就好像在說好粗糙. What vegetable do you get when an elephant walks through
27、 your garden? Squash 當大象行過你的花園時,你會得到什麼蔬菜?(南瓜)因為在英文中,squash有南瓜及壓碎的意思.大象走過你的花園,物品都會被壓碎,故取此同義 What do you get when you put three ducks in a bo_? A bo_ of quackers (crackers). 當你把3隻鴨子放在箱子中時,你會得到什麼?(一箱餅乾)鴨子的叫聲為quack,字尾加上er,表示發出quack聲音者,這邊quacker的發音近似於英文中的餅乾cracker. What do you call a wicked witch who liv
28、es by the sea? A sand-witch(sandwich). 你怎麼稱呼住在海邊的女巫?(三明治)因為海邊有沙sand,女巫是witch,住在海邊的女巫就是sand-witch,音近於三明治sandwich What s a skeleton s favorite road? A dead end. 骷髏最愛的路是什麼路?(死路)骷髏是死者,自然要走死路.英文中的dead end也正好是困頓.死路之意 How do you make a skeleton laugh? You have to tickle its funny bone. 你要如何讓骷髏笑?(搔他的腋下)英文的f
29、unny bone指的就是腋下部份的骨頭,要讓骷髏笑,搔那邊就對了 What is a witch s favorite subject in school? Spelling. 女巫最喜歡的課是什麼?(拼字課) spelling有下咒跟拼字的意思. Why did jack throw butter out of a window? Because he wants to see butterfly . 杰克為什麼把奶油丟出窗戶?(因為他想看蝴蝶.)答案是因為他想看到奶油(butter)飛(fly),英文中的butterfly正好是蝴蝶之意 What keeps your teeth tog
30、ether? Toothpaste. 什麼讓你的牙齒能黏在一起?(牙膏)tooth是牙齒,paste是漿糊 When you hit a ball, you run back to your home, and get points. What do you do? Homerun. 當你打中球,跑回家,並得到分數.請問你在做什麼?(打全壘打.)棒球中的本壘在英文是home的意思. I fall in water. Please guess one word. Waiter. 我掉入水中,請猜一字.(服務生.)wa+I+ter=英文的服務生 How do we make seven even?
31、 Take the s away. 怎麼讓seven變成even?(拿掉s就可以了)這個問題有雙關語的用法:如何讓七變成雙數? How do we make witch itch? Take the w away. 怎麼抓女巫的癢?(拿掉w就可以了)這個問題有雙關語用法:怎麼讓witch(女巫)變成itch(癢),當然拿掉w就好 What is worse than finding a worm in an apple? Finding only half a worm. 什麼事是比在蘋果中發現一隻蟲還可怕的?(當你發現半隻蟲時.) Which is the strongest day of the week? Sunday, because all the rest are weak (week) days. 哪一天是一週中最強的一天?(週日) Where does Thursday come b
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