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1、基于单片机的智能路灯控制系统外文文献 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 别 光电信息系 专 业 测控技术与仪器 班 级 00102 姓 名 马丽娜 学 号 3 外文出处 Sprger Ln 附 件 1.原文;. 译文 201年3月Basedon single chi mocmuter nelliget tretight ctrosstm【 absract 】stree light auoaticontrsytm ign, combnd wt h cnro, eectric ap witch cnoluntion; nd steet am fatdetection d fault stree la

2、mp cordig to heftion ofe me. Use onSTC8C51as theore Cntro ut; UsigS1302 lk chiptoconol the poitope totrn fhlih when ret lamps; photsens omplet coletonofabin light sreelght fult detectio, soa to ealize te nubof opticalycontrold ope o n o the lightsan alt sreet am display。This stem Can hug thR- 232 cm

3、mucatioot it the stre ligh ctol rom ofh upe machinmmunicaion【k ors】SC 89C1; Clok cDS3; hooensorIntoductionFo the most prt t esentomestic iti and gin f he re la ihtig ts lctrc ontrol, imeontrl andsingle pontoflcros nr, mnenance mnagemt ananual npections and heases Th adtinal ,becaus of the ckf scntfi

4、 and effective mooring Meas, lrgeaea ligtig durin h da, ngtnot large area Lghthnomnn occur feuntl, often cafinn in a imelyaner Proci,ntny caupow eucs, hmn esourcesCst, m the opeating oss ofte systeand ocitizesLif brng ionvnine。Inteliet oadlightn sem cn acording to iferent area Domain of differnt unc

5、tionlequirement, a dfferen times iferent evey dNaturallightone diferent tafc w codiions, thpess corng toa spcicseting, realize ynaicwisdom of road lighing C mnagmen,namly the TO anagemnt (TIE/PLACE,T cato/CCASIO ocsions). ntellietroad lightin Cotroystem, thrh th prehsive coideration n nlssand rd Min

6、g isclosely read to the intnityof ilmatin me, r, envirnmntnd han it in ne ontrolmods f facts such as lowrte, in th icrocomter corig to tepreset cntol stregy,the rd lighting into actonStet lmpiteligt mnaen and contl indiferent ondtios normlly In diffent states implement dvesferoadligng scene, Toimpro

7、vthealiy fighngatth sam tie get th bestsectonCan ffct1。The smharwardegnCorol cirit mail tigt, emeratur sigal acquision, ata comting andanalysis, adcono of tretamprver crci accrding o e rus t opration. Ciritt have convrsio function,adopt ST2C08AD sgle chipicrocomputa cntrol unit,thesingl-chip omputr

8、as a inge lo cyce ehanc 8051krnel miootrolr, it contains B LAHprram meory, i raO coverso ntrae, can metthe need ofdat acquiitin. igtinnsit,tmpraure esor inghtsensitiveesitance and heralresistae, resptively. Fige ur2Photoeiiv rsitor x anreistane R2 bleer cicuit, ightiensity chang, miocontrlle P7 pin

9、ntvotage cags,and P1。7 incan be setup fr Dconvesion terface,set athrehld volg for ightiensiycan dstngush betwnday and night。 Termal rsistor R nd R3beeer icuit, he temperture hange, P1。pn oltaghage, th fgure1watch NA /D conversoncotol circ greenalty a clclate th actairoment emperature d time cotrol t

10、 odifparametes。S1fr fo dal th ce swith, can be ue t tik.11 rdware designSyse hware odls nclud: control modul, mining se 89 c1t raliz onS;Senor mdle, sing phoositiresistc n he surruding nvionet ightSample, usn photoseniive diod on-ffo tree l euipenObstcle dection; Te clockmodle,uing D1302 lock chipSl

11、ice; Diply mod,h smadeup of ou ED digia tbe, se Todisply te fut sreetlamp numbe; Sund nd ligh alar modle,Implementatio f lfunctinng of th tret lam light i; Cmmunicaion oleBlck, sed o transmi comnd from C。1. mue function ST89c51 basedon DS302 clock ci Provide thlck sigal, acori tothe following tme im

12、emnttioncnrol Tun f he ligts.(1): wer tme 18:0 ligts at ight, ent mong at 7:30 totur ff tlits(2)ae sonie: the enig numberistunonthe ight, The next moinat 6:3to tun off he lghts(3) in he summertme:2:0 lits t ih, h ext morni at5:3 totrnff the lights.Dnall chages of iseidof tim, hngin the operation A m

13、achin tocomete, trugh ecomniati modle wl hold inrtions writtn to TC89 1chip, ten haned t pot open t turn fftheligt Durng ork imePhotoei rsistan, popiateveegth iht , the curent wl l wth ncrese of ligh ntensiy, hus Raliete hoelectr coversio。 Todi AD082 devc Hld nubrconeteto pvidnglhi,TC89 51 accordi T

14、e efaut pgram realizethe ectclampswitch fnction. () utmatc eteig, ung teday (oriht) Wen lghts gout, nigh (aorlht) street ights atmatilly Lgh p。() thesensitiityiadjustable, can adjs ccrding toneed ny rk nde he ight。 (3) o peve the intat bigh lih nterferenc,theAD hc Delay f ntio(to stronigt, thelght s

15、wic hen30seonds o utdownautoaticaly)Poosensit iode is touse slcnPNknot whete light is oud phooelectic evce, ligt urt wrkin rverebis ecause thepresre Dung he ay lgt or lamp lghtpoosniti 2 irectlierse resistace decras, diode coducto; Ligts vry urs photoensitvediode reverersstanceincreass,the dioeThe h

16、eck Uingpotoensiive diod, detectionofstreetlmp isiht ormal work。 Whe he photeie dode as hows tha treet lamEient falur orhef, acut-oti quote on STC 89 c1 strtelar dvic,at the ame tie i ou LD gtal tube dipy thecrespndig T stret be2。The stemofwae esign Thewaedesign this systm s ivi ntseven rts,ainy Inc

17、dithe LED digilube dispay program design; Lghttocheck the Tt pror esgn; Euipmntt deecon pgram dsign;when Clock driver chp desgn;Open o tu off thelghts program desgn; Comunitinprogam esn; Aublend viualala progam desin, tc.fwareicludes: ain pogram,syse iniiaizatn,antfuzy funcions, / conversion boutie,

18、 comnication prcssing rutine, kyboard procesnguboutne,a/eclck coputnfuncions, dial theco swichandle cil, swicipprcing function, thestch qunity output tremnt funct,dispay futon。MCU stwa prgramingt CodeVsAVR copler as adevelpetplafor, ES C writte in a hig-level language.。TAGUSES thewireles rsive modue

19、 and siglehip iteration deig, caruceth hardare cost o the sste, cnvenient intallation,ey mntnace. Adopt tpe a 1ST microowr wireless digtalodue, igh effinc forwaderror orreion channel coding echnoog, imreshedta he abrup inerferc and random iterfrence resitanc abiiUsig ghsedmiroconroller W7E58,mprov e

20、 masurement ecsion of the liuid lel, smplifid thehaware trctr o thystem. e systot ol fo lelmeasurmet is akid osfe effcivesolutions, can beappied tote matrial lel measuremeue te a enviont.Street amp lihting sytem s indispenabe to he rad raffic Faciliies,designkid o integent sret light ctrol system, r

21、ight Inca iued by rd, iro the iving safety at nightAd fort, efectively prevet criminalcvity, beautif the nironet, Savepower esouces, hs crtainpractial significce an can be Deveopmet value.References , truth,ience and chnoloy. 805ss singl cip mirocomptr C program dignanul M。pleely Pop postand tlommuc

22、ation press, 2006 2 ralsti tehnoogy. Mcroontolle periphrldvces n applicationsM. Tpical eope Post nd eeommnicaonspress, 206, 2。3ianChnuan,wang zhiqian M - 5 single chimicrocomputer applicatio deelomentpacia brouin M。 Peopl ts and tlcmmiations rs, 200, Shen onw. Bedon sgchip irocpterintelligent syte d

23、enand implntatinM.Eltroni Iutrilpress, 2005。 m 5 an uang, nesu Ann, Ci Jianping。 SO CMexperent, prctce nd shd eWthdegn base onC801F sies M.Beiing nversityof aauicsand tnautis Pblishe,2006。 6 uAiju Peng uhua.Kei C5 V7。0microcotrolr proamn in a hig-level langae and MuVinaplaionpracic M. Beiing:eletrni

24、 industry press, 204。 blockuser, spilexesie, er yu. Itllige trt igt otrol system design adapictionresearc。 The derletronc tecngy,200 ():27 kan huauang,Chen Taiqi Anlog par cni thnoogy foundatin M Beijing: ighe euctopess,2001。基于单片机的智能路灯控制系统【摘要】设计了一个路灯自动控制系统,具有时控、光控相结合的路灯开关控制功能;以及路灯故障检测并显示故障路灯编号的功能。采用STC89C51单片机作为核心控制部件;利用时钟芯片D13对路灯进行时控开关灯控制;由光敏器件完成环境光照度的采集与路灯故障检测,从而实现光控开关灯与故障路灯的编号显示。本系统可以通过S23标准通信端口与路灯控制室的上位机进行通信。【关键词】STC 89C1单片机;时钟芯片S30

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