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高考英语二轮复习 11 名词提能专训.docx

1、高考英语二轮复习 11 名词提能专训【名师伴你行】2015届高考英语二轮复习 1-1 名词提能专训.单句语法填空(名词)1Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _.(purpose, reference, progress, memory)答案:reference解析:句意:你最好记下那家餐馆的电话以便将来参考。for future reference是固定搭配,意为“以备将来参考”。2Can I help you with it?I appreciate your _, but I can

2、manage it myself.(advice, question, offer, idea)答案:offer解析:根据句意“我能帮你吗?我很感谢你的提议,但是我自己能行。”可知选offer。offer意为“(愿为某人做某事的)提议”。3You are working too hard. Youd better keep a _ between work and relaxation.(promise, lead, balance, diary)答案:balance解析:考查固定搭配。句意:你工作太努力了。你最好保持工作和放松之间的平衡。promise诺言;lead领先;balance平衡;

3、diary日记。keep a balance为固定短语,意为“保持平衡”,符合句意。4Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _.(consequence, independence, competence, intelligence)答案:competence解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:教师要不断地更新他们的知识以维持他们的专业技能。consequence结果;independence独立;competence技能,技巧;intelligence智力

4、,智慧。5Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, a(n) _ of 40,000 per year.(average, number, amount, quantity)答案:average解析:句意:去年考过驾照的学生人数达到了20万,平均每年4万。an average of意为“平均数”。6Most workers have heard the news that their products, with excellent quality and del

5、icate skill, are enjoying growing _ among the customers abroad.(favor, dignity, response, profit)答案:favor解析:考查名词辨析。句意:很多工人已经听说了这个消息:他们的产品由于质量好、做工精致,赢得了越来越多的国外客户的青睐。favor“偏爱,支持”,符合句意。dignity“尊贵,高尚”;response“反应,答复”;profit“利润”。7The factories are staying open all weekend to try to meet the customers_ fo

6、r this product.(principle, standard, pressure, demand)答案:demand解析:考查名词辨析。句意:这些工厂周末都在开工,以满足顾客对该产品的需求。meet ones demand for sth.表示“满足某人对某物的需求”。8The government will begin a series of _ to help the public fully understand the new educational system.(applications, presentations, traditions, administration

7、s)答案:presentations解析:考查名词辨析。句意:政府将开展一系列的发布会来帮助公众充分了解新的教育制度。application应用,运用;presentation发布会,展示会;tradition传统;administration管理。根据句意可知应选presentations。9The best way to undertake big projects is to force them into your_. Spare time doesnt appear from nowhere and you need to create it with efforts.(presen

8、tation, campaign, schedule, procedure)答案:schedule解析:考查名词辨析。句意:着手做大型项目的最佳办法是把这些项目挤进你的日程安排里,空余的时间是不会平白冒出来的,你得努力创造空余时间。根据空后的“Spare time”和句意可推断应选schedule,表示“日程安排,工作计划”。presentation陈述,颁发;campaign战役,运动;procedure程序,步骤。10What did he do in return for free _ and food offered by the kind couple?He helped their

9、 son with his lessons.(conservation, admission, accommodation, immigration)答案:accommodation解析:考查名词辨析。句意“他做什么来回报那对好心的夫妇给他提供的免费食宿?他给他们的儿子辅导功课。”conservation表示“保护,保存”;admission表示“承认,允许,入场费”;accommodation表示“住处”;immigration表示“移民”。根据句意可知应选accommodation。11He was faced with the_ of whether or not to return t

10、o his country after he got a PhD in America.(situation, circumstance, environment, dilemma)答案:dilemma解析:考查名词辨析。句意:他面临着在美国获得博士学位之后是否回国的两难境地。根据whether or not可知应选dilemma,意为“(进退两难的)窘境,困境”。12In recent years, many mainland residents have rushed to Hong Kong to buy baby milk powder due to their _ about its

11、 quality.(anxiety, curiosity, generosity, attention)答案:anxiety解析:考查名词辨析。句意:近年来,许多大陆居民奔赴香港购买婴儿奶粉,因为他们担心奶粉的质量。anxiety意为“担心”,符合语境。curiosity意为“好奇”;generosity意为“慷慨”;attention意为“注意”,均与语境不符,故排除。13Finding information in todays world is easy. The _ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or

12、not.(knowledge, ability, competition, challenge)答案:challenge解析:考查名词辨析。句意:当今世界找寻信息很容易,但困难的事是你如何辨别你所获得的信息是否有用。knowledge“知识”;ability“能力”;competition“竞赛”;challenge:“挑战;艰巨任务”。14The lead singer was ill and couldnt sing that night, and her _ didnt perform well, which made the audience disappointed.(attitud

13、e, substitute, institute, altitude)答案:substitute解析:考查名词辨析。句意:那天晚上主唱歌手生病了,无法演出,替代她的歌手表演得不好,这让观众很失望。attitude态度;substitute代替者;institute学院,研究所;altitude高度,海拔。根据句意可知应选substitute。15Mo Yan, a most widelyread writer, takes a complete new _ to describing Chinas rural and folk culture.(way, approach, passage,

14、entry)答案:approach解析:考查名词辨析。句意:莫言的作品被广泛阅读,他采用了全新的方法来描述中国的乡村民俗文化。an approach to为固定搭配,相当于a way of,意为“的方法”;passage指人们行走的“通道,走廊”;entry意为“进入;进入权;入口处”。.阅读理解(时事新闻类健康环保类)A(2015届高三大联考二)A new report shows that 64 percent of Chinese millionaires have either migrated or plan to migrate abroadtaking their spendin

15、g and fortunes with them. The United States is their favorite destination.The report from Hurun, a wealth research firm that focuses on China, said that onethird of Chinas super richor those worth $ 16 million or morehave already migrated. The data show the massive numbers of rich Chinese taking the

16、ir families and fortunes overseas. Previous studies show the main reasons rich Chinese are leaving is to pursue better educations for their kids, and to escape the pollution and overcrowding in urban China.But analysts say there is another reason the Chinese rich are fleeing: to protect their fortun

17、es. With the Chinese government starting the campaign against corruption, many of the Chinese richwho made their money through some connection or favors from governmentwant to keep their money what is hard for the Chinese government to reach.According to Wealth Insight, the Chinese wealthy now have

18、about $658 billion stored in offshore assets(资产). Boston Consulting Group puts the number lower, at around $ 450 billion, but says offshore investments are expected to double in the next three years.The mass millionaire migration out of China is also hitting luxury companies hard. Hurun said Chinas

19、luxury sales last year fell 15 percentthe biggest drop in over a half a decade. Spending on gifts, which made up a sizable portion of luxury sales, fell 25 percent. In other words, it isnt that wealthy buyers in China are spending lesstheyre just disappearing.Most are looking for permanent residence

20、s, Hurun said. The United States was their top destination, which any real estate agent in San Francisco, Seattle or New York can confirm. Europe is their second favorite destination, followed by Canada, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong.1Some Chinese millionaires migrate abroad _.Abecause they int

21、end to make fortunes in the new placesBbecause they hope their kids will get better educationCbecause they wish to invest their money wiselyDbecause they do because other rich people do2What does the fourth paragraph imply?AThe Chinese wealthy is on top of the world.BBoston Consulting Group welcomes

22、 the rich.CThe rich will earn more than $ 450 billion.DMore millionaires will settle down abroad.3Which is the proper title for the passage?ARich Chinese Continue to Flee China.BMost Wealthy Chinese Invest Abroad.CRich Chinese Are Making a Hard Choice.DChinese Government Will Take Measures.答案:1B解析:细

23、节理解题。依据文章第二段可知,中国富豪移民的主要原因是为孩子追求更优质的教育,以及远离中国都市的污染和拥挤。故选B项。2D解析:推理判断题。依据文章第四段的offshore investments are expected to double in the next three years可知,在接下来的3年中海外投资将翻倍。因此会有更多的富人移居海外。故选D项。3A解析:主旨大意题。文中讲述了部分中国富豪带着资产移居国外的消息,因此选项A正确。B(2014内蒙古包头市高三测试)Hello! Im Jan from Mrs. Lakes class. My class wants to wor

24、k together to help the public. We think we have found a great way to do this. Last month we did a class project on the highways near our town. We learned about the AdoptaHighway Program. This program brings people together to pick up litter along the roads. We think it would be a great idea for all

25、students in our school to join the program and adopt a highway.Adopting a highway is not like adopting a pet. When a highway is adopted, only part of the highway is cared for by a group of people. The group agrees to work every week to keep its part of the highway clean. Each group gets its own sign

26、 that has the name of the group printed on it. The sign is put up at the side of the road. This sign lets drivers know who is keeping that area of the road clean.The AdoptaHighway Program is a great way for people to help their environment look nicer. Also, the government does not have to send out a

27、s many road workers. This saves money. Finally, people may try harder to keep roads clean if they see people, especially teenagers like us, cleaning them up.We will need helpers to care for our adopted highway. If you want to feel great and keep our roads clean, please come with your parents to the

28、meeting next week. We will meet in Mrs. Lakes room on Wednesday at 6:00 PM. At the meeting, we will talk about which roads are the dirtiest as a result of peoples unkind acts. Then well try to pick an area to adopt and clean up. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Remember to keep our roads

29、 clean!4What is the AdoptaHighway Program about?AGiving names to the highways.BDrawing pictures of highways.CPicking up litter along the roads.DPutting up signs near the roads.5What should the students do first if they want to join the program?APick a spot to care for.BCall Mrs. Lake next week.CWrit

30、e a letter to their parents.DGo to a meeting on Wednesday.6What is the purpose of this speech?ATo encourage students to join the program.BTo introduce the traffic system.CTo show drivers how to drive safely.DTo tell a story about adopting a pet.7Which of the following can be the best title for the p

31、assage?AAdoptaPetBAdoptaHighwayCWays to Protect the EnvironmentDVolunteers on Roads答案:【语篇解读】本文属于说明文。你可能听过领养孩子、宠物。但你听过“领养”公路吗?本文介绍了一群青少年为保护公路环境,专门“领养”一段公路,去清理公路上的垃圾。4C解析:细节理解题。难度较小。根据第一段中“This program brings people together to pick up litter along the roads.”可知,“领养公路”组织的主要任务就是组织人们清理公路上的垃圾。故选C。5D解析:细节理解题。难度较小。根据倒数第二段可知,想加入组织的青少年应先和家长一起参加下周三在Mrs.Lake家举行的会议,会上将确定需要清理的路段,然后各组选择一段开始清理。故选D。6A解析:写作意图题。难度中等。根据全文内容可推断出,本文主要的目的是号召更多的人加入到“领养公路”的活动中来。故选A。7B解析:标题概括题。难度中等。通读全文可知,本文介绍了一项青少年参与的环保活动“AdoptaHighway”。因此B项做题目最合适。A项与文章无关;C项范围过大;D项偏离主题。.完形填空(夹叙夹议文)(2014河北

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