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1、对外汉语专业本科培养方案对外汉语专业本科培养方案Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language一、培养目标I、Educational Objectives本专业进行立足汉语、辅以英语的双语教学,培养具有扎实的汉语和英语基础,对中国文学、中国文化及中外文化交流有全面了解的对外汉语教学高级专门人才;培养能在国内高、中等学校、外事部门、新闻出版和文化单位从事中外文化交流工作的管理人才。The program is designed to carry out bilingual teaching

2、which is based on chinese teaching and assisted with english teaching, and to bring out talents who are strong in both chinese and english and generally understand chinese literature,chinese cluture and cluture communication between China and foreign counties.The graduates will be senior specially t

3、alents for teaching chinese as a second language. The graduates will also be management talents for cluture communication between China and foreign counties in universities,middle schools, foreign affairs departments, journalism,publishing and cluture organizations.二、培养要求及特色II、Requirement and Featur

4、es 本专业学生主要学习语言学和第二语言教育的基本理论,受到中国文学、比较文学、英国语言文学、中西比较文化等方面的基本训练,熟练掌握英语,掌握扎实的汉语言文学基本理论和基础知识,具有从事中外语言教学和研究的基本能力和中外文化交流能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1、掌握汉语言文学学科的基本理论和基础知识,对有关的社会科学、人文科学与自然科学有一定的了解; 2、掌握对外汉语教学的基本理论和方法,能进行课堂双语教学; 3、具有相应的社会调查研究能力、一定的创造性思维和初步从事科学研究的能力; 4、有较全面的英语听、说、读、写、译能力; 5、了解对外交往的有关方针、政策和法规,具有一定的外

5、事活动能力; 6、了解本学科的理论前沿、应用前景与发展动态。Students of this program will learn basic theories of linguistics and the second language teaching.They will be systemically trained in Chinese literature, comparative literature, English language literature, comparative cluture between China and western counties, etc.

6、They will master English well and be familiar with basic theories and knowledge of Chinese language and literature. Thus they will be capable of teaching and researching Chinese and foreign language and have the capability of cluture communication between China and foreign counties.Graduates should

7、obtain the following qualities and ablities:1. master basic theories and knowledge of Chinese language and literature, have relevant knowledge of social science, humanities and science;2. master basic theories and methods of teaching chinese as a second language, be able to give bilingual lessons;3.

8、 be capable of correspondingly social researching and social studying, creatively thinking and initially science researching;4. have complete abilities of English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating;5. know the relevant policies, regulations and laws of foreign exchanges, be able t

9、o deal with basic foreign affairs;6. know the forward position, the applied prospects and developments of this discipline.三、学制与学位III、Length of Schooling and Degree修业年限: 4年Duration: 4 years授予学位:文学学士学位Degrees conferred: Bachelor of Art四、主干学科IV、Major Disciplines 中国语言文学 Chinese Language & Literature 外国语

10、言文学 Foreign Language & Literature五、主要课程V、Main Courses现代汉语Modern Chinese、语言学概论 Introduction to Linguistics、古代汉语 Ancient Chinese、中国古代文学 Ancient Chinese Literature、中国现当代文学 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature、外国文学 Foreign Literature、中国文化概论 Introduction to Chinese Culture、西方文化概论 Introduction to We

11、stern Culture、对外汉语教学概论 A Survey of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language、对外汉语教学法 Methods of Teaching Chinese、第二语言习得研究 Theories of Second Language Acquisition、对外汉语教学心理学 Educational Psychology of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language、跨文化交际 Cross-cultural Communication、汉英翻译 Translation from Chinese int

12、o English、英语口语English Speaking、英语听力 English Listening、英语阅读 English Reading六、学时与学分VI、Hours/Credits学时学分构成表Table of Hours and Credits课程类别Courses Classified学时/周数Period/Weeks学 分Credit学时比例Proportion of Period理 论Theory实 践Practice通识课程平台General Courses Platform通 修General Compulsory720/204+3W38.510.527%通 选Gen

13、eral Elective18010( 0 )7%学科基础课程平台 Basic Courses Platform必 修Compulsory54030( 0 )21%选 修Elective28816( 0 )11%专业课程平台Major Courses Platform必 修Compulsory46826( 0 )18%选 修Elective39622( 0 )16%小 计Amount2565142.510.566% (必修C)34% (选修E)实践教学平台Practical Teaching Platform必 修Compulsory204+19W26.5(10.5+16)The Whole

14、Practice Credit:26.5选 修Elective5 (创新学分 Innovation Credit)最低毕业学分The Lowest Graduate Credit174说明:实践教学平台学分计算为:表四中教学实践、教学实习与通识课程中实践学分之和。Note:Practice Teaching Platform Credits: The sum of Practice Credits About Teaching Practicing、Teaching Practice and General Courses Platform in Form IV.七、教学进程计划表 / VII

15、、Teaching Schedule Form表一:通识课程平台 / Form 1:General Courses Platform表一(A):通识必修课程(通修课)General Compulsory Courses(General Required)课程编号Course Code课程名称Courses Names 学分数Crs.总学 时Hrs.学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of class-hour in Every Week of Each Term备注Notes讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th00002030马克思主义基本原理Marxist Fundamentals2/15436183 00002040毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Introduction to Mao

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