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1、试题2005-2006学年乌鲁木齐第五十八中八年级(上)英语期中试卷 姓名_ 班级_ 考号_I. 词汇( 5分。每小题0.5分)1. tooth_(复数形式) 2.health_ (形容词)3.different_(名词) 4. should not_(缩写形式)5.babysit_(现在分词) 6.finish_(单数第三人称) 7.who_(宾格形式)8.tall_(比较级) 9. lots of_ (同义词)10. early_(反义词)II. 请根据例句提示,首字母填空。 (10分)1. What is the m_ with you?2.Im pretty healthy, for(

2、因为) I e_ every day. 3.What is he doing for v ? He is visiting his grandfather.4.A good eating h_ can be great help to good health.5. There is going to be a football m_ next week. 6._unk food7.fr_it 8.sl_ _pHere are two balls and two bags.Theyre Xiaohais and Daweis. 9. Xiaohais ball is _ than Daweis

3、10. And Xiaohais bag is _ than Daweis. III.选择填空。(20分)( ) 1. Do you enjoy _ in Germany?A. works B. worked C. working( ) 2.Thanks for_ me to dinner.A. ask B. have C. asking( ) 3. “ Whats the matter with Kate?” “ She has _.”A. a tooth B. a cold C. a dentist.( ) 4. _ your father usually watch TV at home

4、?A. Is B. Did C. Does( ) 5. You should drink _ water if you have a fever.A. little B. a lot of C. many( ) 6. How does he _ school?A. get B. get to C. takes( ) 7. It takes me an hour _ the letter.A. to write B. write C. writing ( ) 8. My sister _ school at seven.A. leave for B. leave C. leaves for (

5、) 9. Some children watch TV three _ four _ a week. A. and ; times B. or; times C. and; time D. or; time ( ) 10. -Can you come to my party? The following answers which one is wrong?- _.A. Yes, Id love to B. Thank you for asking C. I m sorry, I cant D. I dont want to go. ( ) 11. My cousin wants _ a wa

6、lk. A. take B. taking C to take( ) 12. My mother is ill. I have to take care of her at home._.A. Thank you B. Oh,I dont know C. Im sorry to hear that( ) 13. Theyre _ at the birthday party.A. have fun B. fun C. having fun( ) 14.There is no _ between them. A. difference B. different C. differences( )

7、15. She and I _ easygoing.A. am both B. are both C. both are( ) 16. His hair _ shorter than _.A. is, her B. are, hers C. is, hers( ) 17. The shirt is _ than the coat.A. a little expensive B. little more expensive C. a little more expensive( ) 18 “_ do you go to the movies?” “ Every Sunday.”A. How lo

8、ng B. How often C. How much( ) 19. Mother always makes me _ at home on weekends.A. stay B. stays C. to stay( ) 20. Jim is as _ as Mike. A. young B. younger C. youngestIV请从方框中选出单词,并用适当的形式填空。(每词只用一次)(5分)have heavy want exercise play1. Dave is much _ than me.2. Mom _ me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-

9、pong with her.3. Grandpa is pretty healthy because he_ every day.4. Are you _ football this weekend?5. Do you _ a healthy lifestyle if you exercise every day?V. 情景对话。(15分,每小题一分)(A) 搭配。1. Why does he only eat junk food once a week? A. Im sorry to hear that2. When did it start? B. I help my mom.3. My

10、mother is ill. C. Because he wants to stay healthy.4. What do you often do on weekend?. D. I think its Unit 8.5. Which unit is more difficult? E Three times a week.6. What do you think of Sports News? F. I love it.7. Can I have some fruits? G. In the countryside.8. Where are they staying? H. Yes , y

11、ou can9. How often do you exercise? I. No, I have a cold.10. Do you have a stomachache? J , About two days ago.1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( )6( )7( ) 8( )9( )10( )Its a birthday party!For whom: LisaTime: Friday, June30th, at fuor-thirtyPlace: Lisas house,15th street Come and have fun(B)阅读下面这张请贴,然后完成对话。Lis

12、a: Hi, Simon, _ you come to My_?Simon: _ is it?Lisa: Its on _ at _.Simon: Great, Id love to.VI句型转换。(10分)1. It is ten kilometers from my home? (划线提问) is it from your home?2.It takes twenty minutes to ride a bike from here to the bus station( 划线提问 ) _ _ _ it _ to ride a bike from here to the bus stati

13、on?3. She walks to work. (同义句) She goes to work_ _ .4. Shes studying for her test now.(用often改写) She often _ for her test.1. 5. Lucy goes to the movies with her sister once a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does Lucy see a film with her sister? 6. You should go out at night. (否定句) You _ _ out at night.7.I have

14、to help my parents.(改一般疑问句) you to help parents? 8.I can come to your party?(改成一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) _ you come to my party? Yes, Id _ _ 9Let me take care of your little sister. (同义句) Let me _ _ _ your little sister.10.To eat a balanced diet is very important. (同义句)_ _ very important _ eat a balanced diet.V

15、II. 汉译英(10分) 1.他一个月看一次电影. He goes to the movies _ _ _.2.你咽喉疼痛吗? _ you _ a sore throat? 3.此刻我感觉很不舒服 . Im not feeling well _ _ _ 4.他花了两个小时步行到学校。 It two hours to school. 5.汤姆比萨姆体格更强健一些。 Tom is Sam. 6. 你能够来参加我的聚会吗?当然,我很乐意。 you to my party? Sure, Id . 7.她怎样到达学校呢?她乘地铁。 she to school? She the subway. 8.你假期

16、打算干什么?我想去野营。 you for vacation? I camping. 9.从他家到学校有多远? it from his home to school ? 10. 我要到山中徒步旅行. Im _ _ in the moutains .IIX. 句子改错。(5分,找出错误,写在后面的横线上,并在括号内改正,每空一分) 1.He is leaving to Beijing_ ( ) 2. He is good at play basketball. _ ( ) 3. I have too many homework to do._ ( )4. My fathers eat habit

17、is pretty good._ ( )5. How long is it from your home to school? _ ( )XI.完型填空。(5分)Nancy is a 1 girl. Today Mr and Mrs White are 2 her to the zoo. The zoo is far 3 their home .So they are going there 4 bus. There are only a 5 people on the bus. Theyre all 6 on their seats (座位). Nancy is happy; she is

18、7 on the bus. “Dont run. Come here and 8.” Mr White says, “Its very 9 to run on the bus.” “I want to 10 the park quickly. I want the bus to go faster.” Nancy says.( ) 1. A. small B. little C. lot D. few( ) 2. A. take B. bring C. taking D. bringing( ) 3. A. from B. to C. at D. in ( ) 4. A. in B. on C

19、. by D. take( ) 5. A. lot B. few C. little D. some( ) 6. A. sit B. stand C. siting D. sitting( ) 7. A. stand B. standing C. run D. running( ) 8. A. sit B. sitting C. sit down D. standing( ) 9. A. happy B. dangerous C. danger D. interesting( )10. A. be B. get C. arrive D. arrive at X. 阅读理解。(10分)( A )

20、 “You are welcome to have dinner with me on Thursday,” said John. “But I didnt know where your house is,” said Henry. “Its easy. You get off the bus. Then you cross the road. You take the first turning on the left. You walk for five minutes. Then you come to a big tree. You take the second turning o

21、n the right after the tree. About a hundred meters down this road there is a big red house. You go past the big red house and after about five hundred meters; youll see a small yellow house beside a little tree. Open the door with your foot.” “With my foot?” said Henry. “Why, yes,” said John. “Your

22、hands will be full.” “How do you think my hands will be full?” said Henry. “Well, you wont come to my house empty-handed(空手) , will you ?” 根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. John invited Henry to have dinner with him.( ) 2. Henry could take a bus right to Johns home.( ) 3. Henry had to walk for five minutes.( )

23、4. John lived in a small yellow house.( ) 5. Henry had to open the door with his foot. (B)(Chuck lives 5 kilometers away from his school. It takes him about 20 minutes to get school by bike. The school begins classes at 7:45. This morning, he was late, the teacher was angry.)Teacher: T Chuck: CT: Ho

24、w do you usually come to school, Chuck?C: By bike.T: What time do you usually get up?C: At about six thirty.T: Well, its not late, but why dont you leave home a little earlier?C: I cant.T: Why not?C: My mother is ill. She stays in bed all day. So I must look after her. I must give her medicine(药)at

25、the right time . Its 7:30 every morning . So I was late for school this morning. T: I see, Chuck, youre a good boy.( ) 1. How far is it from Chucks home to school? A. about 10 kilometers B. About 15 kilometers C. About 5 kilometers ( ) 2. How long does it usually take Chuck to get school? A.20 minut

26、es by bike B. 15 minutes by bike C. 15 minutes on foot ( ) 3. What time does Chuck usually get up? A. At 6:30 B. At 7:45 C. At 7:30( ) 4. Why was Chuck late this morning? A. Because he got up late. B. Because his bike was broken. C. Because his mother was ill, he must look after her. ( ) 5. Is the t

27、eacher still angry at last? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. I dont know.XI.写作。(5分)根据下列中英文提示写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的一段话。(不少于50个字)Jim 是个中学生, 学习努力, 平时喜欢上网冲浪和看英语书。 他每周锻炼一至两次,饮食习惯良好, 天天步行上学,身体健康。 提示词: Internet, once or twice, eating habit, hardly, junk food, healthy 二附加题。 特色班学生必做。平行班选做。I. 完形填空well give. ill. say

28、. but. to look for. have. how. what. one .find. find. 根据短文内容, 选用适当的词语并用其正确形式填空(可重复使用, 有多余选项)Once there was a king. He was very rich and (1)_ great power. But he wasnt happy. He was (2)_ . it made him feel sad all time. No doctor knew (3) _ wrong with him. One day one of them (4) _ to him,. “ after l

29、unch, thought and study, I have found out that there is only one way for you to get (5)_You must wear the shirt of a happy man.So the king sent his man to every part of his and (6)_ a happy man. First, they visited the rich. They asked these people if they were happy. (7) _ every one of them answered that they didnt know _ real happiness mean.One day, one of the kings men met a woodcutter” are you happy?” asked

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