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1、初三年级英语模拟卷重点九年级英语模拟卷重点短语及语法1重点短语及句型中考英语全真模拟卷(十一)1. be shocked by:被震惊; 2. shake hands with sb=shake sb by the hand:同某人握手。3. sth belong(s) to sb:某物属于某人,这里to为介词。4. kindness:n. 好心,友好,热心; honesty:n. 诚实,正直。5. write-wrote-written; child-children.6. lend:相对主语借出,如:A lend sth to B,意为A把某物借给B。borrow:相对主语借入,如:A b

2、orrow sth from B,意为“A从B借了某物”。7. What did he come for? 他来做什么?回答时用for开头,如for borrowing money. 如果是回答why提问的句子,回答用because.中考英语全真模拟卷(十二)1. Both coffee and tea can make people awake and even energetic.(wake:动词,叫醒;awake:形容词,醒着的)2. The missing(=lost:迷路的) girl was last seen near the lake.I found it exciting t

3、o go camping with friends. (it为形式主语,真实的主语为不定式后面的句子)。朝阳区模拟卷1. I sent you an e-mail yesterday. Have you read it?Oh, sorry. I havent checked my e-mial. (检查,查看)2. pay attention to:注意,重视。这里to是介词,后面接名词,代词宾格和动名词形式。初三质量测查试卷1. Thousands of trees are planted here in order to stop the wind every year. every ye

4、ar:每年,是一般现在时态的标志。2. Could you speak more slowly/clearly? I cant follow you.你能说得慢一些(清楚些)吗?我跟不上你了。3. catch the bus:赶上公交车; miss the bus:错过公交车,没赶上公交车。4. The park which we visited yesterday is an exercellent one.5. This is the school where I studied three years ago.这两个句子是用which还是where,主要看两点,一是要找出先行词,二是将先

5、行词放在从句中,如果语意完整,则用which;如果语意不完整,则用where。对于4题,把先行词放到从句中为“we visited the park”构成完整句子,因此用which. 而5题为“I studied the school”,缺少介词“at”,因此用“where”。总之,where = 介词 + which。如果关系词前有介词,只能用which。2011长春市网上模拟卷1. Thanks to your help, my English has improved a lot.thanks to:为介词词组,意思是“由于,多亏,因为”,含义相当于“because of”,如:Than

6、ks to your help, we finished the work in time. 由于你的帮助,我们及时完成了工作。thanks for:表示“因而感谢”,其中thanks为复数名词,介词for指原因,后接名词、代词或动词ing形式。如:Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。Thanks for inviting me. 谢谢你的邀请。2. marry的用法:1) marry sb:嫁,娶某人,不能用于完成时态。marry后面不接任何介词,如:She married John last year. 她去年嫁给John了。2) 如果只说某人结婚了,而不特指和某人结

7、婚,有两种表示方法:a) get married:结婚,是瞬间动词词组,不能与表示一段时间的词用在一起,不能用于完成时态,如:My best friend got married last weekend. 我最好的朋友上个周末结婚了。b) be married:表示“结婚了”的状态,可以用于完成时态。如:Im married. 我已经结婚了。The old couple has already been married for 50 years. 这对夫妇已结婚50年了。3) 如果想说某人嫁或娶了某人,还可以有下面两种表示方法:a) get married to sb :表示“某人嫁或娶了某

8、人”,只能用介词to,不能用with,如:She got married to someone named Frank=she married someone named Frank. 她嫁给了一个叫Frank的人。She got married to a Frenchman last year. = she married a Frenchman last year.她去年嫁给了一个法国人。b) be married to sb:意思与“got married to sb”相同,区别在于”got married to sb”不能和表示一段时间的词连用,没有完成时态,而“be married

9、to sb”可以用于完成时态。如:Ive been married to my wife for nearly 20 years. 我和我妻子已经结婚20年了。英语浏览题(6)1. Whats Jane doing in front of the house, Mike?Shes trying to repair/fix the bike.2. My family _ where we will go on this summer vacation.A) didnt decide B) havent decided C) wont decide D) havent been decided20

10、12中考模拟(4)1. Can I tell Peter about the news?No, I dont want anyone elese to know it. You _ keep it to yourself.A) must B) need C) can D) may2. Which of these two sweaters will you take?A) both B) either C) none D) all中考模拟卷(5)1. Sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. _A) Be careful. B) Thats all

11、right ( = not at all:不必客气,没关系). C) All right(行了,好吧). D) That sounds good(听起来还不错).2. neither: 两者都不,特指两个都不(总数就是两个)。none:没一个(总数是两个以上)。3. You must pay for what I have done for you before you for: 为付钱,为付出代价,赔偿,付款。必须有for。4. The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.the + 比较级, th

12、e + 比较级:越,越。5. I think Hong Kong is one of the liveliest places in China.lively(livelier,比较级;liveliest,最高级): 充满活力的,生动的,真实的。6. use up=run out of:用光,耗尽,花完。7. I have put on (增加)so much weight these months that I have to buy some bigger clothes.put off: 推迟,延期,阻止。put away: 放好,抛弃,储存。put up:张贴。8. allow sb(

13、代词用宾格) to do sth:允许某人做某事。allow doing sth:允许做某事;没有“allow to do sth”结构。但可以说be allowed to do sth: 被允许做某事。9. You seem to like sweets._. Thats probably why Im becoming fatter and fatter.A) So I do B) So do I C) So am I D) So I am当前面陈述的肯定情况也适于另一者时,通常用so引导的倒装句。即:so+be(助动词或情态动词)+主语,表示“另一者也如此”,如:You are a st

14、udent. So am I. 你是学生,我也是。You usually go to school by bike, and so does he.你通常骑自行车到校,他也是。I can fly a kite, and so can she. 我能放风筝,她也能。重点:若是对前面所说的事实加以肯定,则用“so+主语+be (助动词或情态动词)”。这一陈述结构意为“的确如此”。“是呀”,如:He likes English. 他喜欢英语。So he does. 他的确是这样的。Its a cloudy day today. 今天是一个多云的天气。So it is. 的确如此。10. The te

15、acher said those who wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00.11. wait a minute = wait a little:等一下,等一会,稍后。综合学习评价1. My hobby is watching cartoons. What about yours?2. How are you getting along with your classmates? Very well.3. My father wants to buy a camera which/that can take photos.4

16、. used to do sth:过去常常;be used to doing sth:习惯于做某事。5. Can you cook eggs with tomatoes? Yes, of course. _ can do it, it is easy.A) Anyone B) Someone C) No one D) Everyone else6. Billy looks upset. What happened to him? 这里to是介词。7. You arent a stranger, are you?_, dont you remember _ me at the school ga

17、te ten minutes ago.A) Yes, to see B) No, seeing C) No, saw D) Yes, seeing8. The traffic is very heavy. Youd better _ . OK, I will.A) run down (撞倒,使变弱,停止) B) slow down(减速,放慢速度,使慢下来)C) put down (镇压,记下,贬低,制止) D) go down(下降,传下去)9. Its very cold outside. Youd better wear warm clothes.10. Marry studied ha

18、rd and made great progress last term. make great progress:取得巨大进步11. How do you find your new classmates?Most of them are kind, but _ is so good to me as Bruce. A) none B) no one下面介绍no one, none, nothing的区别:一、no one1)不与of连用;2)谓语动词用单数;3)只能指人,但不具体指什么人;4)一般用来回答who, 及含anyone, anybody引起的疑问句。如: a) No one l

19、ike a person with bad manners. b)Who is in the room? No one. c)Is there anyone in the room? No one.二、none1)可与of连用;2)谓语动词用单或复数;3)具体指什么人或物;4)一般用来回答how many +n, how much +n及含any+n引起的疑问句。请看:a) None of us have/has seen him.b)How many students are there in the room? None.c)Is there any water in the thermo

20、s? None.d)How much money do you have on you? None.三、nothing1)指物;2)谓语用单数;3)一般用来回答含anything的一般问句及what引起的特殊问句。请看:a)What is in the box? Nothing.b)Is there anything in the sky? Nothing.c)Can you see anything without glasses? Nothing.下面的顺口溜将帮你记得更清楚。No one与none好分辨。具体人,物把none填。不知何人与何物,No one, nothing是一路。No

21、one人nothing物,/保你不会出错误。12. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _ be rather cold sometimes.A) must B) can(可能性大) C) should D) would(可能性小)13. Please keep the medicine on the top shelf, out of the childrens reach. (孩子够不着)14. He doesnt have _ furniture in his room-just an old desk.A) any B)

22、 many C) some D) much15. I used to argue with my parents, but now we _ fine.A) look out(当心) B) stay up(不睡觉,熬夜) C) work out (解决,制定出,实现) D) get along(相处)16. Alices mother is ill. So she should look after herself.17. The boy is lucky to be alive after such a terrible accident.18. It isnt safe to cross

23、the streets when the traffic is 保险箱;adj. 安全的,可靠的,平安的。safely:adv. 安全地。Safety:n. 安全19. Itll rain later on. Please take _ red umbrella with you.A) a B) an C) the D) /20. The boy didnt run _ to catch the thief.A) enough fast B) quick enough C) fast enough D) quickly enoughfast:行动上的快;quickly:

24、思维上的快。2012英语中考模拟卷11-151The weather in March is like babys face. It changes quickly.a) the b) a c) an d) /2He will give me some on how to learn English.give sb some advice on sth:在某方面给某人一些建议。3She fell her bike and hurt her right arm last month.fall off + 名词:从掉下来。 fall down:跌倒,失败,倒塌。后面无名词。4Has Sam fin

25、ished his report? I have no idea. He it this morning. a) writes b) has written c) will write d) was writing5 will it take you from your home to the supermarket? About half an hour. So Ill be there by 10 oclock. a) How far b) How soon c) How long d) How manyhow long, how soon, how far, how often辨析:1)

26、 Howlong表示“时间多久或物体多长”。表示时间侧重指“一段时间”。针对“Howlong”的回答一般是时间段,如“forthreedays”,“threeyears”,如:“Howlongwereyouawaylastyear?” “Abouttwoweeks”2) Howoften表示“多少时间一次或每隔多久”,是就做某事的频率提问。针对Howoften的回答一般是“Twiceayear”,“Threetimesaweek”。如:“HowoftendoyouwatchTV?” “Treetimesaweek.”3) Howsoon表示“多久之后”。侧重某人做某事能多快时间完成。Howso

27、on的回答一般为:“in+时间段”,如:“intwodays”,“infiveyears”,如:“Howsoonwillyoubeready?” “Illbereadyinfiveminutes”。4) Howfar表示“多远”,如:Howfarisit?6Copying others homework isnt a good habit. You must it.a) get on b) get off c) get over d) get outget on: 上车,上马,进展。get off:从下来;脱下衣服等(=take off: 脱下;起飞);动身;免于受罚。get over:克服,

28、恢复过来。get out:离开,出去,泄露,出版。7why not与why dont you用法区别:why not后面跟动词原形;而why dont 后面跟主语+谓语+宾语,如:Why not come with me? Why dont you come with me?8Lesson 5 is important one, please listen to the teacher carefully.a) a b) an c) the d) /9Allan is good at study, so he (finish) doing his homework 2 hours ago(一般

29、过去时标志). 10Linda is to my house for dinner.a) comeing over b) coming true c) coming on d) coming outcome over to+地点: 过来,从一个地方到另一个地方,顺便来访。come over: 走过来,顺便来访,后面不直接接地点。come true: 实现,达到,成为现实。不接to。come on to (do) sth:开始做某事;(做)某事开始流行come on: 快点,开始,要求,上演,跟着来,突然产生。come out to do: 出来做come out of: 由产生,从出来。com

30、e out:出现,出版,结果是。 英语报纸29-1places of interest:名胜古迹 cut price:砍价 be on sale:大甩卖,大减价 remind sb of sth:提醒某人某事。2You should go to bed early (提早地).3第一课没有第二课难。 Lesson One is less difficult than Lesson Two. thats right = youre right = thats all right. be knowledgeable about: 对有研究,在方面学问精深。 achieve ones dream:实现梦想。 without permission:未经许可。 I cant decide which to wear (穿哪件),the blue dress or the yellow skirt.4Can you still remember the first chemistry lesson was given by Mr Green?A) that B) which C) who D) what 定语从句中先行词that和which的用法:that和which在定语从句中以充当主语、宾语和表语。which只能代替“物”,

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