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Unit6 Topic2《Whats your home like》教案1仁爱英语七年级下.docx

1、Unit6 Topic2Whats your home like教案1仁爱英语七年级下Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic 2 Whats your home like?Section A主要活动:1a,2a和2b课时建议:12教学目标:1.学习谈论居民建筑名称和居家方位。2.能看懂并会写租赁房屋广告。3.继续学习“there be”结构。教学过程:第一步:复习1.教师出示图片,以“My house”或“My apartment building”为题,介绍自己的居住环境和室内布置等。2.学生出示自己的居家图片或“理想家园”图片,向其它同学介绍其周围环境和室内布置,每张图片5

2、8句话。3.边画图边问学生喜欢住在哪里。apartment building, townhouse还是farmhouse。第二步:呈现1.教师介绍对话的大致内容:Wang Wei and Kangkang are talking about their houses and their grandparents houses. Listen carefully and try to find out where they and their grandpenrents are living now, in an apartment house, in a townhouse or in a f

3、armhouse.2.布置听力任务,听录音。Where are Wang Weis grandparents living?Where are Kangkangs grandparents living?Could Wang Wei go to play soccer with Kangkang?3.完成1b。4.师生共同完成1c,通过下列问题进行回答:T:Who lives in apartment buildings?T:Who lives in townhouses?T:Who lives in farmhouses?T:Who lives in dormitories?第三步:巩固1.

4、读2a中的广告,弄清哪些是租房广告,哪些是赁房广告。2.读广告,找出生词。rent, furniture,quiet,single,per3.根据广告内容,完成2b。第四步:练习学生活动:谈论怎样写租赁房广告。广告内容包括:对所租房的要求,对所赁房的简单描述和联系方式等。第五步:综合探究活动1.教师展示。教师本人先说出想租房的条件,看学生中谁家的房子更合适,然后写成广告的形式。2.学生活动。学生说出并写出租赁房屋的广告。贴在墙上(租房南墙,赁房北墙),学生分别找出自己的理想之家。Section AMain activities:1a,2a and 2bTeaching periods: 12T

5、eaching Aims and demands:1. Talking about names and surroudings of the houses.2. Understanding the ads of renting.3. Further studying the structure of “there be”.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review1.The teacher shows photos/pictures to say something about his/her rooms/houses and surroundings. 2.Studen

6、ts show their own pictures or their ideal/dreaming houses to the others. Also tell others the surroundings and rooms. Each student should say five to eight sentences for his /her picture.3.Ask students which one they prefer, apartment building, townhouse or farmhouse. Step 2 Presentation1.Give an in

7、troduction of the dialog: Wang Wei and Kangkang are talking about their houses and their grandparentshouses. Listen carefully and try to find out where they and their grandparents are living now, in an apartment house, in a townhouse or in a farmhouse.2.Raise questions and assign the listening tasks

8、.Where are Wang Weis grandparents living?Where are Kangkangs grandparents living?Could Wang Wei go to play soccer with Kangkang?3.Complete the chart in 1b.4.Answer the following questions, and complete 1c.T:Who lives in apartment buildings?T:Who lives in townhouses?T:Who lives in farmhouses?T:Who li

9、ves in dormitories? Step 3 Consolidation1.Read the ads in 2a and make sure which ones are looking for or which ones are being let.2.Look at the ads and learn the new words: rent, furniture, quiet, single, per3. Finish 2b according to the ads.Step 4 PracticeStudents activities:Talk about how to write

10、 out “ WANTED” or “TO LET”.The content of “WANTED” or “TO LET” includes:requirements, introduction and telephone numbers, etc.Step 5 Project1.The teacher reads out his/her own ads for renting and try to find out the suitable apartment or house among the students ads. And then write it out.2.First sp

11、eak out the ads, then write them down. Show them out on the wall. Ask each of them to find out his/her own dreaming house.Section B主要活动:1a 和2a课时建议:12教学目标:1.学习小区设施名称。2.描述自己的居住环境。3.学习用打电话寻求帮助。教学过程:第一步:复习1.出示一张小区生活示意图(教学挂图),介绍小区内的公共设施和功能。2.学生谈一谈自己所住的小区有哪些设施。There is a small garden in front of my house.

12、There are a lot of tall buildings in our area.第二步:呈现1.出示教学挂图,图片讲解1a。教师介绍图片内容,使听力容易一些。如:Mike is Marys new neighbor. He is looking for a store. There is a store in front of their building. Also there is a bank on the street corner.2.听录音,模仿语音语调。3.读对话,做结对练习。4.完成1b,1c。5.游戏时空:以小组为单位,要求一个学生用英语描述所看到的图片,另一个学

13、生说出那个词。如:学生A:We can park our cars there.学生B:Parking lot.学生A:We can eat meals there.学生B:Restaurant.先小组比赛,然后小组的获胜者在黑板前进行比赛。第三步:巩固1.图片描述:Linda正在给“绿色社区服务中心”打电话。一个男人正在接电话,讨论修理厨房排气扇的问题。2.听录音,两人一组练习,完成2a。3.两人一组的长时间的对话练习。第四步:练习1.完成2b,学生通过听、说、读,然后进行链状对话检查,训练学生的流利程度。2.学生从机械练习过渡到有意义的练习,可以进行人称、地点和物品的替换。如对下列词的替换

14、:man,Linda,Green Community Service Centre,Apartment 606,Building A,kitchen fan等。第五步:综合探究活动做调查:调查你的社区有哪些公共设施,这些公共设施给你的生活带来了什么方便和实惠。你认为还需要增加哪些设施,使你的生活更美好。如:In my area,life is easy. If you want to eat out,you can go to a restaurant. A man from Hunan runs it. The dishes there are cheap and delicious. If

15、 you want to And in my opinion, I think a bank is necessarySection BMain activities:1a and 2a.Teaching periods: 12Teaching aims and demands:1.Learning the names of facilities in the local area,such as shop.2.Describing ones living environment.3.Making telephones for help.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Re

16、view1.Show a map of a community. Describe the facilities of the community and their functions.2.Get the students to talk about their own areas or villages.There is a small garden in front of my house.There are a lot of tall buildings in our area. Step 2 Presentation1.Hang the pictures in 1a on the w

17、all. Introduce the pictures first in order to make the listening material easy.For example:Mike is Marys new neighbor. He is looking for a store. There is a store in front of their building. Also there is a bank on the street corner.2. Listen and imitate.3. Read the dialog and do pair work.4. Finish

18、 1b and 1c.5.Game time:One student describes the pictures given by the teacher,and another one speaks out the words as quickly as possible.Do it in groups first,then the group winners can have a competition in front of the whole class.For example:Student A:We can park our cars there.Student B:Parkin

19、g lot.Student A:We can eat meals there.Student B:Restaurant. Step 3 Consolidation1.Picture description:Linda is making a telephone call to Green Community Service Centre. A man is receiving the call. They are talking about the broken kitchen fan.2. Listen to the dialog first,then read it out.3.Pract

20、ice in pairs for some time.Step 4 Practice1.Finish 2b. Practice the conversation with partners,focusing on fluency. 2.Students practice from mechanical exercise to meaningful exercise. Change the people, places,and things into the other ones. For example:man,Linda,Green Community Service Centre, Apa

21、rtment 606,Building A,kitchen fan, etc.Step 5 ProjectMake a survey:Make a survey about what kinds of public facilities in your area which make your life easy and convenient. In your opinion, what else can be added to improve your living.In my area, life is easy. If you want to eat out, you can go to

22、 a restaurant. A man from Hunan runs it. The dishes there are cheap and delicious. If you want to And in my opinion, I think a bank is necessarySection C主要活动:1和3a课时建议:1教学目标:1.谈论社区环境。2.继续学习“there be”结构。3.谈论如何更好地与邻居相处。教学过程:第一步:复习1.谈论你所生活的社区情况,回答下列问题。问题1:Is there a bank around you?问题2:Where can you buy

23、 fruits?问题3:Is there a community service centre in your area?2.讨论:如果你家中的东西坏了,谁能帮你的忙?3.展示1,教师出示图片1(教学挂图)。尽量多地用there be结构讲述1。4.对1部分进行师生问答,检查理解的程度(口头)。T:Where is your home?T:Are there many buildings in your area?T:Are there many shops and restaurants there?T:Whats near the supermarket? 5.学生独自完成2。第二步:呈现

24、1.图片引入3a:教师根据图片内容,复述对话,然后问问题。Look! Dave is playing the piano. He is playing beautifully,but it is too loud. Mr. Smith is knocking at the door. Mr. Smith is talking about it to Dave. Dave is really sorry. He will try to play quietly.2.听录音,回答问题。Questions:What is Dave doing?Who is Daves neighbor?What i

25、s happening to them?3.读课文,学生间互问互答。第三步:巩固学生两人一组练习3b,并表演对话。第四步:练习1.说一说:How do you get on well with your neighbors? Are you a good neighbor?2.完成4,学生两人一组做结对练习,然后再做小组练习,最后让学生把问题的答案串成一篇文章。3.歌曲时空:完成5。第五步:综合探究活动分别描述各自邻居的生活起居情况,然后让学生写出来,尽量多地用上Section B 中学过的词。题目:My Neighbor。Section CMain activities:1 and 3aTe

26、aching periods:1Teaching aims and demands:1.Talking about neighbors and surroundings.2.Further studying the structure of “there be”.3.Talk about how to get on well with neighbors.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review1.Discuss your own area and try to answer the following questions:Is there a bank around

27、you?Where can you buy fruits?Is there a community service centre in your area?2.Discussion:If something is broken or doesnt work in your house, who can help you?3.Finish 1.Show posters(teaching pictures)to the students,using “there be” structure to retell the story as many as possible.4.Teacher asks

28、 and students answer.T:Where is your home?T:Are there many buildings in your area?T:Are there many shops and restaurants?T:What.s near the supermarket?5. Students work alone with 2.Step 2 Presentation1. Present the dialog 3a with the picture. The teacher retells the story and raises questions accord

29、ing to the text. For example:Look! Dave is playing the piano. He is playing it beautifully, but it is too loud. Mr. Smith is knocking at the door. Mr. Smith is talking about it to Dave. Dave is really sorry. He will try to play quietly.2.Listen and answer.Questions:What is Dave doing?Who is Daves ne

30、ighbor?What is happening to them?3.Read the text. Ask and answer questions with each other.Step 3 ConsolidationPractice 3b in pairs and then act it out.Step 4 Practice1.Discuss with your partner “How do you get on well with your neighbors? Are you a good neighbor?”2.Finish 4.First practice in pairs

31、and then group work. At last arrange all the answers into an article.3. Song time:finish 5.Step 5 ProjectSay something about your neighbors family, their daily activities, then write it out. Subject:My Neighbor. Use the words in Section B as many as possible.Section D主要活动:1,2a和5课时建议:1教学目标:复习“there be”结构。教学过程:第一步:复习1.开始歌曲“Home on the Range”。2.谈一谈居住的房子,回答下列问题:Q1:Which type of home do you live?Q2:Where do you want do live?Q3:Do you have a good neighbor?3.完成1,找出更多/ / / / / 音的单词。第

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