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1、学年上海牛津版八年级下册回答问题类阅读理解提升练习一有答案上海牛津版8B回答问题类阅读理解提升练习(一) (一)On Christmas Day, 2002,most British teenagers were opening presents and eating turkey with their families, but not 15-year-old Sebastian Clover. He was on a boat in the middle of the ocean. He was trying to sail 4,320 kilometers across the Atla

2、ntic by himself!Sebastian began training for the crossing when he was only 12. When he was 15,Sebastian and his father, Ian, decided to have a race. They would each have the same boat, ten meters long. They would sail from the Canary Island across the Atlantic Ocean to the island of Antigua in the C

3、aribbean. The first person to finish the 4,320-kiometer trip would be the winner.Before the race, news reporters asked Ian Clover if he would let his son win. “No way!” he answered. Four days after the start of the race, Ian was about 30 kilometers ahead, but he spoke to his son by radio every day.

4、Sebastian was not having an easy trip. He began having problems with his boat. Then three killer whales started to follow him! But Sebastian didnt give up. He fixed his boat with rope. In the end, the killer whales left him alone. His father won the race by 14 hours, but Sebastian set a new world re

5、cord: he became the youngest person ever to sail across the Atlantic Ocean alone.A lot of news reporters were waiting for Sebastian when he arrived In Antigua. They asked him if he had enjoyed the crossing. Sebastian told them that it had been fantastic, but very tiring. “After 25 days in a boat, Im

6、 looking forward to sleeping in a bed that doesnt move,” he said.1.Where was Sebastian Clover on Christmas Day, 2002?_2.When did Sebastian Clover begin his training for the crossing?_3.What did Ian Clover tell news reporters before the race?_4.How did Ian communicate with his son during the race?_5.

7、Sebastian didnt have a tiring trip, did he?_6.What can you learn from Sebastians success story?_ Keys:1.He was on a boat in the middle of the ocean.2 . When he was only 12 .3 . He told news reporters that he would not let his son win .4 . By radio .5 . Yes , he did .6 . Nothing is impossible to a wi

8、lling heart . / Ill never give up . / I believe that if I dont give up , Ill succeed . / etc (二)A hot online debate has started on Yuebao (余额宝),the personal financial product that has been at the center of a public controversy (公开辩论)since it was launched in June 2013. Some say Yuebao is posing a thr

9、eat to Chinas economic security. Lets hope the debate leads to improvements in financial service and supervision (监管),said Feng Haining in an article for Yangcheng Evening News.By saving money on Alipay, an online payment service, and transferring (转账)it into their Yuebao account, customers may not

10、only get higher interest rates than those offered by traditional banks, but can also use the money whenever they need. These two advantages have earned Yuebao a lot of users across the country.Even so, Yuebao has been targeted by critics and opponents. In addition to the potential (潜在)security risks

11、 (危险)that Yuebao may be exposed to, Feng says people are criticizing the personal financial product because of the imperfect supervision over the current online financial market.But Feng points out that despite its defects, it is still unfair to call for a ban on Yuebao. New products and application

12、s, financial and non-financial, should not be banned until they are proved to be harmful to users.Feng says we should be thankful for the controversy raised by Yuebao, because it has reminded the public to have a clear idea about innovative online financial products. Government watchdogs should use

13、the controversy to take measures to make sure that the innovative aspects of new financial products are for the good of users and are strictly supervised, says Feng.1.How long has Yuebao been a hot online debate?_2.What advantages have helped Yuebao earn a lot of users across the country?_3.Why are

14、people criticizing the personal financial product?_4.It isnt fair to call for a ban on Yuebao, is it?_5.When should some financial and non-financial products be banned?_6.Do you use Yuebao on your own? Why or why not?_Keys:1. Since it was launched in June 20132.Customers may not only get higher inte

15、rest rates than those offered by traditional banks, but can also use the money whenever they need.3 . Because of the imperfect supervision over the current online financial market.4 . No , it isnt .5 . When they are proved to be harmful to users .6. (Any reasonable answer is OK.) (三)The development

16、of the creativity districts (创业园区)is pushing out those who made the place attractive.According to Xiao Lei, who owns a cafe in Tianzifang (田子坊),one of Shanghais cultural districts, rents(租金)in the area have increased so much that many owners have to leave.According to Xiao, some hot places in the ar

17、ea cost up to 100,000 yuan a month to rent.“Some people with true creativity are moving out, jumping from new low price areas to the next,” says Xiao.When it comes to pills (药丸),many people try to keep away from them. But in Tianzifang, the traditional use of pills is being changed. In fact, in one

18、of the shops, pills are a best seller among young visitors.“Our pills are not bitter. Theyre all sweet,” says Wang Jin, 28, the owner of Sweet Pills. Wang says the citys creativity districts provide young people who want to do their own business with better opportunities (= chances) and great fun as

19、 well.What Wang is referring to are not real pills for illness, but candies with printed words on the package (包装)that are aimed at some young people - “Tuhao pills” and “Xueba pills”.According to Wang, the idea of selling candies in the form of medicine started as a joke.The first idea was to print

20、 jokes on the candy bottles,” says Wang. “But after some time, we found that they didnt work well.” So Wang and her teammates quickly turned their attention to online catchphrases (标语),which are much more popular than jokes.To Wangs own surprise, the idea was a big seller. Just two days after her sh

21、ops official opening in Tianzifang, the pills were all sold out. Wearing a white coat, just like a doctor, Wang was happy looking at the empty shelves in the store. At least Wang is not worried about the 40,000 yuan rent every month. She is ready for a new shop in a new neighborhood.1.According to X

22、iao, why do many of the owners have to leave the creativity districts? _2.Who especially likes the pills in Tianzifang? _3.In Wang Jins opinion, what do the citys creativity districts offer people like her? _4.Wangs idea of printing jokes on the candy bottles was very successful, wasnt it? _5.How is

23、 Wangs business and whats her ambition? _ 6.What impression can you get about Wang Jin and her teammates? Tell us your reason._Keys:1.Because rents in the area have increased too much.2 . The young . / The young visitors . / The young people . / Some young people .3 . Better opportunities and great

24、fun .4 . No , it wasnt .5 . Her business works well and shes ready for a new shop in a new neigh-bourhood.6 . They were creative / clever / quick-minded / smart / great / .because they can quickly changed their idea of selling candies into using online catchphrases./quickly changed their idea and be

25、gan to use online catchphrases./ quickly used a new form/kind of method (of selling candies)/ quickly take the advantages of using the online catchphrases . (四) The furniture may often be very old, and it may have changed hands many times. It may also be very valuable(值钱的) although the most valuable

26、 pieces will usually go to the London salesrooms, where one piece might be sold for hundreds of thousands of pounds.The books, too, may be old and very valuable; some may be rare first printings. Often when someone dies or has to move to a new place, his books may all be sold,so sometimes you may fi

27、nd that some people who work in libraries come to this kind of shop. On the border(边界)between England and Wales, there is a town which was once only a sheep market, but which has now become a huge bookshop as well. And now books have replaced sheep as the town7 s main business.The British treasure t

28、he past and the things of the past. This is true of household goods as well. These days no one knocks them down. They are repaired until they are often better than the new ones.In Britain, people do not buy something just because it is new. Old things are treasured for their proven(已证明的)worth; new things have to prove themselves before they are accepted.1. What is a secondhand shop in Britain?2. What things are often sold in British se

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