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本文(江苏省宿迁市学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 扫描版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江苏省宿迁市学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 扫描版含答案.docx

1、江苏省宿迁市学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 扫描版含答案宿迁市2018-2019学年度第二学期期末考试高一英语试题答案听力:1-5 BCBCA 6-10 CAACA 11-15 BBCBA 16-20 CCBCA单选:21-25 BCDCB 26-30 DAABC 完型:31-35 ACDBD 36-40 BCBCC 41-45 BBADA 46-50 DDABA阅读:51-53 DAB 54-57 DCCB 58-61 ADBB 62-65 ADCC七选五:66-70 FEDGA短文填空:71. comfortable 72. Unfortunately 73. growing 74. Ho

2、wever 75. which/ that76. Sounds 77. are 78. leaves 79. with 80. sticking单词拼写:81. Traditionally/ Conventionally 82. employed 83. persuaded 84. target 85. approaching 86. constant 87. cultural 88. convenience 89. attempted 90. extinction参考范文:On May 1 this year, 54,000 tourists visited the Great Wall,

3、a World Heritage Site, leaving behind 18.2 tons of garbage, which aroused public discussion. Therefore, some people conducted a survey on the phenomenon that tourists dropped litter on the Great Wall just on May 1 in recent years, finding that the amount of the rubbish left behind is increasing.On m

4、y personal note, the Great Wall, which is a symbol of China, plays a significant part in the history of our country. It can enhance nations sense of pride, self-confidence and patriotic enthusiasm. Hence, its our responsibility to protect it, leaving it as it was 2000 years ago. When visiting it, to

5、urists should take away rubbish.With regard to protecting World Heritage Sites, wed better educate people, raising their awareness of their value. Whats more, substantial measures should be taken, such as restricting the number of visitors. (123)听力原文(Text 1) W: Linda is very quiet, but her husband t

6、alks too much.M: Yes, you are right and he isnt friendly either. (Text 2) M: Im really tired of this weather. Rain, rain, rain.W: Dont worry. The weather report says it will be sunny on Friday. Dont forget to bring your umbrella today.(Text 3)M: You have arranged to meet Mr Jackson on Friday. So I d

7、ont have to call him, do I?W: Yeah, theres no need to call him.(Text 4) M: So my flight is tomorrow at 2:40.W: How will you get to the airport? Will you go by bus, or do you need a taxi?M: Ill just take the company car this time. (Text 5) M: Would you like to go to the theatre tonight? Ive got some

8、tickets.W: Im sorry. Ive arranged a party to meet some old friends tonight.M: No problem. Maybe next time youll come.W: Yes. That would be nice.(Text 6) W: John, what is your hobby?M: Me? Usually I just like staying at home and doing nothing, but I guess that doesnt really count as a hobby. Hmm, I g

9、uess it would be watching films.W: I bet you like action movies like Enter the Dragon or Spider-Man.M: Well I like action movies of course. But my favourites are dramas. W: I think dramas are quite boring. I prefer comedies like Home Alone.M: It is really interesting.(Text 7)W: Im fed up with repeti

10、tive weekends: going out for dinner, watching movies or surfing the Net. Have you got any new ideas?M: Let me think for a moment. Oh, I got it. An outing and a barbeque.W: Thats a good idea. But where?M: Ive heard there is a barbeque site at the Botanic Garden.W: Really? I expect there are only plan

11、ts there. Shall we bring the equipment with us?M: Not necessary. But we should get more friends. Youre in charge.W: OK. What else should we take? Is it expensive?M: No, its quite cheap. I will buy some bread and beer at the supermarket.W: Well. We can bring a guitar. We will have a terrific time!(Te

12、xt 8)M: Morning, Julia. Did you go to the cinema last night?W: Yes, it was a good film. But the strangest thing happened when I got home.M: What?W: Well, when I got home, I came up the stairs and started to put my key in the door. And I heard a noise in my flat. I thought it was a thief.M: So what d

13、id you do?W: I ran into the street and phoned the police from the phone box on the corner. They came very quickly. But while they were walking up the stairs, my door opened. I thought: Oh, no. But it wasnt a thief.M: Who was it?W: It was Karl. You know, who sits next to me in the office.M: How did h

14、e get in?W: The gatekeeper let him in.(Text 9)W: I went out with my friend last night. Well, actually, shes my best friend. Have you ever met her? Lisa?M: Er, you told me about her.W: I did. Shes the Greek girl.M: Er, yeah.W: Really pretty . and she has got long, dark hair and she is very slim. Um,

15、yeah, we had a great time. We met . gosh . weve known each other now . about 15 years. Can you believe that?M: Oh, wow.W: Yeah, we met . I was working for her dad. He had a pub. Oh, I tell you, those were wild days but, er, we met working there together.M: Er, yeah.W: We dont have a lot in common, b

16、ecause she doesnt work, she is a full-time mum. She has got a little boy.M: Oh, yeah.W: He is about 11 now . difficult age. But we still get together about once or twice a month, and its always good to see her.M: Nice.(Text 10)W: Well, I live on my own now. I decided after my fourth husband died tha

17、t I didnt want to marry again, and I like being independent. I still enjoy going to parties and meeting people its quite funny when I meet someone for the first time and they recognise me, but they cant remember the names of any of my films. They get embarrassed, but I dont mind. The last one was qu

18、ite a few years ago after all. Ive lived here in Los Angeles for nearly forty years now, and I love the weather, and the people, but I feel I need a change. So maybe next year Ill do something exciting, like travelling around the world. Ive always wanted to go to Australia you know so I should go, really, before its too late.

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