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1、大学英语习题集一大学英语 综合练习册(一) 答案 厦门大学出版社 陈青松Unit 1Part One Grammar and StructureSection AI.1. 名词 2. 形容词 3. 情态动词 4. 代词 5. 副词 6. 不定冠词 7. 副词 8. 介词 9. 副词 10. 动词II1、主语,定语;2、间接宾语;3、谓语,状语; 4、状语,宾语;5、定语,表语;6.定语,表语 7、形式宾语,真正宾语; 8、状语,状语; 9、形式主语,表语,宾补; 10、宾补;Section B1. It rained for two weeks on end, completely ruini

2、ng our holidays.2. Working hard, you will succeed.3. Not knowing what to do, he telephoned the police.4. Though working very hard, he didnt feel a bit tried.1. Some customers are polite while some are rude. 2. Some people waste food while some people dont have enough to eat.3. Motion is absolute whi

3、le stagnation is relative.1. Not only do we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learn to communicate with friends in English.2. Not only are housewives not paid, but most of their boring work is unnoticed.3. Not only does Mr.Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridg

4、es the gap between his culture and ours.4. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came to losing our lives.5. Not only did the workers want a pay increase, but they also wanted reduced working hours.综合练习I. 15 CBDBB 610 ACBABII. (略)III.(略)Part Two Vocabulary and ExpressionI.1. appearance 2.

5、widened 3. powerful 4. childishly 5. misunderstanding 6. pride 7. ability 8. incorrect 9. safety 10. politenessII.1 allow2 reflecting3 remind4 instructed5 embarrassed6 reaped7 require8 frustrating9 submitting10 rewardedIII.1 at2 in3 of4 from5 across6 on7 of8 to9 into10 withIV.1-5. BDCAD 6-10. BADABV

6、.1.A 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.B Part Three Reading ComprehensionI. 1-5 BFGCAII. 1-5 DABBC 6-10 C D A D AIII.1. Roughly 700 million.2.They are British colonialists; American CIs and the multi-national corporation.3. Because they can get ahea

7、d or leave their own countries4. More than 1 billion people.5. FrenchPart Four Translation1. the virtual classroom2. at the top of the class3. cry out of frustration4. be far from perfect5. meet the minimum standards6. be well worth the effort7. reap the benefit(s) of hard work 8. stay at the same l

8、evel forever9. feel like giving up10. lose the desire/eagerness to do sth.11. 全面考虑自己的想法 12. 回答前仔细考虑答案 13. 保持网上公开、友好的氛围14. 从同龄人中得到很大启发 15. 弥合不同语言和文化之间的鸿沟 16. 愿意大胆地说出来 17. 一次困难却有收获的经历 18. 对另一种文化的深入了解 19. 渴望继续学英语 20. 准备接受挑战21. 这份工作不仅使我多了解了那儿的习俗,而且帮我结交了许多朋友。22. 与传统英语学习不同,网络英语学习更取决于学习者的自我约束。23. 对我来说,上大学最

9、大的收获是学会了如何学习和如何与人交流。24. 英语世界通行,但土耳其语离开本国就很少有人说了。25. 那些经常接触国家机密的人一定得守口如瓶。26. 由于他对网上冲浪的兴趣过浓, 他很有可能一门心思上网,而不会关心自己的功课。27. Now that youve passed your driving test28. To keep up with others 29. She came across some old photographs in a drawer30. we can reach out to our friends by email.31. instead of thro

10、wing cold water on them.32. trade his car for a truck. Part FiveI. Sentence structure1. (1) While some people waste food, others havent enough. (2) While encouragement will always keep students minds open to new knowledge, punishment may make students full of frustration. 2. (1) Not only did he read

11、 the book, but he also remembered what he read. (2) Not only does she speak Spanish, but also she also knows how to type.3. (1) Seeking after happiness has been a most painstaking experience. (2) Playing online games is now a most enjoyable experience for some students.4. (1) For some students, the

12、most amazing result of having come to college is that they have learned how to lead a romantic life. (2) The most exciting result of chatting online is that I can share joy and happiness with many people. 5. (1) When she left home for her college, she desired to live a life free of worry and care; h

13、owever, before long she found the campus life was far from her expectation. (2) When he began to share a desk with a pretty girl, he was eager to make a good impression on her; however, things did not go as he wished.II. Practical Writing1. when I took my first English class; 2. everywhere I went, i

14、n which I listed any new words I heard.Unit 3PART ONE: GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURESection A.1. him, he 2. their, they 3. It 4. It, it 5. hers 6. His 7. myself 8.that 9. That 10. those.1. thats 2. it 3. yours 4. you, yourselves 5. no one 6. Anybody7. thisll 8. everyone, everyone 9. that 10. anyone elses Se

15、ction B1.nor do I plan to do so.2.nor have I never met him. 3.nor would he answer the questions of the reporters.4.nor does it explain the success of the developing countries.1.Afraid of failure2. Though not necessary3. Glad to accept4. Cold and hungry1. Once in bed2. Once signed3. Once he began to

16、investigate the matter4. Once the money is gone.Section C1-5 ADADC 6-10 CBAACPART TWO: VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSION I.1. enable 2. surprising 3. complaints 4. envious 5. eagerness 6. reluctance 7. unfinished 8. mysterious 9. inventions 10. encouragement II.1 startled2 clings3 bothers4 enable5 regretted

17、6 paced7 amazed8 located9 leaning10 stressIII.1 on2 of3 to4 to5 out6 about, about7 out/off8 to9 in10 toIV.1-5. ABCBA 6-10. ACABAV.1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.A PART THREE: READING COMPREHENSIONI. 1-5 GEADCII. 1-5ACBBC6-10 BBACCIII. 1. lovi

18、ng feelings in public places2. On the street, in the park, in restaurants, (and even on trains and buses).3. Custom does not permit them to do so.4. They often kiss each other.5. They shake hands.PART FOUR:TRANSLATION1. show envy of 2. be content to do sth. 3. be envious of others 4. regain ones bal

19、ance of mind 5. cling to6. complain about the weather7. on the/ones way to the school8. military exercise9. rush to the hospital10. engage in teaching11. 定速度12. 引以为荣的事13. 休假回家 14. 享受做某事的乐趣 15. (拳击中)假装被击倒 16. 乘军用车出发17. 协调步伐18. 带病上班 19. 遭受如此的耻辱和压力20. 说些希望和激励的话语21. 你已经决定国庆节去哪儿了吗?22. 他们醒来时,发现被水包围了。23. 她

20、学习非常刻苦,希望能在班里名列前茅。24. 有时,事情的结果并非我们所想的那样。25. 形势所迫,必须立即采取行动。26. 人们希望生活在一个完全没有战争和暴力的世界里。 27. Even if he is accepted to the university28. nor could she understand anything we said29. Once you understand this rule30. please see to it that the order for the goods is sent out as scheduled31. she has adjust

21、ed to life here 32. Anxious for a quick decisionPART FIVE: WRITINGI. Sentence structure1. (1) He is a great president, even if he has many enemies. (2) You mustnt be conceited even though you have achieved great success.2. (1) Unwilling to accept the job, he still nodded his agreement. (2) Far from

22、free to express himself in English, he still managed to describe what he had seen and heard. 3. (1) Once bathed in the warmth of such families, you will feel the great power of love. (2)When comparing different cultures, we often pay attention to their differences.4. (1) When I think of that experie

23、nce now, I still feel amazed at my fathers calmness in the face of death. (2) When I think of the military training now, I still feel amazed at how much willpower I displayed then. 5. (1) I think of my hometown when I feel lonely, when I am in low spirits, and when I run into frustration. (2) This h

24、onest official thinks of the peoples great trust when he uses his power, when he makes a choice between personal interest and larger interests, when he faces various attractions.II. Practical Writing1. make persuasive presentations, answer unfriendly questions, communicate more effectively.2. how so

25、rry I was, how unworthy I was, how I regretted it. 3. when I complain about trifles, when I am envious of anothers good fortune, when I dont have a “good heart”.Unit 4 PART ONE: GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURESection A11-5 a, , a, a, a, 6-10 the, , a, the, the11-15 a, a, , the, a 16 -17 a, a21.a, 2. the, , Th

26、e, , an, the 3. the, the, the, the 4. the, the, the, the5. a, the 6. the, a, the, the, the, a, the, The, The Section B1. She was so absorbed in reading that she was not conscious of someone coming in.2. So hot is the weather that we can do nothing but sitting indoors.3. There are so many people in t

27、he park that you cannot squeeze into it. 4. She was so angry that she threw the cup on the floor, breaking into pieces.1. It was from Steven that she first heard of the man.2. I do feel sorry for him.3. It is because he is in experienced that he doesnt know how to deal with the embarrassing situatio

28、n.4. It was not until she arrived home that she remembered her appointment with the doctor.1. I want to see her the moment she arrives.2. The instant you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise.3. She burst into tears the second she heard the news.4. He felt a thrill the very moment he got into

29、 the theatre. Section C1-5 ADADC 6-10 BDDBB PART TWO: VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSION I.1. impression 2. broadens 3. solution 4. disappointment 5. introduction6. surprised 7. presentation 8. excitement 9. existence 10. abilityII.1 estimated 2 account 3 promotes 4 absorbed 5 stridden6 brooding 7 acquainted 8 encounter 9 address 10 depressesIII.1 out 2 to 3 with 4 with 5 at6 at 7 to 8 up 9 on 10 upIV.1-5. ABBCD 6-10. ABABDV.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.D PAR

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