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1、413七宝中学高一英语期中考试正式试题上海市七宝中学2015学年第二学期高一英语期中考试2016年4月13日 考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分I.Listening Comprehension (30 points)Section ADirections: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation

2、s and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A. Chinatown.B. Columbia University.C. The Empire State Building.D. The United

3、 Nations Building.2.A. By subway.B. By taxi.C. In Richards car.D. On Jerrys train.3.A. She made a late delivery.B. She went to the wrong place.C. She couldnt take the cake back.D. She was late for the birthday party.4.A. Interesting.B. Positive.C. Opposite.D. Boring.5.A. Paying for tickets.B. Repair

4、ing machines.C. Changing notes.D. Changing notes for coins.6.A. His computer doesnt work well.B. He isnt getting along with his stuff.C. He didnt register for a proper course.D. He cant apply the theory to his program.7.A. The style is more important than the color.B. The green dress doesnt fit as w

5、ell as the blue one.C. The woman should buy a dress instead of a suit.D. The woman looks better in blue.8.A. He probably just has got a headache.B. Theres no air-conditioner in the room.C. She thinks he is not seriously sick.D. She thinks he should go to see the doctor.9.A. 40.B. 60.C. 80.D. 120.10.

6、A. He cant get a room at the hotel.B. He didnt get the type of room he wanted.C. He expected the room to be more expensive.D. He thought he had already made a reservation.Section BDirections: In section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passage

7、s. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A. 27.B. 6

8、5.C. 67.D. 70.12.A. Slow food.B. Fast food.C. Womens rights.D. Anti-war.13.A. Alice has written some cookbooks.B. Alice opened a restaurant in France.C. Alice sometimes buys locally-grown food.D. It was Alices keen sense of taste that made her a famous cook.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the f

9、ollowing passage.14.A. It is listed in the teaching programme.B. It is important to English teaching.C. Effective listening results in good grades.D. Its more taught than any other subject.15.A. Listening helps to send plain message.B. Listening develops personal relationship.C. Listening has little

10、 to do with personal relationship.D. Good listening helps to deliver an important speech.16.A. Good listening means a good job.B. Listening requires understanding.C. With good listening, you can receive messages.D. Listening is an important means of communication.Section CDirections: In section C, y

11、ou will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.How is the woman feeling these days?She is

12、feeding a little (17)_.Why doesnt the woman get much exercise?Because she works so hard that she does not have the (18)_ to exercise.What happens to your body if you miss meals?Your body will only (19)_ fat.What can the woman carry when she takes a walk?A (20)_ radio.Complete the form. Write ONE WOR

13、D for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Interview with a Clown (小丑) DoctorWhat is a clown doctor?A clown who (21)_ to be a doctor.What do clown doctors do?They do (22)_ to make sick children happy.Why did Frank give up teaching and start to work as a clown doct

14、or?He loved working with child and hoped to (23)_.According to Frank, what was the best thing about his work?To (24)_.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II.Grammar and VocabularySection A (16 points)Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to ma

15、ke the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Albert Einstein completely changed scientific thought. After he developed the Theory of Rel

16、ativity, Einstein opened the door for the creation of the atomic bomb. Although Einstein was not famous in his lifetime, he later became (25)_ (famous) scientist of the 20th century.Although Einstein is now considered the best example of genius, in the first two decades of his life, many people thou

17、ght Einstein was the exact opposite. When Einstein didnt talk until he was three years old, his parents worried something was wrong with him. Einstein also failed (26)_ (impress) his teachers. From elementary school through college, his teachers and professors thought him lazy, sloppy, and insubordi

18、nate (不屈服的). Many of his teachers thought he would never amount to anything.(27)_ appeared to be laziness in class was really boredom. (28)_ _ just memorizing facts and dates, Einstein preferred to consider questions (29)_ _ what makes the needle of a compass point in one direction? Why is the sky b

19、lue? What would it be like to travel at the speed of light?Unfortunately for Einstein, these were not the types of topics he was taught in school. (30)_ his excellent grades, Einstein found regular schooling to be strict and unfair. Things changed for Einstein when he treated Max Talmud friendly, th

20、e 21-year-old medical student who ate dinner at the Einsteins once a week. Although Einstein was only eleven years old, Max introduced Einstein to numerous science and philosophy books and then discussed their content with him. Einstein flourished in this learning environment and it wasnt long (31)_

21、 Einstein surpassed (超过) what Max could teach him.(B)Disney Movie Gets SeriousWe may not have realized it, but the truth is that the majority of us hold certain prejudices (偏见) and believe certain stereotypes (成见) to be true. For instance, a popular prejudice is (32)_ Disney movies are just kids stu

22、ff, full of cute characters and happy endings.Disney pictures are definitely for the young, but children wont fall in love with a film (33)_ they feel is empty. As Zootopia, the latest animated film by Disney, shows, kids movies (34)_ also be serious entertainment.Set in an animal version of New Yor

23、k City, Zootopia came out in China on March 4.The heroine is a rabbit named Judy Hopps from a remote village who arrives in the big city as a newly-qualified police officer. She has a dream of a career of public service ahead of her. Judy has heard that Zootopia is a utopia (理想国): a place where ther

24、e are no differences between creatures and everyone (35)_ (get) along.What she finds is slightly different: There are indeed prejudices and stereotypes in this society, just like any society. She is called a naive (天真的) country animal and (36)_ (tell) shell never make it. Judy is given a dull job at

25、tending to parking meters (停车计时器). Its no challenge at all. Judy knows shes been given the lowly (地位低的) job simply (37)_ shes from a village. The movie shifts gears (变速) when Judy meets Nick, a fox. Nick is tricky, sly (狡猾的) (like most fox characters), but also witty (机智的) and fun to be around.When

26、Judy is given a break, shes moved off meter duty to a case looking for a missing ferret (白鼬). She ignores her fathers advice (38)_ foxes cannot be trusted and invites Nick to help her. She learns about another Zootopia of other species at war with each other.The movie gets intense (紧张的) here, and it

27、 also becomes very relevant to the present-day US. Over the past couple of years there (39)_ (be) a series of police shootings of young African-American men. Disney has clearly tapped into this theme. It has delivered a movie which, although it is for kids, treats kids like theyre members of society

28、 with brains and consciences.Like any light-hearted Disney production, Zootopia offers moments which will have audiences roaring with laughter. But fun isnt all Zootopia has to offer. Inside this delightful new Disney movie, there (40)_ (beat) a serious heart.Section B (30 points)Directions: Complet

29、e the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.(A)A. careerB. classicsC. combiningD. composedAB. criticsAC. hitAD. musicalBC. operatingBD. performingCD. popularityABC. survivedSarah Brightman is a talented perfor

30、mer and singer with the ability to raise her voice to an operatic level easily. By (41)_ these gifts, she has successfully starred in (42)_ such as The Phantom of the Opera and Cats. Born in August, 1960, in England, Sarah Brightman stepped into the world of (43)_ arts at the age of 13. She made her first theatrical performance in London in 1973. At 16, she joined a British dance group and found herself performing on a TV show. Two years later, Sarahs (44)_ went a step further when she became the lead vocalist with a musical group. A short while after joining the music group, Sarah retu

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