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1、DCS复原通电调试方案contents1调试目的 2Commissioning purpose2编制依据 4references3组织与分工 5Organization and assignment4现场实施DCS复原通电调试必备条件 7The necessary condition of DCS distribution recovery5技术要求及步骤 8Technical requirement and steps6环境、职业健康、安全风险因素控制措施 12Control measures for environment, occupational health and risk fac

2、tors7、附录 16AppendixDCS复原通电调试方案一、第一步 DCS配电柜受电:应该先断开电气侧 UPS的电源开关(根据设计情况,有的两路用两套 UPS,有的用一套UPS)、DCS配电柜的总开关及至 DCS 各控制柜的小空气开关。 由电建单位电气专业检查电 气来两路电源的线路相间绝缘及总开关对地绝缘 (用摇表),符合要求后先合一 路UPS电源,在DCS配电柜内测量电源品质,包括电压及频率,没有问题后 合上配电柜内总开关,测量总开关的出口(输出电压)是否满足要求,若没有 问题再把 DCS 配电柜内总开关断开。用同样方法再检查电气来的另一路电源。 两路都没有问题后, 都合上, 再检查 D

3、CS 配电柜内总开关的输出电压品质, 没 有问题后,电气送至 DCS 配电柜成功。(如果有两路的话,也可能当前只有一 路临时电源经过 UPS送至DCS配电柜)二、 第二步 各 I/O 控制柜受电: 应该先检查各控制机柜的信号地及系统地的接 地情况,并记录数据,检查 DCS 配电柜内各空开的单相对地绝缘及相间绝缘 (用 万用表量一下电阻即可) ,把所有 I/O 卡件拔出其浮空 (以后根据试运进度选择 逐个卡件投入运行,例如明天准备转引风机,线也接完了,量一下现场来的信 号没有强电压及强电流后才可以投入卡件) 。没有问题后逐个控制机柜送电, 也 是先送一路,检查电源品质没问题且 DPU 状态指示灯

4、显示正常后,断开再合另一路,没问题后再两路都合上,再检查双电源供电时的电源品质。 - Y+ O* |( C. O- t+ e三、 第三步 各 MMI 上位机受电:也是先检查 DCS 配电柜内空开绝缘及线路绝缘,没问题后先合一路再合另一路,最后两路都合上。四、 第四步 网络交换机受电:同上。正常后在上位机查看网络状况是否正常。五、 整个 DCS 系统所有部件都上电正常后 (包括检查直流部分的供电及输出是否正常 ),进行电源冗余试验及网络冗余试验 1 $ ?. p/ A; B- r$ o, I L六、受电过程中应记录各种数据,包括电气至 DCS 配电柜的电源电压等品质, 线路相间绝缘,总开关对地绝

5、缘,控制柜的信号地及安全地的接地电阻,电子 间内的温度湿度等, 将来写报告及存档用。 包括检查 DCS 配电柜内各小空气开 关的相间及对地绝缘 (这个用万用表大体测量一下电阻即可) ,检查各控制柜内 接地线与接地铜排连接是否紧密。 3 ?0 & o8 B; % v) S/ T;七、组织分工要明确,包括调试所、电建单位、 DCS 厂家、监理等单位,谁指 挥谁操作谁监护都要明确,确保通讯联系畅通,一有问题马上能快速处理(一 般问题不大, 但现场首次受电也可能存在些不确定因素) ,包括两个专业热工与 电气(电气只负责把两路合格电源送至 DCS 配电柜),要有可操作性比较强的 受电方案步骤, 受电前要

6、进行详细的交底会议, 明确各岗位职责, 避免误操作。Commission scheme for DCS recovery circuit1 调试目的Debugging purpose1.1本调试方案规定了分散控制系统(DCS现场复原通电试验项目及内容;This debugging scheme define decentralized control system(DCS)distribution recovery experiment item and content on site;1.2调试目的是保证DCS系统软件和硬件工作正常,能实现设计的各种要求,为机组的 顺利运行提供保障。The

7、purpose of debugging is assurance DCS system software and hardware to work regularly, and realize various requirements of design ,supply safeguard to the unit to trouble-free operation.1.3适用于苏丹吉利4期2X 55MW石油焦电站工程分散控制系统(DCS的现场复原通 电试验。Applicable for Sudan Garri 2X55MW Sponge Coke-fired Power Plant Proj

8、ect, Phase IV decentralized control system (DCS) distribution recovery debugging experiment on site.1.4系统概况System gen eral situatio n分散控制系统(DCS系统设计结构、配置数量、厂家Dece ntralized con trol system (DCS) system desig n structure, allocate nu merical measure, manu facturer分散控制系统(DCS)采用新华的OC4000分散控制系统。实现模拟量控制系统

9、(MCS)、 辅机顺序控制系统(SCS)、锅炉燃烧管理(BMS)、数据采集和处理系统(DAS)、汽机 调速系统(DEH)、停车保护系统(ESD)空压站、吹灰程序控制等多功能一体化控制;Dece ntralized con trol system (DCS) uses OC400 dece ntralized con trol system of Xin hua.Model control system (MCS), auxiliary sequential control system (SCS),boiler burn management system (BMS),data acquisi

10、tion and treatment system (DAS),digital electric hydraulic con trol system (DEH), emerge ncy stop device system (ESD),air compress ing engine station, soot blowing process control system etc realized various function to integration con trol.DCS系统由工程师站,操作员站,服务器, 主控单元模块SM201和I/O卡件构成,具体配置如下:DCS consist

11、s of engineer station, operator station, server, module of main control unitSM201 and the specific collocation as follows:站名Stati on n ame数量Amount功能Function锅炉控制站1Boiler con trolstati on12套2给水系统、疏水排水系统、蒸汽系统、 汽水分析系统、化学加药系统、吹灰系统Feed water system,drai nage and abstract ion of water system, steam system,

12、 steam water an alysis system, medicat ing system, soot blow ing system锅炉控制站2Boiler con trolstati on22套2空气系统、烟气系统、燃料系统、点火系统、底渣系统、MFTAir system, fume system, fuel system,ign iti on system,slag system, MFT汽机控制站12套蒸汽系统、润滑系统、旁路系统、冷却系统、除氧系统turb ine con trol stati on12Steam system, lubricatio n system, by

13、pass system, cooli ng system, deaerati ng system汽机控制站2Turbi ne con trolstati on22套2电调系统、保护系统、轴系监测Electric regulator system, protecti on system,shaft ing mon itori ngBOP站BOP station1套1点火油系统、水系统、空压站、废水排放系统、气象站、CEMSIgn iti on oil system, water system, air compress ing statio n,waste water drain age sys

14、tem, meteorological stati on, CEMS按照本电厂的规模,全厂按单元和功能划分,设如下 DCS操作站:Accord ing to the scope of the stati on, the whole is divided to un it and function, posit theDCS operatio n stati on as follows:站 名 Station name数量Amount功能Fun cti on值长站1套Duty stati on1锅炉操作站Boiler operati on stati on2套2MCS、DAS、SCS、BMS、M

15、FT汽机操作站Turb ine operati on stati on2套2MCS、DAS、SCS DEH、ETSBOP操作站1套公用系统BOP operati on statio n1Syn ergic system工程师站2套系统组态、调试、维护Engin eer stati on2System con figurati on, debuggi ng, maintenanceDCS相关的外围设备有:The related peripheral equipment of DCS:名称 n ame数量Amount功能Fun cti on网络激光打印机Network laser prin ter

16、2台2连接在网络上用于:报警、报表、拷贝connect with n etwork and used for: larmi ng,journ ali ng and cop ing.普通彩色激光打印机Common colored laserprin ter2台2连接在工程师站上用于:组态、调试、维护Connect with engin eer stati on and used for:configuration, debugging, maintenance大屏幕监视器Large-scree n mon itor2组2单元监视Unit mon itor2、编制依据References2.1火力

17、发电厂基本建设工程启动及竣工验收规程 电建1996 159号, 第2、3节;Start ing and completi on accepta nee regulati ons for basic con structi on of fossil fuel power pla nt, mini stry of power con structi on 19962.2火电工程调整试运质量检验及评定标准 建质1996 111号,(试3-5-2,试5-5-2,试 6-5-2);Standard of quality inspection and evaluation for adjustment t

18、rials of thermal power project (quality of building construction No. 111 1996)2.3火电工程启动调试工作规定 建质(1996)40号,第四篇;Work rules for startup trials of thermal power project (quality of building constructionNo.40 1996) the fourth part2.4火力发电厂分散控制系统在线验收测试规程 DL/T659-1998 ;Code for on-Iine acceptanee test of de

19、centralized control system in fossil fuel power plant DL/T659-19982.5火电施工质量检验及评定标准 电综1998145号 热工仪表及控制装置篇;Sta ndard for quality in specti on and evaluati on of thermal power con struct ion, in tegrati on of power NO.1451998 Part of thermal instrumentation and control device2.6新华公司提供OC4000系统资料。OC400 s

20、ystem information supplied by Xinhua company.3、组织与分工Organization and assignment3.1施工单位职责The duty of construction unit3.1.1负责机柜的安装就位、 盘间电缆敷设和控制室的内装修工作,清理控制室及机柜内 外环境,保证环境达到复原通电要求;Taking charging of the installation of locker, the laying down of cable and the fitment of control room, clean the control

21、romm and the locker, make sure the environment can meet the requirement of recovery circuit3.1.2负责系统的接地安装工作,保证接地电阻满足制造厂家要求(V 4Q);Charge the erection of the system ground connection, make sure the ground-resistance follows manufacturer requirement;3.1.3负责复原通电期间UPS至主电源柜的上电操作。Charge upper operation of

22、UPS to the main power supply cabinet during distribution recovery.3.1.4负责复原通电期间工作场地管理制度的编制颁发和具体执行。Charge the work yard of establishment management system and specific carry out during distribution recovery.3.1.5为分部试运牵头单位。 完成启动所需要的设备及临时设施的施工; 负责现场的安全、 消防、消缺、检修工作The unit involed in divisional test run

23、ning. They should finish the construction of the essential equipments and temporary devices; and take charge of the safety, fire fighting, flaw slaking, and repairing work.3.2制造厂家的职责Manufacturers responsibility3.2.1负责完成系统复原通电试验的全过程;Complete the whole process of the distribution recovery.3.2.2负责系统的全部

24、软、硬件的恢复,包括网络的连接,系统的恢复,卡件的安装,工程师站和操作员站的安装 ,做好通电前的准备;Recovery all the software and hardware include the join to the network, recovery the system, erect, erect engineers station and operators station, make the preparation before set up electric circuit.3.2.3负责系统的主电源柜至每个机柜的电源首次复原上电;Charge the main power

25、 supply cabinet to the power of every cabinet the first time distribution recovery.3.2.4负责系统维护,更换不合格的软、硬件设备;Maintenance the system, change the software and hardware which are fault.3.3调试单位的职责Debugging units responsibility331负责编写分散控制系统(DCS)复原通电调试技术方案;Compile ;3.3.2负责系统的性能测试及功能检查;Aptitude test and fun

26、ctional check of the system;3.3.3负责做好试验记录并编写试验报告;Make the record and write the report;3.4电厂方面负责现场工作的组织和协调及统一部署工作;Organize and coordinate and uniform deploy on site is charged by generating station.3.5监理单位负责系统安装及调试质量、施工安全的检查和监督。The system erection, the quality of debugging and check and supervise of

27、construction safeguard are charged by supervisory unit.3.6DCS受电由DCS现场服务工程师执行,调试方到场配合协助Power energization of DCS should be carried out by local DCS engineer, and the commission unit should cooperate with them.4、现场实施 DCS 复原通电调试必备条件The necessary condition of DCS distribution recovery4.1电子设备间和工程师室内装修完成;

28、 室内设有防尘措施; 防静电地砖已安装; 环境温 度在045C之间,环境湿度4090%;Completely renovate the electronic equipments house and engineers house; use dust prevention; erect conductive ground tile; the temperature is during 0 to 45 and the dampness is 40-90%;4.2DCS系统机柜和接地柜安装完工;设备电源、网络通讯电缆敷设完成并接通;工作站 安装完成;Erect DCS cabinet and ea

29、rth connection cabinet completely; lay down and put through the device power supply and network connection electric cable; erect active station;4.3UPS采用施工临时电源供电;UPS至DCS的供电系统安装完成;UPS use temporary source; the feed system of UPS to DCS finish ;4.4接地系统安装完成,接地电阻V 4Q。接地点20米内不能有大的电流输入点。The grounded system

30、 finish, the electric resistanceis less than 4.There is no big current flow to enter point beside 20 meters from earth point.4.5机柜底部电缆孔已堵隔。The electric cable which on the bottom of cabinet has been4.6复原通电期间工作场地管理制度已编制颁发。During the time of distribution recovery, work out and issue the managementsyste

31、m on site.4.7仪器准备:数字万用表两块, 1 级;接地电阻测试仪一块, 1.5 级;对讲机;普通万用 表;高精度电压电流信号发生器;高精度频率信号发生器和频率测试仪器;高精度热偶 信号发生器;高精度热阻信号发生器;验电笔;螺丝刀和制作通灯所需材料等。Prepare device:2 number universal meter,1 grade;1 earth resistance,1.5 grade; intercom; general universal meter; high accuracy current and voltage generator; high accuracy frequency signal generator and frequency test instrumet; high accuracy pyod signal generator; high a

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