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1、3高考2模拟英语外研一轮复习课件必修1Module2MyNewTeachers英语(外研版)Module 2 My New TeachersEl语言点用法过关Q patient活学巧用完成句子:(1 )He is very7 others and hardship.他对别人很有耐心,也很能忍耐闲雄。(2 ) She delightedly took up the job to inthe hospital.她愉快地接受了在医院照料病人的T.作。(3)Teachers soon with Sals childishbehaviour. 老帅们很快对萨尔的幼稚行为失去了耐心。(4)1 was hi

2、s rudeness我对他的粗鲁无法容忍了E 答案 (1 )patient with;of (2 )attend to patients(3 ) lost their patience (4 ) out of patience with完成句子:(5 Though he is verjT old 9the old man has .尽管那位老人年事已高,但他的思维很厉花(6 ) He when he was taken to the hospital被送到医院时他还活着。(7 ) My grandfather at the age of 95.我爷爷95岁了,仍然健在。(8)You shoul

3、d take the opportunity of hearing theto be held in the Music Hall.应该把握住这次机会去听这场将要在音乐大厅举办的现 场音乐会。0 答案 (5 )a lively mind (6 )was still alive(7 ) is still living (8 )live concertmake sure暂活学巧用单项填空:(9) (2012届福建福州三中9月月考,39 ) We VIumbrellas一Fm sure it when we arrive in Lonflonwet there at this time of yea

4、r.A. will rain B. k rainingC.will be raining D. would rain(10) (2011河北涿鹿中学高三9月月考,8 ) Nosure in a million yearsA. what man will look likebetter take;iFs alwaysone can beB. what will man look likeD. what look will man likeC. man will look like what0答案(9)C 句意:我们最好带上雨伞我确信在我们到达伦 敦时会下雨。每年的这个时候那儿总是潮湿天气Q根据句

5、意此 处表达将来的情况,且表示说话者认为在将来某一时刻正在进 行的动作,故用将来进行时。(10)A 句意:没有人知道一百万年后人类会是什么样子。 分析句子结构可知be sure后是宾语从句,要用陈述句语序。疗活学巧用单项填空:(11 )(2012届辽宁丹东四校第一次月考,15)Jones! Roy has broken the glass Such things happen.A.Doesnt matter. B. How come?C. What a pity! D. What has become of him?(12 )( 2011 福建厦门考前适应,22 ) Nowadays it s

6、eems to some of us that feeling, not just money,is what really .A. matters B. stays C means D. growfs厅活学巧用单项填空;(2011 甘肃兰州一中高三期中,17 ) His reactions are no one can match him.A. so that B. such C such that D. so(13)(2011浙江噪州一中高三期中,16) difficult thetask may be, we must finish it on time, because we can*

7、t miss a precious opportunity.A. Whatever; so B- However; suchC. However; so D. Whatever; such乜答案(13)C 句意:这就是他的反应,没人能比得上他。such在 此为代词,意为“这样的人或事“,用来代替上面描述过的双方都 知道的内容,Fhat引导结果状语从句。(14)B 句意:无论这项任务有多难,我们必须按时完成,因 为我们不能错过这么一次宝贵的机会。第一个空后是形容词 difficult9要用how或however,排除A、D两项。第二个空后是不 定冠词 a,such a precious oppo

8、rtunity = so precious an opportunityo歹活学巧用单项填空:(15) (2012届黑龙江哈三中9月月考,32 ) us a def-inite answer carft solve the problem.I agree with you Someone must have a talk with him.A.Avoiding to giveB.Avoiding givingC.He avoided givingD His avoiding giving(16) (201 1河南鄢陵高中第一次摸底,22 ) These articles the problem

9、s of the modern world, including race relations and commun让y development.A. address B avoid(L create D. correct0答案(15 )D 句意:他不给我们一个明确的答复,这并不能 解决问题。我同意。必须我人和他谈谈了 根据3、心1 doing sth,固定结构,排除A项;分析句子结构可知此处是p-ing形 式作主语,排除C项;根据句意和题干中的him,可知答案为D 项 his表明动作的执行者。(16)A 句意:这些文章探讨了现代世界的一些问题,其中 包括民族关系和社区发展。A意为:探讨(如何

10、处理问题);B意 为:避免;C意为:创造,产生;D意为:纠正,改正。a bit活学巧用英译汉:office.few bits of wood to make(17 ) The res Been a bit of trouble at(1 8 )The boy took a bit of paper and a a fire.(19 )Did you regret not going to college? Not a bit.0答案(17)办公室里出了点麻烦事。(18)那个男孩儿拿了一点纸和几块小木头去生火。(19)你后悔没上大学吗? 点也不。dare活学巧用改错:(20 ) Jenny da

11、res not tell her father about her failure in the exam.(21 )That was why he flare do so!(22 ) She knew he was wrong,but she dicing dare telling him.E答案(20 )dares改为dare 由not tell可知dare在本句中作情态 动词,没有人称和数的变化。(21 ) dare改为dared 曲题干中的was可知dare应改为其 过去式形式daredo(22 ) telling 改为(to ) tell 从 didnt dare 判断 dare 为

12、实义动 词,后跟不定式,又因为此句为否定句,故to可以省略。(23 )(2011 山东济钢高中 9 月检测,36 ) I would appreciate _, to he frank, if goods could be delivered as soon as possible. A. you B. thisC. it D. myself(24 ) ( 2011 天津 12 区县联考二,4 )1 appreciate theopportunity to work in your company two years ago.A. giving to giveC. being given D

13、to be given答案(23)C 句意;坦白地说,如果货物能尽快送到的话我会很 感激的 固定句式:I would appreciate it if.,本句中 to be frank 是插入语o(24 )C 句意:我很感激两年前得到在你们公司工作的机 会。根据appreciate doing sth.结构排除B、D两项;I与give之间 是被动关系,故选C项。歹活学巧用单项填空:(25 )(2011 天津 12 区县联考二,7 ) He works very hard in or- der to get himself into a key university.A. accepted B.

14、 received C. announced D. admitted(26)(2011江苏泰州中学限时练习,22 ) Tuvalu , an island country on the South Pacific Ocean, may be the sea due to cliC. acidic ted to D equal tomate change in the near future.A. admit ted to B. lost toas a resulty活学巧用单项填空:(27 ) (2011重庆杨家坪中学阶段性考试,25 )My mother was overthe age li

15、mit and ,her application for the job was rejected.A. as a resultC. worse stillin conclusionD. what more(28 )(2011 山西晋中四校联考,31 ) People may have different opinions about Karen I admire hei 弓she is a great musician.A. After allC. In other wordsB. As a resultD. As usual(29)(2011 山西太原模拟一,3 1 )The earthq

16、uake striking Ja- pan in March was extremely powerful, even the shape changeof the country s coastline.A. resulted inC. resulting fromB. resulting inD. resulted fromE答案(27)A 句意:我母亲超过了年龄限制,因此她的工作申请 被拒绝了。A意为:因此,结果汕意为:总之;(:意为:更糟糕的 是;D意为:此外,而且。(28)A 句意:人们对Karen可能有不同的看法,但是我崇 拜她。毕竟她是一个伟大的音乐家。A意为:毕竟,终究;B意

17、为:因此,结果;C意为:换句话说;D意为:像往常一样。(29)B 句意:三月份袭击日本的那场地震特别强烈,甚至 导致了该国海岸线的变形。result in意为:导致,造成;result from 意为:由 引起,根据题意可排除C、D两项。又因the earthquake 与resuIt in之间是主动关系,故此处应用现在分词形式作 状语,表结果。歹活学巧用完成句子:(30 )She wants her son to be like his father 她想让她儿子在各方面都像他爸爸。(31 )We should the old.我们应当尊敬答案 (30 ) in every respect

18、(31 ) show/have respect for歹活学巧用单项填空:(32 )(2012届安徽泗县双语学校第一次月考,28)Who would you rather your graduation ceremony tomorrow , yourparents or friends?All of them.A. will have attended B. have attendedC. attended D. to attend(33 )(2011 北京东城二模,23) She seems to prefer American TV shows to talking to me.A. t

19、o watch B. to be watchingC. watching D. having watched0答案(32)C 句意:明天你更愿意让谁去参加你的毕业典 礼,你的父母还是朋友?我更愿意他们都去。把第一句改 为陈述句为:You would rather who attended your graduation ceremony tomorrow?即:此处考 查 would rather sb. did sth.结构,故选 C项。(33 )C 句意:她好像更愿意看美国电视剧而不愿和我说 话 考查 prefer doing sth. to doing sth.结构。弹元能力过关口一、单项

20、填空1.(2011 四 J| , 20 ) The police still haven,t found the lost child , but theyre doing all they .A. can B. may C. must D. should住 答案 A 句意:警察还没有找到那个失踪的小孩,但是他 们在做他们能做的一切。考查情态动词。从语境看,这里用 doing all they can表示做他们能够做的一切,用can表示可 以,能够J2.(2010 湖北,25 ) If I find someone who looks like the suspect,my reaction

21、will be to tell the police.A. physical B. immediate C. sensitive D. sudden答案 B 句意:假如我发现某个人看上去和这个嫌疑犯相像的话,我的第一反应将是报告给警方。本题考查形容词 辨析。immediate立即的,即刻的,直 接的;physical身体的,自 然的;sensitive敏感的,神经过敏的,易受伤害的;sudden突然 的?意外的从语境判断选B, immediate reaction直接的反应。3.(2009 全国 U,15 )If you leave the club, you will not be back

22、 in.A. received B. admitted C. turned D. moved住答案 B 句意:如果你离开俱乐部,你将不会被允许返 回。admit sb. to/into. .相 当 于:to allow sb. to join an organization, club, etc. 允许某人加入某个组织、俱乐部等。又如:Drake was admitted into the club in 2009.德雷克于 2009 年被接纳为 俱乐部成员。4.(2012届江西南昌二中第三次月考,32 ) To every ones surprise , the boss seems to

23、have more after his recovery from his se-rious illness than even us young meri.A. force B power C. energy D. strengthi?答案c句意:令大家惊讶的是,老板从严重的疾病中恢 复后精力好像比我们年轻人还要好。foT暴力,武力;power 权力,能力;energy精力,活力;strength体力,力量。根据语境 答案为C项。5.(2012 届江西南昌二校 10 月联考,25 ) F(1 appreciate ifyou would like to teach ine how to us

24、e the expression once more and I always appreciated me with my English in the past.A.that; you to help B. this; you helpingC. it;you to help D. it;your helping0答案D 句意:如果你愿意再教我一次如何运用这个短 语的话我将会很感激。过去你对我英语学习的帮助我一直心 存感激。第一个空考查固定句式I would appreciate it if.;第 二个空考查appreciate doing,your是动作help的执行者。6.(2012

25、届山西第二次段考,29 ) Its reported that NetChat allowsusers to block others when they want to avoid .A. to he disturbed B. being disturbedC. to disturb D. disturbing0 答案 B 句意:据报道,网聊允许用户在不想被打扰的时 候屏蔽其他人。考查avoid doing sth.避免做某事;而主语they 与disturb之间是被动关系,所以答案为B项。7.(2012届湖南衡阳八中第三次月考,33 ) We really hate ifyou treat

26、 your roommates so rudely.A. that B this C. it D which答案c 句意:我们真的讨厌你对待室友那么粗鲁。根 据题意空格处的代词指代后面句子所表达的意思,属于代词it 的模糊指代用法。8.(2012届浙江杭州西湖高中10月月考,6)The teacher has goneout, and there was a moment of silence.A. enough B. adequate C. abundant D. complete乜答案D 句意:老师出去了,有一刻完全的安静。enough 足够的;adequate充足的;abundant丰富

27、的;complete彻底的,完 全的。根据语境答案为D项。9.(2012届河南南宫中学9月月考,21) It is a paradox that ina rich country there should be many poor people.A.such;such B.such ;so C. so;so;such0答案 B 句意:在如此富裕的一个国家里竟然有如此多 的穷人,这真是件矛盾的事。第一个空后是名词短语a rich country,可知前面应该用such ;第二个空考查many +可数 名词复数,表示:如此多的故答案为Bo10.(2012届河北灵寿中学第二次月考,19)I

28、 just cant stop wor- rying about the result of the job inteniew. .Theres nothing you can do now but waitA. Relax B. Go ahead C. Go for it D. Good luckE 答案 A 句意:我就是禁不住担心这次工作面试的 结果。放松点。现在你除了等什么也做不了。A意为: 放松点;B意为:行啊,可以;C意为:尽力争取;D意为:祝你 好运。根据语境答案为A项。11.(2012届吉林长春外国语学校期中9 34 ) John, make sure thetables bef

29、ore the guests arriveA. be set B. have set C are set D. are setting13答案 c句意:约翰,你要确保在客人到来之前把桌子 放好o关键词make sure表明从句用一般时态,the tables与 set之间为被动关系,故答案选Co12.( 2011 福建华侨联中冲刺二,2 ) Robots will be very popular. 9 human beings will free themselves from the physical work.0 答案 c 句意:机器人将会越来越流行,因此人类将会 从体力劳动中解放出来。A

30、意为:除 外(还有);B意为:不管,不顾;C意为:结果,因此;D意为:当然。根据句意答案 为C项。13.( 201 1 山西太原 5 月模拟,22 )The ancient Egyptians are sup-posed rockets to the send B. to be have sent D. to have been sending83答案 c 句意:人们认为,古埃及人已经把火箭发射到 了月球考查be supposed to do sth.,而此处表示过去的动 作,应该用不定式的完成式to have done,根据题意故选C项。14.(

31、201 1 山东济南三模,29) Fish need water to survive ; ,vve humans need air to liveA.particularly B. similarly C. obviously D. clearly 住答案 B 句意:鱼儿生存离不开水;同样地,我们人类生 存离不开空气。A意为:特别,尤其;B意为:同样地,类似地; C意为:明显地,显然地;D意为:清楚地,显然。根据句意答 案为B项。15(2011 宁夏银川一中二模9 27 )Are you satisfied with this house? . We cant have a nicer one.A.Not a little B. Not a bitC. A little D. A bitB 答案 A 句意:你对这座房子满意吗? 非

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