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英语人教版四年级下册Read and write.docx

1、英语人教版四年级下册Read and writeUnit1 My schoolB Read and write教学设计【教材来源】义务教育课程标准实验教科书人民教育出版社2013版【内容来源】小学英语四年级下册Unit 1【教学主题】Unit1 My school【课时】 共六课时 第六课时【授课对象】四年级学生【设计者】中牟县郑庵镇福山小学 白丽娟目标制定的依据:课程标准相关要求(1)能唱简单的英文歌曲(2)能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的话语,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。(3)能在教师的帮助和图片的提示下听懂和读懂简单的文段。(4)在学习中乐于模仿,敢于表达,对英语有一定的感知能力。(5)能模

2、仿范例写词句。单元教材分析 本单元主要学习校园里的各种设施及其位置,学习相关名词的使用,序数词的初步认识和一般疑问句问答的应用。在教学中,围绕询问校园里的设施及其位置这一主题,设计一系列教学活动,还要注重一般疑问句及其回答,尤其是代词it 的运用。学情分析 本节课的教学对象是小学四年级的学生,同学们喜欢英语,喜欢英语中的游戏、歌谣、表演及动画,他们生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛特别感兴趣。课堂上应以表扬激励为主,注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力学。 本单元的前几课时中,学生已学的词汇有:1.本单元的八个有关学校各种设施的核心词汇:library,teach

3、ers office,computer room,music room,art room ,playground,first floor,second floor;2.一个表示位置的介词短语:next to;另外学习了一个补充词汇:gym ,又复习了两个三年级下期已学过的方位介词:on,under. 已学过的本单元相关句型有:1.用“-Wheres the .?-Its next to the./on the/first/second floor.”来问答某个设施的位置。2.用句型“-Is this/that.?-Yes,it is./No,it isnt.确认是不是近处或远处的某个设施的问答

4、。3.用句型”-Do you have a.?-Yes,we do./No,we dont.”来问答对方是否拥有某设施。4.用句型“-This is/Thats the.-Its so big./Cool.”来介绍某设施名称及其情境应答。学习目标1.在图片、和提示语的帮助下,能够听、说、认读本单元的核心单词、词组:library,teachers office,computer room,music r-oom,art room ,playground,first floor,second floor,next to,on,in,under;在图片和提示语的帮助下,能够听懂本单元核心句型并能做

5、出简单应答:-Wheres the.?-Its next to the./on the first/second floor.Is this/that.?Yes,it is./No,it isn-t.Do you have a.?Yes,we do./No,we dont.-This is/Thats the.-Its so big./Cool.2.在图片和教师的引导下,能够读懂四组句子,并按照读到的信息正确填充建筑结构图,并能进一步巩固对句型“Wheres the .?及其三种回答方式:Its under the./Its on the first /second floor.Its nex

6、t to the.”的听、说和认读。(主目标)3.在图片、老师和录音的帮助下,能够按照意群和正确的语音语调朗读四组句子。4.在图片和给出示例的提示下,能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元核心句型“This is the library./That is the playground.”;在完成情境交际习题中进一步巩固本单元核心句型的认读。学习重、难点:重点:能够听、说、认读本单元的核心单词、词组和句型;能够读懂四组句子,并按照读到的信息正确填充建筑结构图。难点:本单元核心句型的听、说与认读。教学准备:Read and write 的录音,本单元相关核心词汇、句型的图片、视频、课件教法:任务型教学法、交

7、际语言法学法:合作学习法评价任务1.通过观察:集体认读核心词汇和句型时的口型、听辨发音,同桌合作根据所给教学楼结构图,用单词卡片正确摆出其平面图的熟练程度;根据图片或一定情境,指名进行师生、生生问答核心句型时的熟练程度来检测目标一的达成。2.通过检查学生独立并正确填充建筑结构图的人数来检测目标二的达成。3.通过观察学生的口型,听辨发音,指名读,男女生分角色读,观察同桌合作的情况,同桌展示的方式来检测目标三的达成。4.通过观察学生能否正确规范地改写四线三格中的核心句型;能否正确选出情境交际用语来检测目标四的达成。教学过程:学习环节学习活动评价要点Step1.Warmming-up and rev

8、ision(6分钟)1.Greetings.2.Enjoy a song3.Read and talk.(1)Show the picture about the key word-s in this unit,let the students read them loudly;according to some of the pictures,create a certain situation t-o practice the key sentence patters.(2)Show the picture of the teaching b-uilding,let the student

9、s make the p-icture of the teaching building(设置教学楼平面图)with word cards.(3)Let the students look at the picure of the teaching building,try to use t-he sentence patterns to talk somethi-ng about where the rooms are.能够听、说、认读并能在情境中较正确地运用本单元已学过的核心单词、词组;能听懂本单元核心句型并能做出简单应答(完成评价任务)Step2Presentation(24分钟)读前活

10、动4分钟读中活动8分钟Look and talk. Show the picture of the teaching building of the part“Read and f-ill in the table”,let the stude-nts talk something about what rooms they can see and wherethe rooms are in the picture.在这个过程中板书:Wheres the music room? Its on the first floor. Its under Classroom 2.Its next to

11、the gym.Read and fill in the tab-le. (8分钟)1.Read the first time and find: circle the four filled rooms and underline the direction phrases in each text. 2.Read the second time to fill out the answer that can be sure,a-nd read other more times to fill out all.Read the first text ,we know t-he library

12、 may be next to the C-omputer Room, may be next to Clas-sroom 2.Read the second text,can fill o-ut the Art Room.Its on the fi-rst floor,next to the gym.Read the third text,we know th-e TeachersOffice may be next to Classroom 2,may be next to the C-omputer Room.Read the fourth text,we can fi-ll out C

13、lassroom1、the TeachesOffice and the Library.3.Read the third time to check the answers.在老师和图片的引导下,能够听懂句型并做出较正确的应答,看图识图后简单谈论不够完整的教学楼结构图(完成评价任务)能够读懂四组句子,并按照读到的信息正确填充建筑结构图。(完成评价任务)读后活动12分钟1.Look and talk:(2分钟)let the students look at the pict-ure of the teaching building ,u-se the key sentence patterns

14、 to talk something about the rooms w-here are.2.Listen and read:(10分钟)(1) listen to the tape and let the students follow it,pay atten-tion to the tone,stress and pau-se.(2)Let the students read by them-selves.(3)Have a reading contest betwee-n boys and girls.(4)Have a reading show.能够按照意群和正确的语音语调朗读四组

15、句子。(完成评价任务)Step3Production and consoli-dation(8分钟)Look and write(3分钟)(1)Let the students look at the picture and read the two sentences,find o-ut differences between the two sente-nces:The first letter is bigger,and there is a space betwween every two w-ords,dont forget to add punctuation at the end of a sentence.(2)Write the correct sentence.Have a test:(5 分钟)情境交际选择题:1.当你问“对方学校是否有一个体育馆”时,应该问:( )A.Do you have a gym? you have a gym?C.This is a gym.2.当你问对方“这是不是教师办公室”时,应该问:(

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