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1、走遍美国46集4-6集The Blind Date 介绍会面 ACT I Excuse me. Can you help me? 对不起 你能帮帮我吗 Sure, what do you want? 可以啊。什麽事 Where is 83 Wooster Street? Wooster街83号在哪 Thats easy. Walk to the corner. 很好找。你走到拐角 Then make a left turn. 然後向左转 Then walk two blocks to the traffic light. 再走两条街到红绿灯 Make another left to Woost

2、er. 再向左转就到了Wooster街了。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 To the corner and then a left? 走到拐角向左转对吗 Yeah. A left. 是的 向左转。 Hot dog? Only seventy-five cents. 要热狗吗 只要七十五美分 No. Thank you. I have a dinner date. 不 谢谢。我要去赴晚餐约会 555-9470.and its busy. 555-9470 Try again. 再试一次。 555-9470.and its still busy. 555-9470又 Excuse me, ma

3、am. 对不起 夫人 Im looking for 83 Wooster Street. 我想找Wooster街83号 Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks, 噢 Wooster街还有两个街道 and 83 is to the right, about two houses. 83号是在右边 大约过两栋房子就到了 Thank you, thank you! 谢谢 谢谢 Youre welcome. 不用谢 Who is it? 谁呀 Harry Bennett. Is this Susan? Harry Bennett 是Susan吗 Yes, it is. Co

4、me up. 是的 是我。请上来 Im on the top floor. 我在顶层。 Hello, Harry. Its nice to meet you. 你好 Harry 很高兴见到你。 Nice to meet you, Susan. 很高兴见到你 Susaan。 Sorry Im late. 很抱歉我迟到了。 The traffic. The parking. I was lost. 交通拥挤 又找不到停车的地方。我又迷路了 What pretty flowers! Thank you. 好漂亮的花!谢谢你 Oh, please come in. 噢 请进来。 Dont worry

5、about being late. Its fine. 别为迟到担心了 没有关系 Excuse the mess. I just moved here. 请不要介意这 乱得很 我刚刚搬来住 Oh, Id like you to meet my sister-in-law Marilyn. 噢 我来向你介绍我嫂子Marilyn Marilyn Stewart, this is Harry Bennett. Marilyn Stewart 这是Harry Bennett。 Pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到你 。 Nice to meet you, Harry. 我也很高兴见到你

6、 Harry。 Are we too late for our dinner reservation? 我们会不会错过晚餐订位 No, the restaurant will hold our table. 不会 餐厅会保留我我们的席位 I know the owner very well. 我和老板很熟。 I eat there a lot. 我在那 吃过好多次 Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? 知道那家餐厅的电话号码 Id like to call home 我想打电话回家 and leave the number with t

7、he baby-sitter. 把餐厅的电话告诉临时保姆 Sure. The number is. five five five.seventeen twenty. 没问题 号码是555-1720。 May I use the phone? 我可以用电话吗 Five five seven two oh. Hello? 555-1720 喂 喂? Hi, Michelle. Its Daddy. 嗨 Michelle 是爸爸 Can I speak to Betty? 我能跟Betty说话吗? I want to leave the phone number of the re

8、staurant. 我要留餐厅的电话号码给她 Hi, Betty. Ill be at five five five.seventeen twenty. 你好 Betty 我的餐厅号码是55-1720。 OK. Thanks. See you later. 好 谢谢。再见。 Well, thats done. Shall we go? 好了 打完了。我们可以走了吗 Im ready. See you later, Marilyn. 我准备好了。Marilyn 再见。 Have a nice evening. 祝你们今晚愉快。 Bye, Marilyn. Hope to see you agai

9、n. 再见 Marilyn。希望能再看到 。 Me, too. Have fun! 我也是。祝你们愉快 Thanks. 谢谢。 After you. 请先走。 Excuse me, can you help me? Sure, what do you want? Where is 83 Wooster Street? Thats easy, walk to the corner and make a left turn, then walk two blocks to the traffic light, make another left to Wooster. Thank-you. To

10、the corner, and then a left. Walk to the corner and make a left turn, then walk two blocks to the traffic light, make another left to Wooster. Come on Harry, its your turn. Follow the directions. Excuse me, maam. Im looking for 83 Wooster Street. Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks and 83 is to the ri

11、ght. Wooster Street is two blocks and 83 is to the right. Come on Harry, its your turn, follow the directions. Congratulations, Harry. You found 83 Wooster Street! Now Harry, lets try some new directions. Go to the traffic light at the corner of Prince Street and make a right turn. Go 1 block and ma

12、ke a left at Queen Street. Go to 290 Queen Street. Congratulations, Harry, you did it. ACT II Ah! Miss Stewart! Welcome! 嗨 Stewart小姐 欢迎 How are you? 好吗 Fine, Somsak. And you? 很好 Somsak 你呢 Fine, thank you. 很好 谢谢 。 This is my friend Harry Bennett. 这是我的朋友Harry Bennett。 Pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 Very

13、 nice to meet you. 很乐意见到你。 Any friend of Miss Stewarts is welcome at Somsaks. Stewart小姐的任何朋友在Somsak餐厅都是受欢迎的。 Follow me, please. 请跟我来。 I like it here. 我喜欢这 。 I do, too. I come here often. 我也是。我常来这 。 A special place for special people. 这是为特殊人物而设的特别地方 Thank you, Somsak. 谢谢你 Somsak。 Well! Nice restauran

14、t. 嘿 这是一家好餐厅 Would you like something to drink? 你们要点什麽饮料吗 Yes, Id like a glass of ginger ale with ice. 是的 我要一杯加冰块的 味汽水 Harry, what would you like? Harry 你要什麽 Do you have a dry white wine? 你这 有涩白酒吗 How about a California chablis? 来一杯California白葡萄酒好 Chablis is fine. 好的。 What would you like to eat? 你们要

15、吃点什麽 Id like the mee krob. 我喜欢mee krob Harry, would you like to see a menu? Harry 你想看看菜单吗?No, its Ok. 不用 没有关 。 Ill have the mee krob also. 我也要mee krob。 What is it? 那是什麽 Crispy fried noodles. I love them. 酥炒 。我喜欢吃。 May I bring you a salad? 要不要来点沙拉呢 Oh yes. 噢 好啊。 What do you recommend today? 今天你推荐什麽沙拉

16、 I recommend rose-petal salad. 我向你们推荐玫瑰花瓣沙拉 Special for new friends. 特地为新朋友准备的 Rose-petal salad? 玫瑰花瓣沙拉好吗 Why not? 有何不可 Ill take care of everything. 我会好好照料一切。 I hope youre hungry. 我希望你饿了。 What? Oh, yes. Starving. Well, I. 什麽 噢 是 我很饿。好啦 我 Well, I . 好啦 我 What do you do at Universe Toy Company? 你在宇宙玩具公

17、司做什麽工作 Im the vice-president of new toy development. 我是负责新玩具开发的副总裁 Terrific! 了不起 I know you re a CPA. 我知道你是一位会计师 Thats true. Harry Bennett, 是的。Harry Bennet certified public accountant. 立案会计师。 I love numbers. 我喜欢弄数字。 I do some work for Smith and Dale, Your companys accounting firm. 我为贵公司的会计顾问公司 Smith

18、和Dale事务所 做一些工作 And so. 所以Here we are. 所以我们才有缘相见 Yes. 是啊。 I have a daughter. 我有一个女儿。 I know. How old is she? 我知道。她多大了 Shes nine years old. 她九岁。 Thats a nice age. Whats her name? 正是美妙年龄。她叫什麽名 Michelle. Michelle。 Do you have a picture of her? 你有她的照片吗 Shes very pretty. 她很漂亮。 Thank you. 谢谢 。 Rose-petal s

19、alad. 玫瑰花瓣沙拉。 And theres a phone call for you, Mr. Bennett. Bennett先生 有你的电话 Excuse me, Susan. 对不起 Susan。 I hope nothing is wrong. 但愿没有事。 Ill get the rest of the dinner. 我去把晚餐的其余东西端来 Excuse me. 失陪。 Please forgive me, Susan, but. 请原谅我 Susan 但是 I have to leave. I feel terrible, but. 我得走了。真是糟糕透了 但 Whats

20、 the matter? 发生了什麽事 My daughter isnt feeling well. 我女儿感到不舒服。 Oh no! Is it serious? 噢 糟糕 严重吗 I dont know. The baby-sitter says she has a stomachache, 我不知道。临时保姆说她肚子疼 and shes crying. 她一直哭。 Ill have to go home. 我必须回家一趟 Will you forgive me? 能原谅我吗 Of course. Im so sorry for Michelle. 当然。我为Michelle担心。 And

21、 you didnt have a chance to eat. 而且你什麽也没有吃 Oh, its OK. 噢 没关系。 Let me take you home first. 先让我送你回家吧。 No, no. Please, go ahead. 不用 不用。你走吧 Its our first date. 这是我们的第一次约会 Well make another. 我们还可以再次约会 Please dont worry. 请别担心。 Ill phone you. 我会给你打电话的。 I hope your daughter is all right. Good-bye. 我希望你女儿安然无

22、恙。再见 Good-bye. 再见。 Somsak is offering. Would you like something to drink? Would you like, would you like something to drink? Would you like something to drink? How about a California chablis? How about, how about a California chablis? How about a California chablis? May I bring you a salad? May I br

23、ing, may I bring, may I bring you a salad? May I bring, may I bring you a salad? Would you like a cup of coffee? How about some herbal tea? May I bring you some dessert? Susan and Harry are ordering. Id like a glass of ginger-ale with ice. Id like, Id like a glass of ginger-ale with ice. Id like a g

24、lass of ginger-ale with ice. Do you have a dry white wine? Do you have, do you have a dry white wine? Do you have a dry white wine? Ill have the mee krob also. Ill have, Ill have the mee krob also. Ill have the mee krob also. Id like a cup of coffee. Do you have some herbal tea? Ill have some desser

25、t. Do you have a dry white wine? How about a California chablis? Thats fine. ACT III What happened? 怎麽了 The baby-sitter called. 临时保姆打电话来了 His daughter is sick. 他女儿生病了。 Whats wrong? 什麽病 I think she has a stomachache. 我想她肚子痛。 Hes a good father. 他是个好父亲。 So. what do you think of him? 那麽你觉得他怎麽样 Hes very

26、nice. 他很不错。 But I think he was nervous tonight. 但我想他今晚有点紧张 It was his first date in two years. 这是他两年来第一次约会 Will you see him again? 你会再见他吗 I hope so. 我希望如此。 This food is delicious. 这菜 味道不错。 He didnt get a thing to eat. 他什麽也没有吃。 You ordered enough for three or four people, 你叫了够三 四个人吃的 but Im not compl

27、aining. 但我毫不在意。 The food is delicious. 菜 好吃极了。 Who is that? 那是谁呀 Do you think its. 你想会是 No. You wont believe it, Marilyn! 不会。 简直无法相信 Marilyn I believe it. Even without looking. 我能相信。即始不看我也知道 Hi! 嗨 How.? 你怎麽 Your downstairs neighbor let me in. 楼下的邻居让我进来的 Did you go home? 你回家了吗 I did , but everything

28、is OK, 回去了 但一切安好 so I decided to come back. 於是我决定回来。 To apologize for leaving so early, 为了表示我对提早走掉的歉意 I brought you a little gift. 我给你带了一件小礼物 Its a bonsai tree 这是一颗盆栽 for your new apartment. 祝贺 迁新居。 Hi, Marilyn. I hope its not too late. 好 Marilyn 我希 望我来得不算太晚。 Oh, not at all. Were still eating. 噢 没关系

29、。我们还在吃著呢 Please, come in. Join us. 请进。跟我们一起吃吧 Its our meal from the restaurant. 这是从餐厅带回来的菜 And how is your daughter? 对了 你女儿怎麽样 Oh, shes fine. 噢 她没事了。 It was only a tummy ache. 仅仅是肚子有点痛。 Its good that you went back. 你回去是对的。 Yes, I think its important for me to be there 是的 我想我在场是非常重要 since her mother

30、died. 因为她妈妈去世了。 I agree. Arent you hungry? 我想是的。你饿了吗 As a matter of fact. I am hungry. 老实说我饿了。 Theres lots of food left. 这 还剩下很多食物 Mmm, this is delicious! 嗯 很好吃 Enjoy! 那就享受吧 Im going to excuse myself. 很抱歉失陪。 I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow. 我得为明天做许多准备工作 Good night, Harry. It was nice meeting you. Harry 很高兴与你见面。 Bye, Marilyn. 再见 Marilyn。 Good night, Susan. 晚安 Susan。 Good night, Marilyn. 晚安 Marilyn。 Shes going to a fashion show here in the city tomorrow. 她将参加明天在本市举行的时装表演 She is sleeping here 她晚上住在这儿 so she wont have to travel from Riverdale in the morning. 免得早上从Riverdalle

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