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1、management题库二、Multiple-Choice Questions ( 20选10 )For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question. 1. Frederick Taylor performed most of his work in _b_.a. grape vineyards in Californiab. steel companies in Pennsylvaniac. auto assembly plants near Detroitd. cotto

2、n gins in Alabama2. Which of the following is not one of Fayals principles of management? da. division of workb. unity of commandc. disciplined. equality3. The 14 principles of management are associated with whom? da. Weberb. Druckerc. Taylord. Fayol4. What scientist is most closely associated with

3、the Hawthorne studies? ba. Adamsb. Mayo c. Lawlerd. Barnard5. What are the two views of managerial impact on the success or failure of the organization?a. omnipotent and symbolic ab. omnipotent and reflectivec. symbolic and interactived. reflective and interactive6. The symbolic view of management m

4、eans _c_.a. managers are directly responsible for an organizations success or failureb. managers have little or no responsibility for an organizations success or failurec. that external forces are directly responsible for an organizations success or failured. the employees are directly responsible f

5、or an organizations success or failure7. Internal constraints that restrict a managers decision options _a_.a. exist within every organizationb. do not exist, as all managers can decide as they pleasec. exists only to the extent that upper management imposes themd. exist only to the extent that foll

6、owers wont do as they are told8. The most significant ways that culture is transmitted to employees consist of _c_.a. rituals, tales of woe, symbols, and languageb. symbols, rituals, language, and systemsc. stories, rituals, symbols, and languaged. language, stories, rituals, and rewards9. When empl

7、oyees at Microsoft use words such as: work judo, eating your own dog food, and flat food, they are using organizational _a_.a. languagesb. ritualsc. symbolsd. ceremonies10. One reason for parochialism in the United States is that Americans tend to study _a_ in school.a. only English b. only two lang

8、uagesc. English and Frenchd. English and German11. Ethnocentric views concentrate on their _a_. 126a. home countryb. host countryc. world orientationd. racial orientation12. Which of the following is associated with the classical view of social responsibility?a. economist Robert Reich c 167b. concer

9、n for social welfarec. stockholder financial return d. voluntary activities13. Applying social criteria to investment decision refers to _d_. 173a. socioeconomic viewb. social responsivenessc. social responsibilityd. social screening 14. Overall, does the evidence suggest that socially responsible b

10、ehaviors by organizations lower a firms economic performance? C 174a. yesb. no c. There is not enough evidence at this time to know for sure.d. It depends on the activity with which the organization is involved.15. How many stage are in the model of an organizations social responsibility progression

11、? D 168a. oneb. twoc. threed. four16. _a_is the obligation or expectation to perform a duty. 313a. Responsibilityb. Unity of commandc. Chain of commandd. Span of control17.The _a_ stage is complete when members begin think of themselves as part of a group. 430a. forming b. stormingc. normingd. perfo

12、rming18. Leadership is _a_. 518a. the process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals b. a group that achieves goalsc. the function of influencing a group towards the achievement of goalsd. directing a group towards the achievement of goals19. In the white-water rapids metaphor, chang

13、e is a natural state, and managing change is _c_. 383a. an accepted practiceb. an expected practicec. a continual processd. a maintenance process20.The theory that a person should report to only one manager is called _b_. a. authorized line of responsibility 313b. unity of commandc. responsibility f

14、actord. chain of command三、Short Answer Questions ( 13选5 )1. What are the three essential managerial skills? How does the importance of these skills change depending on managerial level? 1.Technical skills, is the knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized field.2.humans skills,is that the

15、 ability to work well with other people individually and in a group.3.Conceptual skills is the ability to think and to conceptualise about abstract and complex situations. 2. List and explain at least 8 of Henri Fayols 14 principles of management.1.Division of work. Specialization increases output b

16、y making employees more efficient.2.Discipline. Employees must obey and respect the rules that govern the organization.3.Unity of command .Every employee should receive orders from only one superior.4.Subordination of individual interests to the general interest .the interests of any one employee or

17、 group of employees should not take a ecedence over the interests of the organization as a whole.5.remuneration. workers must be paid a fair wage for their services.6.scalar chain. The line of authority from top management to the lowest ranks is the scalar chain.7.Order. people and materials should

18、be in the right place at the right time.8.equity. managers should be kind and fair to their subordinates.Authority Unity of direction Centralisation Stability of tenure of personnel Inrtiative Esorit decorps3. What are the environmental factors that influencing the organization and its management?Th

19、e environmental factors include the specific environment and the general environment. In detail, the specific environment includes public pressure groups, customers, competitors, and suppliers. The general environment includes the broad economic, political/legal, sociocultural, demographic, technolo

20、gical and global conditions. 4. What are the three ways for a company to go international? global sourcing exporting and importing, licensing. Franchising.3.Strategic alliance joint venture and foreign subsidiary.5. What are the two opposing views of social responsibility?1.the classical vi

21、ew. The view that managements only social responsibility is to maximize profits.2.the socioeconomic view. The view that managements social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving societys welfare.6. What are the 8 steps of decision making process?1.identifying a

22、 problem.2.identifying decision criteria.3.allocating weights to the criteria.4.developing alternatives.5.analysing alternatives.6.selecting an alternative.7.implementing the alternative.8.evaluating decision effectiveness.7. What is the difference between strategic plans and operational plans?Strat

23、egic plans tend to cover a longer time frame and a broader view of the organization. And it also include the formulation of goals, whereas operational plans define ways to achieve the goals. Also, operational plans tend to cover short time periods-monthly, weekly and day to day .8. What is Span of C

24、ontrol? What is the contemporary view of span of control? Span of control is that the number of employees a manager can efficiently and effectively manage.The contemporary view of span of control recognizes that many factors influence the appropriate number of employees that a manager can efficientl

25、y and effectively manage. These factors include the skills and abilities of the manager and the employees, and the characteristics of the work being done.9. How to overcome the barriers for communication and make interpersonal communication more Use feedback Simplify language Listen actively Constra

26、in emotions Watch non-verbal cuse10. What is organizational change? What are the internal forces to push the change?Organizational change is that any alterations in people, structure or technology in an organization.Changing structure Changing technology Changing people 11. What are the characterist

27、ics of a effective team?Clear goals Relevant skills Mutual trust Unified commitment Good communicationNegotiating skills Appropriate leadership Internal and external support 12. What is Hierarchy of Needs Theory?Maslows theory that there is a hierarchy of five human needs: physiological, safety, soc

28、ial, esteem and self-actualisation.13. What are the Kurt Lewins three types of leadership styles? Based on Lewins research, which is the most effective leadership style?The Kurt lewins three types of leadership styles includes the autocratic style, the democratic style, and the laissez-faire-style.

29、Based on Lewins research, the democratic style is the most effective leadership style.四、Essay Questions ( 6选2 )1.In a short essay, list and explain the four basic functions of management.1.Planning.Planning is that a management function that involves defining goals,estabilishing strategies for achie

30、ving those goals,and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities.2.organising.organising is that a management function that involves determining what tasks are to be done,who is to do them,how the tasks are to be grouped,who reports to whom and where decisions are to be made.3.leading.le

31、ading is that a management function that involves motivating subordinates,influencing individuals or teams as they work,selecting the most effectivecommunication channels,or dealing inany way with employee behaviour issues.4.controlling,controlling is one of management function that involves monitoring actual performance,comparing actual to standard,and taking action if necessary.2.In a short essay, list Taylors four principles of management.1.Development a science for each element of an individuals work which will replace the old rule-of-thumb method.2.

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