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1、词汇与语法词汇与语法语法状语从句1.Fool _ Jerry is, he could not have done such a thing. A) who B) as C) like D)that 一、让步状语从句As引导让步状语从句:“尽管,虽然”;倒装。动词为实意动词,动词提前,补充do, does, did, will等:Fail as he did, he would never give up.谓语为系表结构,将表语提前:Tired as he was, he sat up late.但若表语是名词,前不能加冠词。Child as he is, he knows a lot.有时副

2、词也可倒装,如Much as的结构:Much as I like you, I couldnt allow you to do this.2. _the boss says, it is unreasonable to ask me to work overtime without pay.A) Whatever B) Whenever C) Whichever D) However However/whatever/ no matter how/ no matter what 等引导让步状语从句: “无论怎样、无论什么”:However great the risks may be, we

3、must do our best to succeed.3. _, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A) Although he is a socialist B) Even if he is a socialist C) Being a Socialist D) Since he is a socialist Though/although等引导让步状语从句: “尽管,虽然”Although语气强,但可互换:Although/Though she wanted to buy that dress; she ha

4、d no enough money with her.Though可做并列连词,表but, yet, however。例:He is poor, though he is satisfied with his condition.也可作副词,放句末,表“但是,然而”, although没有这种用法:He said to write to her. He didnt, though.4. _ I sympathize, I cant really do very much to help them out of the difficulties.A)As long as B) As C) Whi

5、le D) EvenWhile引导让步状语从句:意义同although, 但强调主从句发生时间一致。While I understand what you say, I cant agree with you.While引导的从句一般在主句前,如放后面,则表对比。My brother bought his camera from a friend, while I bought mine from a shop.5. _, Ill marry him all the same.A) Was he rich or poor B) Whether rich or poor C) Were he r

6、ich or poor D) Be he rich or poorBe的虚拟式让步Be的原形位于句首,表虚拟。意为无论,不管,虽然,相当于whether or:例:Be he friend or foe, the law regards him as a criminal.Be it very late, I have to continue my experiment.其他常见的引导让步状语从句的词语even if/ even though即使 whetheror 无论,不管,for all (that)尽管 regardless of (the fact that) 尽管 regardle

7、ss of whether不管是否 in spite of(the fact that)尽管 despite (the fact that)尽管二、时间状语从句 1. I enjoyed myself so much _ I visited my friends in Paris last year. A) when B) which C) that D) where When, while, as引导时间状语从句时的区别:When用法作广泛,可表一个时间或时间段的动作或状态,也可表持续的动作或状态;可表主从句动作同时发生,也可表从句动作先于主句动作:When we lived in town

8、, we often went to the theatre.When也可表示“正当时候”,通常在主句之后:I was watching TV when someone knocked the door.While一般表持续性动作或状态,不能表一段时间内的动作或短暂的动作,它强调主从句动作的同时性,通常同时进行的动作持续时间较长:Ill look after your children while you are away.As表动作同时发生,经常用于表短暂性动作或渐进性动作,意为“随着”:As it grew darker, it became colder.2. The couple ha

9、d no sooner got to the station _ the coach left. A) when B) as C) until D) thanHardly/scarcely/barely when;no soonerthan: 刚一就主句一般是过去完成时,从句一般过去时。常倒装,即将Hardly/scarcely/barely或no sooner提前,主句倒装:Hardly/Scarcely/Barely had I reached the station when the train started. = I had hardly /scarcely/ barely reac

10、hed the station when the train started.No sooner has she heard the news than she fainted. =She has no sooner heard the news than she fainted.Since引导时间状语从句: “自从”,从句多非延续性动词,主句一般完成时。Since he left Nanjing last year, I havent heard from him.Until/till引导实践状语从句表主句动作或状态一直延续到时间为止,此时主句为肯定句,位于一般是延续性动词;也可表主句动作到

11、时候才开始,此时主句是否定句,谓语可以是延续性也可以不是。句首只能用Until,不能用till。He has been waiting at the bus station until/till the rain stops.Until the accident happened he did not realized the importance of safe driving.The moment, the minute, the instant等引导时间状语从句The moment, the minute, the instant,the day, the year, every tim

12、e, any time, next time等引导,表主句紧跟从句动作发生: Ill tell you about it the moment you come.The minute I saw him I knew that something bad had happened.其他常见的时间状语从句引导词:after, before, as soon as, once, wheneverAs soon as he went into the room, the phone rang.Once you start to read that book, you could not put it

13、 down.Whenever you come, you are welcome.三、方式状语从句As引导,常位于主句后,意为“按照,依照,以的方式”。: You ought to do as I tell you.但在 “just asso”结构中,as从句常放句首: Just as food is necessary to life, so are books to our spirit.3. She did her work _ her manager had instructed. A) as B) until C) when D) thoughAs if/ as though引导:“

14、好像”,后接真实情况或虚拟情况:It looks as if he is in love with her.He talks as if he knew everything.(in)the way(that)引导: in 和that常省略:Mary cooks the meal the way her mother does.四、原因状语从句Because, since, as, for引导原因状语从句时的区别Because常表直接、主要原因,多主句后,如前置,必须用逗号与主句分开。Because he wants us to make rapid progress, the teacher

15、 is strict with us.回答why问句,只能由because回答。强调句中强调原因状语时,只能用because引导,其他都不能。It was because he was ill that he didnt come yesterday.For表补充说明或推测的原因,只能用于主句后,并用逗号将主从句分开。I decided to stop and have lunch, for I had driven nearly four hours.For引导的原因从句前不能用Not, but, just, only等否定或强调词修饰。He stole, not because he wa

16、nted the money, but because he liked stealing.Since和as常表明显的、已知的理由或原因,气候内容是确定的事实,常译为“既然”。从句多用于主句前,但也可置后:Since/as he was not at home, I spoke to his brother.We had to walk all the way since/as we had no money for fares.As引导的原因状语从句还可倒装,即表、状+as+主语+谓语:Tired as they were, they went to bed as soon as they

17、came back.注意:as 的倒装结构也表让步,注意区别。4. Men differ from animals _ they can thick and speak. A) for which B) for that C) in that D) in which其他常见的原因状语从句引导词:in that因为,在于,now that既然,seeing(that)鉴于,由于,considering (that)鉴于,由于,on the ground(s) that鉴于,由于,not thatbut that不是因为而是因为 inasmuch as/ in as much as因为,by re

18、ason that 因为,for the reason that因为,on account of the fact that因为,owing to the fact that因为in view of the fact that因为because of the fact that因为due to the fact that因为五、条件状语从句1. He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, _ that he paid me back the following week.A) on occasion B) on purpo

19、se C) on condition D) only if 条件状语从句分为真实条件句和非真实条件句。非真实将在后面的虚拟语气中讲到,这里将真实条件句。条件状语从句的引导词有:if, unless=if not, provided/providing (that), suppose/supposing (that), given (that), as/so long as, in case (that), on condition that, in the event that注:若表示对将来的假设,if 条件句应用一般现在时代替将来时:If it rains tomorrow, I will

20、 not go swimming有时条件句的谓语还可用should do的形式,表语气强的假设,should常提前构成倒装,省略if:Should your TV set have any problems, send it back to me.2. If your car _ any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer.A) shall need B) should need C) would need D) will need六、结果状语从句1 . Does Alan like ham

21、burgers? Yes. So much _ that he eats them almost every day. A) for B) as C) to D) soSo that 引导从句必须放在主句后,常用逗号分开,有时省略so 或that:The TV set arrived damaged, so that we have to send it back.What I have done (so) that you should be so angry with me?Such that也能引导结果状语从句,但such是代词:His anger was such that he lo

22、st control of himself.Sothat, suchthat引导So 修饰形容词或副词,such修饰名词,that可省略,但用逗号分开主从句:He ran so quickly that I couldnt catch him.The novel is written in such simple English that we can understand it without difficulties.其他常见的结果状语从句引导词: with the result that, to the degree that, to such an extent/degree that

23、也可引导。His coat was thoroughly wet, with the result that he had to go home.He laughed to the degree that it was impossible for me to help laughing too.The temperature lowered to such an extent/degree that the water froze.七、目的状语从句:So that, in order that, for fear that, lest, in case名词性从句引导词有:that, whet

24、her, if, who(ever), whom(ever), what(ever), which(ever), whose(连接代词在句中充当主语、宾语或定语), when, where, why, how(句中当状语)同位语只能由that引导。一、几个重要的名词性从句关系词的用法引导词含义和作用例子That只引导,不充当句子成分,没有实际意义。The travel service agent explained that there were flights to Rome that morning.What在从句中充当主语或宾语。What seems easy to some peopl

25、e seems difficult to other people.Whatever/Whoever意为“无论什么、谁”,在从句中充当主语或宾语。Whoever breaks this law deserves a fine gift.Whether/if意为“是否”,不充当成分。Whether 常与or (not)连用,if 不能。Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen.1 After _ seemed an endless wait, it was his turn to enter the personal manage

26、rs office.A) that B) it C) what D) there2. There is no doubt _ the company has made the right decision on the sales project.A) why B) that C) whether D) when二、从句的语序和时态名词性从句一般用陈述语序,主从句时态保持一致,esp宾语从句:John exclaimed with delight that she would simply love to go.但有时主从句时态也不一致:The teacher told us today th

27、at the moon moves round the earth.3. I am surprised _ this city is a dull place to live in. A) that you should think B) by what you are thinking C) that you would think D) with what you were thinking三、形式主语it为保持句子平衡,it会做句子主语,或代替宾语从句充当形式宾语,而将主语从句或宾语从句放到句尾。It is no business of yours what I have done to

28、 her.We think it highly probable that he will resign.4. We consider _ he should have left without telling anyone beforehand.A) strange why B) it strange C) it strange that D) that strange四、固定句式:A is to B what C is to D5. Nine is to three _ three is to one. A) when B) that C) which D) what“A之于B就像C之于D

29、一样”。What引导表从:Engines are to machines what hearts are to animals.定语从句分限定性和非限定性。限定性从句不能省,非可以,因为非限定性从知识补充说明。The man who did the robbery yesterday has been caught.The man did the robbery yesterday, who has been caught.一、引导词有:关系代词:that, which, who/whom, whose, (在从句中做主语、宾语或定语)When, where, why(状语), which,

30、who/whom, whose, as(主、宾、定)关系副词:When, where(状语)That, why不能引导非限定性从句,as只引导非限。二、定从和同位语从句及强调句的区别关键是搞清That的作用。定从中that当主语或宾语;It is the fact that all of us have known.同从中that不做成分;All of us know the fact that he is not a chief.强调句中that不当成分,但句式固定为it is/was +被强调成分+that+其他It is just because of the fact that he

31、gave up his good chance.三、重要的定从关系词的用法引导词含义和作用例子That 不能引导非限。只能用that的情况:先行词为all或anything, something,Nothing等指物的不定代词时;先行词既包括人又包括物时;先行词前有the only, the same, The last, the next, the very等修饰时;先行词前有序数词或最高级时;先行词不表具体的人或物时,并在从句中充当表语或补语。All the people that I wrote agreed to come.Yesterday was one of the hottest days that I have ever known.The people and customs that he describes were quite familiar to us.He is not the man that he was.Hes not the fool that you thought him.Which能引导非限,先行词可是单词,也可是句子。介词前置时,充当介宾,代指物,此时不能用that代替。He missed the train, which annoyed him v

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