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1、永州市中考英语试题2017年永州市中考英语试题第一部分 听力技能(共两节,满分20分)做题时,先将答案划(写)在试卷上,录音内容朗读完后,你将有两分钟的时间将第115小题的答案转涂到答题卡上,将第1620小题的答案填写到答题卡上。第一节 对话理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面九段材料,每段材料后有一个或几个小题,从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听第一段材料,回答第1小题。1. Hows the weather in Beijing?听第二段材料,回答第2小题。2. Which animal does Peter like best?听第三段

2、材料,回答第3小题。3. What is Toms telephone number?听第四段材料,回答第4小题。4. What does John do on weekends?听第五段材料,回答第5小题。5. How did Jacks father feel?听第六段材料,回答第67小题。6. Which festival are they talking about?A. Childrens Day. B. Teachers Day. C. Mothers Day.7. What are they going to do?A. Buy some flowers. B. Make som

3、e cards. C. Sing a song.听第七段材料,回答第89小题。8. What did Robert do last week?A. Studied in the countryside. B. Watched TV. C. Visited his uncle.9. With whom did Robert pick strawberries?A. His cousin. B. His brother. C. His sister.听第八段材料,回答第1012小题。10. What does the man want to order?A. Chicken and hamburg

4、ers. B. Fish and dumplings. C. Fish and beef.11. How much are these foods?A. ¥100. B. ¥112. C. ¥120.12. Where does the man live?A. At 15 North Street. B. At South Street. C. At 5 Renming Road.听第九段材料,回答第1315小题。13. What does Lucy think of visiting the Science Museum?A. Boring. B. Funny. C. Exciting.14

5、. How many times is Kung Fu Panda 8 on show a day?A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.15. How will they get to the cinema?A. Take a bus. B. Ride a bike. C. Walk.第二节 笔录要点(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段材料,根据听到的内容,将第1620小题的信息补充完整,每空不超过3个单词,并将答案填写在答题卡上对应题号的横线上。The information of the 16 FloorsFloor 1: magazines and newspap

6、ersFloor 2: books on all kinds of 17 Floor 3: 18 Open Timeon weekdays: 8:00 a.m.7:00 p.m.on weekends: 19 6:00 p.m.RuleYou can borrow four books at most at a time and keep them for 20. 第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分20分)第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Do you have lunch at school

7、 on weekdays, Scott?A. a B. the C. /22. Why do many people buy things online on Nov. 11th?Because there are so many sales, and the prices are .A. much lower B. more cheap C. more expensive23. Mount Yangming is fantastic. you ever it?A. Have; visited B. Was; visiting C. Do; visit24. It is said that B

8、RT(快速公交系统) in Yongzhou soon.A. was used B. will be used C. is used25. Must we finish the homework now? Our teacher doesnt ask us to.A. Yes, we must B. No, we mustnt C. No, we neednt26. Tony, come on, well miss the World Cup.A. so B. and C. or27. David, make trouble at school.A. cant B. dont C. doesn

9、t28. Could you tell me by Wechat?A. what can we do B. what we can do C. what do we do29. Frank will fall behind in studies he works hard from now on.A. unless B. because C. if30. Have you heard about the TV program Reader is very popular now?A. which B. who C. where第二节 词语填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,

10、从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A man was on his way to another world, either heaven(天堂) or hell(地狱). When he was halfway there, he saw a beautiful, huge 31 . The owner came out and asked the man to stay and live in the palace.The man said, “I have been working hard my whole life. And

11、 now I just want to eat and sleep 32 doing any work.”The owner of the palace said, “If 33 , there is nowhere else better than here for you. There are many delicious 34 in my palace. And I promise that nothing needs to be done by you.”“That is great! This must be heaven!” said the man. And he stayed

12、in the palace. 35 , the man felt very happy with a life of eating and sleeping. But gradually, he felt a bit lonely and bored. So he went to the owner and said, “Just eating and sleeping every day is very 36 . Now Im losing interest in this kind of life. Could you help me find a 37 ?”The owner repli

13、ed, “Sorry, there are no jobs here at all.”After another few months, the man could not 38 it any more and went to the owner again. “I really cant stand this kind of life any more,” he said. “If you do not offer me a job, I would 39 to go to hell rather than live here.”The owner smiled. “ 40 do you t

14、hink we are now?” he said. “Heaven? We are actually in hell!”31. A. garden B. museum C. palace32. A. by B. without C. for33. A. so B. not C. any34. A. beds B. foods C. drinks35. A. In the end B. At the same time C. At first36. A. pleasant B. comfortable C. boring37. A. job B. wife C. toy38. A. stand

15、 B. mind C. hate39. A. have B. prefer C. plan40. A. Where B. What C. How第三部分 阅读技能(共三节,满分50分)第一节 阅读选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面的图表和短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(A)41. The K is .A. a TV programB. a singing appC. an amusement magazine42. We cant use the K to .A. score our singingB. compete with

16、othersC. record our sports scores(B)FestivalsTimeActivitiesApril Fools DayApril 1stplay a joke or fool someoneHalloweenOctober 31sttrick or treatdress up as ghosts orcartoon charactersThanksgivingon the fourth Thursday in Novembereat turkeygive thanks to life and foodEasteron a Sunday between March

17、22nd and April 25thhide and find eggsChristmas DayDecember 25thdress up Santa Clausdecorate Christmas treesgive out gifts43. How many festivals are there in April?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.44. On , youll probably be played trick on.A. Easter B. Halloween C. April Fools day45. Which of the followings

18、 is NOT true according to the chart?A. A child can play trick or treat on Halloween.B. Your parents can dress up as Santa Claus at Christmas.C. Thanksgiving Day is on the third Thursday in November.(C)The new term is coming soon. What is your resolution? Lets share it!Cui Anqi, 14, GuangdongIn the n

19、ew term, Id like to try harder and be happier. I love reading and writing. I want to read 30 books! Whats more, I hope to write something I learned from the books. It would be nice for me to write each week or even every day. I am looking forward to writing at least 1,000 words each day. This will p

20、ush me to observe (观察)my life carefully and think a lot.Chen Huan, 12,BeijingMy new term resolution is that I would like to successfully pass the fourth grade piano exam held by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (英国皇家音乐学院), known as ABRSM. My parents have been talking about it since

21、 last year and I dont want to let them down. I guess that Ill have to keep on trying! Wish me luck!Xu Feiyang, 13, ZhejiangWell, I have three resolutions. My first resolution is to get better grades, especially in English. Then I hope to get a chance to listen to a Lang Langs concert. I love music a

22、nd it makes me happy and relaxed. Last, I hope I can become more mature (成熟的). I want to understand and help others more.46. Where do the three teenagers come from?A. America. B. China. C. Australia.47. Who will try to read and write more?A. Cui Anqi. B. Chen Huan. C. Xu Feiyang.48. What do Chen Hua

23、n and Xu Feiyang have in common?A. They will go to Lang Langs concert.B. They like music.C. Their parents help them study English.49. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Cui Anqi will write more than a million words in a month.B. Chen Huans parents encourage him to take the fourth grade piano exam.C.

24、Xu Feiyang wants to grow stronger.50. We can probably read the passage .A. in a newspaper B. in an advertisement C. in a science book(D)On Dec. 28, a small satellite (卫星) was launched (发射) into space from Taiyuan, Shanxi. It was big news for students at Beijing Bayi School. After all, they designed

25、the satellite.With the help of space scientists, more than 30 students built this satellite (12 cm long, 11 cm wide and 27 cm tall). This is the first satellite designed and built by middle school students in China.This August, the school worked with the China Center for Aerospace Science and Techno

26、logy Ingternational Communications (CCASTIC 中国航天科技国际交流中心) and started the satellite program. It allowed space experts to teach students about basic knowledge of satellites.After several months of hard work, students designed their own satellite. Their main achievement was the design of the satellite

27、s functions (功能) in space. “We worked together and came up with more than 10 ideas. But after tests and experiments, we settled on four,” Zhu Xun, 16, told Beijing Evening News.Indeed, they have to consider the weight of the satellite. The satellite will stay in space more than 180 days. Its functio

28、ns include taking pictures of Earth, radio communication and sending information to Earth. The students hope that the satellite can take photos of smog, typhoons (台风) and another weather conditions.The students were divided into five groups. The group members worked closely to make satellite models.

29、 “Every time we think the satellite we are designing will fly into space, we are so excited and try to do experiments,” said Shen Shulang, 17. They also visited the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other organizations to get inspiration (灵感).51. designed the small satellite.A. Students from Beijing B

30、ayi SchoolB. Some space scientistsC. Some space experts52. The satellite can NOT .A. take pictures of Earth B. send information C. predict the weather53. The underlined words “settled on” means in Chinese.A. 计算 B. 确定 C. 总计54. helped the students build the small satellite.A. The school B. Space scien

31、tists C. CCASTIC55. Whats the main idea of this passage?A. The first student-designed satellite was launched into space.B. Space experts taught the students about the basic knowledge of satellites.C. Students visited some science organizations to get inspiration.第二节 摘录要点(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容填写表格,将信

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