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1、教育专用学年八年级英语下册Module3Journeytospace测试题新版外研版Module 3单元测试题Written test part (共95分).单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. There are lots of stars in _ universe.A. a B. an C. the D.不填( )2. _ of them went to the theatre yesterday. They all went to the park.A. None B. Each C. All D. Some( )3. Ja

2、ck is very rich and he has _ dollars.A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of( )4. Peter lives far from school. John lives _ than he.A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the farthest( )5. Have you heard the good news _?Yes, I have. I have _ heard it.A. just; just B. yet; just C. just; yet D.

3、yet; yet( )6. I always forget new words quickly. _ can I remember them?By using the words.A. When B. Where C. Why D. How( )7. Our school trip _ more than three weeks. We had a good time.A. needed B. took C. paid D. spent( )8. My mother _Beijingat 7:00 pm yesterday.A. arrived B. got C. reached D. app

4、eared( )9. Do you know who _America?Yes.Columbus.A. touched B. built C. discovered D. produced( )10. Do your parents often _ you?Yes. We often talk for half an hour after dinner.A. agree with B. communicate withC. look after D. talk about( )11. Who knows that girl _ Liu Shijun?A. call B. called C. c

5、alling D. to call( )12. I _ my homework already. Now Im watching TV.A. finish B. have finished C. will finish D. finished( )13. _ you ever _ the Great Wall, Lisa?A. Were; visiting B. Will; visit C. Have; visited D. Are; visiting( )14. Where is Lisa?She _ to Shanghai.A. goes B. will go C. has been D.

6、 has gone( )15. _?Im listening to music.A. How is your weekend B. How will you do thatC. What do you want to do D. What are you up to.完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Do you want to know astronauts everyday life in space? They also need to eat,16, exercise and relax. They

7、 do the same things as us, but they do17differently.On the earth, we put food on a plate (盘子) and put water in a glass. Gravity holds the food down and keeps the water in the glass. 18there is almost no gravity in space, so food can fly away, and astronauts must eat and drink19.Sleeping is very diff

8、erent in space. Some astronauts like to float (漂浮) in the air, but most like to be in a20bag. They tie (系) the bag to a wall21they wont float away.Exercise is very important in space. On the earth, your legs22your body, but in space, astronauts float, so they dont23their legs often. This is very bad

9、 for their legs, so they must exercise for thirty minutes every day.After one days work, astronauts relax. They may listen to music, read, watch films, play games, or talk to their friends and families24the radio. Sometimestheyjustenjoy floatingin the25.( )16. A. play B. work C. sleep D. study( )17.

10、 A. it B. them C. one D. themselves( )18. A. And B. But C. Because D. Or( )19. A. loudly B. carelessly C. quietly D. carefully( )20. A. jumping B. walking C. sleeping D. running( )21. A. when B. till C. so D. if( )22. A. carry B. change C. push D. shake( )23. A. break B. need C. wash D. use( )24. A.

11、 on B. in C. with D. for( )25. A. cloud B.air C. water D. boat.情景交际(共10分,每小题2分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hello, Lucy. I havent seen you for several hours. Where have you been?B: Hello, Tony. (26)_And I have found some information about the universe.A: Really? Would you like to tell me s

12、ome?B: Of course. What do you want to know?A: Well. (27)_B: Millions of years.A: Wow! So long. (28)_B: Not yet.A: (29)_B: Yes, thats right. But they have discovered water on Mars.A: Thats interesting.B: Oh, I want to return the book to Jack, but I cant find him. Do you know where he is?A: (30)_You c

13、an find him there.B: Thanks a lot.A. So far there has been life only on the earth?B. How long has there been life on the earth?C. I have been to the library.D. So have scientists found life on other planets?E. He has been to the space museum twice.F. I have been to the hospital.G. He has just gone t

14、o the playground.阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)ABonnie is a little girl and she loves writing poems. Here is one of her poems about her life.My favourite sweater grew too small.I loved that sweater best of all.My grandma made it when I was three.She made that sweater just for me.I picked the yarn (毛线), a special

15、blue.The colour of bluebells (风铃草), wet with dew (露水).When I was three I was very small.But now Im five and much too tall.Now I have a new jacket and its green.I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.Queen just had baby cats out in the shed (棚).My favourite sweater is now their bed.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )31. Wh

16、at does the underlined sentence “My favourite sweater grew too small” mean in the poem?A. Bonnies sweater became smaller than it once was.B. Bonnies grandma made a small sweater.C. Bonnie liked small sweaters very much.D. Bonnie became too big for the sweater.( )32. Bonnie liked the sweater best pro

17、bably because _.A. her grandma made itB. it was her favourite colourC. she got it at a young ageD. a picture of a cat was on it( )33. Why did Bonnie give the sweater away?A. She wanted her grandma to make a new sweater.B. She liked the jacket better.C. She wore it for years and there were holes in i

18、t.D. She thought it was too small.( )34. Which of the following is TRUE about the jacket?A. It has a different colour from the sweater.B. Bonnie got it when she was three.C. The baby cats will use it as a bed.D. Bonnie will give it to Queen.( )35. What can be the best title of the poem?A. My grandma

19、 and I B. My favourite sweaterC. My pet and ID. My new jacketBHow many things can you see in the night sky? A lot! On a clear night you might see the moon and a large number of beautiful stars.(36)_ You might see that many stars look larger than others. You might see that some stars that look white

20、are really red or blue. With bigger and bigger telescopes (望远镜), you can see more and more things in the sky. And you can see those things more and more clearly.(37)_ We wont see them with the biggest telescope in the world, even when it is the clearest night of the year.Thats because they look blac

21、kalthough they give off (发出) light, the light can never reach us. Theyre the surprising dead (死的) stars called black holes.You might find it hard to imagine that stars die. After all, our sun is a star. (38)_. But stars do die after many many years.As a stars gases burn (气体燃烧), they give off light a

22、nd heat (热). But when the gases run out, the star stops burning. It begins to die and becomes a black hole. (39)_ So our sun will never become a black hole. It is not big enough.The next time you look up at the night sky, remember: theres more than we can see in the sky. (40)_ How fantastic!根据材料内容将方

23、框中AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。A. And there are black holes in the great darkness.B. But scientists believe there are some things in the sky that we will never see.C. You can see even more with a telescope.D. However, the star that dies has to be 10 times (倍) bigger than our sun.E. Year after year we se

24、e it up in the sky.词汇(共10分,每小题1分)A)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,每词限用一次。moon, astronaut, light, out, environment41. Mary wants to be a(n) _ in the future.42. His son is _ inAmerica.43. Many galaxies _ has to travel for many years to reach the earth.44. Look at the _. Is that beautiful?45. We should try to impro

25、ve our cities _.B)根据句意及所给汉语提示写出所缺单词。46. Tony has made a(n) _(模型) plane.47. There are six _(组) in this club.48. Bill was very happy when he heard the good _(消息).49. Its _(不可能的) to get everybody together at the same time.50. This is her _(最新的) novel.完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。51.正如我们所知,地球绕着太阳

26、转。As we all know, the earth _ the sun.52.你可以上网看电影。You can _ to watch a movie.53.这就是她喜欢骑自行车的原因。_ she enjoys riding a bike.54.他们正在到处搜寻那个司机。They are _ that driver everywhere.55.他来回走动是为了使身体暖和。He walked about _ keep warm.综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。每词限用一次,其中有两个词是多余的。how, what, ope

27、n, life, special, birthday, die, gift, spend, feel, trouble, sendAlis tenth birthday was two weeks away. Mrs Morgan, her mother, asked her how she would like to (56)_ it. The little girl said she just wanted a card.Ali was born with a serious illness. However, she lived a normal (正常的) (57)_ until th

28、e age of eight. During the following year she became unable to walk and even had (58)_ speaking. The little girl had to leave school and stay home. The doctor said she would probably (59)_ before 18.For her birthday Ali got more than one card. In fact, she got over 850! (60)_ could it happen? With the help of the Letters Project website, lots of people knew her story and (61)_ wish on the Internet. They (62)_ letters and

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