1、大学英语四课后练习答案及详解大学英语四课后练习答案及详解Unit One Fighting with the Forces of NatureUnit Two Smart CarsUnit Three Job InterviewUnit Four The Multicultural SocietyUnit Five CrueltyUnit Six The Pace of LifeUnit Seven TerrorismUnit Eight TravelUnit One Fighting with the Forces of NatureComprehensionText organizatio
2、n1.PartsParagraphsMain Ideas Part OneParas.12IntroductionBoth Napoleons and Hitlers military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter.Part TwoParas.311Napoleons military campaign against Russia.Part ThreeParas.1220Hitlers military campaign against the Soviet Union.Part FourPara
3、s21ConclusionThe elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign.2.SectionsParagraphsMain IdeasSection OneParas.1213Hitlers blitzkrieg against Russia and Stalin s scorched earth policy.Section TwoParas.1418The battles fought at Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad. Section ThreeParas.1
4、920The Russian counter-offensive and the outcome of the war. Language FocusVocabulary1.1) alliance译文:劳动党以与其他较小党派结成战术同盟为根本的竞选策略已被证明是成功之举。2) heroic译文:举国上下都在庆祝纽约消防队员在“9.11”事件中营救落难者的英勇行为。3) stroke译文:意外的好运使得被埋于瓦砾堆下逾26个小时之久的詹尼勒活着走出来。4) limp译文:我的兄弟受伤不重,但是他的腿骨折了,因而不得不在几周时间里都跛行。5) minus译文:飞机面临着一次零下65摄氏度和零上12
5、0摄氏度的考验。6) regions译文:我国将运用税收优惠政策来吸引一些公司到我国的西部地区而不是东部沿海投资。7) declarations译文:开幕式的讲话听起来不像是和平献礼而更像是宣战。8) siege译文:经过警方的三天包围,占据饭店的恐怖分子不得不妥协了。9) raw译文:我们刚一走出飞机踏上草原就感受到一阵刺骨阴冷的寒风。10) retreat译文:敌机的攻击迫使坦克从这座城市撤退了。11) have taken their toll译文:过去几个月里令人烦恼的一些问题已影响到了她的健康,她的眼睛下面出现了黑眼圈。12) In the case of译文:周末上班的员工拿双薪,
6、国庆节上班的员工则拿正常工资的三倍。13) campaign译文:无数公众场合的露面和握手是总统大选中不可避免的部分。14) at the cost of译文:政府军以2000名士兵伤亡的代价将这座城市从叛乱者手中又夺了回来。15) has been brought to a halt译文:由于码头工人罢工而导致的原材料拖延使得许多工厂的生产停滞。2.1) is faced with译文:为了提高生产力,许多工厂开始裁员。目前政府面临的问题是帮助大量失业人员创造就业机会。2) get bogged down译文:如果你连文字工作都难以应付,你就不会有机会去处理真正重要的问题。3) is pre
7、ssing on/pressed on译文:尽管面临激烈的反对,政府坚持推行清除腐败的运动。4) drag on译文:“我们不能够冒险,如果我们在诺曼底登录失败,战争就可能会拖上几年,”盟军的总指挥官说。5) picking up译文:苏珊从未上过什么烹饪课程,她从电视上的烹饪节目中无意学会了一些有用的烹饪技巧。6) falling apart译文:在他妻子出国之前,他们的婚姻就已经濒临破裂了。7) cut back译文:由于经济没有什么好转的迹象,许多公司都削减了投资。8) take over译文:经理突然病倒了,我不得不接任他的职位。3.1) The rapid advance in ge
8、ne therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future.译文:基因疗法的快速进步会在不久的将来攻克癌症。2) The border dispute between the two countries resulted in thousands of casualties. 译文:两个国家之间的边界争端导致了成千的人员伤亡。3) Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her caree
9、r.译文:萨拉下定决心,她的闲暇兴趣将永远不会妨碍她的事业。4) Obviously the reporters question caught the foreign minister off guard.译文:很显然,这个记者的问题令外交部长感到措手不及。5) The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date/obsolete.译文:电子计算器的推广令计算尺过时了。4.1) At that time, the enemy forces were much superio
10、r to ours, so we had to give up the occupation of big cities and retreat to the rural and mountainous regions to build up our bases.译文:在那个时候,敌军力量比我们的优势多,因此我们不得不放弃大城市,而撤退到农村和山区来建立我们的根据地。2) Unity is crucial to the efficient operation of an organization. Failure to reckon with this problem will weaken
11、its strength. In many cases, work may be brought to a halt by constant internal struggle in an organization.译文:团结对于一个机构的有效运作而言是至关重要的。不重视这个问题就会削弱机构的力量。在许多情况下,经常性的机构内部斗争会使工作陷入停顿。3) The Red Army fought a heroic battle at Stalingrad and won the decisive victory against the Germans. In fact, this battle
12、turned the tide in the Second World War. During this famous battle, the Soviet troops withstood the German siege and weakened the German army by launching a series of counterattacks.译文:红军在斯大林格勒进行了英勇的战役并取得了对德国的决定性的胜利。实际上,这场战役扭转了二战的局势。在这场著名的战役中,苏联军队抵挡住了德国的围攻,并通过发动一系列的反攻削弱了德国军队的力量。More Synonyms in Cont
13、ext1)During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium and in the no-mans-land between the trenches.译文:在一战期间,战争在广袤的地区到处发生。最富有戏剧性的是战斗中有一些是发生在法国和比利时阴暗的壕沟里以及壕沟之间的无人地带。2)Elizabeth made c
14、areful preparations for the interview and her efforts/homework paid off.译文:伊丽莎白为面试做了细心地准备,她的努力没有白费。3)I spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words.译文:我花了几个小时劝他接受和解,但是他对我的话置若罔闻。4)Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how he
15、r fragile body could withstand the harsh weather.译文:肺炎已使她的身体严重衰弱,我很奇怪她虚弱的身体是怎样经得住这恶劣的天气的。Usage1)fall ill译文:然而总是要在生病的时候我们才懂得珍视健康。2)lay dead at home for two weeks译文:一位富有的老妇人死了后躺在家里两个星期-没有人知道这一切。3)dropped dead from a heart attack译文:据说,他在工作的时候猝死于心脏病。4)fall asleep译文:烤火时别坐得太近-你可能容易被烧着,尤其是睡着了的时候。5)marrying
16、 young译文:在那些日子里,人们赞成早结婚早生子。6)to sit still for longer than a few minutes译文:小汤姆坐着一动不动不会超过几分钟。Structure1.1)To his great delight, Dr. Deng discovered two genes in wild rice that increase the yield by 30 percent.译文:令他高兴的是,邓博士在野生水稻中发现了两种能够将产量提高30%的基因。2)To her great relief, her daughter had left the buildi
17、ng before it collapsed.译文:令她感到安慰的是,她的女儿在大楼倒塌前就已经离开了。3)To our disappointment, our womens team lost out to the North Koreans.译文:令我们失望的是,我们的女子队败给了朝鲜队。4)We think, much to our regret, that we will not be aside to visit you during the coming Christmas.译文:我们想,令我们十分抱歉的是,我们不能够在即将到来的圣诞节拜访您。2.1) in the vast sw
18、amp (which lies to the )east of the Nile译文:这些鸟栖息在尼罗河东面的大片沼泽地里。2) had gained control of the vast areas north of the Yangtze River译文:到1948年,中国人民解放军已经控制了长江以北的大片地区。3) was born in a small village in the north of France译文:米歇尔出生在法国北部的一个小山村里,但是他四岁时去美国居住了。4) continues/runs through the United States for about
19、 1900kilometers west of the Rocky Mountains译文:哥伦比亚河起源于加拿大西部,流经美国洛基山脉以西大约长达1900公里的地区。Comprehensive ExerciseCloze(A)1. invasion2. stand in the way3. Conquest4. catchingoff his guard5. launching6. declaration7. campaign8. drag on9. reckon with10. die from11. bringingto a halt(B)1. In2. since3. the 4. a
20、nd5. it 6. that/who7. of/about8. across9. to10. lost11. to12. with13. buried14. in15. than16. between17. from18. to19. downTranslationThe offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. Our troops engaging the front were faced with strong/fierce/stiff resistance. The divi
21、sion commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. We started under cover of darkness an
22、d pressed on in spite of great difficulties. By a stroke of luck, the temperature at night suddenly dropped to minus 20degrees Celsius and the marsh froze over. Thanks to the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This turned the tide of
23、the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.Unit Two Smart CarsComprehensionText organization1.PartsParagraphsMain Ideas Part OneParas.13New technology will have a dramatic impact on cars and highways in the 21st century.Part TwoParas.49With the aid of advanced technology, smart cars w
24、ill be so designed that they can help eliminate traffic accidents, determine their own precise locations and warn of traffic jams.Part ThreeParas.1013GPS and “telematics” will make it possible to build smart highways, which will benefit us in more than one way.2.1) Smart cars can see, hear, feel, sm
25、ell, talk, and act.2) They can eliminate most car accidents;3) They can alert the police and provide precise location if stolen;4) They can monitor ones driving and the driving conditions nearby;5) They can alert the driver who feels drowsy;6) They can located your precisely and warn of traffic jams
26、.Language focusVocabulary1.1) expansion译文:在盎格鲁血统的美国人向西扩张之前,北美洲一直受其他众多文化的影响。2) manufacturing译文:美国于1941年加入二战之后,通用汽车公司停止了民间汽车的生产转而生产坦克,飞机,武器以及联军部队所需的其他战争供应品。3) vapor译文:暖空气比冷空气能够容纳更多的水蒸气,因此湿度更高一些。4) take control of译文:在美国的大多数社区,当地的红十字会分部已被授权在紧急状态下用当地的某些公共建筑。5) hazards译文:交通管理部门制订了一套规则和指令。依靠它们,司机,飞行员,机车司机和
27、船长就能够避免碰撞和其他的危险。6) satellite译文:自1957年第一颗人造卫星的发射以来,成千的“人造月亮”已被火箭送到地球轨道,每一颗都是设计用于某一特定的目的和任务的。7) convert译文:无线电通讯设施能把不同类型的信息,比如声音和影像,转换成电子信号。8) magnetic译文:无线电天文望远镜为我们在太阳系,尤其是木星的其他星星和其他行星的磁力域提供了有价值的资料。9) bunched译文:在比赛的开始,赛跑选手们在跑道上挤在一起,但到后来,他们当中有些人跑到了前面把其他人落在了后面。10) in the air译文:在控制塔上,空中交通控制员即协调空中也协调地面上的飞
28、机移动。11) got/was stuck in译文:1995年10月,更进一步的问题出现了:伽利略飞船上的录音机在“倒带”这一位置被卡住了15个小时,并把一部分磁带给弄坏了。12) approximately译文:1978年,在改革的初期,大约有11000名中国学生出国进行进一步的学习。13) application译文:一种用于检测传染病的新工具的研制是正在兴起的纳米科技在商业化应用上的另一举措。14) monotonous译文:“我们在和平号空间站的日常生活很少变化,但是那些日子一点也不显得单调,我当时正生活在每一个科学家的梦想里,”一位俄国的宇航员说。15) mounted译文:188
29、5年,德国工程师哥特利布.达伊姆勒兹和德国发明家威廉.迈巴赫把一个汽油发电机装在自行车上,从而发明了摩托车。2.1) send out2) stand up for3) result from4) making up for5) starting up6) starting up7) give up8) take on3.1) With regard to the recent flood of corporate scandals, some professors from Stanford and Harvard say they will incorporate Enrons real-
30、world lessons into their classroom work.2) Our vacation was a disaster: the food was terrible, and the weather was awful as well.3) As a Special Administrative Region (SAR), Macao is permitted to retain its lucrative gambling industry although gambling remains illegal on the Chinese mainland.4) Manu
31、facturers usually begin by building the prototype of a new model before they set up a factory to make the cars.5) Medical evidence shows that smoking and lung cancer are correlated.4.1) Expanded use of computer technology, development of stronger and lighter materials, and research in/into pollution control will produce better and smarter automobiles. In the 1980s the notion that a car would talk to its driver was science fict
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