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1、人教版九年级英语下册第14单元测试题及答案人教版九年级英语下册第14单元测试题及答案笔试部分(90分)五、单项选择。(10分)(C)21.The little dog made _ mess of the house when its master went out.Yes.It has done so for a few days in _ row.Aa;the B/;the Ca;a D/;a(B)22.The students enjoy Miss Yangs classes because she is a teacher with high _Amethod BStandard Ca

2、dvantage Dcourage(B)23.Do you still remember _ with Yao Ming in Beijing?Yes,of course.One year ago.Ato meet BMeeting Cmeet Dmet(D)24.I think young people should be _ knowledge.Agood with Bgood for Cthirsty to Dthirsty for(C)25.Boys and girls,please follow my _ when you cross the river.OK,Miss Wang.A

3、conversations BLicenses Cinstructions Dhabits(D)26.Jane _ the school in 2000.When she thinks back to the happy time at the school,she always misses her teachers and classmates.A.has graduated Bhas graduated from Cgraduated Dgraduated from(D)27.The boss made the girl his secretary to help him _some d

4、aily office work.Aagree with Bshare with Cbegin with Ddeal with(D)28.Im afraid of the exam._It is not difficult at all.AGood luck! BThats right. CWork hard! DKeep your cool!(A)29.(天津中考)Dr Bethune_still_in both China and Canada today.Ais;remembered Bis;rememberingCwill;remember Dhas;remembered(D)30.I

5、 _ my card.I want to report it.You can call the bank to report the loss.It would be faster.Alose Bwas losing Cwill lose Dhave lost六、完形填空。(10分)The Japanese school year starts in April and ends in March._31_ there are a lot of graduation ceremonies from midMarch to late March.The main part of the cere

6、mony is for the students to _32_ graduation diplomas(文凭).Because its the last event of the school year,its a very solemn(庄严的) occasion.It usually _33_ the principals speech.After that there are often speeches from _34_ guests.The diplomas are then_35_ one by one to the students by the principal.Ever

7、y graduate is a hero _36_ heroine (女英雄)at the moment._37_ the students receive their diplomas,all the people at the meeting sing“Hotaru no hikari”together.Other songs may be _38_,too.But“Hotaru” is sung at all schools.The songs melody comes from the Scottish folk song“Auld Lang Syne”with lyrics _39_

8、 Japanese.The Ministry of Education asked the song to be sung in schools in 1881.Today its performed not just at graduations _40_ any time people must part(分别).(C)31.A.If BOr CSo DBecause(A)32.A.receive BBuy Csell Drent(D)33.A.ends with Badds to Cfinishes with Dstarts with(B)34.A.increased BInvited

9、Cimagined Dinvented(C)35.A.hosted BHeld Chanded Dheaded(A)36.A.or BAnd Cbut Dwhile(D)37.A.When BBefore CWhile DAfter(B)38.A.played BPerformed Cpracticed Dprevented(D) BThrough Cwith Din(A)40.A.but also BAnd Ctoo Dwhile七、阅读理解。(30分)AMoving onThe end of school is here at lastIt has come so very

10、fastWe look ahead with such delightThe future looks so very brightIts now time to say goodbyeWere all leaving junior highOther subjects,a new classDifferent teachers and exams to passFor everyone in this hallA new life awaits you allSo dont look sad and cryYoure moving on senior highOther people,oth

11、er placesDifferent schools,different facesPlease dont feel bad and grieve(悲痛)On the day you take your leaveBut celebrate and raise your glassAnd say goodbye to all your class(A)41.According to the poem,_ has come so fast.Athe end of school Bthe examCthe celebration Dthe new class(C)42.What does the

12、underlined word delight mean?ASickness. BSadness.CHappiness. DFairness.(D)43.Whats waiting for you all according to the poem?AToo many subjects. BThe same school.CSimilar faces. DA new life.(C)44.This poem can probably be used _Ain a welcome partyBin a birthday partyCon a prom night(毕业晚会)Don a silen

13、t night(B)45.The purpose of this poem is to _Atell us to say thanks to all our teachersBencourage us to be positive and move on our senior highCtell us that we should do something for our junior high schoolDremind us of our happy junior high lifeB(烟台中考)“Where is the university?” This is a question t

14、hat many visitors to Cambridge ask.But no one can give them an exact answer, for there is no wall to be found around the university.The university is the city.You can find classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city.And most of its members are the students

15、 and teachers of the thirtyone colleges.Cambridge was already a town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago.It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once called the Cam.A bridge was built over the river as early as 875. So the town got its name “Cambridge”In the f

16、ourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was for college buildings.The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000.Many young students in other countries expect to stu

17、dy at Cambridge.A large number of people from all over the world come to visit the university.It has become a famous place all around the world.(B)46.Visitors to Cambridge can find the following in the university except _Alibraries BWalls Coffices Dmuseums(A)47.According to the passage, Cambridge Un

18、iversity is made up of_ colleges.A31 B15 C875 D800(B)48.The town got its name from_Athe first students and teachersBthe bridge built over the river CamCthe members of the universityDthe person who designed the bridge(D)49.Which is the correct order of the events about Cambridge?aThe railway was open

19、ed.bCambridge became a city.cMore and more land was for college buildings.dThe first students and teachers arrived at the town.Aacbd BdacbCbcad Ddcab(C)50.From the passage, we know that_Athe town grew much faster before 1845Bthe city had a population of 100,000 in 1953Cmany young students dream of s

20、tudying at Cambridge UniversityDthe Cambridge University has a history of more than 1,000 yearsCLet children learn to judge(判断)their own work.A child doesnt learn to talk by being corrected all the time.If he is corrected too much, he will stop talking.He notices a thousand times a day the differenc

21、es between the language he uses and the language others use.Little by little, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other peoples.In the same way, children learn to do all the other things without being taughtto walk, run, climb or ride a bicycle.They compare their performances wi

22、th those of more skilled people, and slowly make the changes.But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them himself.We do it all for him.We thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, to correct it unless he has made to.Soon

23、he becomes dependent on the teacher.Let him work out with the help of other children if he wants it.If it is a matter in math or science, give him the answer book.Let him correct his own papers.Why_should_we_teachers_waste_time_on_such_daily_work? Our job should be to help the children when they tel

24、l us that he cant find the way to get the right answer.Let the children learn all educated persons must learn, how to measure(估量) their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.Let them get on with this job in their ways.School teachers can offer help if they ask for it.Some pare

25、nts and teachers are worried that the children might fail to learn something that they will need to get in the world.Dont worry! If it is important, they will go out into the world and learn it.(C)51. According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by_Abeing always correctedBf

26、ollowing adults adviceCdoing as other people do(A)52. The writer thinks teachers in school should _Aencourage students to learn from each otherBteach students how to get the answers directlyCtell students what is wrong as often as possible(C)53. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph means _

27、Ateachers cant correct students papersBteachers neednt waste time teaching students in classCteachers should help students improve their learning ability(B)54. We can infer(推断) that _ from the passage.Astudents can face any challenge easilyBstudents can learn a lot in the real lifeCstudents can grow

28、 up without others help(B)55. The best title of the passage may be _ALet our Teachers Stop WorkingBLet Children Learn by ThemselvesCLet Parents Understand Their Kids八、词汇运用。(10分)A)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示填词。56To do this job, you must have a d_egree_ in English.57I have to ask my _manager_(经理) for help.58I can b

29、_elieve_ what he said.Because he is an honest boy.59Can you _accept_ (接受)your classmates invitation to his birthday party?60His English _level_(水平) is poor.He cant pass the exam.B)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。61I _was_washing_the dishes while my sister was sweeping the floor.62_To_celebrate_ the World Book Day, t

30、he bookshop sold books at a lower price on April 23th.63To solve the problem,doing a _survey_ is very necessary.64I wonder how to read the QQ number “25688” in English.Two five six _double_ eight.65Please pass my glasses to me.I cant see the blackboard _clearly_九、补全对话。(5分)从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。选项中有两项是多余的。A:Jack,were going to leave school at the end of this month.I dont really want to say goodbye to you.B:66._C_But dont worry.We can call each other.A:67._A_B:How will you keep in touch with others?A:68._D_What about you?B:Me too.Besides,we can have parties on weekends.

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