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1、牛津译林版八年级下册英语期末复习专题阅读理解八年级英语期末复习专题 阅读理解AHello! Im Wang Yiming. Im five. I am from China. People call me Xiaobao. Hip-pop dancing is my favourite. I imitate (模仿)Michael Jackson. My mother Bian Aiqing is a photographer. I performed on “The Ellen Show”,a USA TV talk show hosted by comedian Ellen DeGene-

2、 res , in February. The moment I met DeGeneres, I gave him a big hug and a lollipop (棒棒糖).Unlike most other child stars, I did not learn dancing just to perform. I like dancing best because it makes me really happy;( )1. Whats the hosts full name?A. Ellen. B. Mchael JacksoaC. Ellen DeGeneres. D. Wan

3、g Yiming.( )2. Where is Ellen DeGeneres?A. In China. B. In England.C. In the USA. D. In Canada.( )3. Who is Michael Jackson?A. He is a dancer. B. He is a comedian.C. He is a host. D. He is a child.( )4. Wheres Wang Yiming from?A. He is from China. B. He is from England.C. He is from Japan. D. He is

4、from the USA.BParents today worry about their childrens diets. Some doctors give the following advice:1. Teenagers shouldnt eat too much junk food.2. Teenagers shouldnt eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future.3. Teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil and s

5、ugar.4. Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and have little fat.5. Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow.6. Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their bodies and minds.( )1. Accordi

6、ng to the doctors advice,what does junk food include?A. Milk and vitamins.B. Fruits and sugar.C. Vegetables and salt.D. Fat, oil, salt and sugar.( )2. In this passage, doctors think that teenagers should eat more _.A. food with no vitaminsB. fat and sugarC. vegetables and fruits D. salt and oil( )3.

7、 The best title for this passage is “_”.A. Bad HabitsB. Junk FoodC. Unhealthy FoodD. Advice on Healthy EatingCHello, my dear friends, today heres a funny cartoon for you. It is a Chinese cartoon. Its name is Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.In this cartoon,there are some goats and some wolves. Pleasan

8、t Goat is the leading role (主角) He likes playing football and running. He runs faster than the other goats. Pretty Goat likes making clothes and growing flowers. She is very beautiful. Lazy Goat is clever,but he doesnt like doing sports. He likes sleeping best. Force Goat (沸羊羊)is stronger than the o

9、ther goats. Warm Goat is the class monitor at school. Slow Goat is 68 years old. He is older than the other goats. He is the village head. Every goat has a lovely pet Big Big Wolf wants to eat sheep. Red Wolf is Big Big Wolfs wife. She is very bad. Banana Wolf is nice. He is the friend of goats. He

10、likes eating bananas very much.( )1. _ doesnt like sports.A. Lazy Goat B. Force GoatC. Warm Goat D. Happy Goat( )2. Pretty Goat likes_.A. playing football B. sleepingC. making clothes D. eating bananas( )3._ is the goats friend.A. Big Big Wolf B. Banana Wolf C. Red Wolf D. Grey Wolf( )4. There are _

11、 goats in the passage.A. four B. fiveC. six D. seven( )5. Which is NOT right?A. Happy Goat runs slower than other sheep. B. Slow Goat is older than the other sheep.C. Warm Goat has a lovely pet.D. Red Wolf is Big Big Wolfs wife.DTelevision has taken the place of schools as he main educator in Americ

12、a. There are several reasons for this. First, there is the number of hours. While Americans spend about 13,000 hours n schools, they spend 15,000 to 16,000 hours in front of a TV set. Second is the age at which viewers start watching TV. People start watching and understanding TV at about the age of

13、 3, which is several years before they start to do school work. Finally, there is the number of viewer. About 90,000,000 young people are attending school, but most of the Americans watch TV every day. It seems, then, that TV shows are taking the place of teachers and professors as the educators in

14、America.( )1. The main idea of the passage is _.A. TV is more important than schoolB. fewer and fewer children go to schoolC. there is not a school which has no TV set in AmericaD. TV plays a great part in American peoples life( )2. How many reasons that television has become the main educator are m

15、entioned in the passage?A. Two. B. Three.C. Four. D. Five.( )3. The first reason shows that _.A. now children go to school less often than their parents didB. in his life an American spends more time watching TV than at schoolC. a TV program usually gives lessons of 15,000-16,000 hoursD. parents thi

16、nk 13,000 hours of school is not enough( )4. In America, a child starts going to school _.A. when he is 13B. when he is about 6 or 7C. when he is able to understand TVD. after he starts to do school work( )5. Every day in America _.A. teachers and professors watch TVB. 90,000,000 young people watch

17、TV C. not only young people watch TVD. 15,00016,000 people watch TVEThe most interesting part of the town was the market, where there were a lot of cafes, restaurants and small shops full of kinds of cheap goods. At this time of the year it was not crowded. It was a lovely day with only a few little

18、 white clouds in the sky. It was not hot , as it sometimes was during the summer, but pleasantly warm. Edward and Ann sat at a table outside one c the cafes. After they had been sitting there enjoying the sunlight for a few minutes, a young waiter, not much more than a boy, came to take their order.

19、 He spoke no English, but pointed at the menu with a smile. They thought they had managed to make him understand that all They wanted was ice-cream. There were few flavors coffee and orange,and they both chose coffee. “I love coffee ice-cream,” said Ann. After a little while the waiter returned. He

20、was carrying a big tray which he set down very carefully on the table in front of Edward and Ann. There were two cups of coffee and two ice-cream on the tray. “We didnt want coffee,”said Edward angrily, “but coffee ice-cream. He ought to be able to understand some English.”The waiter smiled and look

21、ed pleased.“No,” said Ann laughing, “It is his country. We ought to be able to speak his language.”( )1. The weather that day was _.A. hot and cloudy B. sunny and warmC. warm and cloudy D. cold and cloudy( )2. The waiter _.A. was a little younger than a boy B. was only a boyC. was a little older tha

22、n a boy D. looked like a boy( )3. The waiter brought them _.A. ice-cream instead of coffee B. coffee with ice-cream in it C. coffee as well as ice-cream D. coffee but no ice-cream( )4. It seems that the waiter _.A. liked playing jokes B. didnt speak clearlyC. was unable to speak D. had made a mistak

23、e( ) 5. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. The waiter was native speakerB. The story took place in England.C. Edward and Ann were doing shoppingD. Edward and Ann were angry because they couldnt get what they had wanted.FMobile phones have become a problem for middle schools.

24、 Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.Mobile phone used among children has become a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.Bluett, an official, sai

25、d mobile phone use is a distraction to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones at school. Some pa

26、rents felt unhappy because they couldnt get in touch with their children.Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school offices. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobil

27、e phones at school:They were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies.Many people said that they understood why parents would want their children to have mobilePhones, but they thought schools should let the students know when they could use their mobile phones.( )1. Some middle schools in A

28、ustralia have banned students from carrying mobile phones _.A. because they are students B. when they are free C. when they are at school D. because they are children( )2. We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from _.A. the makers and sellers B. the passers-by and strangersC.

29、 their parents and friends D. some mobile phone users( )3. What does the underlined word “cheat” mean in the passage?A 聊天 B 核对C 查询 D 作弊( )4. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt _ during schools hours.A. use their mobile phonesB. leave their mobile phones at school officesC. help the teach

30、ers with their work D. get in touch with their children( )5. The passage tells us that _.A. students shouldnt have mobile phones at school except for some special reasonsB. it is impossible to ban students from using mobile phones at schoolC. some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt teach thei

31、r children how to use mobile phones during school hoursD. parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hoursGA lady once wrote a long story. She sent it to a famous editor. After a few weeks the story was returned to her. The lady was angry. She wrote to the editor: “Dear Sir,yesterday you sent back a story of mine. How do you know that the story is not good? You didnt read it. Before I sen

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