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1、届一轮复习译林版必修三Unit2Language单元学案设计55页word版2019届一轮复习译林版必修三 Unit 2 Language单元学案设计一、刷黑板第一屏听写.阅读词汇(英译汉)1vocabulary n 词汇2mutton n. 羊肉3bacon n. 熏猪肉,咸猪肉4highclass adj. 上层社会的5accent n. 口音,腔调;着重点6bark vi. & n. (狗)叫7racial adj. 人种的,种族的第二屏听写8interrupt vi. & vt. 插嘴,打断,暂停9alphabet n (一种语言的)字母表,全部字母10writing n. 文字;文字

2、作品11press vt. (被)压,挤,推,施加压力n. 报刊;新闻界;出版社12wire n. 金属丝;铁丝网13pattern n. 图案,花纹;模式,方式14typewriter n. 打字机第三屏听写15version n 版本16*Celtic n. 凯尔特语17*Germanic adj. 日耳曼语(族)的18*Angle n. 盎格鲁人19*Saxon n. 撒克逊人20*Viking n. 维京人,北欧海盗21*Norman n. & adj. 诺曼人(的) 第四屏听写22*the Norman Conquest 诺曼征服23*plural n. & adj. 复数形式(的)

3、24*the Renaissance n. (欧洲)文艺复兴25*Latin n. & adj. 拉丁语(的)26*Greek adj. 希腊语(的),希腊(人)的n. 希腊语,希腊人.高频词汇(汉译英)第五屏听写1nowadays adv. 现在,如今2mainland n. 大陆3occupy vt. 占领;占用(时间、空间等)4consist vi. 组成,构成5mixture n. 混合,混合体6aside adv. 除之外7official adj. 官方的,正式的第六屏听写8phrase n 词组,短语9contribution n. 贡献,促成因素;捐赠10defeat vt.

4、击败,战胜11replace vt. 替换,代替,取代12entire adj. 完全的,整个的13servant n. 仆人14raise vt. 养育;举起;增加;筹募;提及第七屏听写15therefore adv. 因此,所以16mother_tongue n. 母语,本国语17process n. 过程;进程18distinction n. 区别,差别19spelling n. 拼写20concern n. 关心;忧虑vt. 涉及;使担忧;对感兴趣21ban vt. & n. 禁止;取缔第八屏听写22pure adj. 纯的,纯净的,纯粹的23unique adj. 独特的24acce

5、ss vt. 进入;使用n. 通道;(使用的)机会,权利25character n. 文字,符号;人物;性格26gentle adj. 温柔的,平和的27embarrass vt. 使尴尬,使难堪28backwards adv. 向后;向反方向第九屏听写29conclusion n 结论;推论30custom n. 风俗,习俗31mistaken adj. 错误的;误解的32differ vi. 相异,有区别33deed n. 行为,行动34hunt vt. & vi. 打猎,猎杀;搜寻35appearance n. 外观,外貌第十屏听写36represent vt. 代表;展示,描绘37dr

6、awing n. 绘画,绘画艺术38simplify vt. 简化39combine vt. & vi. 组合;(使)联合40distinguish vt. 区分,辨别;使具有某种特征41indicate vt. 显示,表示;象征,暗示42shortcoming n. 缺点,短处第十一屏听写43ink n 墨水,油墨44eyesight n. 视力45convenient adj. 方便的46battle n. & vi. 战斗47drag vt. (使劲地)拖,拉48practical adj. 切实可行的,实用的第十二屏听写49thus adv. 以此方式,如此;因此,从而50be_mad

7、e_up_of 由组成(构成)51consist_of 由组成(构成)52name_after 以命名53aside_from 除之外第十三屏听写54take_control_of_ 控制55lead_to 导致56ought_to 应该57differ_from 和不同,不同于58stand_for 代表,象征59as_a_whole 总体上,作为整体二、刷清单(一)核心单词阅读单词1.vocabulary n词汇2mutton n. 羊肉3bacon n. 熏猪肉,咸猪肉4highclass adj. 上层社会的5accent n. 口音,腔调;着重点6racial adj. 人种的,种族

8、的7interrupt vi. & vt. 插嘴,打断,暂停 8.alphabet n(一种语言的)字母表,全部字母9writing n. 文字;文字作品10press vt. (被)压,挤,推,施加压力n. 报刊;新闻界;出版社11wire n. 金属丝;铁丝网12.pattern n图案,花纹;模式,方式13typewriter n. 打字机14version n. 版本15plural n. & adj. 复数形式(的)16the Renaissance n. (欧洲)文艺复兴表达单词1.nowadays adv.现在,如今2occupy vt. 占领;占用(时间、空间等)3consis

9、t vi. 组成,构成4aside adv. 除之外5official_adj. 官方的,正式的6defeat vt. 击败,战胜7replace vt. 替换,代替,取代8raise vt. 养育,培养;举起;增加,提高;筹募;提及9therefore adv. 因此,所以10process n. 过程;进程11distinction n. 区别,差别12ban vt. & n. 禁止;取缔13unique adj. 独特的14character n. (书写或印刷)文字,符号;人物;性格15conclusion n. 结论;推论16custom n. 风俗,习俗17appearance n

10、. 外观,外貌18represent vt. 代表;展示,描绘19indicate vt. 显示,表示;象征,暗示20thus adv. 以此方式,如此;因此,从而语境活用1The DNA test showed that he was not the birth son of the man and woman who had raised (养育) him.2Their classification and analysis occupied (占用) scientists for years and led to a fivevolume report, the last volume

11、being published in 1895. 3The next April 5th night, I volunteered to stay, though a new doctor promised to_replace (替换) my night work.4By painting buildings white, cities may slow down the warming process (进程)(2017江苏高考阅读)5Wed better discuss the issue in detail before we draw a conclusion (结论)6With o

12、ur regions natural beauty, we produce a unique (独特的) range of foods, fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure that our area remains worldfamous.7As is indicated (显示) in the graph, the boxoffice income of Chinese films increased constantly from 2015 to 2017.(2017江苏高考书面表达)8After that, he, representing (代

13、表) Chinese Team, competed in the Olympic Games, the World Table Tennis Championship, and so on many times.9In the USA a growing number of states have adopted laws to ban (禁止) throwing ewaste.拓展单词1.contribution n贡献,促成因素;捐赠contribute v贡献2entire adj.完全的,整个的entirely adv.完全地,整个地3concern n关心;忧虑vt.涉及;使担忧;对

14、感兴趣concerned adj.担心的,关心的concerning prep.关于4access vt.进入;使用n.通道;(使用的)机会,权利accessible adj.可到达的;可接近的;可利用的5embarrass vt.使尴尬,使难堪embarrassing adj.令人难堪的,使人尴尬的embarrassed adj.感到尴尬的,难堪的6differ vi.相异,有区别different adj.不同的difference n不同7simplify vt.简化simple adj.简单的8combine vt. & vi.组合;(使)联合combination n联合,结合9di

15、stinguish vt.区分,辨别;使具有某种特征distinguished adj.著名的distinction n区别10convenient adj.方便的convenience n方便11practical adj.切实可行的,实用的practice n实践,练习语境活用1What you did was embarrassing,_making the guest very embarrassed and it also embarrassed me.(embarrass)2My house is conveniently located just off the High Str

16、eet. Its convenient for you to drop in. Please come at your convenience.(convenient)3The entire village was destroyed. It now looks entirely different from the previous one.(entire)4Our parents are concerned about our health. As far as Im concerned,_we should talk with them and tell them our concern

17、s.(concern)5European and American science combined with efficient and cheap Chinese manufacturing should be a powerful combination.(combine)6Free Internet access at home is a huge step in making online education accessible to everybody.(access)7WHO welcomes Chinas contribution of mobile laboratory t

18、o west Africa against Ebola, which can contribute to fighting the disease.(contribute)8The distinguished scientist told the youngsters it was important to distinguish reality from ones dreams.(distinguish)(二)常用短语写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.be_made_up_of 由组成(构成)2consist_of 由组成(构成)3name_after 以命名4aside_from 除

19、之外5take_control_of 控制6lead_to 导致7ought_to 应该8differ_from 和不同9stand_for 代表,象征10as_a_whole 总体上11make_contributions_to 对做出贡献 12go_through 经历;浏览,仔细检查13take_._into_consideration 考虑14look_up 向上看;查询15gain/have_access_to 接近;利用的机会 16make_fun_of 取笑17in_a_word 总之18pick_up 捡起;中途搭人;无意中学会1.The negative effects th

20、at this incident has led_to is beyond our expectation.2On the MidAutumn Festival people usually eat mooncakes, which stand_for a happy reunion.3So Dad and I had to drive two hours to pick_up Dominic from the station. 4Fushun Royal Ocean World, located in the west of Fushun, is_made_up_of aquarium, s

21、urf house, and water park in it.5Aside_from being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.6The Silk Road was named_after ancient Chinas silk trade which played an important role in the civilization development of China, South Asia and Europe.7The army took_control_of the city after th

22、e presidents fall from power, which left the whole country in a mess.8Not until he went_through real hardship did he realize the love we had for our families was important.9In_a_word/As_a_whole,_having a rich vocabulary is important, especially if you want to sound like a native.(三)经典句式原句背诵句式解构佳句仿写1

23、.That is why English has so many difficult rules that confuse people.这就是英语有那么多让人困惑的规则的原因。That/This/It is/was why .意为“那/这就是的原因”,why 引导表语从句。那就是我认为长江之行将是一个更好的选择的原因。(2017北京高考满分作文)That_is_why_I_think the trip along the Yangtze River will be a better choice.2.After the Norman Conquest, highclass people sp

24、oke French while common people spoke English. 诺曼征服之后,上层阶级的人说法语,而普通人说英语。while作并列连词, 前后两个分句内容表示对比。东南部雨量充足,而西北部则很少下雨。Theres plenty of rain in the southeast, while_theres_little in the northwest.3.Not all characters were developed from drawings of objects. 并不是所有的汉字都是从物体的图画演变而来。not all意为“并不是所有的”,表示部分否定。正

25、如你知道的,并非我们所有人都擅长打乒乓球。(2017全国卷写作佳句) As you know, not_all_of_us_do_well_in_playing_pingpong.4.While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical use. 虽然学生们觉得士兵的想法有趣,但这一方法太过复杂,并不实用。“be ofn.”结构,该结构中的名词是抽象名词时,相当于“beadj.”。我认为这对你参观剪纸展览有很大的用处。(2017全国卷满分作文

26、) I think it is_of_great_use for you to visit the papercutting exhibition.(四)初中考点再回顾高频考查类记熟文化差异类辨清易忘易错类勤览第一个做某事的人2.be_strict_in_sth. 对某物要求严格3.be_strict_with_sb. 对某人要求严格4.be_the_pride_of 是的骄傲 tired out 精疲力竭 up to 90 years活到90岁 100 years 一百年后3.There be名词 某地有某

27、物4.have sth. with sb. 某人有某物5.go to the doctor 去看医生1. 接省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词或短语:一感feel二听hear; listen to三让let;have; make四看look at; see; watch; notice半帮助help2.first name名字3.last name 姓一、过重点单词1occupy vt.占领;占用(时间、空间等);使忙碌教材原句Then two Germanic groups from the European mainland the Angles and the Saxons occu

28、pied Britain.然后,来自欧洲大陆的两个日耳曼部族盎格鲁人和撒克逊人占领了不列颠。(1)occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth. 忙于(做)某事(2)occupied adj. 忙碌的;占用的be occupied in doing sth. 忙于做某事be occupied with sth. 从事/忙于某事(3)occupation n. 占领;职业,工作多角练透 单句语法填空A drunk man in a truck hit a car occupied (occupy) by a young woman and a little girl

29、.The writer was occupied in translating (translate) an English novel. Please state your name, age and occupation (occupy) below.The train got more jampacked and soon all of the seats were occupied (occupy)Occupying (occupy) himself with routine tasks, he had no time to accompany his children. 一句多译当我进来的时候,学生们正忙着做作业。When I came in, the students were_occupied_with/(in)_doing their homework.(occupy)When I came in, the students were_busy/engaged_with/doing their homework.(busy

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