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1、冀教版小学三年级英语教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)Lesson 3:How Are You? 一、教学目标 语言知识:认知词汇book, chair, desk 语言技能:能利用新句型来进行问候和询问物品名称: How are you? Im fine,thanks. Whats this? Its a 情感态度 (1)激发学生听英语、说英语、唱歌曲、做游戏的兴趣。 (2)帮助学生树立自信心,让他们乐于模仿,敢于开口。 二、 教学重点 (1)How are you?Im fine, thanks. (2)book, chair, desk 三、 教学难点: (1)How

2、 are you?Im fine, thanks. (2)Whats this?Its a 四、教学准备:磁带、录音机、词汇卡片五、教学步骤 Step I Class Opening (5 minutes) 1 Warming up Greeting:Greet your class by saying“Hello”or“Hi”.Ask the students to respond with“Hello”or“Hi” 2 Review 师生利用已学句型作如下对话: T:Hello. My name is Whats your name? S1:Hi!My name is T:Hi!Im Wh

3、ats your name? S2:Hello!Im 教师指着某个男孩或女孩提问学生: T:This is a boygirl Whats (5 minutes) 1 利用point to a 来指认book,boy, girl,teacher, desk,chair。 2 利用show me a 来展现物品,然后问答 Whats this? Its a Step IV Class Closing (2 minutes) 1 Listen to the tape 让全班跟着录音朗读、唱歌。 2 Summarize 教师小结或引导学生归纳。 3 Homework (1)让学生回家用How are

4、 you? Im fine,thanks.和家长相互问候。如果家长不懂,让学生教家长说。(2)把今天所学的歌曲唱给家长听。Lesson 4 :Number1 2 3 4 5一、教学目标:(一)知识目标:1.使学生能听、说、认识和口头运用单词one, two, three, four, five2.使学生能够理解并能口头运用:May I the blackboard.Have the students say together.T: Now, Whats this?(point to one chair and desk)S: Its one chair. Its one desk.T: Wha

5、t are these? Two books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to say.T: How many chairs? How many desks? (point to two chairs and desks)S: Two chairs. Two desks.T: How many books? Three books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to read.T: How many boys? How many girls? (Point to three boys and girl

6、s)S: Three boys. Three girls.T: Now the blackboard and learn to read.T: How many schools? How many teachers?(show some pictures)S: Four schools. Four teachers.T: How many books in my the blackboard and find the different?2) T: Lets count the numbers. S: one, two, three, four, five. T: Lets play a gu

7、essing game.) Nice to meet you . T: Lets practice the dialogue. T: Who can act the dialogue? Please come to the front.(三)Step Three: Class closing六、 Blackboard Hand- writingLesson 4: 1 2 3 4 5How many? One two three four fiveNice too meet you.Nice too meet you too.Lesson 5: How Many ?一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:

8、(1)听懂会说、读、写词汇:pen pencil ruler crayon pencil-box(2) 听懂会说本课词汇、句型:pencil box; blackboard; How many _do you pencil marker3. 情感目标:让学生体验到用英语来表达身边的东西,并感觉到自己能够运用英语来做事情。培养学生对杰出的外国文化习俗感兴趣。二、教学重、难点:(1)重点:学会pen pencil ruler等并掌握。(2)难点:运用句型进行交流。可有意识的培养学生把词汇的描述扩展为句子的交流。教师尽量给学生一个完整的语句概念。三、教学用具、学具:录音机 卡片 实物四、教学过程:S

9、tep 1 Warming-up1.GreetingHello,boys and girls!T:How are you?S:Im fine,thanks.2.Review用book,boy,chair,desk,girl,school,teacher单词卡片,使用句型Whats this?提问,让学生做抢答练习。Step 2 New concepts1.接着上面的练习直接出示单词pen的卡片,让学生猜读音.T:can you say it?2.再拿出事物“钢笔”.T:Whats this?S:Its_.(板书并领读) 再呈现出pencil,pencil case ,blackboard, m

10、arker(活跃气氛,使学生在玩中学,改被动接受为主动接受)3、引导学习。 在掌握了新单词的基础上,教师走到单个的学生面前,通过手势姿态用May I 5: How Many?Pen pencil pencil-box ruler crayonHow many _ do you 6 :Number6 7 8 9 10一、教学目标:(一)知识目标:1.使学生能听、说、认识和口头运用单词six seven eight nine ten2.使学生能够理解并能口头运用:How many? (二)能力目标:1.培养学生运用英语数字的能力, 使学生对名词复数有初步的感知。2.培养学生的语言综合运用能力,使之

11、能把所学句型应用于日常对话中。(三) 情感目标:1.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,提高学生的口语表达能力。2.通过游戏,交际实践、小组合作等方式培养学生的合作意识和用英语做事情的能力。二、教学重难点:1、教学重点: 使学生能熟练掌握数字单词并能初步感知名词复数形式。2、教学难点:使学生能够理解并能口头运用:See you later!. 三、教学准备:数字卡片,实物四、教学资源: 名词复数的规则变化情况 构成方法 读音 例词一般情况 加 -s 1.清辅音后读s; map-maps2.浊辅音和元音后 bag-bags读 z; car-cars五、教学过程:五、教学过程:(一)St

12、ep One: Class Opening and Review(二)Step Two: New Concepts1) Numbers six to tenT:Whats this? Yes, its a chair. Its six .Write “six chairs” on the blackboard.Have the students say together.T: Now, Whats this?(point to one chair and desk)S: Its one chair. Its one desk.T: What are these? seven books. Wr

13、ite it on the blackboard and learn to say.T: How many chairs? How many books? (point to two chairs and books)S: six chairs. seven books.T: How many rulers? Eight rulers. Write it on the blackboard and learn to read.T: How many pens? How many pencils? (Point to eight rulers and ten pencils)S: eight r

14、ulers ten pencilsT: Now the blackboard and learn to read.T: How many schools? How many teachers?(show some pictures)S: six schools. Ten teachers.T: How many books in my books. Write it on the blackboard and find the different?2) T: Lets count the numbers. S: six seven eight nine ten T: Lets chant.)

15、see you later . T: Lets practice the dialogue. T: Who can act the dialogue? Please come to the front.(三)Step Three: Class closing六、 Blackboard Hand- writingLesson 4: 6 7 8 9 10How many?six seven eight nine tenSee you later!Goodbye!Bye!Again ,please!一、 教学目标:学生掌握下列词汇:chair desk boy girl ruler book sch

16、ool pen pencil pencil-box one two three four five six sever eight nine ten crayon pencil pencil-box one two three four five six sever eight nine ten crayon and talk.A:学生听录音,并跟读对话,然后交流对话内容,最后二人一组模仿练习。师就重点句子进行板书。B:表演对话。C:习题训练。2.Point and say.Start:chair-two-desk-five -girl-ruler-book-nine-crayon-boy-p

17、en-seven-pencil-box-three-pencil-one-finishLets play a Game: Whats this ? Its a_.1. Listen and circle.e.g:This is a teacher. This is a crayon. This is a desk. This is seven.2. How am I doing?3. Practise.Class closing.板书:Whats your 7: My friend一、教学目标:1、知识目标:学生掌握下列词汇A a 、B b、 C c、 D d 、book。并能认识下列词汇 a

18、pple、cat、door。2、能力目标:学生能够理解并能口头应答下列句子,This is LiMing. He is my friend. 听懂会唱英文歌曲Find a friend.。3、情感态度目标:营造英语学习氛围,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。学生能够准确地发音,喜欢英语并愉快上课。帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异,拓展视野。二、教学重难点:Aa Bb Cc Dd的正确发音及说、认识、口头运用apple, book, cat, door 并且能够记忆这些单词。三、教学用具、学具:单词卡片或实物、字母卡片、录音机、FLASH动画。四、教学资源:26个英文字母的Flash 动画:26个英文字母儿歌

19、Flash五、教学过程:Step1: Class openingGreeting :T: Hello, boys and girls!S: Hello teacher!T: How are you ?S: Im fine, thanks.S: How are you ?T: Im fine, thanks.Step2: New concepts1. T: Now, lets listen to a song“A B C”.英语FLASH童谣There are 26 letters in English. Today well learn 4 letters “A B C D”(设计意图: 通过

20、字母歌让学生对26个字母有一个初步的感知,为本课的字母学习打下基础)2.T: Look, this letter is A. Read after me, please.S:AT: Its big letter “A”. This is small letter “a ”. Read after me.S: aT: Who can read it?(找几名自告奋勇的学生读)T: lets look, ) can you ?S: Yes.T:(出示apple的卡片)Whats this?S: apple在线学习26个英文字母儿歌Flash 大全-教育在线-热播网(教授 B C D 方法同上) T

21、: lets play a game. Well make two groups, lets see who is quick and right.(赛一赛,看看哪个组儿歌说的快。)T: I think you are tired. lets to a song, please.3.T: look, who can try to say it?(出示课件:My friend.)Who can guess whats the meaning?T: Lets make a dialogue. First Ill give you a model.(邀请一名学生和老师合作完成对话)T: Now, w

22、ho volunteers?(几组学生展示)(设计意图:创设机会,培养学生的合作意识,树立自信心)Step3: class closingT: You do a good job. Class is over, good-bye everyone.S: Good-bye, teacher.Do the activity book: Lesson 6六、板书设计:lesson 7: A B C Dapple book cat doorLesson 8 :Letters一、教学目标:知识目标:掌握字母Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj能力目标:1. 掌握Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh. Ii . J

23、j2. 学生能够运用和认识:egg fish girl the new letters: Ee Ff Gg Hh(出示字母卡片)T:Look at the blackboard. Read after me:Ee(板书,用手领着学生书写)T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can tell me read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can tell me read?(检查学生的读音)Whats meaning?出示鱼的画图:领读,强调字母f在单词中的读音。T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)Whats meaning?Who can rememb

24、er any words that start with letter “f”?girl and draw.(在学生画的同时也在黑板上画Jenny,引出第二部分。)2. Lets do it.将图一中的大写字母和图二中的小写字母相匹配,然后再下面的四线三格中规范地书写出来,看谁做得又快又好。3.Lets sing!ABC song听录音跟唱。师领唱、教唱。学生自己练唱。三Class Closing.Sing a song.Homework:学会ABC song六、板书设计: Lesson 8: LettersE F G H I JE f g 9: Open and Close教学目标:知识目标

25、:字母: Kk Ll Mm Nn能力目标:1掌握Kk Ll Mm Nn2学生能够运用和认识下列词汇:close, open, door, windowKite lake mouse nose3学生能够理解并能说和按指令用下列句子做动作:Open the_Close the_情感目标:培养自信交际能力二、教学重难点:教学重点:字母Kk Ll Mm Nn三、教具学具:词汇卡片,教室内的物体,字母表,录音机五、教学过程:一)复习1问候2ABC song. 二)学习新课1Letters Kk Ll Mm Nn看字母卡片让学生认读以前学的字母:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh Ii Jj介

26、绍新字母:Kk Ll Mm Nn并板书 Kite lake mouse nose领读字母:然后说明每个字母在单词中的读音放录音,学生跟读2学习door, window教师手指教室内的橡皮擦,门和窗,读这几个单词,然后让学生读数次,并板书看教科书:p23告诉学生图为Jenny在加拿大的教室。让自告奋勇的学生用英语说出图中的事物,并告诉这个事物在哪儿。播放录音,学生跟读。操练:让全体学生或单个学生回答下列问题Whats this?Point to a doorwindow Show me a door window Is this a door window _? Its aan_学生利用词汇卡或

27、教室内的事物来练习3学习Open the_. Close the_示范:教师打开然后合上一本书,一扇们或一扇窗户,边做边读出这两个单词。并板书open和close教师手指黑板上的单词先朗读,然后由学生朗读数次。让自告奋勇的学生用动作演示教师:(自告奋勇的学生)Please openclose the bookdoorwindow学生:(打开一本书,一扇门或一扇窗户)全班学生:OpenClose.同学们打开教科书:N3。放录音,学生看书跟读。作游戏“RACE AND DO”把学生分成几个队。每队派一名代表按照教师的指令比赛做动作。比如Please open the doorwindowbook.

28、参赛者快步走到门前争取第一个打开门。获胜者为他的队赢得1分.在黑板上记下得分。二、选出正确的单词打开门(openclose the door)关上窗(open close the pencil casewindow)打开书(open close the bookdoor)Stsp3:class closing.板书: Lesson 9:Open and closeKk Ll Mm NnKite lake mose noseOpen close door windowLesson 10:Red, Yellow, Blue, Green一、教学目标知识目标:1. 掌握字母 Oo Pp Rr 及颜色

29、单词red yellow blue green.2. 学生能够运用、认识、: orange pencil queen ruler What colour is it? Its _.能力目标:1.能听说辨认的字母和单词Oo Pp Rr red yellow blue green2.能正确理解并进行口头交际的句型What colour is it?Its _.情感目标:培养用英语描述周围事物的能力,培养自信心。二、教学重难点:教学重点:字母Oo Pp Rr单词red yellow blue green.教学难点:Pp的写法复数(s)三、教具学具:教室内的物体,录音机、字母卡片五、教学过程:一 Cl

30、ass opening and review:1.Greeting2Play a game: (Clap their and do.Open the window.Show me your book. (pen, the letter Ee)由此引出新知二New concepts:1. T: Show me the letter MmLets learn the new letter: Mm(出示字母卡片)T:Look at the blackboard. Read after me: Mm(板书,用手领着学生书写)T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can tell me say?T: (在黑板上画铅笔并涂色。)How many pencils?T: What colour?T: Who can say?T: Now I colour this mar

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