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1、电子商务的一百条规则The 100 Rules of Business on the Net sensitive to customers with older systems.? Offer a text-only option for viewing your site on the splash page. that your customers are paying to be online.? Provide fast and easy access to your information and content.? Dont abuse their time. material l

2、ogically from the customers point of view.? Ideally, the splash page will be main page on a site.? Be sure to include clear directions for navigating the site on the main page. in mind that the main page of a site serves a variety of functions.? It is a map, a front door, and a marketing message all

3、 in one. the splash page to set the tone and personality of the site, but do so selectively.? The tone of the Web site should correlate with the personality of the company. appropriate, include a time and date stamp.? It helps to keep the site current. Last Modified dates and traffic counters only i

4、f you want your customers to know when you last modified your site or how many visitors you have had. suing icons, particularly those embedded in a graphic design, make sure that they are easy to see and that their function is obvious.? Test the design on ten to twenty users to make sure your custom

5、ers will understand. text versions of all icon links. offending new users to the Net by using heavily-laced jargon or by adopting a “hipper-than-thou” attitude. not use bells and whistles just because you can.? As bandwidth increases, this issue will become less relevant.? Until then, heavy use of g

6、raphics, video, and audio programs is time-consuming for the user. compatibility information, such as, “This page is best viewed by Netscape and above.” sure to include links to the software necessary for a full appreciation of your site.? If you say your site uses RealAudio, then make sure it links

7、 to a download for RealAudio. useless pages that serve no purpose.? If a page doesnt show or tell the user something, or provide a service, then your site doesnt need it. an e-mail address link where appropriate. a “Return Home” link on every page. the three-click rule and organize sites logically.?

8、 The three-click rule states that users will not stay onsite if it takes more than three clicks to access the information they need. a FAQ page and an “About the Company” profile on your site.? Links to this information should be clearly marked on the main page. sure the profile contains all relevan

9、t information about the company including snail mail address, telephone and fax numbers, and the appropriate contact with title. your site sponsors real-time chats, have a system for monitoring the chats.? This gives the user a sense of security, and it gives you control. you use bulletin board post

10、ings, be sure to keep them updated and interesting.? Design topics appropriate to your community, which will foster conversation. appropriate to your site, use current events to spice up chats and bulletin board discussions.? It is the responsibility of the host, not the visitor, to initiate interac

11、tive communication. the needs of your users.? If your site has databases, provide a search engine on site. lists is a valuable and time-saving service you can offer your customers.? The more useful information you can provide, the better the quality of your site. all links live and test periodically

12、. you are using your site to launch-and-learn your product make sure that you have a product.? Users do not expect perfection in beta products, but they do expect the product to be almost fully functional. a logical URL. with every possible source of traffic.? Search engines are the primary pathways

13、 to your corporate front door. test searches to make sure your site comes up with each of the search engines. through keywords clearly.? Imagine how a customer would look for your service or product if they didnt know your company or Web site name. your site if it is still under construction.? Only

14、go live after thoroughly testing with real users. the user a reason to stay.? Use contests, trivia, and other such promotional tactics to draw a user in.? If they have come to access a service, provide it up front.? Do not make your customers wade through pages of information, if they have come to u

15、se your calculator. users for giving up valuable marketing information.? For example, offer a company tee shirt for completing a profile. your response to e-mail requests.? An immediate response stating that message has been received assures users that you are on the ball.? Also, give the user an in

16、dication of how long it will be before they can expect a response. reminders are unobtrusive.? Suggest that a user, “Add this page to your bookmarks.” other sites, including noncommercial sites, to link to your site.? Personal home pages are an often overlooked resource for directing traffic to a co

17、rporate site. logical resources, such as PR Newswire and Business Wire to make appropriate announcements. not announce the launch of a “Net Site if whats new is only an addition to an existing site. you refer to sources of information within your site, then provide hyperlinks to the appropriate site

18、. linking to another site, link directly to the appropriate page rather than to the home page URL. permission for linking to a site.? Unexpected traffic surges created by links can shut a server down. sure that you have the appropriate resources to handle the traffic generated by the site.? This spe

19、cifically applies to e-mail.? E-mail is your customer service representative on the Web. globally.? Remember that users from other countries can easily access your site.? If you want to tap into international markets, respect their culture and keep in mind that they may not be familiar with idiomati

20、c expression or respond to pro-American ad campaigns. advertising, avoid misleading links.? If you have a banner for a giveaway, then a click on the banner should take the user straight to the giveaway page. the full URL so that people know the address of? the resource from a paper copy of your page

21、. you URL in all promotional material, such as magazine advertisements, brochures, radio, television, and billboard advertisements. state the copyright policy for the information and graphics available through your site. not simply abandon a site.? If you move or close or change names, alert users v

22、ia e-mail and register changes with appropriate venues, such as search engines. not mix personal and business sites.? Dont include pictures of kids unless they are somehow relevant to the business.? Thats what personal home pages are for. post unsolicited mail. Sending ads to newsgroups or mass e-ma

23、iling is called spamming.? It is an offensive invasion of privacy and will result in a Net response known as flaming.? Flames are angry or gibberish e-mail replies sent en masse to a spammer.? Flaming wars can shut down a system. it comes to e-mail, never put anything in an e-mail that you wouldnt w

24、ant to see on the nightly news. either separate accounts or separate aliases for personal and business correspondence. business cards printed with e-mail and URL addresses.? The days of hand-scribbled address on the backs of cards are over. logically when establishing accounts.? (While this is techn

25、ically a function of the system administrator, it doesnt hurt to know the options for your company.) clever aliases.? Use your online name to clearly identify yourself. your e-mail system protocols, such as file attachments, message length limits, filing cabinet options, etc. using e-mail to contact

26、 sources for marketing research, be sure to identify yourself and obtain permission. chain of command procedures.? Dont e-mail a CEO unless you have established prior contact. internal e-mail below 50 percent, and external e-mail over 50 percent, if you want to be connected to your market. professio

27、nal and careful about what you say about others in electronic communications.? Mail is easily forwarded. not use e-mail for sensitive communications. and adhere to company e-mail policies. a separate alias for newsgroup and usegroup lists.? This will keep your business address free of unnecessary cl

28、utter. not use buddy systems, or electronic alerts that tell a user when another user is online, unless you have been given permission to do so.? It is an invasion of privacy. Instant message facilities appropriately.? The telephone is a better vehicle for involved conversation. appropriate e-mail c

29、orrespondents if you will be out of e-mail reach for an extended period of time. virus scans frequently, and be sure to alert recent correspondents if you detect a virus on your system. e-mails to one topic per message. your message with an appropriate address ., Linda or Mrs. McGregor), and always

30、include your name at the end. paragraphs and messages short and to the point. bullets or asterisks to break up complicated messages. your e-mail clean.? Use correct grammar and check spelling. sure to proofread a message before sending it out, not only to check for errors, but also to make sure that

31、 the content is clear. standard casing.? UPPER case looks like you are shouting. can be used to abbreviate when possible, but messages that are filled with acronyms can be confusing and annoying to the reader. identify yourself and your affiliation in e-mail and newsgroup postings.? Anonymous online

32、 participation is only appropriate in certain chat areas. an electronic signature that is no longer than four lines.? Otherwise be sure to end correspondence with an appropriate identification such as name, title, and e-mail return address. the subject heading to reflect the content of the message. messages should also be copies to the original message sender. recipients up front if a message should not be forwarded to a third party, but do

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