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1、高考英语阅读理解专项练习题高考英语阅读理解专项练习题 (一)Our brains wr in cple and strange waysThere are se peple wh can calculate the day f the wee fr any given date in 40,000 years, but wh cannt add tw plus twOthers can perfr cple classical pian pieces after hearing the nce, but they cannt read r writeDrJLangdn Dwn first de

2、scribed this cnditin in 1887He called these peple idit savantsAn idit savant is a persn wh has significant ental ipairent (损伤) , such as in autis ( 孤独症,自闭症) r retardatinAt the sae tie, the persn als ehibits se etrardinary sills, which are unusual fr st pepleThe sills f the savant ay vary fr being ec

3、eptinally gifted in usic r in atheatics, r having a phtgraphic eryOne f the first descriptins f a huan wh culd calculate quicly was written in 1789 by DrBenjain Rush, an Aerican dctrHis patient, Thas Fuller, was brught t Virginia as a slave in1724It t Thas nly 90 secnds t wr ut that a an wh has live

4、d 70 years, 17 days, and 12 hurs has lived 2,210,500,800 secndsDespite this ability, he died in 1790 withut ever learning t read r writeAnther idit savant slave becae faus as a pianist in the 1860sBlind T had a vcabulary f nly 100 wrds, but he played 5 ,000 usical pieces beautifullyIn the ecellent v

5、ie Rain Man, ade in 1988 and available n vide cassette, Dustin Hffan plays an idit savant wh aazes his brther played by T ruise, with his ability t perfr cple calculatins very rapidlyTday we re clearly recgnize that the idit savant is special because f brain ipairentYet nt all brain ipairent leads t

6、 savant sillsSe studies have shwn that peple wh have purpseful interruptin f the left side f the brain can develp idit savant sillsHwever few peple wish t participate in such eperientsThere are any ecellent reasns fr nt underging unnecessary eperientatin n nes brainThe ter idit savant is utdated and

7、 inapprpriateVirtually all savants have a high degree f intelligence and are thus nt idits72What des the passage ainly tal abut?AIdit savants have areas f utstanding abilitiesBHuan Beings have cplicated thining prcessThe brains f the idit savants are partly ipairedDThe reasns why peple have wnderful

8、 sills vary73Which f the fllwing can be dne by Rain Man?AHe can play wnderful pieces f classical usicBHe can guess ut eactly the length f a ans lifeHe can erize the cntents f the pictures fastDHe can cunt atches drpped n the flr quicly74What can yu infer fr the passage?AIdit savants have real talent

9、s fr art and athBDrDwn is the first persn wh fund idit savantsFew peple wish t ris becing savants by brain peratinsDIntentinal left brain ipairents will surely lead t idit savants75Which f the fllwing shws the structure f the passage?答案:7275 ADB(二)Laws that wuld have ensured pupils fr five t 16 rece

10、ived a full financial educatin gt lst in the wash up An applicatin is calling n the net gvernent t bring it bacAt schl the children are taught t add up and subtract(减法) but, etrardinarily, are nt rutinely shwn hw t pen a ban accunt let alne hw t anage their finances in an increasingly cple and deand

11、ing wrldTday the parenting website Musnet and the cnsuer capaigner Martin Lewis have jined frces t launch an nline applicatin t ae financial educatin a cpulsry eleent f the schl curriculu in England hildren fr five t 16 shuld be taught abut everything fr pcet ney t pensins, they say And that was eac

12、tly the plan preserved in the hildren, Schls and Failies bill that was shelved by the gvernent in the s-called “wash-up” earlier this nth the rush t legislatin befre parliaent was disissed nsuer and parent grups believe financial educatin has always been ne f the st frustrating issins f the curricul

13、uAs the Persnal Finance Educatin Grup (Pfeg) pints ut, the gd habits f yung children d nt last lng Over 75% f seven- t 11-year-lds are savers but by the tie they get t 17, ver half f the are in debt t faily and friends By this age, 26% see a credit card r verdraft(透支) as a way f etending their spend

14、ing pwer Pfeg predicts that these yung peple will “find it uch harder t avid the serius unepected dangers that have befallen any f their parents generatin unless they receive gd quality financial educatin while at schl”The U has been in the wrst financial recessin(衰退)fr generatins It des see dd that

15、 unless parents step in yung peple are left in the dar until they are cruelly intrduced t the wrld f debt when they turn up at university In a recent pll f ver 8,000 peple, 97% supprted financial educatin in schls, while 3% said it was a jb fr parents61 The passage is ainly abut _A hw t anage schl l

16、essnsB hw t deal with the financial crisis teaching yung peple abut neyD teaching students hw t study effectively62 It can be inferred fr the first tw paragraphs that _A the authr cplains abut the schl educatinB pupils shuld nt be taught t add up and subtract students have been taught t anage their

17、financesD laws n financial educatin have been effectively carried ut63 The website and the cnsuer capaigner jined t _A instruct the pupils t dnate their pcet neyB prte the cnnectin f schls and failies as the gvernent t disiss the parliaentD appeal fr the curriculu f financial educatin64 Accrding t P

18、feg, _A it is easy t eep gd habits lngB teenagers spend their ney as planned parents are willing t pay the debt fr their idsD it will be in truble if the teenagers are left alne65 A pll is entined t _A stress the necessity f the curriculu refrB shw the seriusness f the financial recessin ae the read

19、ers aware f burden f the parentsD illustrate se peple are strngly against the prpsal答案:61-65 ADDA三)Eurpeans shuld try t stay indrs if ash fr Icelands vlcan starts settling, the Wrld Health Organizatin warned Friday as sall aunts fell in Iceland, Sctland and NrwayWHO spesan Daniel Epstein said the ic

20、rscpic(微小的) ash is ptentially dangerus fr peple when it starts t reach the Earth because inhaled(吸入) particles can enter the lungs and cause respiratry prbles And he als said Eurpeans wh g utside ight want t cnsider wearing a asOther eperts, hwever, werent cnvinced the vlcanic ash wuld have a ajr ef

21、fect n peples health and said WHOs warnings were hysterical They said vlcanic ash was uch less dangerus than cigarette se r pllutin Vlcanic ash is ade f fine particles f fragented vlcanic rc It is light gray t blac and can be as fine as talcu pwder During a vlcanic eruptin, the ash can be breathed d

22、eep int the lungs and cause irritatin even in healthy peple But nce it falls fr a greater distance lie fr the clud currently hvering abve Eurpe its health effects are ften inial, eperts sayNt all particles are created equal, said en Dnaldsn, a prfessr f respiratry ticlgy at the University f Edinburg

23、h, In the great schee f things, vlcanic ash is nt all that harful And he said st Eurpeans epsure t vlcanic ash wuld be negligible and that nly thse in the near districts f the Icelandic vlcan wuld liely be at risDr Stephen Spir, a prfessr f respiratry edicine and deputy chair f the British Lung Fund

24、atin, said the further the particles travel, the less dangerus they will be The clud has already passed ver nrthern Sctland and we havent heard f any ill effects there, he said Spir said t wear ass r stay indrs t avid vlcanic ash was ver the tp and a bit hysterical60 The tet is ainly abut A the effe

25、ct f vlcanic ashB the health ris f vlcanic ash the disadvantages f vlcanic ashD the pinins n health ris f vlcanic ash61 Which ne is true accrding t Paragraph3?A The vlcanic ashs effects n Eurpeans were littleB The ash caused irritatin even in healthy peple Other eperts thught WTOS warnings were usef

26、ulD The vlcanic ash was re dangerus than cigarette se r pllutin62 The underlined wrd “hysterical” in Paragraph4 st prbably eans A aazing B practical valuable D verstated63 What can we learn fr the passage?A The vlcanic ash wuldnt be harful t pepleB All eperts thught the vlcanic ash did great har t u

27、r health Peple clse t the vlcan wuld liely be at ris accrding t se epertsD Eurpeans shuld stay indrs because Icelands vlcan starts settling答案:60D 主旨大意题本文主要就火山灰对人的健康的危害问题世卫组织和其他专家给出不同观点A太笼统;B不能体现不同的观点;与文章内容无关;D符合题意61 A 细节理解题第三段最后一句可知A是正确的;由第三段中During a vlcanic eruptinin healthy peple可知B错误;由第三段中Other

28、eperts, hwever, werent cnvinced cigarette se r pllutin可排除 D(四)Fear and its cpanin pain are tw f the st useful things that an and anials pssess if they are used If fire didnt hurt when it burned, children wuld play with it until their hands were burned away Siilarly, if pain eisted but fear didnt, a

29、child culd burn itself again and again because fear wuld nt warn it t eep away fr the fire that had burnt it befre A really fearless sldierand se d eistis nt a gd sldier because he is sn illed; and a dead sldier is f n use t his ary Fear and pain are therefre tw guards withut which an and anials igh

30、t sn die utIn ur first sentence we suggested that fear ught t be prperly used If, fr eaple, yu never g ut f yur huse because f the danger f being nced dwn and illed in the street by a car, yu are letting fear rule yu t uch The iprtant thing is nt t let fear rule yu, but instead, t use fear as yur se

31、rvant and guide Fear will warn yu f dangers; then yu have t decide what actin t taeIn any cases, yu can tae quic and successful actin t avid the danger Fr eaple, yu see a car cing straight twards yu; fear warns yu, yu jup ut f the way, and all is wellIn se cases, hwever, yu decide that there is nthing that yu can d t avid the danger Fr eaple, yu cannt prevent an airplane crashing int yur huse, and yu ay nt want t g and live in a desert where there are n airplanes In this case, fear has given yu its warning, yu have eained it and decided n yur curse f actin,

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