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1、高中英语人教版必修三Unit1单元学案Book 3 Unit 1【词汇自主学习】Task 1 写出下列单词的中文词义,词性(C级词汇 了解)1. Obon_; 2. incense_; 3. skull_; 4. Halloween_;5. Carnival_; 6. lunar_; 7. cherry_; 8. blossom_;9. rosebud_; 10. Valentines Day_; 11. magpie_;12.announcer_; 13. grave_; 14. parade_; 15. Christian_;Task 2 单词互译 及词形变化 (B级词汇 听、说、读、写

2、掌握)1. beauty n_, adj_; vt_ 2.harvest n/vt/vi _;3. celebration n_, vt_-祝贺v_, n_;4. starve v _, n _, (词组)饿死_;5. origin n_, adj_; 7. religious adj_, n _;8. seasonal adj_, n_; 9. 祖先 n _; 10. 节日,盛宴_;11. 骨头_; 12.获得,得到_; 13. 雄鸡,公鸡_;14. belief n_; v _, (词组)信任,信仰_, 相信某人的话_;15. poet n_, 诗 c.n_, 诗歌u.c_; 16. Ea

3、ster n_;17. arrival n_; vi_; 18. 衣服 u.c_;(衣服总称)_ 布,布料 _;19. independence n_, adj_, (反义)_, v_20. gather vt/vi_, n_. 21. 农业 n_, adj_;22. award n_, vt_; 报酬,酬谢_, 奖品,奖金_;23. produce n_, vt_; 产品 n_, 生产n_,多产的_;24. admire vt_, n_; 25.energetic adj_, n_;26. 习惯,风俗_, 海关_; 27. worldwide adj_;全国范围的_; 28. necessi

4、ty n_, adj_; (反义)_;29. permission n_, vt_; 30. prediction n_, vt_, adj_, (反义)_; 31. fashion n_, adj_;32. apologize vi_, n_; 33. 悲伤 n_, adj_;34. remind vt_, n_;不规则动词变化:1. weave v _,_; 2. weep vi_,_;3. forgive vt_,_;Task 3:单词,短语互译 (A级词汇 重点掌握)1. 打算,有意要做某事,应做某事_; 2. 举行,发生_;3. 各种各样的(后置定语)_; 4. 庆祝.的结束_;5.

5、 纪念死者_; 6. 告慰祖先_; 7. 对.有害_;8. 扫墓_; 9. 焚香_; 10.为了纪念_; 11. 引导sb到sp _; 12. 以.形状_; 13. 盛装打扮_; 14. 捉弄_;(同义)_;15. 用.装饰。装点._ 16. 赢得独立_; 17. 团聚_; 18. 因.获奖_; 19.盼望,期待_; 20. 舞龙_; 21. 日日夜夜_; 22. 看似好像_ 23. 玩的开心_; 24. 以.自豪_; 25 被.所覆盖_26. 有共同之处(pg3)_; 27.而不是 (pg4)_;28. 片刻,一会儿_II.重点句子:1.难句 (翻译)L16-17 The Western h

6、oliday Halloween also_句型:.has its origin in._.仿照:_2重点句型:(抄写copy翻译translate分析analyze)1)Para1 L5-6 At that time people _2) L10-11: Some festivals are held _.句式提取:either.or.either.or.连接句子中两个并列的成分,意为_;若连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与_(哪一个)主语在人称和数上保持一致,即取“_原则”。使用该原则的结构还有:_即学即用(1)你和他有一方完全正确。 (2)不仅他的父母,而且他最好的朋友都鼓励他出国。 3)L

7、25-27: India has a national festival _4)L39-40:Some Western countries have very exciting _5)L44-46: The country, covered with_-as though / as if “好像”, 引导表语从句和方式状语从句,从句既可以使用虚拟语气, 也可以用陈述语气, 完全根据具体情况而定。如果从句表示的意思与事实完全相反, 或者纯粹是一种假设, 通常用虚拟语气。1). 引导方式状语从句 她装得好像什么事也没发生过似的。_ 他四下张望, 好像寻找什么。_.2). 引导表语从句 看样子天要下

8、雨了。_3). as though和as if 那孩子说话的样子好象她是个大人。_. Language points1.Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year. 翻译:_.阅读下列句子,注意mean的搭配及意思(1)I didnt mean you to do anything to hurt her._(2)You are meant to pay before you come in._(3)Learning English well sometimes means_having more chances._(4)W

9、hy havent you bought any butter?I meant to,but I forgot about it._总结:mean to do sth (A) 意为_;mean sb to do sth (B)_; be meant to (B)_. Mean doing sth (A)_;(A)1). In some parts of London, missing a bus means _(wait) for another hour.2). What did he mean (介词) saying that remark?3). I (本来打算来)yesterday,

10、but I had an unexpected visitor.4). 这些房间是打算用作少年活动中心的。(B)选用上述单词或短语完成下列小片段When I was young,Mother always (1)_me to do extra exercises and my brother(2)_ practice playing the piano.We (3)_give up,but Dad told us persistence (4)_success while laziness (5)_losing good chances and failure,so my brother an

11、d I had to do as we were told.词语辨析celebrate;congratulate (A)celebrate vt指举行盛大仪式庆祝或纪念有意义的日子或时刻。congratulate指“就某事祝贺某人”,搭配是congratulate sb _ ( 介词)sth.。congratulations指“恭喜”、“恭贺”,以复数形式出现。B选用上述单词完成下列句子(1)We _National Day with a dance party.(2)_!Youve come out the first in the competition!(3)_ you on your

12、winning the gold medal in the 100meter dash!2Discuss when they take place,what they celebrate and what people do at that time (A) take place _,不能带_语,也没有_语态。take the place of _ take ones place _in place _ in place of=instead of _A翻译下列句子(1)自二十世纪八十年代以来,我国发生了巨大变化。_(2)春节通常在每年的一月或二月。_词语辨析: take place;happ

13、en;occur;break out;come about(A) 它们都没有被动语态。take place 事先计划安排好或者预想到的事情。happen 一切客观事物或者偶然的未能遇见的事件。occur同happen,指偶然的未能预见的事情。Sth occur to sb. 某人突然想起某事 break out 多指有负面影响的事情发生,如灾难、战争等。come about 中性词,通常要与how连用。B选用上述单词或短语完成下列句子(A级目标)(1)I _to be at the gate when the guests arrived.(2)Just then an idea _to me

14、.(3)Can you tell me how the accident _?(4)World War II _ in 1939.(5)The meeting _ at 800 as planned.(B级目标)句型:It (so) happens that.(这么)碰巧, 偶然It occurs to sb.that.某人突然想到C翻译下列句子(1)非常凑巧它就是我一直在找的书。_(2)我突然想起我们应该去征求老师的意见。_3. Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient ti

15、mes.此句中of all kinds 在句中做_成分,意思是_.翻译下列句子:他不喜欢和同龄孩子交朋友。_.这家商店出售不同款式的洗衣机。_.孩子们手里拿着不同颜色的气球。_.4.At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find,especially during the cold winter months. (1)starve vivt_,n_饥饿(A级目标) starve for渴望得到;starve to do 渴望做;starve to death 饿死(B级目标) be starved of极需,缺乏这些

16、植物极需要水。_(A)他们在沙漠中迷了路而被饿死了。_(A)发动机缺油,发动不起来。_(B)(2)(B) to find为动词不定式,作_,修饰表语形容词difficult,并且find与逻辑主语food之间构成_关系,这时,动词不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。(思考:为什么此时以主动形式表被动语义?)如后面的动词是不及物动词,则要加上适当的介词或副词。这沙发坐上去很舒服。_.(2010四川卷)In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant_.Ato deal with Bdealing with

17、Cto be dealt with Ddealt with5.Some festivals are held to honor the dead or satisfy the ancestors,who might return either to help or to do harm.(1) honour用法:v. “尊敬,给以荣誉,以为荣”年轻人应该尊敬长者。_.他被授予英雄称号。_.n. “尊敬,崇敬”(不可数名词);“荣幸,光荣”(可数名词)。do/show honor to 向某人表达敬意,尊重,in honor of 为了尊重, 为了纪念Its a honor for sb to

18、do sth. 做某事对于某人来讲很荣幸 学生应该尊敬老师。今天承蒙邀请到此,深感荣幸。Ifeel highly _ by your trust. A.honored B.honor C.honoring D.honors(2)satisfy vt. 使满意什么都无法满足他,他总是在抱怨。_.政府在尽力满足人民群众的需求。_.satisfaction n. 满意、令人满意的人/物satisfied (人)满意的 be satisfied with 对.感到满意satisfying/ satisfactory令人满意的老师对他的令人满意的答案感到很满意。_.(3)harm : n. 损坏,伤害

19、do harm to harm 吸烟有害健康。 more harm than good弊大于利在我看来,学生使用手机弊大于利。_. vt. harm sb/sth这一事件坏了他的名声。_.6.For the Japanese festival Oban, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their memory of纪念;追念归纳拓展have a good/bad memory for sth.善于记/不善于记bring back good memories引起对美

20、好往事的回忆他写了这首诗以纪念那些在四川地震中死去的人们。_.并非每个人都善于记英语单词。_.(2)相似短语:in favor of支持,赞同,对某人有利in support of 支持in face of面临,面对in honor of 向表示敬意in need of需要in place of代替in case of万一in charge of负责;掌管in search of寻找in terms of 谈及;就而言in praise of 歌颂in possession of 拥有 万一失火,请按报警器。_._the numbers in employment,the hotel industry was the second largest industry in this country last year.AIn spite of BIn case of CIn terms of DIn praise

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