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1、Unit6Anoldmantriedtomovethemountains单元综合检测新版人教新目标版Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains附详细参考答案和听力材料 (45分钟100分)第卷(共40分). 听力(10分)()录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与其内容相符的图片。(5分)()录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)Mary and her twin brotherWhen they were youngThey both liked 6. stories.NowThey are 7. years old.Marys

2、brotherHe likes fairy tales and 8. stories.MaryHer favourite story is about a girl in 9. . The girls parents both 10. in the story.6. A. making B. writing C. listening to7. A. ten B. eleven C. twelve8. A. adventure B. interesting C. picture9. A. America B. Africa C. Asia10. A. died B. cried C. lost.

3、 单项选择(10分)1. Teresa isnervousshe cant talk in front of the class. A. such; that B. too; toC. so; that D. enough; to2. The movie was funny. I couldnt stop. A. to laugh B. laughingC. laugh D. laughed3. Some people think Guo Mingyi issilly. A. a kind of B. a little bitC. a bit of D. a lot of4. The flow

4、ers start toin spring. A. come in B. come outC. come from D. come to5. Finally, Susan got marrieda businessman. A. with B. of C. to D. from6. This pair of shoes doesntme. Do you have a larger size? A. allow B. wear C. beat D. fit7. Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she triedsomething different for me dur

5、ing my stay in Canada. A. to cook B. cookingC. cook D. cooked8. My brother is notto lift the heavy stone. A. too weak B. weak tooC. strong enough D. enough strong9. We should try to think up a good waythe problem. A. solves B. to solveC. solving D. solve10. Linda wont watch TV unless sheher homework

6、 in time. A. finishes B. finishC. finishing D. to finish. 完形填空(10分)Once upon a time, there was a swan(天鹅). She lived in a lake. A woman with her two daughters lived in a small house1the lake. They lived a hard life. Sometimes they2money to buy food. The swan was3to see that. She4to help them. Every

7、day she came to the womans house and left a golden feather(羽毛)without5anything. The woman sold the feather6bought food. She was happy because her life was7than before. But the woman became greedy(贪婪的). One day when the swan8, the woman caught(捉住)her and took all her golden feathers. Suddenly the gol

8、den feathers9common(普通的)feathers. The swan said, “I came to help you, but you wanted tokill(杀)10. I will never come back. Never be greedy. ”With these words, the swan disappeared(消失). 1. A. under B. near C. in D. by2. A. havent B. dont haveC. didnt have D. has3. A. unhappy B. friendlyC. happy D. unf

9、riendly4. A. continued B. decidedC. rushed D. hurried5. A. seeing B. sayingC. bringing D. hurrying6. A. but B. soC. because D. and7. A. better B. good C. best D. well8. A. jumped B. came C. hurried D. cried9. A. changed into B. picked upC. again and again D. took around10. A. him B. her C. I D. me.

10、阅读理解(10分)One morning, a little mouse went out to find something to eat. He was careless and met a fierce(凶猛的)lion. The lion caught the mouse. The lion wanted to eat him. “Please let me go, Mr Lion, ”said the mouse. “One day, I will help you. ”The lion laughed, “How could a little mouse help a big li

11、on? ”“Well, ”he said, “I will let you go. But you must walk more carefully. ”The mouse was very thankful. “Thank you, Mr Lion. You are very kind. I will repay(报答)you one day. ”the little mouse said. The next week, the mouse was looking for something to eat again. He saw the lion under a tree. But th

12、e lion was tied tightly(紧系着)in a strong rope. He could not get out. “I will help you, ”said the mouse. His teeth were sharp. Then he bit one rope, and then another. Soon the lion was free. He was very happy. “Thank you, Mr Mouse, ”he said. Later, they became good friends. 1. What did the little mous

13、e do one morning? A. He went to play. B. He went for a walk. C. He looked for something to eat. D. He went out to buy something to eat. 2. Who did the little mouse meet? A. A tiger. B. A monkey. C. An elephant. D. A lion. 3. What did the little mouse think of the lion? A. Kind. B. Fierce. C. Careles

14、s. D. Polite. 4. Why did the little mouse help the lion? A. Because the lion gave some food to him. B. Because he wanted to repay the lion. C. Because the lion was fierce. D. Because the lion wanted to repay him. 5. What is the main idea of the passage? A. A lion caught a mouse and let it go. B. The

15、 lion didnt like eating a mouse. C. A mouse helped a lion out. D. Dont look down upon(小看)the small things. 第卷(共60分). 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. My little sister really enjoys the(west)story. 2. The couple got(marry)last month. 3. Can you hear someone(sing)in the next room? 4. The Monkey King keeps(fight)bad

16、 people. 5. What do you plan(do)on Sunday, Linda? Nothing. . 完成句子(20分)1. 从前, 有个叫灰姑娘的女孩住在这里。 a time, there was a girl named Cinderella living here. 2. 为保持健康, 他们骑自行车来代替开车。They ride bikes driving to keep healthy. 3. 经过二十多年的艰苦奋斗之后, 人们将自己的家乡变成了一座现代化城市。After over 20 years hard work, the peopletheir hometo

17、wna modern city. 4. 学生们一到长城就拍照。 the students reached the Great Wall, they took photos. 5. 整个一家人听到这个好消息都很兴奋。 family were excited when they heard the good news. . 书面表达(30分)从前, 森林里住着狐狸妈妈和小狐狸。一天小狐狸饿了, 狐狸妈妈去给她找食物, 后来发生了什么样的故事呢? 请根据图片提示写一则英语小故事。要求: 1. 表达清楚, 无拼写错误; 2. 60个词左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数。Once upon a time

18、, there was a fox and her baby in the forest. _. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)1. She hher diary under the bed last night. I cant find it. 2. The popular singers vis so sweet. 3. The man looks(虚弱; 无力的), but he is strong. 4. My mother often(提醒)me that I should look after my health. 5. The teacher is(勇敢的). He

19、saved three children in the river. . 补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。A. Do you likeSnow White? B. Are you reading stories? C. The seven dwarfs(小矮人)saved her. D. Why do you like fairy tales? E. I like Snow White very much. F. It was about a beautiful girl called Snow White. G. They got married and had

20、 a happy life. A: What are you doing? B: I am reading fairy tales. A: 1B: Because they make me feel relaxed. A: 2B: Yes, I do. Its my favourite story. A: What is it about? B: 3Her stepmother(继母)wanted to kill her because the girl was very beautiful. A: Yeah. Youre right. 4B: Did she meet a prince(王子

21、)? A: Yes, she did. 5. 短文填空(10分)用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。finishdressbutbeautifulcheatchildstupidexceptwearhearThere was an emperor. He loved nothing1new clothes. Two cheats told the emperor that they were the best weavers(织布工)in the world. They said they could make the most2cloth. The cloth was magical. 3peop

22、le couldnt see it. A few days later, the cheats4the new clothes. The emperor took off all his clothes5a pair of shorts. Then the cheats6him up with the invisible(看不见的)new clothes. The parade(游行)began. Everyone praised the emperors new clothes. “But he has nothing on but a pair of shorts! ”a7said. Pe

23、ople began to whisper, “The emperor is8nothing but a pair of shorts. ”The emperor9the peoples words. “The weavers10me, ”he thought. But he had no choice but to finish the parade. 答案解析. ()答案: 15. CBABC【听力材料】1. Yu Gong and his family were working on moving the mountains. 2. The English TV program Monk

24、ey came out in 1979. 3. He likes to look at himself in the mirror. 4. They got lost in the forest. 5. As soon as I got to the bus stop, the bus came. ()【听力材料】Mary and her twin brother both like reading stories. When they were young, they liked listening to stories very much, so their mother read sto

25、ries to them every night. Now they are ten years old, and they can read stories by themselves. Marys brother likes fairy tales and adventure stories. His favourite story is Snow White. But Marys favourite story is about a girl in Africa. In the story, the little girls mum and dad both died. Mary thi

26、nks its a sad story, but she likes it. 答案: 610. CAABA. 1.【解析】选C。考查连词短语的用法。such. . . that. . . , so. . . that. . . 引导结果状语从句, such后接名词, so后接形容词或副词。too. . . to. . . , too后接形容词或副词, to后接动词原形。根据句意: 特雷莎很紧张以至于不敢在全班同学面前说话。故选C。2. 【解析】选B。考查固定搭配。couldnt stop doing sth. 意为“情不自禁地做某事; 忍不住做某事”。根据句意: 这部电影很有趣, 我忍不住大笑

27、起来。可知选B。3. 【解析】选B。考查固定搭配。a little, a bit, a little bit意为“有点”, 可修饰形容词; a kind of“一种”; a bit of +不可数名词, 意为“一点儿”; a lot of +名词, 意为“大量”。4. 【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。come in进来, come from来自, come to来到, come out开放。根据句意: 鲜花在春天开放, 可知选B。5. 【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。get married to sb. 意为“与某人结婚”。6. 【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。allow允许, wear穿着, beat打

28、击, fit适合。根据larger size判断, D项正确。句意: 这双鞋不合我的脚, 你们有没有大一点号码的鞋子? 7. 【解析】选A。考查固定搭配。try to do sth. 意为“尽力去做”。句意: 布朗夫人很好, 我待在加拿大期间她每天尽力给我做不同的饭。故选A。8. 【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。adj. +enough+to do sth. 意为“做某事是的”, 故选C。9. 【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。动词不定式作目的状语。句意: 我们要想出个好办法, 解决这个问题。故选B。10. 【解析】选A。考查时间状语从句的用法。时间状语从句中, 如果主句用一般将来时, 从句要用一般现

29、在时。. 1.【解析】选B。考查固定搭配。near the lake意为“在湖边”。2. 【解析】选C。考查一般过去时的否定形式。have是实义动词, 其否定形式是在have前加didnt。故选C。3. 【解析】选A。考查语境理解。句意: 天鹅看到那些情况很不高兴。4. 【解析】选B。考查词义辨析。decide to do sth. 意为“决定干某事”。5. 【解析】选B。考查词义辨析。without是介词, 表示“无; 没有”, 其后接动名词形式。句意: 每天她来到妇人的房子里什么也不说只给她留下一根金羽毛。6. 【解析】选D。考查连词用法。but意为“但是”, 表示转折; so意为“所以”, 表示因果; because意为“因为”, 表示原因; and意为“并且”, 表示并列。句意

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