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1、新疆乌鲁木齐一中届高三英语第三次月考试题新人教乌鲁木齐市第一中学2018届高三年级第三次月考英 语 试 题本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷两部分,共150分,考试时间120分钟。注意事项:1 答第I卷前考生务必将自己的考试证号、考试科目用铅笔填涂在答题卡上。2 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,不能答在试题卷上。3 第卷答在答卷纸上,答题前考生务必将自己的班级、姓名、学号填写清楚。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1When did the woman make her s

2、peech? AThis morning BYesterday CThe day before yesterday2What does the woman say about the iPhone? AIts too expensive BIts so fashionable CIts may be a present3Why does the man make the call? ATo ask for information about a house BTo put on an ad in Sundays newspaper CTo ask for the womans name and

3、 number4What are the speakers mainly talking about? AWho likes to use the electric bike BHow to deal with the electric bike CWhether the electric bike should have been thrown away5What happened to the speakers? AThey broke the window BThey had a car accident CTheir house was broken into第二节(共15小题)听第6

4、段材料,回答6,7题。6How long is the track? AA quarter of a mile BHalf a mile CA mile7When will the woman have her first volleyball game? ATwo weeks later BTomorrow afternoon CNext week听第7段材料,回答第8,9题。8What is MrJohnson doing? AAnswering the phone BHaving a meeting CWorking in the office9Where will MrJohnson

5、go at four? ATo the airport BTo the accounting office CTo his customers office听第8段材料,回答第10-12题10Why does the man make posters for the office walls? ATo make the office walls look very beautiful BTo remind people to take a break every hour CTo tell people to pay more attention to teamwork11How does t

6、he woman feel about the mans idea? AGreat BDoubtful CMeaningless12What does the man advise doing? AGetting up early every day BNot staring at the computer too long CPracticing their spoken English together听第9段材料,回答13-16题13What did the man speaker promise to do last year? AStop smoking BSave some mon

7、ey CWork harder than before14Which of the following is the woman speakers resolution this year? AGetting more exercise BSaving some money CHaving a nice vacation15Whose watch is always fast by ten minutes? AHenrys BThe man speakers CThe woman speakers16Where will the speakers probably go after the c

8、onversation? ATo a bookstore BTo a watch store CTo a fast food store听第10段材料,回答17-20题。17What kind of use of plants is NOT mentioned in the talk? ABuilding house BMaking paper CMaking dyes18What do people mostly depend on flowering plants for? AFood BFuel CDecorations19Where can people find plants acc

9、ording to the speaker? AOn snow mountains BUnder rocks CIn deserts20What does the speaker mainly want to tell us? APlants exist on the earth long BPlants used on be widely used CPlants are the source of many things第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21-I dont think I will win a lottery

10、of 5,000,000 dollars in all my life -Well, _Everything can happen Ayou are kidding Bwhat you say Cyou can never tell Dyou made it22The United States is_ leading producer of_ mohair, along with South Africa and Turkey Aa; the Bthe; the Ca; 不填 Dthe; 不填23Well, where did you spend your night that day? -

11、At _ Awhere it is called Grand Hotel Bwhat is called Grand Hotel Cwhich is called Grand Hotel Dthat is called Grand Hotel24It is such a difficult problem _ no one can work out Aas Bthat Cso Dthus25Try the new cleanerJust a few minutes every day, _you could have shining floors and furniture Abut Band

12、 Cor Dso26- They _a 32-year-old Norwegian man with planting explosives in central Oslo on Friday-So they did and the case is still being under investigation Asupplied Boffered Caccused Dcharged27I tried more than once to persuade the taxi driver to slow down, but he just _listen Ashouldnt Bmustnt Cc

13、ouldnt Dwouldnt28-What was he doing when you last saw him?-He had just finished his dinner and _in the street Awas wandering Bwas to wander Chad been wandering Dhad wandered29Having failed in many attempts, the bird_ _managed to escape from the cage Asuddenly Bnaturally Cimmediately Deventually30_ho

14、use in this district has heating in winter seasons ANo way BNot every CNot all DAll not31He talks about China pavilion as though he _it himself this summer holidays Ahad visited Bwere visiting Cvisited Dhave visiting32The boy keeps coughing, and the doctor tells the parents it still needs more time

15、to _the reason Aput off Bfigure out Cmake up Dlook through33As we all know, the Internet will let people have _to huge amounts of information from their own homes Aentrance Bway Cmeans Daccess34Although Chinese people traditionally _Spring Festival instead of Christmas, the Christmas festive atmosph

16、ere can still be felt on December 25 Arecover Binspect Cexamine Dobserve35 Learning a language isnt easyIt takes time I agree_Theres no short cut AAll roads lead to Rome BRome wasnt built in a day CPractice makes perfect DSlow but sure wins the race完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,

17、D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One day the employees of a large company in St Louis returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front doorThe sign said: “Yesterday the person who has been hindering (阻碍)your growth in this 36 passed awayWe invite you to attend the 37 in the roo

18、m that has been prepared in the gym” At first everyone was 38 to hear that one of their colleagues had died, but after a while they 39 getting curious about who this person might beThe excitement 40 as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last 41 Everyone wondered: “Who is this person that

19、was hindering my 42 ? Well, at least hes no longer here!” 43 the employees got closer to the coffin and when they looked inside it they became speechlessThey 44 over the coffin, shocked and in silence, 45 someone had touched the deepest part of their soulThere was a 46 inside the coffin: Everyone wh

20、o looked inside it could see himselfThere was also a sign next to the mirror that 47 : “There is only one person who is capable of setting 48 to your growth: it is YOU”You are the only person who can revolutionize (彻底改变) your 49 because its you that can 50 your happiness and 51 your successYour life

21、 does not change when your family, your friends, your company and your 52 changeYour life 53 changes when you change, when you 54 your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one 55 for your life36Atown Bcountry Ccompany Dworld37Afuneral Bwedding Cparty Dconcert38Aoverjoyed Bdisappo

22、inted Csad Dfrightened39Astopped Bstarted Cenjoyed Dfinished40Agrew Bchanged Cdecreased Dreduced41Avisits Brespects Ctuitions Dconcerns42Aperformance Bprocess Cprogram Dprogress43AHand in hand BLittle by little COne by one DStep by step44Alay Bknelt Cstood Dsat45Aas if Beven though Cin case Deven if

23、46Aglass Bperson Cmirror Dsign47Awent Bread Cwrote Dprinted48Agoals Btasks Climits Dworries49Acareer Bpromotion Cfamily Dlife50Aoffer Binfluence Craise Dchange51Aignore Bimprove Censure Drob52Ateacher Bboss Cemployee Dkid53Aeven Bstill Conly Dfinally54Ago beyond Bgive away Ccome into Dput out55Asuit

24、able Bresponsible Cunreliable Dfamous 第三部分 阅读理解 (共两节,40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A B C D 四个选项中,选出最佳选择,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFreda Bright says, Only in opera do people die of love Its trueYou really cant love somebody to deathIve known people to die from no love, but Ive never known anyone to be lov

25、ed to deathWe just cant love one another enoughA heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salaryAll day she felt nervous and late in the afternoon she summoned the courage to approach her employerTo her delight, the boss agreed to a raise The woman arri

26、ved home that evening to a beautiful table set with their best dishesCandles were softly glowingHer husband had come home early and prepared a festive mealShe wondered if someone from the office had tipped him off, ordid he just somehow know that she would not get turned down? She found him in the k

27、itchen and told him the good newsThey embraced and kissed, then sat down to the wonderful mealNext to her plate the woman found a beautifully lettered noteIt read: Congratulations, darling! I knew youd get the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you Following the supper, her husband we

28、nt into the kitchen to clean upShe noticed that a second card had fallen from his pocketPicking it off the floor, she read: Dont worry about not getting the raise! You deserve it anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you Someone has said that the measure of love is when you love without

29、 measureWhat this man feels for his wife is total acceptance and love, whether she succeeds or failsHis love celebrates her victories and soothes her woundsHe stands with her, no matter what life throws in their directionUpon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa said: What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family And love your friendsLove them without measure56The sentence in the first paragraph “Only in opera do people die of love” means _ Ano love in the world is believable

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