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1、外研版三年级英语上册教案第一册英语教学计划一、学情分析:三年级学生共8名,其中男生4名,女生4人。英语是中小学阶段的一门重要学科,而中小学英语教学应努力为学生的终身发展奠定坚实的语言基础,从而使学生获得必须的英语语言能力和文化素质。以前学生未开设外语课,对外语充满了好奇与兴趣,对此教师要谨慎对待,并注意培养其兴趣,不要挫伤其积极性。小学生的水平参差不齐,需要注意照顾大多数学生。二、教材分析 第一册教材共同分11各模块,内含一个期末分析模块。每个模块分两个单元。一般,第一单元呈现要学习的语言内容,第二提供任务型练习,包括一首歌谣和小诗。歌谣和小诗的学习目的有三,一是培养学生的语感和节奏感,二是提


3、小诗和歌谣。5养成良好的学习英语的基本方法;形成英语学习的自觉性,和通过英语学习,获得更多知识的求知欲。6、养成良好的文明行为习惯,掌握基本的英语交际礼貌策略,全面提高综合素质。7乐于了解英语国家儿童的兴趣爱好,以及外国人的一些风俗习惯。四、提高教学质量的措施1、创造良好的学习氛围;2在课堂上尽量的使用英语,适当使用汉语; 3合理确定教学要求。不要求学生自由地说出课文所有内容,甚至不要求能自由地朗读课文。4纠正控制性错误,不纠正非控制性错误。5多表扬多鼓励。6利用录音带、多媒体教学课件、挂图等。五、教学进度【见教学进度表】三年级英语教学进度表周次时间教学内容课节备注18.268.30Modul

4、e 1 words (1) Unit 1 Im Sam (1) 229.29.6Unit2 How are you? (1)Module 2 words (1)239.9-9.13Unit 1 Im Ms Smart(1) Unit 2 whats your name?(1)2教师节机动49.16-9.20Module 3Unit 1 Point to the door. (1)1中秋节一天59.23-9.27Unit 2 Point to the desk. (1)1复习一节69.30-10.40国庆节放假710.7-10.11Module 4 Unit 1 Its red! (1)Unit

5、 2 Its a black dog. (1)2810.14-10.18Module 5 Unit 1 How many?1古尔邦节(机动1天)910.21-10.25Unit 2 Nine girls?期中考试11010.28-11.1Module 6 Unit 1 Happy birthday! (1) Unit 2 How old are you? (1)21111.4-11.8Module 7Unit 1 Whats this? (1)Unit 2 Whats that? (1)21211.11-11.15Module 8 Unit 1 Is it a monster? (1)1复习一

6、节1311.18-11.22Unit 2 Wheres the cat? (1)Module 9 Unit 1 This is my mother. (1)21411.25-11.29Unit 2 Hes a doctor.(1)Module 10Unit 1 This is his head.(1)21512.2-12.6Unit 2 Point to her nose. (1)Review Module Unit 1 (1)21612.9-12.13 Review Module Unit 2 (1)11712.16-12.20Review1812.23-12.27Review1912.30

7、2014年元月3日元旦节一天201.6-元.10复习考试211.13-1.17总结放假注:古尔邦节放假公休5天(10月14日至10月18日)单元教材研究与建议(以校本研修的形式完成)单元内容M1. Greeting计划课时2教学内容分析1.基本会说 hello hi goodbye byebye注意hello和hi 以及goodbye和byebye 的区别2学会用句型I am进行自我介绍3.初步感受本册书中的主要人物教学目标1、熟练的朗读四个单词:goodbye morningthank morning2、句子:Good morning! Good afternoon!Good evening

8、。教学重难点及解决措施1.问好与道别2.简单的自我介绍教学设计思路含教法设计学法指导1.初步感知Sam Amy Lingling Daming 注意发音 Sam与Amy2.学生能口头用goodbye . byebye教学内容Module 1 Unit 1 Im Sam课 型新授课课 时1课前准备Taperecorder words cards pictures教学目标1. words: I , hello, hi , goodbye, bye-bye2. sentences: Hello, Im Sam. / Hi, Lingling. / Goodbye, Daming./ Bye-bye,

9、 Amy.教 学重 难 点1. 问好和道别2. 简单的自我介绍教 学 流 程教学随记一 、Warm-up 1、Greetings:2、播放英文儿歌Apple tree Apple round, apple red. Apple juice, apple sweet. Apple apple I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat二、 Presentation 1、教师与学生:Greetings 2、T: Hello! Im Ss: Hi! Im 3、Teach new words4、Teach new text. a. Listen and pointb.

10、Listen and repeatc. Read in pairsd. Read in groupse. Read together三、Sum-up Read dialogues四、Homework Listen and repeat the text 板书设计: Module 1 Unit 1 Im Sam words: I , hello, hi , goodbye, bye-bye sentences: Hello, Im Sam. Hi, Lingling. Goodbye, Daming. Bye-bye, Amy.作业设计:1. Listen and read text three

11、 times2. Using sentences to make dialogues教学反思:教学内容Module 1 Unit 2 How are you?课 型新授课课 时1课前准备Taperecorder words cards pictures教学目标1. words: good, morning, how, are, you, fine, thank2. sentences: Good morning. How are you? Im fine, thank you.教 学重 难 点How are you? Im fine, thank you. 书写时应注意的问题以及How are

12、 you?的其他回答方式教 学 流 程教学随记一 、Warm-up 1Sing a English song- Apple tree Apple round, apple red. Apple juice, apple sweet. Apple apple I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat 2. Free talk: 复习简单的打招呼的句子二、 Presentation 1、Learn the words: how, are, you, fine, thank2、Practice: How are you? Im fine, thank you.3、L

13、isten and point.4、Listen and repeat.5、Ss make dialogues in pairs6、Act: SB Activity 3 三、Song Hello,hello四、Sum-up Read dialogues五、Homework Listen and repeat板书设计:Module 1 Unit 2 How are you? 1. words: good, morning, how, are, you, fine, thank2. sentences: Good morning. How are you? Im fine, thank you.作

14、业设计:课下以小组为单位编个对话,用上“Good morning.” “How are you? ” “Im fine, thank you.”教学反思:教学内容Module 2 Unit 1 Im Ms Smart.课 型新授课课 时1课前准备Taperecorder words cards pictures教学目标1. words: Ms,boy, girl, whoops, and, too, haha2. sentences: Hello, boys and girls./ Im fine .And how are you? /Im fine too. thank you./ Im M

15、s Smart.2. Ms的用法教 学重 难 点1、girl 的发音2、Ms的用法3、How are you?的其他回答方式教 学 流 程教学随记一 、Warm-up 1Sing a English song- Apple tree Apple round, apple red. Apple juice, apple sweet. Apple apple I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat 2. Free talk: 复习简单的打招呼的句子二、 Presentation 1、Learn the words: Ms,boy, girl, whoops, a

16、nd, too, haha2、Listen ,point and say3、Listen the text and then find “Im”in the text.4、Listen the text for the second time and repeat.5、Ss read the text in roles.Then ask some groups to show. 6、Listen and say; practice in pairs.7、Practice in pairs.三、Sum-up Review the words and text五、Homework Copy wor

17、ds three times ;read and recite the text板书设计:Module 2 Unit 1 Im Ms Smart. 1. words: Ms,boy, girl, whoops, and, too, haha2. sentences: Hello, boys and girls./ Im fine .And how are you? /Im fine too. thank you./ Im Ms Smart.3. Ms的用法作业设计:以小组为单位,自编对话教学反思:教学内容Module 2 Unit 2 Whats your name?课 型新授课课 时1课前准

18、备Taperecorder words cards pictures教学目标1.words:what,is(whats=whatis) your,name,please,afternoon,Mr2. sentences: Your name,please?/ Good afternoon.Im Mr Li. /Whats your name?3. 询问名字的方法及其答语4、Mr的用法及与Ms的区别教 学重 难 点1、Whats your name?的用法及其答语2、Mr的用法及与Ms的区别教 学 流 程教学随记一 、Warm-up 1Sing a English song- Apple tre

19、e Apple round, apple red. Apple juice, apple sweet. Apple apple I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat 2. Free talk: 复习简单的打招呼的句子二、 Presentation 1、Learn the words: what,is(whats=whatis) your, name, please, afternoon, Mr2、Listen ,point and say3、Listen to the text4、Listen the text for the second time an

20、d repeat.5、Whats your name?的用法及其答语5、Ss read the text in roles. Then ask some groups to show. 6、Listen and say; learn the song: Good Morning, Sam.三、Sum-up Review the words and text五、Homework Copy words three times ;read and recite the text;practice the song by yourselves板书设计: Module 2 Unit 2 Whats yo

21、ur name?1.words:what,is(whats=whatis) your,name,please,afternoon,Mr2.sentences: Your name,please?/Good afternoon.Im Mr Li. /Whats your name?3. -Whats your name? -Im.4、Mr 用来称呼先生,Ms用来称呼女士作业设计:1、 Read the text in roles2、 Make dialogues by yourselves教学反思:教学内容Module 3 Unit 1 Point to the door. 课 型新授课课 时1

22、课前准备Taperecorder words cards pictures 教学目标1.words: Point, to, the, door, sit, down, stand up ,window 2. sentences: Sit down, please. / Stand up . / Point to the door3.会用 Stand up , Sit down , Point to the door, 等交际用语进行会话练习。教 学重 难 点1 句型 Point to .的用法。2、单词 window, point, 和stand的发音。教 学 流 程教学随记一 、Warm-u

23、p1Greetings: 2. Free talk: 复习简单的打招呼的句子二、 Presentation 1、Learn the words: Point , to, the,door ,sit, down ,stand, up,window 2、Listen and chant 3、Listen to the text4、Listen the text for the second time and repeat.5、Point to the .的用法6、Ss read the text in roles. Then ask some groups to show.三、Sum-up Rev

24、iew the words and text五、Homework Copy words three times ;read and recite the text;practice the song by yourselves板书设计: Module 3 Unit 1 Point to the door. 1.words: Point to the door sit down stand up window 2.sentences: Sit down, please. Stand up, please . Point to the door作业设计:1、Read the text in rol

25、es2、Make dialogues by yourselves教学反思:教学内容Module 3 Unit 2 Point to the desk. 课 型新授课课 时1课前准备Taperecorder words cards pictures 1.words:blackboard , bird , tweet, desk ,chair, 2.会用 Stand up , Sit down , Point to the door, 等交际用语进行会话练习。教 学重 难 点1 句型 Point to .的用法。2、单词 window, point, 和stand的发音。教 学 流 程教学随记一

26、、Warm-up 1、Greetings: T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: good morning, Ms Du. T: How are you? Ss: Im fine, and how are you? T: Im fine, too. Thank you! 2. Free talk: 复习简单的打招呼的句子二、 Presentation1、Learn the words blackboard , bird , tweet, desk, chair 2、Listen ,point and say3、Listen to the text4、List

27、en to the text for the second time and repeat.5、Make dialogues with “ Point to”. 6、Listen and say; learn the song: Please stand up. 三、Sum-up Review the words and text五、Homework Copy words three times ;read and recite the text;practice the song by yourselves板书设计: Module 3 Unit 2 Point to the desk. 1.

28、words: blackboard , bird , tweet, desk ,chair, 2.sentences: Point to the desk. Point to the chair! Point to the blackboard.作业设计:1、Read the text in roles2、Make dialogues by yourselves教学反思: Module 4 Unit 1 Its red 课 型新授课课 时1课前准备Taperecorder words cards pictures 1.words:it , its=it is , red ,look, wow, yellow, blue, a(an) , chameleon ,2、sentences: My name is/ Its yellow/red. 3、会用 Its red/ blue/yellow 等来描述颜色 教 学重 难 点1 句型 Its red ./ My name is的用法.2、单词 chameleon 和its的发音。教 学 流 程教学随记一 、Warm-up 1Sing a English song- Apple tree Apple round, apple red. Apple juice, apple sweet. Apple

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