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1、山西省太原市高考英语二轮复习完形填空训练3山西太原市2016高考英语二轮完形填空训练(3)完形填空。It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university. On the steps of one building, a group of engineering seniors gathered, discussing the exam due to begin in a few_1_. On their faces was confidence(自信). This was their last ex

2、amthen on to_2_and jobs.Some talked of jobs they already had; others talked of jobs they_3_get. With the certainty of four years of college, they felt ready and able to take_4_of the world.The approaching exam, they knew, would be a(n)_5_task. The professor had said they could bring_6_books or notes

3、 they wanted, requesting only that they did not_7_each other during the test._8_they entered the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And smiles_9_on the students faces as they noticed there were only five essaytype questions.Three hours had passed_10_the professor began to collect the pa

4、pers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was a frightened expression. Paper in hand, no one spoke as the professor faced the class.He looked at the_11_faces before him, and then asked,“How many completed all five questions?”_12_a hand was raised.“How many answered four?”still no

5、 hands.“Three? Two?”The students moved restlessly in their seats.“One, then? Certainly somebody finished_13_.” But the class remained silent.The professor put down the papers. “That is exactly what I_14_,”he said. “I just want to impress upon you that, _15_you have completed four years of engineerin

6、g, there are still many things about the_16_you dont know. These questions you could not answer are relatively_17_in everyday practice.” Then, smiling, he added,“You will all_18_this course, but remembereven though you are now college graduates, your education has just_19_.”The years have_20_the nam

7、e of this professor, but not the lesson he taught.1A.seconds BminutesChours Ddays答案:B这是期末考试的最后一天,学生聚集在楼梯上,这些信息可断定此处用minutes。2A.interview BdiscussionCeducation Dgraduation答案:D学生通过了考试,面临的就是毕业及就业了。3A.would BmustChad to Dused to答案:A此处表明的是他们中的一些人谈及他们已经得到的工作,还有些谈及他们将要得到的工作,故应用过去将来时。4A.hold BcontrolCcharge

8、 Dplace答案:B这些大学生对四年的大学生活充满了自信,就认为已经准备好,能够在社会上有一定的控制力了。5A.interesting BnecessaryCeasy Dunusual答案:C根据下文信息,教授曾说过他们可以带所需的书或笔记进考场,可以断定这场考试很容易。 BeitherCany Dall答案:C学生们可以带他们所需的任何书或笔记进考场。7A.listen to Blook atCrefer to Dtalk to答案:D教授只是要求他们在考试期间不可彼此交谈。8A.Nervously BJoyfullyCQuickly DCuriously答案:B根据上文中的相关

9、信息我们可以断定学生进入考场是非常高兴的。9A.appeared BchangedCfroze Dstopped答案:A当试卷发下来以后,学生们见到只有五个论述题时更觉容易,因此脸上露出笑容。10A.then BasCbefore Dafter答案:C此处before表示过了三个小时教授开始收卷。11A.pleased BworriedCsurprised Dmoved答案:B上文介绍教授在收卷时,学生们不再那么自信了,由此可断定这些考题看似简单,但实际上很难,学生们是很难通过考试的,此处宜填入worried表示“担忧的;担心的”,这与上文中的“uncertainty”表达的意义也是一致的。1

10、2A.Not BOnceCOnly DEven答案:A根据下文可知是没有人举手,选A。13A.all BnoneCone Dit答案:C教授问学生总能完成一道题是可能的吧。14A.wondered BenjoyedChated Dexpected答案:D出现上述情况正如教授所预料的。15A.right now Bas thoughCnow that Deven though答案:D引导让步状语从句,“即使”之意。16A.exam BsubjectCquestion Dcollege答案:B教授想告诉学生即使已经完成了四年学习,但仍有许多有关所学专业的东西学生们还不知道。17A.valuable

11、 BdifficultCcommon Dstrange答案:C教授解释这些考题虽然学生们解答不出来,但在实际生活中却是非常普通的。18A.pass BfailCtake Dstart答案:A教授安慰学生们都将通过这科考试。19A.begun BcompletedCfailed Dsucceeded答案:A教授要学生们铭记在心的是虽然学生们大学毕业了,但他们所受的教育在实际生活中的价值(即运用)却是刚刚开始。20A.forgot BrememberedCstrengthened Dweakened答案:D岁月流逝,教授的名字被渐渐淡忘了,本句话中的主语是the years,因此不可选forgot

12、。完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。 At Priyas wedding party, her mother gave her a newly opened bankbook and said, Priya, keep it as a 21 of your marriage life. When something 22 happens, put some money in and give a brief 23 to it next to the l

13、ine. The happier the event is, the more money you can put in. When 24 after years, you will know how much happiness youve 25 .Priya and Hitesh both thought it a great idea and soon made the first deposit(储蓄). 26 , after years, they startedquarrelling and fighting. They both 27 marrying the worst per

14、son in the world.One day Priya talked to her mother, Mom, we cant 28 it anymore. We decided to get divorce! I cant imagine 29 I decided to marry this Guy! Her mother responded, Just do whatever you want, but before that do one thing first. 30 the bankbook I gave to you on your wedding party? Take ou

15、t all the money and 31 it first. You shouldnt keep any record of such a 32 marriage. Priya thought it was 33 . So she went to the bank, 34 to draw out all the money. While waiting in the queue, she took out the bankbook and recalled the memories of all the previous 35 . Her eyes filled with tears, s

16、he left in a (an) 36 . When she returned home, she handed the bankbook to Hitesh, asking him to spend the money.The next day, Hitesh gavethe bankbook back to Priya. 37 , she found a new deposit of $5000, with a line next to the record: This is the day I 38 how much Ive loved you. How much happiness

17、youve brought me. Much 39 , they hugged and cried, putting the bankbook back to their 40 . 21. A. record B. respect C. remark D. guide22. A. uncertain B. unexpected C. pleasant D. annoying23. A. arrangement B. comment C. promise D. dream24. A. taking up B. looking out C. taking in D. looking back25.

18、 A. harvested B. bought C. offered D. wanted26. A. Besides B. Anyway C. Instead D. However27. A. enjoyed B. risked C. regretted D. stopped28. A. help B. stand C. blame D. defeat29. A. what B. where C. why D. when30. A. Return B. Lose C. Check D. Remember31. A. devote B. spend C. lend D. waste32. A.

19、happy B. poor. C. simple D. tranditional33. A. reasonable B. faithful C. hopeful D. responsible34. A. planning B. pretending C. hesitating D. preferring35. A. trouble B. experiences C. quarrels D. happiness36. A. panic B. ease C. hurry D. while37. A. Interestingly B. Naturally C. disappointingly D.

20、Surprisingly38. A. admit B. search C. realise D. declare39. A. attracted B. tired C. puzzled D. moved40. A. safe B. mother C. bank D. wedding 【参考答案】2125. ACBDA 2630. DCBCD 3135.BBAAD 3640. CDCDA2016高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Just once I would like to see a celebrati

21、on of life instead of a gathering of death. A celebration 41 stories are told, laughter rings out, and as the speaker 42 his or her loving tribute(颂词), the person they are 43 rises from their chair and gives them the biggest bear hug! Wouldnt that be 44 ! I now have a stronger 45 to tell those aroun

22、d me how much they mean to me. I am going to let my wife 46 just how loved and appreciated she is, not only by my 47 , but also by my actions. I am going to 48 Batman with my four-year-old more often, and in the middle of our romping(嬉闹).I am going to grab him, hug him 49 , and tell him how thankful

23、 I am that he is my 50 . Each day I will make a 51 to tell both of my boys how much I love them, 52 they are four or eighteen! From there, I am going to let family and friends know the tremendous impact they have 53 on my life. Finally, I am going to let the high school 54 I coach know that I look f

24、orward to each and every minute that I get to 55 with them in the gym. Dont let another day 56 by without letting that person know. There is something special about a written letter that 57 feelings of love towards another. I dont know about you, but I have letters and cards from people that I have

25、58 for years, and from time to time, I get them out and re-read them.They can turn a(n) 59 day into one where I realize just how blessed and lucky I am. Life is too 60 to leave kind words unsaid. The words you say, or the letter you write, might just make all the difference in the world.41.A.when B.

26、how C.why D.where 42.A.receives B.concludes C.forgets D. collects 43.A.honoring B.admiring C.blaming D.evaluating 44.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything 45.A.excuse B.desire C.ambition D. anxiety 46.A.explain B.answer C.imaggine D.know47.A.words B.notes C.ideas D.plans B.invent C.

27、play D.produce 49.A.carefuly B.tightly C.curiously D.absolutely 50.A.friend B.father D.son 51.A.point B.suggestion C.record D.promise 52.A.although B.until C.whether D.because 53.A.taken B.had C.sent D.found 54.A.workers B.teachers C.singers D.players 55.A.spend B.waste C.seize D.pass 56.A

28、.stay up out C.go by D.leave off 57.A.introduces B.expresses C.includes D.displays 58.A.written B.drawn C.posted D.saved 59.A.depressing B.exciting C.surprising D.amusing 60.A.long B.short D. poor【文章解读】本文是夹叙夹议文章。作者通过自己参加葬礼时人们对去世的人的颂词引发自己对人生的感慨:人们不要等到离开人世的那一天再告诉他对我们多重要,生活中就应该让对方知道他对我们的重要


30、ing估价。与前文的tribute对应。故选A。44【答案】C【命题立意】考查代词的用法。【解析】本空考查代词基本含义的辨析。anything任何事情;nothing没什么;something某事;everything一切。something此处指“不简单的事”故选C。【举一反三】something的特殊用法(1)something 不简单的事,可观的成绩,有些地位的人At least we?didnt lose any money. Thats something.Its something to have got $500 from them.She?thinks shes somethi

31、ng since she won the beauty contest.(2) 用于成语或词组:have something on 拿着某人的把柄Although Miss Brown is not a good worker, her boss not fire her because she has something on?him.make something of1) 小题大做,瞎猜测When girls see another girl with a boy, they often try to make something of it.2) 藉吵架/生气Ann?didnt like what

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