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1、人教版八年级英语下词组带例句原稿1. a big deal做家务不是一件重要的事。Doing chores isnt _ _ _.2. a couple of 两个;一对;几个我早餐吃了两个鸡蛋。I ate _ _ _ eggs at breakfast.3. agree with同意(1)我还是不赞同你的观点。Well, I dont _ _ you.4. a little bit 有点儿;稍微(1)我觉得它有点愚蠢。I think its _ _ _ silly.(2)我稍微有点儿饿。Im _ _ _ hungry.5. according to 依据;按照在钟伟看来,有些东西永远都不会改

2、变。_ _ Zhong Wei, however, some things will never change.6. all kinds of 各种各样的(1)母亲们送她们的孩子去上各种各样的(学习)班。Mothers send their small kids to _ _ _ classes.7. all the time 频繁;反复(1)你总是看电视,在家里从不帮忙。You watch TV _ _ _ and never help out around the house.(2)世界一直在变化。The world is changing _ _ _.8. all year round

3、全年新加坡一个很大的特征是它的气温几乎全年是一样的。One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same _ _ _.9. allow somebody to do something允许某人做某事他的父母不允许他晚上去看电影。His parents dont _ him _ _ the movies at night.他的妈妈不允许他晚上出去。His mother didnt _ him _ _ out at night.我的父母不允许我养宠物。My parents dont _ me _ hav

4、e a pet.10. argue with somebody和某人吵架昨天我和我最好的朋友吵架了。Yesterday I _ _ my best friend.11. as a result结果结果,他经常生病,成绩下降。_ _ _, he often fell ill and his grades dropped.12. as far as I know 就我所知(1)据我所知,在没有像它这样大的人造物体了。_ _ _ _ _, there is no man-made objects.(2)就我所知,史密斯女士将代替史密斯先生给我们上课。_ _ _ _ _, Miss Smith wil

5、l give us lessons instead of Mr.Smith.13. as for 至于;关于至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衬衫,但说实话,我现在已经有段时间没有踢过足球了。_ _ me, I did not want to give up my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played football for a while now.14. as soon as 一.就.;尽快(1)王子一看见她,便爱上了她。_ _ _ the prince saw her, he fell in love with her.(2)

6、我一完成作业就给你打电话。_ _ _ I finish my homework, I will call you.15. ask somebody to do something要求某人做某事你需要向你的父母寻求一些建议。You need _ _ your parents _ some advice.Brown 先生要求Jack不要在街上踢足球。Mr. Brown asked Jack _ _ _ football in the street.16. at birth 出生时刚出生时,一只熊猫幼崽大约有15厘米长。_ _, a baby panda is about 15cm.17. at f

7、irst 首先;最初我开始不相信他说的,但接着我向窗外看才意识到那时真的。I didnt believe him _ _, but then I looked out of the window and realized that it was true.18. at least(1)我至少看完这个节目行吗?Could I _ _ finish watching this show?(2)他每周至少看三次电视。He watches TV _ _ three times a week.19. at the age of 在岁时我在四岁的时候就开始学习钢琴。I started learning t

8、o play the piano _ _ _ _ four.20. be good at (doing) something 擅长(做)某事我不擅长写信。Im not _ _ writing letters.21. be in control of 掌管;管理(1)阿伦讲述了关于做出明智选择和掌握自己生命的重要性。Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of _ _ _ _ ones life.(2)把握自己的生活对我们来说很重要。Its important for us to _ _ _ _ our lives.(

9、3)学会控制你的时间和金钱至关重要。Its important to learn to be _ _ _ your time and money.22. be interested in(1)她对科学与技术感兴趣,并喜欢想象50年后这个世界的样子。She _ _ _ _ science and technology and loves to imagine what the world will be like in 50 years.(2)你对英语感兴趣吗?Are you _ _ English?23. be used to 习惯于.;适应于.我的妈妈习惯早起。My mother _ _ _

10、 _up early.我爷爷习惯于晚饭后去散步。My grandfather _ _ _ _ for a walk after dinner.现在我习惯了步行去上学。Now I _ _ _ _ to school.我的父亲习惯于饭后喝茶。My father _ _ _ _ tea after meals.24. by oneself我们应该独立完成作业。We should finish our homework _ _.25. call up 打电话给(某人);征召(1)我们每个人可以给10个学生打电话,请他们过来。We could each _ _ 10 students and ask t

11、hem to come.(2)如果有时间,请打电话给我。If you have time, please _ _ _.26. care for 照顾;非常喜欢我出去的时候请照看我的小狗。Please _ _ my dog when I am out.27. check out 察看;观察再看看给孩子们的毛绒玩具。And _ _ these soft toys for younger kids.28. cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来(1)这个女孩可以去医院探望生病的孩子是他们高兴起来。The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospita

12、l to _ them _.(2)她情绪很低落,因此我想做些事情使她振作起来。She is very upset, so I want to do something to _ _ _.29. clean up 打扫(或清除)干净(1)他们加入到街坊邻居中去帮忙一起打扫。They joined the neighbors to help _ _ the neighborhood together.(2)这个男孩可以帮助打扫城市公园。The boy could help to _ _ the city parks.(3)周末,我帮妈妈打扫房子。On weekend, I help mom _ _

13、 the house.(4)我们计划把城镇的街道打扫干净。We plan to _ _ the streets in our town.30. clear out 清理;丢掉我们已经从我们的卧室清理出了很多东西。We have already _ _ a lot of things from our bedroom.31. close to 几乎;接近钟伟将近三年没有回老家了。Zhong Wei hasnt been back in _ _ three years.32. come up with 想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等)(1)我们需要为清洁日打扫城市公园想出一个计划。We need

14、to _ _ a plan for cleaning the City Park on the Clean-up Day.(2)也许玛丽能想出好主意。Maybe Mary can _ _ _a good idea.(3)Tom很快想出了问题的答案。Tom quickly _ _ _ the answer to the question.(4)在昨天的会议上他提出了一些好的建议。He _ _ _ some good suggestions at the meeting yesterday.33. compare.with 比较;对比(1)父母总是把自己的孩子和别人的孩子对比。Parents ar

15、e always _ their children _ other children.(2)我们应该把这封信和那封信比较一下。We should _ this letter _ that one.(3)在体育方面我不能和你比。I cant _ _ you in P.E.34. compete with somebody与某人竞争(1)在学校我不得不和我的同班同学竞争。I have to _ _ my classmates at school.(2)Tony 觉得他不得不与他人竞争。Tony feels he has to _ _ others.35. communicate with some

16、body和某人沟通(1)你为什么不做下来和你的哥哥沟通呢?Why dont you sit down and _ _ your elder brother?(2)你需要和你的父母沟通一下。You need to _ _ your parents.36. cut down 砍伐很多年以前,中国有更多的竹林和熊猫,但是后来人类开始砍伐森林。Many years ago, there were a lot more bamboo forests and pandas in China, but then humans started to _ _ the forests.37. cut off 切除

17、他切下一块面包,给了那个无家可归的孩子。He _ _ a piece of bread and gave it to the homeless child.38. cut out 删除;删去或许我可以减少我们的一些活动。Maybe I could _ _ a few of their activities.39. depend on 依靠;信赖(1)如今的孩子们依赖父母太多。Children these days _ _ their parents too much.(2)良好的健康依赖于好的事物、锻炼和充足的睡眠。Good health _ _ good food, exercise and

18、 enough sleep.40. die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失(1)当大约凌晨3点风逐渐变弱时,他终于进入了梦想。He finally fell asleep when the wind was _ _at around 3:00 a.m.(2)昨夜暴风雨渐渐停息了。The rainstorm slowly _ _ last night.(3)因为雨下得越来越大,所以火在渐渐变弱。The fire _ _ because it was raining harder and harder.41. die from死于这些幼崽经常死于疾病,并且不会活很长。The babies often

19、 _ _ illness and do not live very long.42. do the dishes(1)你能洗餐具吗?Can you _ _ _?(2)我的姐姐经常在饭后洗碗。My sister often _ _ _ after meals.43. ever since 自从自那以后,她成了美国乡村音乐的忠实粉丝。_ _ then, she has been a fan of American country music.44. even though(=even if)即使;虽然既然非常危险,为什么许多人努力攀登这座山?Why do so many people try to

20、 climb this mountain _ _ it is dangerous?45. explain something to somebody向某人解释某事虽然我跟她解释了规则,但是她没有理解。Although I _ the rules _ her, she didnt understand.关于这件事,应该向老师解释。About the thing, you _ _ _ your teacher.46. fall asleep 进入梦乡;睡着(2)当大约凌晨3点风逐渐变弱时,他终于进入了梦想。He finally _ _ when the wind was dying down at

21、 around 3:00 a.m.(2)他太疲劳了,所以很快睡着了。He was so tired that he _ _p soon.47. fall in love with爱上;喜欢上王子一看见她,便爱上了她。As soon as the prince saw her, he _ _ _ _ her.48. fall over 绊倒当熊猫幼崽看到饲养员是时,它们兴奋地跑过去,有的甚至由于撞到它们的朋友而摔倒。When the babies see the keepers, they run over with excitement and some of them even walk i

22、nto their friends and _ _.49. feel free (可以)随便(做某事)任何有关今天游览长城的事大家可以随便问我。_ _ to ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour?50. fix up 修理;装饰(1)吉米修理自行车破损的部分,如轮子。Jimmy _ _ the broken bicycle parts, like wheels.(2)在周日,工人们自愿为残疾人修车。On Sundays, the workers volunteer to _ _ the cars for the disabled.51. full

23、of 满是.的;(有)大量的;(有)丰富的他的书包里装满了书。His bag is _ _ books.52. get into 陷入;参与(1)为了取得好成绩,进入一所好大学,他们应当把时间花在学业上。They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good graded and _ _ a good university.53. get married 结婚这对新婚夫妇如此开心,以至于结婚时都情不自禁地在笑。The new couple were so happy that they couldnt stop smili

24、ng when they _ _.54. get off 下车(1) 他下了车,问那个妇女发生了什么事。He _ _ and asked the woman what happened.(2) 他下火车后就回家了。He _ _ the train and then went home.55. get on with 和睦相处;关系良好(1)我的问题是我不能和家人和睦相处。My problem is that I cant _ _ _ _ my family.(2)我发现和同学们相处融洽是很容易的。I found it easy _ _ _ _ _ my classmates.(3)Jim和他的同学们相处得很好。Jim _ _ _ _ his classmates.56. get out of 离开;从.出来(1)它的意思是“处于一个你似乎无法摆脱的困境之中”。This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to _ _ _.(2)我想洗澡,你能从浴室里出来吗?I want to take a shower. Could you please _ _ _ the bathroom?57. give away 赠送;捐赠(1)我把我的自行车赠送给了儿童之家。I _ _

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