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1、选修8Unit3导学案郑州九中导学案年级:高二 科目:英语 课题名称:Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 执笔人:程澈 审核人:李桂菊 讲学时间:2011年5月2326日学习目标:1用call up, set about , be associated with , now and then造句;2了解distinguish ,convenient ,bear ,expectation ,abruptly ,caution ,freezing,practical等词在不同语境中的用法,并对其进行归纳总结;3背诵下列语言点:1) seem adj. ( to do-)

2、 2) decide on sth. (doing sth. ) 3) when / while / once / unless / if + done ( doing )4) as before ( usual )5) prove adj. ( to do )6) nor 及only 有关的倒装句7) It is a matter of 4通过Reading部分的学习,把the stages in producing an invention用自己的语言表述出来。核心单词1. distinguish vi.&vt. 显示。的差别;使。有所不同;辨别(常与from, between连用);区别

3、;区分I can distinguish them at a distance. 从远处我就能认出他们。The man distinguishes himself by his wisdom.这个人因他的才智而扬名。 常用结构:distinguish A from B 辨别A与B be distinguished from 不同于be distinguished by 以为特征be distinguished for 因而著称distinguish oneself 使出众;使著名高手过招(1)单项填空It is not easy to cultured pearls from genuine

4、pearls.A. distinguish B. separateC. identify D. recognize(1)解析:选A。考查词语辨析。distinguish .from 辨别,把.和.区别开;separate .from把隔开;identify辨别;recognize认出,这两个词后面都不跟from。 (2)完成句子 (原创)Can you distinguish (中间) those two objects? Children should be taught to (分辨是非).Speech human beings (不同于。) the animals. The Chines

5、e nation is (因。而著称) its diligence and courage.答案:between distinguish right from wrongdistinguishes; fromdistinguished for 2. convenientadj.便利的,方便的;就近的常用结构:be convenient to/for sb. 对(某人)方便It is convenient to do sth. 做某事方便Our house is very convenient for the shops. 我们的房子离商店很近。联想拓展convenience n. 方便at y

6、our convenience 在你方便的时候if it suits a persons convenience如果对某人方便for the convenience of sb. 为了某人方便起见 高手过招(1)单项填空Our new house is very for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. A. Adaptable B. comfortableC. convenient D. available(2)完成句子 (原创)Come and see me (无论你何时方便).(3)选词填空(convenient/conveni

7、ence)We must arrange a time and place for the meeting.I keep my reference books near by desk for . (1)解析:选C。由in five minutes可知,此处应表示“便利的,方便的”。A项意为“能适应的”;B项意为“舒适的”;D项意为“可以利用”,均不符合句意。(2)whenever it s convenient to you(3)convenient convenience 3. bearvt. 忍受;具有,带有;显示 (标记或特性);忍耐;负担The letter bears no sig

8、nature.这封信上没有署名。易混辨析bear/endure/stand/toleratebear强调忍受者对痛苦、忧虑、烦恼以及责任的承受力,常用于否定句中。endure意为“经受长期的艰难、困苦或折磨而不屈服”,强调持久力和意志坚强,常用于否定句中。stand强调不屈不挠或经受得起,常用于否定句中。温馨提示tolerate意为“忍受某人或某种行为而不反抗”,语气最弱,可用于肯定句和否定句中。bear表示“忍受”时其后可跟doing sth.表示习惯性动作,也可跟to do sth.表示某一次具体动作,且多与 can, could,be able to连用;作“生产,生育”讲时,有两种过去

9、分词形式:borne指“生产,生育”,而 born 指“出生”。 高手过招(1)单项填空I don t think our relationship could the strain of her mother visiting for a month. A. bear B. tell C. put up D. hold(2)选词填空(bear/endure/stand/tolerate) (原创)Our tent wont another storm like the last one. I cant to wait any longer.Shes already had to three

10、painful operations on her leg. I will not that sort of behaviour in my class. (1)解析:选A。bear 承受,符合句意;tell区别,告诉;put up 举起,张贴;hold持有。(2)stand bear endure tolerate 4. seizevt. 抓住;捉住;占据;(指强烈的感情愿望等)突然影响或控制(某人);夺She seized me by the wrist. 她抓住了我的手腕。Panic seized us. 我们惊恐万状。常用结构:seize/hold of sth. 抓住某物seize

11、a chance/an opportunity 抓住时机seize on/upon sth. 意识到某事物而立即加以利用高手过招完成句子 (原创)His father asked him (抓住时机赚一些钱).We (身不由己) by a sudden impulse to run.The critics (抓住) my mistake and said I was ignorant. 答案: to seize the chance to make some moneywere seized seized on 5. expectationn. 预料;期待;期望He has little ex

12、pectation of passing the exam. 他对考试及格不抱希望。I usually enjoy his films, but the last one didnt come to my expectations.我向来喜欢看他的电影,但最近的一部并不像我期望的那样好。常用结构:beyond expectation 出乎意料in expectation of 预料,期望,指望against all expectation(s) 与预期相反,出乎意料come up to one s expectations 不负(某人)所望温馨提示expectation 为不可数名词,当其意为

13、“期望的事物,前景”时,常用复数形式。高手过招完成句子 (原创)我们在车站等着,期待她的到来。We waited at the station her arrival. 答案:in expectation of 重点短语6. go through经历(困难、痛苦等);通过,成功,成交;审阅,检查;翻找,查看,搜寻;穿过,通过The plan didn t go through. 计划没通过。 A terrible noise went through the house. 一阵可怕的声音响彻整幢房子。联想拓展 look through 浏览;看破;温习read through 通读;连续flo

14、w through 流过;流经;通过流动get through 通过;接通;使成功search through 搜寻,查找carry sth. through 成功地完成put sth. through 完成或达成(计划、方案) 高手过招单项填空I have never this kind of thing, so Im afraid. A. look through B. looked throughC. got through D. gone through解析:选D。根据句意可知,此处应意为“经历,经手”。故选D。 7. call up征召;召集服兵役;唤起;使人回忆;带入心中;给打电话

15、He called me up to tell me the good news. 他打电话给我并告诉我这个好消息。I was called up three months after war broke out.战争爆发后的第三个月,我被应征入伍。联想拓展call back 召回;回电话;收回处理call on/at 拜访(on后跟人;at后跟地点名词)call for 要求;提倡;为叫喊call forth 使产生;引起call in 召集;召来;来访call off 取消;延期call out 出动;唤起;大声叫唤call on .to do号召做 高手过招用适当的介词或副词填空 (原创

16、)This is the work that calls patience. Human Rights groups are calling the release of political prisoners. He had to call the meeting because of the bad weather.Ill call him tomorrow, do you want to visit him with me?The company has called all such models as built in 1990.The government then called

17、troops to deal with the disturbances.The old photo calls memories of my childhood. 答案:for for off on back in up 8. get through设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过考试;用光;用完;使成功;使理解;明白 We were all delighted when we heard you had got through the exam. 听到你通过考试时,我们都很高兴。联想拓展get across 通过;使理解get over 越过,克服(困难);从(疾病)恢复过来

18、get through with 结束;完成;花光(钱财等) 高手过招单项填空I couldnt .The line was busy. A. go by B. go around C. get in D. get through 解析:选D。由“The line was busy”可知,这里指“电话没有接通”。go by从旁边经过;go around走来走去;get in收获;get through接通电话,符合句意。 9. set about sth./doing sth./(to do)(不用于被动语态) 开始(某工作); 着手做某事I must set about my packing

19、. 我得开始收拾行李了。The new government must set about finding solutions to the country s economic problems. 新政府必须立即找出解决国家经济问题的办法。 联想拓展set sth. aside 将某事物放在一边;节省或保留(钱或时间)set sth. down 将某事物记在纸上; 写下来set out 出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作set off 开始(旅行、赛跑等)set sth. off 使(炸弹、地雷等)爆炸set to 精力充沛地开始做某事set sth. up 摆放或竖起某物;创(体育)纪录 高

20、手过招用适当的介词填空(原创)I dont know how to set this job. She set a new world record time the 100 meter race.They set on the last stage their journey. How do senior managers set making these decisions? 答案: about up; in out; of about 10. in case如果;以防万一;万一It may rain-you d better take an umbrella (just) in case

21、 (it does). 可能下雨你最好带把伞,以防万一(下起来)。联想拓展in case of sth. 若发生某事;假如in any case 无论如何;总之in no case 在任何情形下决不;无论如何都不in that case 既然那样;假若是那样的话高手过招完成句子 (原创) (遇火灾时), ring the alarm bell. You dont like your job? (既然那样), why dont you leave?Bring some money with you (以防万一) you want to buy something.答案:In case of fi

22、re In that case in case 重点句型11. The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me, but there only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes. 我所做的第一件事就是看看有没有现成的产品能帮助我。但是,看来只有一种毒杀蛇的药粉。在there be结构中,be的人称与数应遵循就近原则。There was a bucket of water and two chairs in the corner o

23、f the house.在房子的角落里有一桶水和两把椅子。There are two chairs and a bucket of water in the corner of the house.在房子的角落里有两把椅子和一桶水。联想拓展there be的常见形式有:there seems to be.there happens to be.there used to be .etc.高手过招根据句意在横线上填入适当的单词(原创)The child seems (be) healthy, but the doctor is concerned. It seems to me theres s

24、omething funny about the case.There doesnt seem (be) much hope that hell come. 答案: to be that to be 12. .but it was not until five days later that Bell sent his first telephone message to his assistant Watson. 但是贝尔是在五天以后才跟他的助手华生通了第一次电话。该句是“It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+其他”结构。句中用了“not .until .”的强调句结

25、构,此句型只用until,不用till。但如果不是用在强调句型中,till与until可通用;另外主句中的否定词not 要提出来,放在until之前一起强调,因此that后面的从句要用肯定句,不能再用否定句。He didn t go to bed until/till his wife came back.=It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed. 直到他的妻子回来他才睡觉。温馨提示not until置于句首时,要用部分倒装句型,这时要注意从句不倒装,只倒装主句。Not until last week did they f

26、ind the lost bike. 直到上个星期他们才找到丢失的自行车。Not until my son had entered the university did he realize the importance of time.我的儿子直到上了大学之后才意识到时间的重要性。高手过招单项填空It was midnight back home after the experiment. A. until; that he wentB. until; that he didnt goC. not until; that he didntD. not until; that he wentN

27、ot until I began to work realize how much time I had wasted. A.didnt I B. did I C. I didnt D. I解析:选D。从题干和选项很容易看出这是一个含有not until 的强调句。基本句型为“It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+其他成分”,故排除A、B两项。否定词not 已提前,故主句中为肯定句,故选D。句意为:直到半夜做完实验后他才回来。解析:选B。not until的倒装句型,用部分倒装,助动词提到主语之前,而且not已经移到句首,因此句中不能再出现,故选B。Multiple c

28、hoice.1.-My brother _from Shanghai last night, saying he would offer me a job. - Congratulations! A. called on me B.called me up C.called me off D.called me in2. - Can you _ the different musical instruments playing now? - Of course. I can even play all of them. A. recognize B.speak C.judge D.distinguish3. We have to _ his bad temper because he is a bit annoyed these days. A. admit B.appreciate C.bear D.accept4. For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill_ my own business someday. A. tum up B.fix up C.set up D.make up Keys:1.B 2. D 3. C 4. C

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