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Unit 2 Healthy eating.docx

1、Unit 2 Healthy eatingUnit 2 Healthy eating 单元教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about healthy dietMake suggestions or giving advice on dietDistinguish the meanings of Modal verbsMake a balanced menuII 目标语言功 能 句 式Practice talking about your ideasYes, I think so. I dont think so.I agree. I dont agree.Thats corre

2、ct. Exactly. Thats exactly my opinion.Youre quite right.I dont think you are right.I quite agree with you.Im afraid I dont agree / disagree with you. Of course not. Im afraid not. All right.Thats a good idea.Certainly. / Sure.No problem.Practice giving advice and suggestionsYou must / must not.词 汇1.

3、 四会词汇diet, nut, bean, pea, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom, peach, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton, roast, fry, stir-fry, ought, bacon, slim, curiosity, hostess, raw, vinegar, lie, customer, discount, weakness, strength, consult, fiber, digest, carrot, debt, glare, spy, limit, benefit, breast,

4、 garlic, sigh, combine2. 认读词汇protective, spaghetti, protein, crisp, kebab, sugary, muscle, calmly, cooperation3. 词组get away from, balanced diet, ought to, lose weight, tell a lie, win back, earn ones living, in debt, spy on, cut down, before long, put on weight语法The use of ought to1. Statements You

5、ought to cook fresh vegetables and meat without too much fat if you want to stay slim.You ought not to eat the same kind of food at every meal.2. DifficultyDistinguish and summarize the usage of ought to and should. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以“健康饮食”为中心话题,通过单元教学让学生了解各种食物对人体的作用,引导学生关注平衡膳食,促使学生养成健康饮食的习惯。针对现

6、实中遇到的实际问题发表自己的看法。最后让学生运用所学知识,两人一组研究中餐,设计食谱。 1.1 WARMING UP 是本单元一个重要的组成部分。让学生看图讨论不同食物对人体的作用,了解饮食与人体健康的关系。通过几个设问激发学生思考自己的饮食习惯是否合理,运用已有的知识经验思考什么是Healthy Eating. 1.2 PRE-READING 通过一个表格和一个排序题引导学生对比不同食物中哪些食物富含脂肪、纤维素、维生素和糖份。可添加讨论如何在烹饪中保持食物营养,从而有利于健康。 1.3 READING 讲述王鹏伟和咏慧开饭店的不同风格和顾客对不同食品的反应,反映了现代人对饮食的关注和对时尚

7、的追求。但王鹏伟和咏慧都没有提供平衡的膳食,经过一段时间的磨合,他们决定合作,提供既有能量又有纤维的食品。戏剧性的结尾增添了故事的趣味性。通过阅读丰富学生的饮食文化,教会他们如何改善饮食习惯;在现实生活中碰到麻烦时,如何正确处理矛盾,解决问题。 1.4 COMPREHENING 利用判断和回答问题的形式考查学生对课文细节的理解,对比两家饭店所提供膳食的优缺点。 1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 是继Comprehending之后的又一指导性练习。注重考查词性的变化,课文中重点词汇在语篇中的熟练运用及情态动词的不同功能,并设计连线和情景对话两个题型予以巩固。 1.6 USI

8、NG LANGUAGE 体现了学以致用的目的,从Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing 四方面训练学生,完成语言的输入性学习和输出性训练的过程,结合生活实际,让学生两人一组研究中餐设计食谱。 2 教材重组 2.1 精读 把Warming up作为Reading 的导入部分,把Pre-reading、Reading 和Comprehending整合在一起作为一堂“精读课”。 2.2 语言学习 把Learning About Language和Workbook中的Using words and expressions, Using Structures结合在一起

9、上一节“语法课”。 2.3 听力 把Using Language 中的Listening和 Workbook中的 Listening, Listening Task放 在一起上一堂“听力课”。 2.4 泛读 Using Language中的Reading与Workbook中的Reading Task放在一起上一堂“泛读课”。 2.5 口语 将Page 13 Activity 3和Workbook中的Talking, Speaking Task放在一起上一堂“口语课”。 2.6 语言运用 将Speaking and Writing和Workbook中的Writing Task, Project整

10、合在一起上一堂“写作课”。 3 课型设计与课时分配 1st period Warming up and Reading 2nd period Language study 3rd period Listening 4th period Extensive reading 5th period Speaking 6th period Writing. 分课时教案The First Period Warming up and ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语energy, fiber, digestion, bea

11、n, cucumber, mushroom, lemon, ham, mutton, roast, slim, curiosity, raw, lie, customer, muscle, cheese, protective, frustrated, drive, sugary, body-building, energy-giving, newly-opened, balanced diet, ought to, tired of, throw away, get away with, tell lies, take off, be amazed at, do some research

12、b. 重点句子His fried rice was hot but did not taste of fat.Tired of all that fat? Want to be thinner? Only slimming food served here.I will take all that fat off you in two weeks if you eat here every day.It was not giving its customers energy-giving food!Something terrible must have happened if Maochan

13、g was not coming to eat with him as he always did.He wondered if he should go to the library to find out.He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!2. Ability goals 能力目标a. Enable students to talk about their eating.In what ways the food you eat helps you?How can you have a health

14、y diet?What will happen if you dont have a balanced diet?b. Understand the text and answer the following questions.What happened to Wang Pengweis restaurant?Why would his customers prefer to eat at Yong Huis restaurant?What did he do after leaving Yong Huis restaurant?c. Understand the details about

15、 the text and retell the text in the role of Wang Pengwei.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable the students to learn how to talk about their eating.What does a healthy diet mean?Is what Yong Hui did right? Why? What will you do if you are Wang Pengwei?Teaching important points 教学重点a. Identify differ

16、ent groups of foods and talk about healthy eating.b. What kind of food did they provide for their customers, healthy or unhealthy? Why?Teaching difficult points 教学难点a. Understand the real meaning of healthy eating.b. How was the competition going on? Who would win?Teaching methods 教学方法a. Fast and ca

17、reful reading.b. Asking-and-answering activity to check the Ss understanding of the text.c. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.d. Discussion.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder, a computer and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I Warming upWhat are the three essential elemen

18、ts for us human beings to survive on the earth?Water, air , foodWhich one would you prefer? Western food or Chinese food?What do you usually have for breakfast / lunch /supper ?What will happen if you do not eat a balanced diet? DiscussionWhat is healthy diet?Healthy diet: a diet that is balanced an

19、d neither too rich in fat, sugar and salt nor too poor and lacking in essential nutrients.Speaking Decide which food is junk food or healthy food and give reasons.I think is junk food because I think is healthy food because (be rich in; be low in)Pre-reading 1. What do you think should go into a goo

20、d meal? A good meal should contain some food from each of the three categories above.2. Imagine you and your partner are going to invite some friends for dinner. What special food of your place would you offer them? Plan a menu.3. Look at the title of the reading passage and the pictures. Predict wh

21、at the passage is about.Fast reading Read the text quickly to find out which sentence is the main idea of the text. 1.The two restaurants supplied the healthy food.2.The reason why Yong Huis restaurant was so popular with customers.3.Wang Pengwei found out why he had lost his customer and decided to

22、 win them back.Key: 3Reading1. Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. T2. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. It would take longer than that. F3. Wang Pengs regular customers often became fat. T4. Yong Huis menu gave customers more emery-giving food. F

23、 No. it gave them protective food but no energy-giving or body-building food.5. Wang Pengs menu gave customers more protective food. F6. Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu. FHe decided to advertise the benefits of his menu.Post reading1. The weakness of the diet in Wang P

24、engs restaurant was _ _.2. The strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was _ _ _. Homework1. Retell the text.(1) Use the first person to retell the story.(2) Try to use proper prepositions and conjunctions.2. Prepare for the language learning and do Using Words and Expressions on WB (Page 49an

25、d 50).The second period Extensive readingPre-readingLearn these proverbs. You are what you eat. 人如其食。 First wealth is health. 健康是人生的第一财富。 -EmersonAn apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找。New words and phrases: limited: not very great in amount or extent 有限的 benefit: advantage that sth. giv

26、es you 优势,益处 sigh: take a long deep breath叹气,叹息 combine: join two or more things together to form a single one 组合, 联合 earn ones living: keep alive in a certain style 谋生/挣钱维持生活 in debt: owe a lot of money 欠债 glare at: stare angrily or fiercely 怒目而视 Can you guess what will happen to Wang Pengwei and Y

27、ong Hui? Read the text fast, then answer the following questions:1. How did Yong Hui feel when she came to Wangs restaurant? Why?2. What did they find after their chat?3. How did they solve their problems and become good friends?4. How did they combine their menus and provide a balanced menu?5. Why

28、was their cooperation a success?Discussion What can we learn from the passage?We can learn that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and begin afresh.The third period Grammar情态动词 1. ought toshould should 和ought to 都为“应该”的意思,可用于各种人称。ought to 的语气稍重一些。 You ought to (should) follow your teac

29、hers advice. 表示主语的义务或责任: You should take care of your sister 你应当去照顾你妹妹。 或指出个正确、明智的动作: They shouldnt allow parking here;the street is too narrow 这儿不该允许停车;马路太窄了。should 和ought to 后面跟动词不定式的完成式,其肯定句表示”过去应该做而未做”, 其否定句则表示”过去不该做但做了”。You should/ought to have made the decision a week ago.I shouldnt have made

30、such a foolish mistake. 多数情况下,ought to 可与should互换使用。ought to的反意疑问句用shouldnt替代。 2. must和have to must的用法 1)表示主观的义务和必要,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,意思为“必须,得,要”;由must 引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或haveto,否定回答要用neednt或donthaveto, 意思是“不必” ; must的否定形式mustnt表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”。如: MustIfinishthetaskrightnow? 我现在必须完成这个工作吗? Yes,youmust./Yes,y

31、ouhaveto. 是的。 (No, you neednt. / No, you dont have to. 不,不必。) You mustnt come here without permission. 未经允许,你不能来这儿。 haveto的用法 1)must表示一种主观的需要,而haveto表示一种客观的需要,意思是“不得不”。如: I have to attend an important meeting this afternoon. 今天下午我不得不参加一个重要的会议。 Mother is out, so I have to look after the shop. 妈妈不在家,因此我不得不照看商店。 2)haveto的否定形式是dont have

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