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1、情态动词使用语法教案课程名称:情态动词教学内容:情态动词的定义,用法教学对象:初中生教学目标:准确掌握情态动词的用法教学重难点:辨析情态动词的用法Teaching StepsStep 1: Leading-in聊学生的兴趣和特长,引入能或会干什么Step 2: Warming-up找出两个句子的不同之处I play the guitar. I can play the guitar.I draw a pictureI can draw a picture. Step 3: Teaching and Drills知识卡片1定义是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪、态度或与语气的动词,但不能单

2、独作谓语,只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。知识卡片2情态动词有五类:1.只做情态动词:must, can(could),may(might)E.g She may be a teacher.I can do it. 2.可做情态动词又可做实义动词:need, dareE.g I need to do my homework.I need a book3.可做情态动词又可做助动词:would/will, shall/shouldE.g Will you come this way,please? I will go home tomorrow. 4具有情态动词特征:have(had, has) to

3、, used toE.g I have to stay at home. We used to go there every year. 5.情态动词表猜测注:mustnt代表强烈禁止 must表示主观,have to表示客观。常用的有:can,may,could,must,have to,use.E.g I think Lily may be in the classroom now.She cant be in the classroom. I saw her in the library just now.练习1.-_Ihavealookatyourdictionary?-Ofcours

4、eyoucanHereyouareA.Need B.Can C.Must D.Should2. LilyisofteninayellowskirtShe_likeyellowverymuch A.will B.can C.must3. 知识卡片3情态动词特点1. 情态助动词则有自己的词义,能表示说话人对有关动作或状态的看法,或表示主观设想:I am afraid I must be going. (一定要)You may have read some account of the matter. (或许已经)2. 情态动词无人称和数的变化,情态动词后面跟的动词须用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后

5、面加 not。We cant carry the heavy box.我们搬不动那箱子。Im sorry I cant help you.对不起,我帮不上你。3. 个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式,过去式用来表达更加客气,委婉的语气,时态性不强,可用于过去,现在或将来。情态动词属非及物动词,故没有被动语态。He could be here soon.他很快就来。Im sorry I cant help you.对不起,我帮不上你。练习1.根据括号中所给的情态动词改写句子1. She speaks English.(may)_.2. He stays at home.(must)_.3. T

6、he little dog catches the ball.(can)_.4. I do my homework.(have to)_.5. She has a rest.(need)_. 知识卡片4用法1.can / could1)表示能力 (会) 1) Mary can speak English, but she can not speak French. 2) Can you lift this heavy box? 3) Can you skate? 2)表示允许 (可以) 1)Can I use your dictionary? 2)- Can I go home now? -

7、Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 3)could是can 的过去式;表示过去的能力; 用于婉转语气,多用于问句。“能,可以” He could ride a bike at the age of five. Could you please clean the room? - Could I come to see you tomorrow? - Yes, you can. ( No, you cant. )此处 could 不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,答语中不能用could和 couldnt,要用can 和 cant。练习1. -IsthatmanMrGreen?

8、-It_behimHehasgonetoParisonbusinessA.may B.must C.cant D.shouldnt2. -CouldIkeepthebookfortwomoredays? -Yes,you_()A.could B.can C.need D.must3. -Hi,Jack!CouldyoucometoourEnglishparty?-Sorry,I_IhavetolookaftermylittlesisterathomeA.must B.could C.cant2.may / might1)表示请求和允许 (可以), 比can正式. May I come in?

9、Hemaycomeifhelikes.may的一般疑问句,其否定回答用 cant 或 mustnt。-May I go home now? -Yes, you may. / Sure. / Yes, please. No, you cant./ mustnt.2)may 也表示猜测,意为“可能”。 Where is my English book? It may be in your desk.3)might是 may 的过去式。表示推测, 可能性较小。Hemightbeverybusynow.Yourmother mightknowthetruth.练习1. -Tom,whereisKate

10、? -She_beinthegardenShesometimesplayswithherdogthereA.must B.need C.shall D.may2. -Mom,_ivisittheartmuseumnextMonday? -ImafraidyoucantAllmuseumsinthecityareclosedonMonday A.would B.need C.should D.may3. -Excuseme,_Itakethemagazineoutofthereadingroom? -Sorry,youcantJusthere,pleaseA.must B.would C.may

11、 D.need3.Must1)must 必须 ,表示说话人的主观意志。You must do your homework first.2) mustnt 表示禁止 ,不准,不允许。 You mustnt smoke here.Youmustntplaywithfire.以must开头的疑问句,肯定回答:Yes , must. 否定回答: No, neednt. 或 No, dont have to.练习1. -Mum,mustIcleantheroomrightnow? -No,you_()A.shouldnt B.wouldnt C.mustnt D.neednt2. 一一Listen!Is

12、 Professor Johnson giving a report in the hall?一一No,it_ be himHe has gone to JapanA.neednt B.may not C.mustnt D.cant3.CanIgoswimming,Mom?CertainlyButyou_bebackbyfourA.can B.may C.might D.must4.Need1)在表否定的句子中,表示“不必”There is enough time. You neednt hurry. 2)在疑问句和肯定句中表“需要”I wonder if I need go to Guang

13、Zhou again.练习1. Thereisstillalotoftimeleftandwe_beinsuchahurry()A.cant B.shouldnt C.mustnt D.neednt2. 一Mum,must I clean my room?-No,you_A.mustnt B.neednt C.cant3. -LetsgototheArtMuseumbytaxi -Itsonlytenminutes walkWe_takeataxiA.neednt B.cant C.mustnt5.shall的用法1)征求对方意见,用于第一、第三人称疑问句Shall we say 6 oclo

14、ck then?Henry is waiting outside.Shall he come in?2)用于第二、第三人称中,表示说话者的意图、决心、许诺、命令、警告、威胁等。Tell Jack that he shall get a gift if he is nice.练习1. - The room is so dirty ._ we clean it?- Ok.A. will B. Shall C. Would D. Do2._we go out for a meal together?A. will B. Shall C. Would D. Do3. You _ be sorry fo

15、r what you have done, I tell you.A.shall B.may C.might D.must6.should的用法1)作为shall的过去式,用于第一、第三人称,多在间接引语中,以征求对方意见。Mr.Lee asked if he should get the visa tomorrow.2)表达义务、职责等,这种用法往往表示说话者的观点You should be so careless.3)should have done表示“本应该做而没有做”,否定式表示“本不该做而做了”You should have invited me to the party yest

16、erday.I had exoected you to.Jim shouldnt have done all the work within one day.There was still time.练习情态动词虚拟语气1.-Must I renew the novel now?-No,you_But you _ it the day before yesterday()A.mustnt; should have renewB.may not; should doC.neednt; must renewD.cant; should have done2.I insisted that he _

17、,which means I insisted on _()A.should go; he goesB.go; he goesC.should go; him goingD.would go; his going3.-Did you punish him for losing your digital camera?-Yes,but I dont think I _()A.should do thatB.need to have done soC.ought have done thatD.should have done so7. dare的用法1)用于否定句中,表示“不敢”I darent

18、 go out alone at night.2)用于疑问句和条件句中,表示“敢”How dare you speak to me like that?练习1._ he tell you the truth?A.could B.must C.dare D.need2.I _say there are mistakes thereA.could B.must C.need D.dare 3. He _ tell me that sort of thingAneed B.dare C.could D.must 8. Used to 的用法表示“过去常常,过去是”,现在不是如此,没有人称和数的变化,

19、否定式usednt to或者didnt use toHe is not what he used to be.练习1.She_live aloneBut she _living alone because she feels lonely()A.used to; doesnt used used to; was used toC.used to; is not used toD.was used to; doesnt used to2.-How does Jack usually go to work?-He_ drive a car,but now he_ there to l

20、ose weight()A.used to; is used to walkB.was used to; is used to walkingC.was used to; is used to walkD.used to; is used to walking3.Nancy _ eat a lot of snacks between meals,but now she _ green food()A.used to,is used toB.used to,used used to,used used to,is used to9. had betterhad bet

21、ter后接动词原形,表示“最好”We had better get there before is gets dark.练习1.You are illYou had better _ the doctor right now()A.look at B.see C.watch2.You had better _ your shoes _() have; mendedB.have; mendedC.have; have; mending3.-The weather report says there is going to _ a typhoon tonight-S

22、o we had better _ out(),not goB.have,not,not to goD.have,not to go10. Be able tobe able to后跟动词原形,表示具体的能力,与can的用法相近I am not able to/cant answer your question.Are you able to type?=Can you tape?练习1.Im afraid I wont be able _ to your office on time.A.come come C.comes D.came2.There is n

23、o way you will be able _ the work out out out3.I would be able to _your more helpA.give C.gave11. Have to Have to 和must意思接近,但是must更强调说话者的主观意愿。Have to强调客观上的必要性,常译为“不得不”I have to be off now.My mum is waiting for me.练习1.You _ afraid of doing homeworkYou know,its easyJ

24、ust be careful()A.dont have toB.have to beC.dont haveD.dont have to be2.When my parents asked me to study hard before,I _ do itNow Im a grown-up boy,I _ study hard()A.must;mustB.had to;have toC.had to; mustD.have to;must3.You _ buy a gift,but you can if you want to()A.must B.mustnt C.have to D.dont

25、have to练习1. You _ stop when the traffic light turns red. A. can B. had better C. need D. must2. Is that girl under the tree Mary? No, that _ be Mary. She is in New York. A. can B. mustnt C. cant3. Mr. Wang, can I finish my homework tomorrow? Sorry, you _. A. cant B. dont C. neednt D. wont4. Dad, can

26、 I go to the movies tonight? Sure, but you _ come back home before 9 oclock. A. can B. must C. may D. might5. Mom, must I finish my homework now? No, you _. You may have supper first. A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant6. Will you stay for some more days? Sorry, I _. My mother called to ask me to go back at

27、 once. A. mustnt B. may notC. cant D. wouldnt 7. Shall we take a taxi? No, we _. Its not far from here. A. cant B. mustntC. shouldnt D. neednt8.You _ be excited that youre going back to your hometown soon. Yes, I cant wait any longer. A. shall B. can C. need D. must9. Tom will help you finish the wo

28、rk on time , so you _ worry about it .A.dont need B. neednt C. not need D. neednt to10.Since you are very tired , you _ finish the work today.A.dont need B. need to C. not need D. neednt总结原形(过去式)用法含义例句can(could)表示能力(=beableto)能;会Tomcanswim.=Tomisabletoswim.汤姆会游泳。(疑问句中)表示请求可以Couldyougiveusahand?你可以帮我们一下吗?(否定句、疑问句中)表示可能性can可能cant不可能TheboycantbeJim.Hesmuchtaller.这个男孩不可能是吉姆。

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