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1、新世纪高二下词组新世纪高二下册词组总结 Unit One1. 渴望去做be eager to do sth2. 对某人期望过高expect too much of sb3. 出乎意料beyond expectation4. 向某人抱怨某事complain to sb about sth5. 向某人抱怨某事(n.)make an complaint to sb about sth6. 抗议,反对protest against sth7. 向前进head for8. 把A换成Bexchange A for B9. 从英格兰进口import from England10. 现场直播live broa

2、dcast11. 需要谨慎处理的问题a tricky problem12. 乐意去做某事be willing to do sth13. 长相奇怪的生物strange-looking creatures14. 在上起作用have a part in/play an important role in 15. 高度重视put great value on sth16. 观众众多a large audience17. 对有自信be sure of /be confident of 18. 确定be sure to do sth19. 用简单的棕色纸包起来be wrapped in plain bro

3、wn paper20. 谈论,涉及refer to21. 采用的形式take the form of22. 把记住keep sth in mind23. 持某种观点hold the opinion that24. 寻求冒险look for adventure25. 探索西方领土explore western territories26. 泄露一个保守良好的秘密reveal a well-kept secret27. 应该是头活猪be supposed to be a live pig28. 穿便衣的警察the policeman in plain clothes29. 一只老虎从森林中冲出(倒

4、装)Out rushed a tiger from the woods30. 废寝忘食neglect ones meals and sleep31. 过时go out of fashion32. 和农业密切相关be (closely) related to agriculture33. 具体的观察specific observation34. 由于某种原因for some reason 35. 数以百万计hundreds of millions of 36. 废弃不用fall into disuse37. 以简短的方式in a short and brief manner38. 脱离上下文ou

5、t of context39. 趁热打铁strike while the iron is hot 40. 真相大白The truth has come out.41. 分为3个类别fall into three categoriesUnit Two1. 作公开演讲的建议tip on making a public speech2. 作讲座deliver a speech3. 需要耐心call for patience4. 言语和非言语交际的融合integration of verbal and nonverbal communication5. 包括姿势和手势involve stance an

6、d gestures6. 和保持眼神交流maintain eye contact with sb7. 阻止某人做某事prevent sb from doing sth8. 值勤的卫兵a guard on duty9. 妨碍,干扰interfere with10. 使分心distract sb from sth/doing11. 受欢迎的be well received12. 一般来说in general13. 幅度大的动作expansive gestures14. 脸部表情facial expression15. 做某事有困难have difficulty in doing sth16. 确信

7、,保证make sure that17. 为了达到最好的效果to have/achieve maximum impact18. 失去兴趣lose interest in19. 准确地掌握时间是必要的.Accurate timing is essential20. 缺少fall short of21. 超过run over22. 集中精力concentrate on23. 克服困难overcome the difficulties24. 和有关be concerned with25. 想出come up with26. 从那时开始from then on27. 为了观众的利益for the au

8、diences sake28. 生来平等be born equal29. 提前in advance30. 在室外in the open air31. 好像,似乎as if/though32. 对的帮助aids to33. 故意不理睬指令ignore instructions/orders34. 以一个平均速度at an average speed35. 建筑学文章the article on architecture36. 在某一特定情况下in some specific cases37. 成功的演讲要求诸如姿势,手势,和时间控制等非语言交流。(call for)A successful sp

9、eech calls for nonverbal communication such as stance, gestures and a good control of the time.38. 我们不知道如何才能减轻她儿子的去世带给她的悲痛。(distract)We are wondering how we can distract her from the sorrow(sadness)brought about by her sons death.39. 去参加聚会之前,请确保礼物要适合主人家庭。(make sure)Before you go to the party, make s

10、ure that the gift is suitable for the host family.40. 你烟抽得越多, 对你的健康越有害。The more you smoke,the more harm it will do to your health.41. 你的词汇量越大,你的英语会讲得更流利。The larger vocabulary you have, the more fluent English you can speak.Unit Three1. 特别擅长于be particularly good at2. 炫耀才能show off talents3. 支持go for s

11、b4. 爱好体育go in for sports5. 对别人真心地在意genuinely care about others6. 自动被吸引到be automatically drawn to7. 一个平易近人的人an approachable person8. 感到很轻松feel at ease9. 不费力地with ease10. 传达信心convey confidence to sb11. 从微笑中获取自信gain confidence from smiling12. 给压力put the burden on13. 尽本分do ones part14. 同时meanwhile/in th

12、e meantime15. 百分百专注于zero in 100 percent on16. 专注于别人的需要focus on the needs of others17. 为增值add value to18. 互相迁就learn to give and take19. 容光焕发light up20. 赞扬某人give a compliment on sb21. 觉察到别人的好品质see the positive qualities in others22. 贬低tear sb down23. 吸引注意力draw ones attention24. 给下定义defineas25. 给出确切定义g

13、ive an exact definition of26. 拒绝感情reject affection27. 某人应受责备sb is to blame28. 遗憾地通知regret to tell/inform29. 后悔作弊regret cheating30. 通知某人某事inform sb of sth31. 有待观察remain to be seen32. 出于爱或者尊敬依恋某人be attached to sb by affection or respect33. 五分之一的家庭one out of every five families34. 持久的友谊long-lasting fri

14、endship35. 高度的灵活性the high rate of mobility36. 缔结一段人际关系set up a relationship37. 具有的特征be characterized by38. 在树林里in the woods39. 处于野生状态in the wild40. 以为基础baseon41. 实际上in reality42. 依附于attach to43. 积极/乐观的态度positive/optimistic outlook44. 经济/财政/政治前景economic/financial/political outlook45. 有相似的兴趣和共同的人生观 ha

15、ve similar interests and a common outlook on life46. 同样适用于hold true for47. 之间没有强有力的联系there is no strong connection between 48. 有做某事的强烈愿望have a strong wish to do49. 把注意力集中在focus on 50. 插嘴get a word in 51. 显得高兴,容光焕发light up52. 给他人造成负担put the burden on53. 面带微笑wear a smile54. 看到别人的优点see positive qualiti

16、es in others55. 依附于attach to 56. 高度的灵活性the high rate of mobility 57. 持久的友谊long-lasting friendship58. 远远不够完善far from perfect59. 理论基于实践theory is based on practice60. 定时运动regular exercise61. 假装正在做pretend to be doing 62. 直到才it is not untilthat63. 远方的电视塔the distant television tower64. 炫耀好身材show off the n

17、ice figure65. 椐我所知as far as I am concerned66. 我完全同意I cant agree more.67. 推倒危墙tear down the dangerous wall68. 与有联系have an association with69. 暴露缺点给你的同事expose your weakness to your colleague70. Furthermore, the more you smile, the morenatural your smile will be.71. 强调句It is learning when to talk that

18、is important.Unit 41. 刚从瑞典来be fresh from Sweden2. 第六代美国人a sixth generation American3. 喜欢对方take to each other4. 顺便in passing5. 嘲笑某人laugh at sb6. 与相当be equivalent of7. 有嫌疑under suspicion of/be suspicious of8. 无可置疑above/beyond suspicion9. 为装饰添上点睛之笔put the finishing touches on the decoration10. 意识到be aw

19、are of11. 很快地瞥了我一眼cast a quick glance at 12. 惊讶地盯着我看stare at me in shock13. 以为例takeas an example14. 瓦解,崩溃fall apart15. 来来回回up and down16. 证实了猜疑confirm the suspicion17. 挡道in the way18. 脑损伤brain damage19. 过多many a 20. 充分地,最大限度地to the fullest21. 起点starting point22. 排队line up23. 看到at the sight of24. 奥委会

20、the Olympic committee25. 拒绝这样的请求refuse such request26. 慢动作slow motion27. 具有历史意义的时刻a historic moment背诵内容1光阴飞逝!我认识玛格特已是很久以前的事情了。How the years have rushed by! It has been a long time since I knew Marget.2玛格特那时刚从瑞典来,而我则是第6代美国人。她几乎不会讲英语,但不知为什么,我们竟能互相理解。我们一见面就喜欢上对方。Marget,just fresh from Sweden,and I,a si

21、xth generation American. She spoke very little English, but somehow we did manage to understand each other. We took to each other instantly.3很多事情会随着我们的长大成人而被遗忘, 但我永远忘不了玛格特-第一个爱我所爱,也是第一个伤害我的人。The mind loses many things as it matures, but I never lost Marget-my first love and first hurt.4我想我是不经意地意识到只有

22、白人才能住在那里。I suppose it was only in passing that I knew only white people lived there.3我的怀疑得到证实,玛格特是白人,而我不是,我内心深处对此非常清楚。My suspicion was confirmed:Marget was white and I was not. I didnt know it deep within myself.6呼吸这种污染严重的空气相当于每天抽10支烟。Breathing such polluted air is the equivalent if smoking ten ciga

23、rettes a day.7Jack得的是脑损伤, 经受了很多艰难挫折。Jack suffered from brain damage and had endured many an obstacle.8它向我们表明:正是有了爱,才有了这个世界的发展。It showed us all that love is really what makes this small world go around.Unit Five1. 多才多艺的天才all-round genius 2. 主要的成就major achievements 3. 学术理论academic theory 4. 出生在一个犹太家庭里

24、be born of Jewish parents5. 出生在贫穷家庭be born into/from a poor family6. 大多数学科成绩不好do badly in most subjects7. 对着迷be fascinated by8. 上工艺教育学校attend a polytechnic school9. 获得教师资格gain a teaching qualification10. 接受了一个低级职员的职位take a post as a junior clerk11. 在头脑中开展思考是实验 carry out the “thought experiment” in h

25、is head12. 导致了一种对新的理解方式lead to a new understanding of13. 为提供了一个解释provide an explanation for14. 令人费解的光电效应the puzzling photoelectric effect15. 被授予一个奖项be awarded a prize16. 开始执政come to power/be in power17. 直言不讳地反对speak out against18. 在长时期的研究过程中in the long course of research19. 发展了相对论develop the theorie

26、s of relativity20. 固体solid object21. 转化为纯能源change into pure energy 22. 核能nuclear power 23. 原子弹atomic bomb24. 反对核武器protest against nuclear weapons25. 参与到be/become involved in 26. 和平运动the peace movement27. 去世pass away28. 所留下的what is left behind29. 丰富的想法a wealth of ideas30. 奠定了现代物理学的基础form the foundati

27、on of modern physics31. 除了apart from32. 科技工作scientific work33. 在简朴的业余消遣中找到很多乐趣find much pleasure in simple pastimes34. 喜欢孩子们的陪伴love the company of children35. 拉小提琴play the violin36. 认真对待take sth seriously37. 太多的信息too much information38. 太难much too difficult39. 适者生存the survival of the fittest40. 在世上,

28、(疑问句)究竟on earth41. 发生了什么?what has happened to?42. 开始存在come into existence43. 海上旅行on a voyage of44. 船上的生活life on board45. 晕船be terribly seasick46. 上岸be ashore47. 收集植物标本collect plant samples48. 观察动物observe animals49. 自然选择(物竟天择)natural selection50. 认真思考think seriously about 51. 饮食习惯eating habits 52. A到

29、B不同vary from a to b53. 不同的生物various living creatures54. 发展理论develop ones theories55. 物种起源The Origin of Species56. 引发了很大的争议cause a huge row57. 否定了圣经所说的deny what the Bible said58. 否认犯错deny making mistakes59. 由同一祖先而来come from the same ancestor60. 继续从事他的事业take up his cause61. 人类的由来The Descent of Man 62. 进化论the Theory of Evolution63. 具备资格be qualified for64. 对一无所知be ignorant ofUnit 61. 意义significance 2. 阴影shadow3. 树阴shade4. 农业的agricultural 5. 开创性的pioneering6. 铺开spread7. 突破breakthro

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