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1、WebLogic在Linux上的安装及项目部署全套方案Weblogic在Linux上的安装及部署一 说明: 系统:RedHat Enterprise Linux 数据库:oracle10g WebLogic版本:10 那个地址只配置到JDBC资源的创建剩下的是各公司研发的情形二:安装.1:安装前预备以root用户登录1:创建用户组:groupadd 用户组名2:创建用户,并把该用户建于该组之下:useradd g 用户组名 p用户组名 用户名3:为用户创建密码 :passwd 用户名4:创建安装目标录.mkdir 文件夹名5:给用户授权 Chown R 用户组名.用户 安装目录 Chmod R

2、 755安装目录 Xhost +(这句话专门好用必然要记得对oracle也很适用)6:注意:将安装文件所在文件夹授予新建Weblogic用户与安装目录相同的权限.不然即便在Weblogic用户的根目录之下,文件由Weblogic用户上传, Weblogic用户仍然没有安装权限(安装文件所在文件夹是由root用户创建的吗?待确认)2:安装运行安装文件,会弹出个图形窗口(假设弹不出图形窗口那就麻烦老多了,详情请翻到此文档最后。),尔后依照提示就能够够一步步进行安装(中文的,很方便),而且很多都能够直接利用默许设置.需要注意的是:1:这儿能够去掉中间”我希望通过”的勾选,然后直接下一步2:(本图非实

3、截图,从别处借用,只是选项和内容大体一致)在安装完成的界面上,会有一个运行QuickStart的选项,若是勾选运行,会进入图形化的配置向导,创建新的域或扩展现有域.3:配置1:进入安装目录,执行命令: ./ -mode=console 进入操纵台配置向导 进入图形化配置向导2: 此处以创建新的域为例,直接下一步.3:继续下一步4: 在那个地址能够修改你的域名和域位置,然后 下一步5: 创建治理该域(数据源配置,项目部署等)的用户名和密码,Weblogic默许要求密码不能少于八位,且不能少了数字和字符.配置好以后选择下一步.6: 选择效劳器启动模式和JDK,那个版本自带有JDK

4、6.0,能够选择默许,只是前面的开发模式和生产模式需要有所选择,我最终配置成功的是开发模式,此处以之为准.7: 选择可选配置,能够不选,也能够全选.临时没发觉阻碍.8: 配置治理效劳器,一样能够把SSL勾选上.9:直接默许下一步10: 继续下一步11: 再下一步12:配置数据库(可选)13: 点创建,完成配置.三:部署项目1:启动效劳:进入weblogi安装目录 /weblogic/user_projects/domains/你适才创建的域名/执行: 然后就能够够登录进行数据源的配置和项目的部署2:配置数据源1:用你适才配置的用户名和密码登录2:在左侧的导航条选中效劳-JBDC-数据源.这儿其

5、实有很多说明和帮忙,而且仍是中文的,大伙儿能够进一步深切研究.3: 选中导航栏的数据源,右边显现你之前配置的数据源.选择新建,进入下面的页面4依照提示填上数据源的名称和JNDI的名称,和选择数据库的类型,数据库驱动类(注意驱动类版本与你所利用的数据库的版本)注意:若是你要发布包括润乾报表的项目,你此处的数据源名字必需和你在编辑报表时所配置的数据源名称一致(源能够不一致,但名称必需一致),不单单是ReportConfig.xml中的数据源名.5: 默许下一步6: 依照提示填写数据库信息,其中的主机名能够是IP.7: 测试数据库访问,并能够直接完成数据源的配置.8: 这一步很重要,因为项目都是部署

6、在这些效劳器内的,若是你没有为你的数据源选择目标,那么他就可不能发布到该效劳器上,也确实是说在该效劳器上是没有数据源的,你部署这去的项目就找不到数据源.9:这是建完的结果,注意,若是你的数据源后面的目标为空,那么说明那个数据源是没有被利用的,也确实是说,它是不能够访问的.若是要使创建的数据源能够利用,能够选中该数据源的名字,必点击,进入下面一步.10点击目标11: 勾选以后,保留12:再点击导航栏的数据源,就能够够看到该数据已经有目标了.你的项目部署到相应的效劳器上后就有数据源能够访问了.3部署项目1:点击导航栏的部署,再在右边选择安装2:在这会先显现文件夹,直到你选 中能够发布的文件或文件夹

7、.注意:一样而言,WebLogic都将项目部署在你所创建的域下面的applications文件夹下.能够是War包,也能够是文件夹,若是是文件夹,有可能会在你定位到WebRoot时才能选中发布,如此发布的项目是不成功的.3: 下一步4: 这儿必需选择一个效劳器,固然也能够多项选择 ,默许是没选 的,选了以后下一步.5: 能够直接点击完成.如此,你的项目就部署成功了.6:注意:你的项目必需是活动的,且健康状况是OK的,才是能够访问的.若是不是,勾选它,更新或启动.无图形安装配置模式执行./platform814_linux32.bin -mode=console进入操纵台安装的欢迎界面,键入Ne

8、xt继续现在显现授权许可协议,读完后键入Yes继续提示选择一个BEA主目录:输入:/var/web/jsp/bea确认BEA主目录, 键入1继续选择安装类型, 键入1继续选择安装途径,默许,输入next继续。确认安装途径。键入1继续安装完毕。注:(两个补丁文件见补丁包的说明)1.3 创建效劳利用WebLogic用户登录系统:weblogicjcms bin$ cd /var/web/jsp/bea/weblogic81/common/binUnable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode.进入设置:Create or Extend a

9、Configuration:-Choose between creating and extending a configuration. Based on your selection, the Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to generate a new or extend an existing configuration.-1|Create a new WebLogic configuration | Start here to create a WebLogic configuration in your pr

10、ojects directory. 2|Extend an existing WebLogic configuration | Start here to extend an existing WebLogic configuration. Use this option to add applications and services, including Database | access (JDBC) and Messaging (JMS). This option also enables you to extend functionality by enabling WebLogic

11、 Workshop. Enter index number to select OR ExitNext 1Select a Domain Template:-Please select a template from the list or select another directory of templates.*/home/weblogic/bea/weblogic81/common/templates/domains | BEA Systems, Inc. | Create a basic WebLogic Platform domain, without installing sam

12、ple applications. Domains created from this template will support the |WebLogic Server, WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Integration and WebLogic Portal runtime functionality, including support for J2EE |applications, Web applications, Web Services, custom controls, business processes and portals. Use do

13、mains created from this template |for development of WebLogic Platform applications. | BEA Systems, Inc. | Create a basic WebLogic Portal domain, without installing sample applications. Domains created from this template will support the |WebLogic Server, WebLogic Workshop and WebLogic Portal runtim

14、e functionality, including support for J2EE applications, Web applications, |Web Services, custom controls and portals. Use domains created from this template for development of WebLogic Portal applications. | BEA Systems, Inc. | Create a basic WebLogic Integration domain, without installing sample

15、applications. Domains created from this template will support |the WebLogic Server, WebLogic Workshop and WebLogic Integration runtime functionality, including support for J2EE applications, Web |applications, Web Services, custom controls and business processes. Use domains created from this templa

16、te for development of WebLogic |Integration applications. | BEA Systems, Inc.Enter index number to select OR DownExitPreviousNext downSelect a Domain Template:-Please select a template from the list or select another directory of templates. | Create a basic WebLogic Workshop domain, without installi

17、ng sample applications. Domains created from this template will support the |WebLogic Server and WebLogic Workshop runtime functionality, including support for J2EE applications, Web applications, Web Services and |custom controls. Use domains created from this template for development of WebLogic W

18、orkshop applications. | BEA Systems, Inc. | Create a basic WebLogic Server domain without installing sample applications. | BEA Systems, Inc. | Create the WebLogic Server Examples domain in a directory outside of the installed kit. The Examples domain contains a collection of |examples to show best

19、practices for coding individual J2EE APIs. | BEA Systems, Inc. | Create the Avitek Medical Records domain in a directory outside of the installed kit. The Avitek Medical Records is a WebLogic Server |sample application suite that concisely demonstrates all aspects of the J2EE platform. 8|Select anot

20、her directory locationEnter index number to select OR UpExitPreviousNext5Select a Domain Template:-Please select a template from the list or select another directory of templates. *The selected template is the same as the one you are working on. Do you *want to reload the template ?-1|Yes 2|NoEnter

21、index number to select OR ExitNext 1Choose Configuration Option:- *Do you want to run the wizard in express mode?-1|Yes 2|NoEnter index number to select OR ExitPreviousNext 1Configure Administrative Username and Password:-Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user is

22、the default administrator used to start development mode servers. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *User name: | weblogic | 2| *User password: | | 3| *Confirm user password: | | 4| Description: | The default administration user |Select Option: 1 - Modify User name 2 - Modify User password 3 - Modify Confi

23、rm user password 4 - Modify DescriptionEnter option number to select OR ExitPreviousNext 2Configure Administrative Username and Password:-Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers. *User password: =

24、Input new *User password: OR ExitResetAccept 输入八位密码 Configure Administrative Username and Password: -Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *User name: | weblogic | 2|

25、*User password: | * | 3| *Confirm user password: | | 4| Description: | The default administration user |Select Option: 1 - Modify User name 2 - Modify User password 3 - Modify Confirm user password 4 - Modify Description 5 - Discard ChangesEnter option number to select OR ExitPreviousNext 3Configure

26、 Administrative Username and Password:-Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers. *Confirm user password: = Input new *Confirm user password: OR ExitResetAccept 确认八位密码 /口令必需与上面的一样Configure Administra

27、tive Username and Password:-Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *User name: | weblogic | 2| *User password: | * | 3| *Confirm user password: | * | 4| Description: |

28、The default administration user |Select Option: 1 - Modify User name 2 - Modify User password 3 - Modify Confirm user password 4 - Modify Description 5 - Discard ChangesEnter option number to select OR ExitPreviousNext nextDomain Mode Configuration:-Enable Development or Production Mode for this dom

29、ain. -1|Development Mode 2|Production ModeEnter index number to select OR ExitPreviousNext 2Java SDK Selection:-1|JRockit SDK 1.4.2_04-8130 /home/weblogic/bea/jrockit81sp3_142_04 2|Sun SDK 1.4.2_04 /home/weblogic/bea/jdk142_04 3|Other Java SDKEnter index number to select OR ExitPreviousNext 1Select the target domain directory for this configuration:-

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