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1、国际贸易流程模拟指导国际贸易流程模拟指导例题:华信贸易有限公司(Huaxin Tradeing Co., Ltd.)成立于1980年,是经国家批准的具有进出口经营权的综合性贸易公司。其经营范围包括机电设备、金属材料、轻工产品等。公司与多家供货厂商有固定的业务往来,货源基础雄厚。面对激烈的竞争市场,其开发出一项新产品HX系列瓷器。后从报纸上得知加拿大多伦多一进口批发商欲求购瓷器。加拿大多伦多进口批发商联络方式:Mr. Paul LockwoodPurchasing DivisionJames Brown&Sons#304-310Jalan Street, Toronto, CanadaTel N

2、o:(+01)7709910Fax No: (+01)7701100E-mail: plockwoodd华信贸易有限公司的新产品HX系列瓷器。具体包括:Art. No.CommodityUnitPacking Supplying priceHXl115 HX2012HX4405HX4510CHINESE CERAMIC DINNER-WARE 35PCS DINNERWEAR ANDTEA SET20PCS DINNERWARE SET47PCS DINNERWARE SET95PCS DINNERWARE SETSETSETSETSET1set/cartonRMB¥152/SetRMB¥13

3、2/SetRMB¥144/SetRMB¥165/Set1、建立业务关系请根据上述背景资料,以华信贸易有限公司业务员的名义,给James Brown&Sons公司去函,表达与之建立业务关系的热切愿望。建立业务关系的信函一般包括如下内容:(1) 信息来源即如何取得对方的资料作为贸易商,可以有各种途经了解客户资料,如通过驻外使馆商务参赞处、商会、商务办事处、银行、第三方公司介绍;或在企业名录、各种传媒广告、互联网上寻得;或在交易会、展览会,或进行市场调查时获悉。例如we have learned from the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy

4、 in your country that you are interested in Chinese handicraft.Mr. Jack has recommended you to us as a leading importer in Toronto of lightweight batteries for vehicles.We have obtained your name and address from the Internet.Our market survey showed that you are the largest importer of -in Asian.(2

5、) 致函的目的致函总是以扩大交易地区及对象、建立长期业务关系、拓展产品销路等为目的。In order to expand our products into South America, we are writing to you to seek cooperation possibilities.We are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations with you.We wish to express our desire to enter into business relationship with you.(3) 本

6、公司概述包括对公司性质、业务范围、宗旨等基本情况的介绍及对公司某些相对优势的介绍,如,贸易经验丰富,供货渠道稳定,有广泛的销售网等。We are a leading company with many yearsexperience in machinery export business.We enjoy a good reputation internationally in the circle of textile.Located in Shanghai, we take the advantage to set up our solidified production basis i

7、n coastal and inland areas.(4) 产品介绍具体分两种情况:一种情况,在明确对方需求时,应选取特定产品进行具体推荐。另一种情况,就公司经营产品的整体情况,如质量标准、价格水平、目前销路等,作笼统介绍。当然,附上目录、报价单或另寄样品供对方参考也是常采用的方法。Art.No.76 is our newly launched one with superb quality, fashionable design, and competitive price.We have a good variety of colors and sizes to meet your di

8、fferent needs.Our products are enjoying popularity in Asian markets.To give you a general idea of our products, we are enclosing our catalogue for your reference.(5) 激励性结尾在结尾部分,我们通常都会写上几句希望对方给与回应或劝服对方立即采取行动的语句。Your comments on our products or any information on your market demand will be really appr

9、eciated.We are looking forward to your specific inquiries.Huaxin Tradeing Co., Ltd. 14th Floor Kingstar Mansion,676 Jinlin RoadTel: (021)62597480 Fax: (021)62597490 March 6, 2005 Zip: Code:200002Purchasing DivisionJames Brown&Sons#304-310Jalan Street, Toronto, CanadaTel No:(+01)7709910Fax No: (+01)7

10、701100E-mail: plockwooddDear Mr.Lockwood,Our company, Huaxin Tradeing Co., Ltd.,was established in 1980. So far, it has developed into a comprehensive one with import and export rights approved by the government. We specialize in products both for industrial and cibil use, such as mechanical and ele

11、ctrical equipment, metal and other light industrial products. Our company is associated with many factories through a kind of long-term purchasing agreement thus to have qualified supplies. Recently, our Daily Articles Division has launched a new line of chianawareHX series, which are made of high q

12、uality clay, and packed in attractive gift boxes. We believe they are of competing value and intend to introduce them first into Canadian market. If successful , later on , we will export more goods into this potential area.Just at the moment, we noticed your information on the international Busines

13、s Daily. We paid the fee and obtained your name and address. We are now writing to you to see if you are interested in our HX series.We are also enclosing our latest catalogue for your reference.Yours sincerely Huaxin Tradeing Co.,Zhaowei Daily Articles Division2、建立业务关系的信件发出不久,华信公司收到加拿大James Brown&S

14、ons公司如下回复James Brown&Sons #304-310Jalan Street, Toronto, CanadaTel No:(+01)7709910Fax No: (+01)7701100E-mail: plockwooddMr. Zhaowei Daily Articles DivisionHuaxin Tradeing Co.,14th Floor Kingstar Mansion,676 Jinlin RoadShanghai, ChinaMarch 20, 2005 Dear Mr. Zhaowei Thank you for your letter of March6

15、,2005 and your latest catalogue.We are much impressed by your HX series ,especially HXl115, HX2012,HX4405 and HX4510. We would be appreciated if you could quote us your best prices on FOB Shanghai , CFR Toronto&CIF Toronto all including 5% commission .Meanwhile we would like to have some samples of

16、the above items for our customers to test before we could place a firm order.If the lab tests go well ,and your prices are competitive, wed certainly be able to place a substantial order.Looking forward to hearing from you .Yours sincerely James Brown&SonsPaul LockwoodPurchasing Division3、交易磋商经过发盘、还

17、盘 接受 最后双方签定合同(1)出口发盘一是直接向客户发盘,要多考虑发盘的完整性和吸引力;二是收到客户询盘后作出答复。要注重针对性,必须以对方感兴趣或符合对方要求的商品货号为中心。发盘函要包括下面三方面内容:准确阐明各项主要交易条件一般包括品名规格、价格、数量、包装、装运、付款和保险等内容。For the Fancy Brand AGT-4 Garment sewing machine, the best price is USD78.OO per set FOB Shanghai.The minimum quantity is one 20FCL and with the purchase

18、of two or more containers, the price is reduced by 2%.All these blankets are packed in plastic bags with zip of 1 piece each , 20 pieces to a carton.Delivery is to be made within 45 days after receipt of order.Our usual terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight.Th

19、e insurance shall be effected by the seller covering the invoice value plus 10% against Institute Cargo Clauses(A). 声明此发盘的有效期及其他约束条件This offer is valid for ten days. The quotation is for acceptance within two weeks. This quotation is effective while stocks last. This offer is subject to our final co

20、nfirmation.鼓励对方订货并保证供货满意的结尾。We hope you will agree that our prices are very competitive for these good quality clothes and we look forward to receiving your initial order.As we have been receiving a rush of orders now,we would advise you to place your order as soon as possible.This fovorable offer w

21、ill not be repeated for some time, and we accordingly look forward to and early order from you.Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly.若是在收到对方询盘后进行发盘,我们通常还需要在信的开头首先对对方的来函表示感谢,并针对询盘中提出的其他问题作具体答复。同时注意:发盘应包括足以明确该交易的各项主要条件。出口商接到进口商的询盘后,发盘Dear Mr (Mrs) LoockwoodWe are pleased to receive y

22、our inquiry of March 23 and to hear that you are interested in our products. We would like to quote our best price as follows:Art. No.CommodityUnitPacking Supplying priceHXl115 HX2012HX4405HX4510CHINESE CERAMIC DINNER-WARE 35PCS DINNERWEAR ANDTEA SET20PCS DINNERWARE SET47PCS DINNERWARE SET95PCS DINN

23、ERWARE SETSETSETSETSET1set/cartonUSD25.11/SetUSD20.88/SetUSD25.12/SetUSD32.33/SetCommodity :Price :Payment :By sight L/CShipment: To be effected within 2 months from receipt of the relevant L/C.(To be effected before the end of April 2007 )Insurance:110% invoice value covering All Risks.We will keep

24、 this offer valid only for 7 days.(Our offer remains effective until )(Our offer remains valid until )In addition, we have sent the samples you requested. In order to assist you in promoting sales at the initial stage , they are free of charge.As we are receiving orders day to day ,we would advise y

25、ou to place an order as soon as possible if deliveries are required to be prompt.We are looking forward to your initial order.Yours truly(2)出口还盘确认对方来函还价函是一封回信,因此在信的开头,我们会礼节性地感谢对方的来函。而且,通常还会先简洁地表明我方对来函的总体态度。We are glad to receive your letter of March 22 but sorry to learn that your customers find our

26、 quotation too high.Thank you for your fax of March 19. We regret to say that we can not accept your counter offer.强调原价的合理性,并列明理由。无论最后是否接受对方的还价,我们都会先坚持原报价的合理性,同时给出各种适当的理由,或认为报价符合市价,或强调产品品质超群,或言明利润已降至极限,或指出目前原料价格上涨、人工成本提升等。We believe our prices are quite realistic; it is impossible that any other sup

27、pliers can underquote us if their products are as good as ours in quality.The price we quoted is accurately calvulated. We have cut the profit to the minimum in order to expand the market.We feel that your counter offer is not proper because the price for such material is on the increase at present.

28、提出我方条件,并催促对方行动。此部分要有说服力,并带有促销性质,如以数量折扣等吸引对方。However, in order to develop our market in your place , we have dedided to accept your counter offer as an exceptional case.In order to assist you to compete with other dealers in the market , we have decided to reduce 2% of the price quoted to you previou

29、sly, if your order reaches 5000 sets at one time.Owing to the great demand for the product , this offer is valid only for 5 days.As an excellent substitute for this article, we would suggest you our Fine range shoes, which are sold at a lower price but also enjoy a good populatity in the world marke

30、t.一封交易磋商函,除了都会有一个确认对方来函的开头,以及一个劝说对方接受的结尾之外,其主体部分是会随着场景的变化而有很大不同的。如If you can raise the price properly to the present level of our transaction, we are willing to change terms of payment to by 30 days sight L/C.We can give you 3% allowance if you agree to pay 10% of the order value by T/T in advance.I

31、f we receive your order within the next ten days, we will give priority to it for May delivery.Customers can choose as many clolrs as they wish if the quantity exceeds 1000 pieces.The small quantity you require about mens shoes would not be possible to produce at an economic figure.It would be impossible for us to supply this small quantity in various designs and colors, without considerably raising the prices.The recent exceptional demand fo

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