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1、新整理同等学力英语辅导写作指南同等学力英语辅导写作指南 根据在职人员以研究生毕业同等学力申请硕士学位外国语课程水平统一考试大纲的规定,要求考生具备一定的写作能力,在30分钟内按要求写出一篇100120词的短文,形式可以是按所给的提纲写短文,或描述图表,写内容提要、概述等。本题15分。 一、评分标准 写作评分标准主要围绕四个方面评判:1.内容要切题;2.能正确表达思想;3.意义连贯;4.无重大语法错误。批改作文时,主要从内容和语言两个方面进行综合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体。作文应表达题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,和语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍有密

2、切的关系。下面就评分标准的四个方面分别加以说明。 (一)内容切题 在目前常见的作文题目中,内容切题一般包括两个方面。一是写作内容要围绕题目规定的话题展开。比如A Five day aking friends。第三段的提纲要求考生围绕我交友的原则进行议论,然而有个别考生在段中这样写道: The former paragraph has shoy principle in making friends in some ore,but I do notice those little things ake sure that atter houch time goes by y friends ,A

3、nd I knoost people think.But in university it seems not as good as other places.Bikes are possible to be stolen noost popular vehicles in China today. 上段的作者以其简单的词汇、简洁的语言、清楚的思路正确地表达了思想,使读者观后能即刻领会作者的思想。 要能正确地表达思想,考生还应掌握一些写作技巧,如写好段落主题句,展开段落的方法,写好段尾句等。此外还应掌握一定的词汇量和习惯表达法。 (三)意义连贯 文章的层次要分明,条理要清楚,上下文之间、词与词

4、、句与句之间要上下连贯,前后呼应,才能使文章结构严谨,思路清晰、有条理。 下面这个段落是一篇文章的第三段。文章的标题是:Good Health;提纲是1.Importance of good health;2.uch.Every morning I take the long run and in my spare time I like playing tennis and volleyball.In this e(1),I enjoy a good health as I keep a simple diet ore vegetables,fruit and less meat.Moreo

5、ver,I do some exercises e such as long distance running,playing tennis or volleyball.As a result(2),I have been a top student all through the four years in the university.So good health is important to everyone(3). (1)发挥了承上启下的作用,没有这样一个介词短语,从第二段过渡到第三段就会显得生硬一些。(2)也起到了连贯作用,在上述两方面保持健康的方法介绍完后,应该进一步写出所产生的

6、结果,这结果就是对全段的总结概括。(3)对文章的标题及开头起了首尾呼应的作用。 (四)无重大语法错误 重大语法错误一般指时态不一致、主语谓语单复数形式不一致、用词不当等,这些问题的存在说明考生在平时的英语学习中很少练习写作,有人甚至从没写过作文,因而出现各种各样语法错误是可以理解的。考生应在考前多进行这方面的训练,一些语法错误在实践中是可以纠正过来的。下面举几例常见错误。 病句及其分析: 1.So colleg e provid e the best condition for students. 此句的主谓语不一致。因为句子的意思是泛指大学为学生提供了最好的学习环境,这里的主语college

7、应变为复数。这类错误极为常见。 2.Going to college does not folloe job for poor student is a good ily burden. 此句中有两处错误。have a part time job不能直接作主语,可以改为不定式作主语to have a part time job,或者动名词作主语having a part time job。第二处错误是poor student。普通名词前应有冠词a或the,如前面没有冠词,名词应是复数形式。在这里可选用不定冠词,a poor student,或者poor students。在此句中为了与后半句中

8、的his呼应将其改为a poor student为好。 4.In recent years,fake goods have been discovered more and more in the market. 第四句是中文式的英文,这是考生作文中的常见错误。按照英语的习惯可改为More and more fake goods have been discovered in the market in recent years. 5.The first hand I think is that laust be passed to prevent fake goods from being

9、produced. 第五句中的The first hand是错的,应改为On the one hand;I think是插入成分,在写作中应尽量不使用这样的插入成分;laust be passed to prevent fake goods from being produced. 二、写作技巧 一篇好的短文应该观点明确,思路清晰,论述有力、准确,语言正确,文字简洁、流畅、连贯,结构严谨。短文是由段落组成,因此写好段落是写好短文的关键。 段落的组成分为三部分,主题句(Topic Sentence),推展句(Development Sentences)和结论句(Concluding Senten

10、ce)。下面分别就这三方面进行详解。 (一)主题句 1.主题句的作用 主题句是全段的核心句,读者通过主题句能了解段落的中心思想。一个好的主题句还能限制话题所谈论的范围,表明段落展开的方向及方法。在英语文章中,围绕主题句展开的段落很多。下面两段摘自1995年的阅读试题。 A job applicant has the responsibility for ascertaining certain types of information prior to the intervieportant that the applicant be able to state his reasons for

11、 pany.Second,the applicant should seek as much information as possible concerning the company.Relevant information for the applicant to locate includes such items as the location of the home and regional offices,the financial status of the company,plans for expansion,and company philosophy.Informati

12、on about most major corporations is available in reference books and periodicals. 上段第一句是段落的主题句,句子的大意是:申请工作的人在接受面试前有责任了解某些方面的信息。主题句中的关键词是ascertaining certain types of information。紧接着,文章围绕主题句从两方面展开,论述了申请人应了解两类信息。 If Europeans thought a drought ething that happened only in Africa,they knoal rainfall (i

13、n some cases only 10 percent of the annual average), vast areas of France,Spain,Portugal,Belgium,Britain and Ireland are dry and barren .eetings for rain-so far,in vain. 上段中第二句是主题句,它点明了全段的中心思想,即:四年来,法国、西班牙、葡萄牙、比利时,英国及爱尔兰的降雨量低于常年,这些国家的广大地区都严重缺水。下面的各句都是围绕这一主题展开的。 从上面两段中我们可以看到英语的段落只能有一个中心思想,如要再论述其他与该段中

14、心思想无关的内容应另起一段。 2.主题句的位置 主题句的位置可以在段首: Londons es a day;each time the rain may come suddenly after the sun is shining brightly.The air is damp(潮湿的)and chill(冷的)right through July.On one March afternoon on Hampton Heath last year it rained three times,there ,and the sun shone brilliantly-all this e.It

15、is not unusual to see men and en rushing doorning brellas on their arms.No one knooments ands that I play .If I get a telephone call,he screams in the background or knocks something over.I al, Baby sitting y little brother is no fun. He refuses to let me eat a snack(快餐)in peace.Usually he to fall as

16、leep. 主题句的位置可以在段尾: Doctors are of the opinion that most people cannot live beyond 100 years,but a grober of scientists believe that the aging process can be controlled.There are more than 12 000 Americans over 100 years old,and their numbers are increasing each year.Dr James Langley of Chicago claim

17、s that,theoretically and under ideal(理想的)conditions,animals,including man,can live six times longer than their normal period of groanners are important in all countries,but anners are different from country to country .Americans eat ericans sayHieet;Japanese boerican men open doors for en;Japanese m

18、en do not.On the surface,it appears that good manners in America are not good manners in Japan,and in a anners that are important are those involving one persons behavior toanners to behave considerately toanners not to. It is only the country to country. (以上4段摘自大学英语精读课本) 主题句出现在段落首或尾完全由写作需要而定。一般地说来,

19、写这样100多词的小短文把主题句放在段首更有利于考生扣准中心思想展开论述。 3.怎样写好主题句 主题句在段落中有着举足轻重的作用。因此写好主题句是写好段落的关键。在构思主题句时要注意以下三个方面: (1)主题句首先应是一个完整的句子,任何词组或修饰成分都不能作主题句。如:More burdens,就不是一个完整的句子。Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation bet Shakespeare is great这句话很笼统,对段落如何展开没有指导和限定作用,因而不能作主题句。如改为: Shakespeare all,句子如果太琐碎具体就失去进一

20、步展开的意义了。 (4)各段的主题句应相互照应。在以No Smoking为题的作文中,各段的主题句分别是:Smoking is harmful. Smoking does not only harm the smokers but also people around them.Therefore,smoking is a bad habit. 第二段的主题句用not only,but also连接词语沟通了上下两段的内容。第三段的Therefore又起了承上启下的作用,使全篇融为一体。 (二)段落的展开 展开段落的方法有很多种,在这里我们仅介绍几种常用方法。 1.依据归纳法或演绎法进行论述

21、依据归纳法展开段落是指在段落中先引用具体事实或因由进行阐述或论说,进而得出结论。演绎法则是由一般推出特殊情况的结论。 下面这一段落是用归纳法展开的段落。最后一句是结论,也是主题句。 And that is exactly ably,he knoore about the subject than you do;naturally,you ility as you approach him.But dont let anybody tell you that a reader is supposed to be solely on the receiving end.Understanding

22、is a tpty receptacle.The learner has to question himself and the teacher.He even has to argue arking a book is literally an expression of your differences,or agreements of opinion, to those :harm to their integrity and,in the long run,to their credibility.Lies hurt their colleagues as any doctors ed

23、icine,and thus it injures,in turn,the entire medical profession. 3.依据比较和对比法进行论述 一般地说,比较是指对事物的相同方面进行比较;对比是指对比事物的差异或不同方面。下面两段就采用了对比方法。这两段将口头英语与书面英语的不同方面作了比较,两段的观点都一一对应,比如:Oral English is imformal paratively formal就是一对观点的对比。另外,两段之间用unlike oral Englsh承接,既让段落过渡自然,又使对比强烈。 First of all,oral English is usua

24、lly considered informal.So no matter hos insignificant if only one can make his audience understood.Secondly,as to the audience,they are only interested in grasping the meaning,not actually mind,or even hardly notice hoany grammatical mistakes the speaker makes.Furthermore,oral English is also regar

25、ded adaptable.istakes on the spot.So oral English gives less chances of misunderstanding. Unlike oral English,paratively formal.It requires good spelling and perfect grammar.Poor spelling and too many grammatical mistakes ake any changes.To avoid this,one has to pay much attention to spelling,practi

26、se grammer and e and much more efforts to communicate in mer progresses and the fae less dependent on their mothers milk and more dependent on groales spend the summer groales and females continue to eat high quality food in the fall insgroupsto deposit body fat for the ilk production or in groulate

27、d as quickly as it is in full groales.Fat reserves are like bank accounts to be draited and sometimes difficult to reach because of deep snoes darker and thicker.The change in the hair coats is usually complete by September and maximum hair depths are reached by November or December es cold. 5.依据空间顺序展开段落 依据空间的次序进行论述应是有序地由远至近或由近至远,由上至下或由下至上对事物进行描写。下面的例子描写了一幅美丽宁静的夜景。作者先描写空中的月亮,再随洒向大地的月光写到湖四周随风摇曳的树枝,又由青蛙的叫声把读者引到了湖的中央,最后结尾讲:这是一个多么迷人的夜晚。这个段落文字简洁流畅,有序地按空间顺序由上写到下,由外写到里。读者可在平时的练习中注意模仿。

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