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高考英语短文改错练习九 教案 教学设计.docx

1、高考英语短文改错练习九 教案 教学设计高考英语短文改错练习九 教案 教学设计 英语短文改错练习九 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误对标有题号的每一行作出判断如无错误在该行右边的横线上画一个勾 如有错误 每行只有一个错误 则按下列情况改正 该行多一个词把多余的词用斜线 划掉在该行右边横线上写出该词并也用斜线 划掉 该行缺一个词在缺词处加一个漏词符号 在该行右边横线上写出该加的词 该行错一个词在错的词下划一横线在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词 注意原行没有错的不要改 参考答案在第二分页1Dear Li MingI have received your letter just now Dont worry

2、 about meIm getting on well with my research works in the lab Butto my surprise you say you will give up learn EnglishThe reason is because you have not done well in it recentlyand you have lost interesting Im afraid I cant agree withyou I know it is not easy to learn English and Englishis widely us

3、ed in the world today and it will be importanttool in their future work Besides it is becoming moreand more important in our daily life If you study hard andyou will succeed Do remember that where there is a will thereis a way Im looking forward to hearing good news from youYours Liu Dong86_87_88_89

4、_90_91_92_93_94_95_2 Dear MaryI just read you E-mail today andthanks so much for inviting me on your birthdayparty on Sunday Id like very much take part inbut I had an exam on Monday morning It issuch important an exam that I cant afford to failit Ill have to spend all the whole weekend studyingand

5、prepare for it So Im really sorry that I wontable to come Im sure you can understand Letme take this chance to send you your early wishesHappy birthday and many happy returns of the dayAnd please give my regard to your parents as well Yours Lily76_77_78_79_80_81_82_83_84_85_3 Allow me first of all o

6、n behalf of 代表 my teachersand classmates give a warm welcome to all ofyou from London It gave us a great pleasureto have you in our school for a brief visit You will beglad to see how well we Chinese students are gettingalong with their English learning We think itbridge to the friendship between us

7、 and the peoplethroughout the outside world But you know there isstill some students most of which are boys of sciencelearn English with much trouble So we hope you wouldgive us some more advice on the language studyLet me wish you a pleasant stay here May your visit goessuccessfully76_77_78_79_80_8

8、1_82_83_84_85_ 4 Before he was a teacher Bob told me that what heWould like to do a lawyer when he was at schoolHe had worked very hard at his lessons and try toenter into a famous university but something unhappyhappened to his family which made necessary for himto work for a life As a young man he

9、 had been abus-driver a dust-man and a salesman But he spent hisspare times studying and finally became a collegeteacher Young people he often said full ofwishes and hopes after they step into society1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_5 A thirst bee went to a river to drink and was carriedaway by the run water A

10、kind bird picked a leave off a tree andthrew into the water in front of the bee The bee was able to climbon to the leaf and brought safely to the land The bee thanked thebird for its kindness and then flew away Not long after the bird wassitting in a branch while a man was aiming his gun at it Butth

11、e bee saw what the man was doing So it flew into the man eyeand hurt him The pain was so great that he was not able to shoot atthe bird and the bird flew away In the way the bee whose life hadbeen saved by the bird and was able to save the life of the bird76_77_78_79_80_81_82_83_84_85_ 6 We dont hav

12、e to be doctors give somebody firstaid And we have to know how to do first aidIf it is quick and correctly given we can save somebodys lifeLast winter when Mike was trying to climb to a treehe lost his footing and falling off the tree One of his legs wasbleeding bad I tried to give him first aid Fir

13、st I triedwith a cleaned cloth and tied my handkerchief onto thebleeding point I asked him to hold up the leg when I runto call a taxi He was sent to the hospital in timeAnd the doctor praised me at what I had done76_77_78_79_80_81_82_83_84_85_7 Visiting a city you have never been before can befun F

14、inding out information about the city beforeyou go and can make the trip more interesting Mostcities have a travel office from that you can get manyuseful things One of the most value things is a mapWith a map of the city shows its streets you canfind your way around It says about famous places tose

15、e It may even give them a short history of the cityFor example almost everyone visits New Yorkwant to go and see the Statue of Liberty76_77_78_79_80_81_82_83_84_85_ 参考答案186 去掉have 87 workswork 88 learnlearning 89 becausethat 90 interestinginterest91 and but 92 important前加an 93 theiryour 94 去掉and 95

16、276 to 77 to 78 have 79 so 80 so 81 preparing 82 be 83 my 84 my 85 regards 376 to 77 gives 78 79 our 80 a 81 are 82 whom 83 learning 84 more 85 go 41 去掉what 2 do改为be 3 try改为tried 4 去掉into 5 made后加it 6 life改为living 7 无错误 8 times改为time 9 full前加are 10 after改为before576 thirstthirsty 77 runrunning 78 thr

17、ew 后面加it 79 brought 前面加was 80 81 inon 82manmans 83at 去掉 84 In the wayIn this way 85 and 去掉676give前加to 77AndBut 78quickquickly79去掉climb后的to 80fallingfell 81badbadly 82cleanedclean 83runran 8485atfor 776been后加to 77 78去掉and 79thatwhich80valuevaluable81showsshowing 82saystells 83themyou 84everyone后加who

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