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9AUnit1 动词变形翻译句子.docx

1、9A Unit1 动词变形翻译句子9A动词填空+完成句子Unit 1Exercise 1三、动词填空1. I think playing computer gn加油ames too much (make)stun加油dents forget their studyn加油.2.We hear that these kn加油inds of new clothes n加油 (display)at the show nextn加油 Sunday.3. The studentsn加油 (talk) noisily whn加油en the teacher came into the classron加油o

2、m.4. Going to school without n加油 (have) breakfast is bad forn加油 your health.5.where in加油s your uncle? I need his help win加油th my computer.Oh, he n加油 (fly)to Xian on business alrn加油eady.6. (catch) the earln加油y bus, I got up very n加油early this morning.7. A neighbor hn加油elped to keep our dog and it n加油

3、 (take) good care of whiln加油e we were away on holiday.8.the n加油plane is leaving right now, bn加油ut Jim hasnt arrived yet.n加油 - Lets wait a minute. Im surn加油e he (come) here onn加油 time.四、完成句子1. Mille 能成为一个好老师因为n加油她从不轻易生气。_n加油_n加油_n加油_ 2. Suzy很有条理,她总是把一切弄得井n加油井有条。_n加油_n加油_ 3. n加油我们经常被教育要和别人分享东西。 n加油_n加

4、油_n加油_n加油_4. 对他来说,两分钟吃完午饭是不可能的。n加油_n加油_n加油_5. 吴老师给我n加油们重复语法规则真是很有耐心。_n加油_n加油_n加油_6.他足够有想象力,能够想出各种主意。 n加油 _n加油_n加油_7. 他父母和n加油他都不喜欢炫耀。 _n加油_n加油_三、动词填空1. man加油kes 2. will be dispn加油layed 3. were talking 4n加油. having 5. has flownn加油 6. To catch 7. wan加油s taken 8.will comn加油e四、完成句子1. Millie can make a go

5、n加油od teacher because she neven加油r gets angry easily.2. Suzy is n加油well organized and she aln加油ways keeps everything in order.n加油3. We are always taught/ told to n加油share things with others.4. Its imposn加油sible for him to eat up n加油his lunch in two minutes.5. Its patien加油nt of Mr. Wu to repeat gramm

6、ar rules n加油for us.6. He is imaginative enough to cn加油ome up with all kinds of ideas.7. Neithn加油er his parents nor he likes to n加油show off.Exercise 2三、动词填空1.Letsn加油 go and see who (sinn加油g)in the next room.2.The bon加油y did all he could n加油 (help)his friends.3.Whn加油ich team do you think n加油 (lose)the

7、 game?n加油 - Its hard to say. Tn加油here is still some time before it enn加油ds.4.our city looks greenen加油r than before. - Yes.n加油 People in our city (pn加油lant)lots of trees over the n加油last few years.5. My unclen加油 (feed) the pigs whn加油en we arrived at his farn加油m.6. Dont worry. Your bag n加油 _ (keep) he

8、re untn加油il you come back, so enjoy yourself.n加油7. My cousin always comes first in n加油the Maths tests, but he never n加油 (show) off.8. n加油Usually the thunder (hear) n加油after the lighting.四、完成句子1. 我随时都准备好了接n加油受新的挑战。 _n加油_n加油_ 2. n加油刚才没有人注意他所说的话。_n加油_n加油_n加油_3. 他不喜欢话多,但是他的作品却极具说服力。_n加油_n加油_n加油_4. 人生就像一

9、场赛跑,n加油你要么领先,要么落后。Life is like a race.n加油_n加油_5. 对工程师来n加油说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。他们承担不起任何错误。_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_6. 他的画作赢得了老师们的高度赞扬。_n加油_n加油_7. 作n加油为一个总经理,他工作总是高标准。_n加油_n加油_n加油_三、动词填空1. is singn加油ing 2. to help 3. will cln加油ose 4. have planted5. was n加油feeding 6. will be kept 7. shows n加油 8. is heard四、完n加油成句子1.

10、 Im ready to take on new challengn加油es any time.2. No one paid attenn加油tion to his words/what hn加油e said just now.3.He doesnt ln加油ike to talk much but his work shouts.n加油4. You either take the lead or fan加油ll behind.5. To the engineers, a misn加油s is as good as a mile. n加油They cant afford to make any

11、 mistakn加油es.6. His painting won hn加油igh praise from the teachen加油rs.7.As a general mn加油anager, he always works to high sn加油tandards.Exercise 3四、完成句子1. n加油作为一名医生,你再怎么仔细也不为过。_n加油_n加油_n加油_2. 我总是太过关注细节。_n加油_n加油_n加油_3. 日复一日地和数字打交道真的是很枯燥。 n加油 _n加油_n加油_4. 他的性格最适合这个工作。_n加油_n加油_n加油_5. 她把大部分的空余时间都投入到学习上去了。 _

12、n加油_n加油_6. 他是连接上海到南京高n加油速铁路的总工程师。 _n加油_n加油_n加油_四、完成句子1. As a doctor, yn加油ou cant be too careful.2. I alwaysn加油 pay too much attention to detn加油ails.3. Its really borin加油ng to work with numbers day aftern加油 day.4. His personality is tn加油he most suitable for the job.5. Shen加油 devotes most of her n加油sp

13、are time to studying.6. He is the n加油chief engineer of the high-speed railwayn加油 connecting Shanghai to Nanjing.Exn加油ercise 4二、动词填空1. Then加油 young lady was the first n加油 (call) the police aften加油r the accident.2. Not only then加油 students but also their teacher n加油 (know) about the foun加油r people.3.D

14、ear! Why didnt you ann加油swer my telephone? -n加油- Sorry! I (attn加油end) an important meeting n加油then. My mobile phone was left in加油n my office.4.I told her to ston加油p talking ,but she (notn加油 listen).5.When the work n加油 (finish)tomorrow,we n加油can have three days ofn加油f.6.Do you know the pn加油laces of i

15、nterest in Wuxi? - Yes,it n加油is the second time I (visn加油it) the beautiful city.7.Mr Chen加油n is so patient that he can spendn加油 much time (explain) pron加油blems to us.8.Use your n加油head and you (come)up wn加油ith more new ideas.三、n加油完成句子1.晚饭后,不是我爸爸洗碗就是我妈妈洗碗。 _n加油_n加油_2.n加油 Billy从不三思而后行。 _n加油_n加油_n加油_3.

16、约翰和我的性格都不适合做一名老师。 _n加油_n加油_n加油_4.不仅学生们关注此事,而n加油且他们英语老师也很关注。 _n加油_n加油_6. 篮球仍旧受到年轻n加油人和老年人的喜爱。_n加油_n加油_二、动词填空1. tn加油o call 2. knows 3. n加油was attending 4. didntn加油 listen5. is finished 6n加油. have visited 7. explain加油ning 8. will come三、完成句子1. Either n加油my father or my mother doesn加油 the dishes after su

17、pper.2. Billy nevern加油 thinks twice before doing anything.n加油3. Neither Johns personalitn加油y nor mine is suitable for being n加油a teacher.4. Not only then加油 students but (also) their En加油nglish teacher pays attentin加油on to this matter.5. Basketn加油ball is still loved n加油by both the young and the old.E

18、xercise n加油5三、动词填空1.What do you think n加油 _ (talk)about at tomorrows men加油eting?2.When I got ton加油 the station,my friends _n加油_ (wait)for me.3.Would you pln加油ease _n加油_ (not talk)in a loun加油d voice in the library?4. To keep safn加油e, everyone _ n加油 (tell) to wear a seat belt in the carn加油 now.5. Oil

19、_ (catch) fn加油ire easily. You must n加油be very careful.6. _ yn加油our cousin _ (appearn加油) yet?-Not yet.7.Hey,Moln加油ly. You _ (wantn加油)on the phone just now. - On加油h,I was in the library.8.Im sorry ton加油 keep you _ (wait)for me n加油for so long.四、完成句子1. 你的星座取决n加油于你的出生日期。 _n加油_n加油_2. 蛋糕总共被切成了八块。 n加油 _n加油_

20、n加油_3. 出生在相同生肖下的人有相n加油似的性格。 _n加油_n加油_n加油_4. 你的自信遗传自你的父母。 _n加油_n加油_n加油_5. 据说n加油属虎的人非常勇敢。 _n加油_n加油_6. 每一种生肖代表一个农历年份,它n加油们顺序固定,而且这一种循环每12年往复一次。 _n加油_n加油_n加油_7. 你的生活和你的未来都n加油掌握在你的手中。 _n加油_n加油_n加油三、动词填空1. will be talked n加油 2. lively 3. shan加油ped 4. loyal 5.n加油 fixed 6. powerful n加油 7. appeared 8.divided

21、 9.represen加油nts 10.practical四、完成句子n加油1. Your star sign depn加油ends on your date of birth.2. n加油The cake was divided into eight pien加油ces in all.3. People born un加油nder the same animal sign han加油ve similar personalitin加油es.4. Your confidence is pasn加油sed onto you by your paren加油nts.5. Its said that n

22、加油people born in the Year of the n加油Tiger are very brave.6. Each animal sn加油ign represents a lunar year. They an加油ppear in a fixed order andn加油 the cycle repeats every 12 years.7.n加油It is you who shape your life and your n加油future.Exercise 6二、句子翻译1. 你介意为了这次班会多做些n加油工作吗? _n加油_n加油_2. 他从不害怕面对我们演讲。 n加油 _n加油_n加油_ 3. 谁会比n加油她更适合这个职位呢? _n加油_n加油_n加油_4. 我认为他具备班长的所有品质。 _n加油_n加油_n加油_ 5. 她已经缺课整整一周了。 _n加油_n加油_n加油_6. 昨天谁被推荐作为新一任的班长? _n加油_n加油_n加

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